‘ The impact of credit rating progression on U.S. M&A payment methods – Pre & Post Global Financial Crisis: A comparative perspective Joud Zaumot & Chadwick Dorai Supervisor: Naciye Sekerci MSc Corporate & Financial Management Lund University- Business Administration Department Acknowledgment We would like to give our deepest gratitude to our supervisor Naciye Sekerci. Her support and guidance during the master thesis period were exceptional. We would also like to thank the Lund University- Business Administration department for all of their support, as well as our outstanding professors in making this dissertation a reality. We are also very grateful for the well-constructed feedback given by our opponents, Jannik and Adam. 2 Abstract Title: The impact of credit rating progression on U.S. M&A payment methods – Pre & Post Global Financial Crisis: A comparative perspective Course: BUSN89 - Degree Project in Corporate and Financial Management. Master Level, 15 ECTS. Authors: Joud Zaumot & Chadwick Dorai Advisor: Naciye Sekerci Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate impact of 2008 Global Financial Crisis on the choice of M&A payment methods, more specifically, how M&A payment methods are influenced by credit rating progression pre and post crisis. Methodology: The methods used are Ordinary Least Squares and Multinomial probit regressions. The dependent variables for the OLS model is fraction of cash with credit rating level as the explanatory variable. The dependent variable for the MNP model is cash, mixed, or equity with downgrade and upgrade as the main explanatory variables. This study is based on a similar methodology proposed by Karampatsas et al (2014) and Faccio and Masulis (2005). Theoretical perspective: The literature review is fundamentally based upon previous research on credit ratings and their impact on M&A payment methods. Moreover, a multitude of theories spanning across capital structure, cost of capital and growth opportunities were discussed and used in drawing relevant deductions. Empirical foundation: The research is based on credit ratings of 68 financial firms based on S&P rating framework across two time periods 1st of January 2003 to 1st of January 2008 and 1st of January 2008 to 1st January 2013 Conclusion: The outcome of this study suggests that there is a negative relationship between credit rating level and the fraction of cash used in M&A transactions in the U.S. before and after the Global Financial Crisis. This observation was fundamentally substantiated by deductions that we derived based on theories and literature analyzed from previous literature. We also identified a positive significant relationship between credit rating downgrade and the use of mixed payment method. In essence, the positive relationship portrays a distinct picture of how U.S. M&A landscape has evolved since the crisis and it can be concluded that acquirers are now leaning towards a mixture of cash and equity financing. Keywords: Global Financial Crisis, mergers and acquisitions, financing decisions, credit ratings, credit rating agencies, payment method, capital structure. 3 Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 6 1.1BACKGROUND 6 1.2 PROBLEM DISCUSSION 7 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 9 2.1 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK OF M&A PAYMENT METHODS 9 2.2 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ACQUIRER 10 2.2.1 CAPITAL STRUCTURE & COST OF CAPITAL 10 2.2.2 ACQUIRER’S FREE CASH FLOW (FCF) CAPACITY & GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES 13 2.2.4 OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE 14 2.3 THE ROLE OF CREDIT RATINGS AGENCY (CRAS) IN M&A PAYMENT METHOD 14 2.3.1 CREDIT RATING PROGRESSION AND ITS INFLUENCE ON M&A PAYMENT DECISION 15 2.4 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TARGET 15 2.4.1 SIZE AND AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION 16 2.4.2 OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE 16 3.0 HYPOTHESIS 17 4.0 METHODOLOGY 18 4.1 RESEARCH METHOD 18 4.2 DATA AND SAMPLE SELECTION 19 4.3 VARIABLES 21 4.3.1 DEPENDENT VARIABLES 21 4.3.2 EXPLANATORY VARIABLES 22 4.3.3 CONTROL VARIABLES 22 4.3.4 EXCLUDED VARIABLES 25 4.3.4 INSTRUMENTAL VARIABLES (IVS) 26 4.4 ECONOMETRICS TECHNIQUES USED 27 4.4.1 ORDINARY LEAST SQUARES REGRESSION (OLS) 28 4.4.2 MULTINOMIAL PROBIT REGRESSION (MNP) 30 5.0 VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY 31 6.0 EMPIRICAL RESULTS 33 6.1 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS 33 6.2 ORIDNARY LEAST SQAURES REGRESSION (OLS) 36 6.2.1 FIXED AND RANDOM EFFECTS ESTIMATION 36 4 6.2.2 REGRESSION RESULTS 37 6.2.3 ENDOGENITY CONTROL FOR OLS 39 6.3 MULTINOMIAL PROBIT REGRESSION (MNP) 40 6.3.1 REGRESSION RESULTS 41 7.0 ANALYSIS 43 8.0 LIMITATIONS 46 9.0 CONCLUSION 47 10.0 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 49 REFERENCES 50 APPENDICES 55 5 1.0 Introduction Since 2008, the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) has been a topic of great interest with numerous researches aimed at analyzing its implications on different aspects of the global economy. Previous researches have subtly touched upon the influence of credit ratings on the choice of M&A payment method in the United States. However, given the fact that Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) were highly regulated as a consequence of the GFC, it is of paramount importance to further analyze how the progression of credit ratings as a consequence of the crisis has influenced M&A payment methods in the U.S (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commision, 2014). Our contribution is therefore aimed at closing this research gap, more specifically, how the 2008 GFC had affected credit ratings of U.S. firms and how the progression of credit rating influenced the choice of M&A payment before and after the crisis. A detailed background of the GFC is discussed in chapter 1.1, following which; the fundamental problem as well as prior research conducted is reviewed in section 1.2. Subsequently, the fundamental purpose of our research and research questions are presented. 1.1 Background The 2008 GFC was a consequence of the U.S. housing bubble fundamentally driven by excessive subprime lending, subsequently plummeting the value of Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs). The fall of Lehmann Brothers in July 2008 had propelled economies across the globe into severe recession, raising unending concerns about liquidity and solvency of financial institutions (The Economist, 2013). The effects of the crisis were massive and wide-scaled, spanning the entire globe. Stresses on bank liquidity had led them to taper lending, consequentially, the cost of corporate and bank borrowing soared drastically along with financial market volatility rising to levels that were unimaginable (Ivashina & Scharfstein, 2010). Interbank lending dipped significantly with risk premium soaring as high as up to 5 percent (Mckibbin & Stoeckel, 2009). Private credit markets froze while balance sheets of major banks deteriorated (Elliott, 2011). Credit spread widened with consumers and businesses losing confidence in the economy. Most importantly, loss of confidence amongst investors had 6 plummeted the global stock markets and economies (Elliott, 2011). Emerging markets were severely crushed when financial institutions hurriedly withdrew vast amounts of funds in order to cover their exposure (Elliott, 2011). Large CAPEX projects were abandoned since the corporate sector essentially stopped borrowing (The Economist, 2013). International credit lines along with private credit markets had frozen, halting imports and exports (The Economist, 2013). The effects of the GFC had continued to ripple through the world economy, eventually evolving to what was known as, the Euro Zone Crisis of 2009 (The Economist, 2013). 1.2 Problem Discussion The high dependence of M&A on the 400 Figure 1 U.S. Corporate Loans: LBO/ M&A (in billion USD) global economic environment triggered a 350 series of fluctuations in M&A activities 300 during the crisis period. As a direct 250 consequence of restricted bank lending, 200 150 total loans issued to the U.S. corporate 100 sector for LBO and M&A activities 50 dipped significantly – from 295.90 0 billion USD in Q4 2007 to 64.35billion USD in Q42008 (Ivashina & Scharfstein, U.S. Corporate Loans: LBO/ M&A (in billion USD) 2010) (see figure 1). 10 7 Though M&A activity is still far off its Figure 2 U.S. M&A Transactions peak compared to 2007, global M&A 2500 14000 actually rose 23.1 percent in 2010, to a 12000 value worth 2.4 trillion USD while, 10000 M&A activities in the U.S. hiked by 8000 2000 1500 14.2 percent to 822 billion USD (Merced & Cane, 2011) (see figure 2). The renewed fundamentally optimism be explained 6000 1000 4000 500 2000 can 0 0 by relatively cheaper credit driven by exceptionally low interest rates, as well Number of transactions Value of transactions (in billion USD) Source: Merced & Cane, 2011 as companies realizing that acquisitions could be their only growth option given the slow economic recovery (Merced & Cane, 2011). As part of the Dodd-Frank reform to minimize the impacts of the crisis, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) stepped up the regulation of CRAs (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commision, 2014). The SEC introduced new rules that were targeted at tightening the rating methodologies adopted by CRAs, contributing to less favorable credit rating outcomes for firms across all industries (Utzig, 2010). Consequentially, raising the cost of debt and hence impacting the ability of firms sourcing for debt financing. 8 Figure 3 U.S. M&A payment method 1986-2009 200 a significant decrease in the number of 180 M&A 160 Number of transactions As seen in figure 3, the GFC had led to transactions Moreover, 140 it also in the portrays U.S.. the 120 changing landscape in the type of 100 financing used by acquirers. It is 80 crucial to note that mixed financing 60 and cash financing has been following 40 an overall upward trend while equity 20 financing has been on a decline since 0 1986. Cash Equity Mixed Source: Barbopoulos & Wilson, 2013 2.0 Literature Review This chapter establishes the fundamentals of our study and will provide an in-depth analysis of previous research related to motivations of M&A payment method, characteristics of acquirer and target as well as the role of Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) and its influence on M&A payment methods. 2.1 Theoretical framework of M&A Payment methods Following the GFC, rising regulatory framework has significantly altered the landscape revolving around global M&A transactions. Prior literature has gone far and beyond in 9 identifying factors that affect M&A payment methods in general, however, very few dig deeper into comparing the effects of the crisis on the motivations of payment methods. One of the many prominent research papers in M&A payment methods proposed by Martin (1996), scrutinizes how characteristics of acquirer and target influence the payment decision. It was concluded that investment opportunities of acquirer and the deal attitude are the two most crucial characteristics that influences the choice of payment in an M&A transaction (Martin, 1996). On the other hand, Martynova and Renneboog had categorized three main drivers of payment decision – (1) cost of capital; (2) agency costs (3) means of payment (Martynova & Renneboog, 2009). The devastating implications of GFC have shed light upon researchers given the fact that prior research were merely based on firm specific factors, more specifically, minimal focus on the influence of macroeconomic environment on M&A payment methods. The recent literature by García-Feijóo et al. (2012) had acknowledged the importance of macroeconomic environment and industry effects in payment decisions. They revealed the common misconception that stock financing rises during merger waves. A far more crucial discovery was that the influence of firm characteristics on payment method changes with changing industry conditions (García-Feijóo, Madura & Ngo, 2012). For example, the relationship between the level of acquirer’s free cash flow and payment methods is dependent on the fundamental growth in that particular industry. 2.2 Characteristics of the Acquirer The following section aims to provide a thorough analysis of how acquirer’s capital structure and cost of capital, free cash flow and ownership structure influences its M&A payment decision. 2.2.1 Capital Structure & Cost of Capital A firm’s capital structure is defined as the financing mix between equity and debt used to finance real investments (Myers, 2001). Acquirers transact M&As with either stock or cash, while in some instances a combination of both stock and cash are used. The choice 10 of capital structure is therefore of paramount importance in any corporate financing decision revolving around M&A, given its direct impact on acquirer’s cost of capital. Thus, it is crucial to dig deeper into the determinants of acquirer’s capital structure, and how that influences its cost of capital in an M&A transaction. We will be scrutinizing the following two theories –– (1) Modigliani and Miller’s tradeoff theory; (2) Pecking Order theory, in order to establish a holistic understanding of the underlying relationship between acquirer’s capital structure, cost of capital and M&A payment methods. Modigliani and Miller (MM) capital structure irrelevance proposition in 1958, affirmed that in a perfect economy, the market value of the firm is independent of its capital structure (Modigliani and H. Miller, 1958). On the contrary, given the tax-deductible nature of debt financing, MM Proposition 1 with taxes argues that a firm’s value rises with increasing proportions of debt (Modigliani and H. Miller, 1958). Kraus and Litzenberger (1973) had debated against this asserting that optimal leverage reflects a trade-off between tax benefits arising from debt and the deadweight costs of bankruptcy – traditional tradeoff theory (Kraus & Litzenberger, 1973). The theory contends that as firm increases its debt relative to equity, expected costs of future financial distress and bankruptcy rises, eventually sufficient to fully offset the benefit arising from tax shield. More specifically, the traditional tradeoff theory suggests: (a) For a given firm; there exists a unique optimal capital structure that entails a finite level of leverage (b) The optimal amount of leverage varies across firms since 1. Corporate taxes varies across firms 2. The rate at which expected costs of future financial distress and bankruptcy increases with leverage also varies across firms. (Ogden, Jen and O'Connor, 2003). Prior M&A studies have indicated that cash financed acquisitions are to a large extent funded by debt (Faccio & Masulis (2005); Karampatsas, Petmezas & Travlos (2012)). 11 Consequently, as suggested by the traditional trade off theory, increasing leverage beyond a firm’s optimal capital structure results in a higher risk of bankruptcy. Therefore, Harford et al. (2009) identified that when acquirer’s leverage increases above its target level, there is a higher likelihood of financing the deal with equity instead of cash (i.e. debt). However, a study by Leary and Roberts (2005) and Kisgen (2007) suggested that not all firms follow the tradeoff theory. More specifically, investment grade firms tend not to use equity but instead employ more debt even after reaching their optimal capital structure. This is consistent with the pecking order theory. Myers (1984) establishes that a firm should finance itself first with its retained earnings, subsequently debt, and equity as the last resort – more commonly referred to as the pecking order theory. The pecking order theory suggests that there exist no defined optimal debt ratio; however, a firm’s debt ratio is dependent on changes in internal cash flow, net of dividends, and real investment opportunities. Changes in debt ratios are fundamentally driven by the need for external funds and not by the mere attempt to reach an optimal capital structure (Shyam-Sunder & Myers, 1999). Moreover, interest tax shields arising from debt financing and the threat of financial distress are presumed second-order in the pecking order theory (Shyam-Sunder & Myers, 1999). Researchers on “managerial capitalism” have construed firm’s reliance on internal finance as a result of separation and control, that is fundamentally driven by information asymmetry in external financing (Myers, 1984). Another possible argument that supports the pecking order hypothesis is that, internal financing mitigates substantial issuance costs in contrast to external financing. However, if external financing proves necessary, debt financing takes priority since debt issuance cost is comparably lower than an equity issue. However, what lies most intriguing is the fact that debt issuance costs tend to be not large enough to outweigh the implicit costs and benefits arising from increasing firm’s leverage. The pecking order theory is essentially established on the information asymmetry problem (Myers, 1984). A firm’s management tends to possess information superiority about the firm’s performance than investors, leading to adverse selection. Rising uncertainty about 12 an acquirer’s asset value further contributes to adverse selection between cash and equity payments in M&A (Faccio and Masulis, 2005). Jensen (1986) acknowledges that when managers of acquiring firm have superior information, they are more likely to fund the M&A with stocks, on the condition that the stock is overvalued (Jensen, 1986). On the contrary, the use of cash in an M&A transaction tend to signal an undervaluation of the firm, essentially reducing the information asymmetry between debtholders and shareholders (Jensen, 1986). 2.2.2 Acquirer’s Free Cash flow (FCF) Capacity & Growth Opportunities Jensen and Meckling (1976) proposed the free cash flow hypothesis – managers have the tendency to not distribute surplus funds to shareholders, instead, invest in projects to maximize their own benefits. This is more commonly referred to as the principle agent conflict. Manager’s goal of empire building might consequently give rise to over investment in negative NPV projects, thereby eroding the fundamental value of the acquirer. To further substantiate the influence of acquirer’s cash availability on M&A payment methods, Owen and Yawson (2010) had identified a significant relationship between acquirer’s life cycle, its performance and the M&A deals it undertakes (Owen & Yawson, 2010). The results depicted that matured firms with high amounts of cash are less likely to engage in profitable deals. This is primarily because matured firms generally tend not to have many profitable opportunities, instead, possess surplus of cash stemming from their core business (Owen & Yawson, 2010). As a result, such cash rich matured firms prefer financing M&As with cash. Contrary, the investment opportunities theory – acquiring firms with high growth opportunities tend to possess high levels of debt, however, they will prefer equity if they are able to avoid the underinvestment problem (Jung, Kim & Stulz, 1996). Moreover, market overvaluation theory states that acquirers tend to prefer equity financing when it is 13 comparatively overvalued than target’s equity due to lower acquisition costs (Shleifer & Vishny, 2003). 2.2.4 Ownership Structure Prior M&A studies have gone far and beyond in examining the relationship between corporate ownership structure and M&A payment methods. They have dwelled on the question, if entrenched managers prefer increasing debt levels or use internal funds to finance M&A so as to preserve their voting rights. Amihud et al. (1990) had acknowledged a negative relationship between managerial ownership and the probability of equity financing. To illustrate, greater probability for acquisition to be financed by cash instead of equity when managerial ownership of acquiring firm is high. This is further ascertained by Faccio and Masulis (2005), where acquirer firms’ management that possesses a substantial proportion of shares (i.e. between 15.79% and 61.67% of total shares), would prefer to transact M&A deals by cash rather than equity so as to prevent the dilution of control. On the contrary, Martin (1996) had argued a nonlinear relationship between managerial ownership and the probability of equity financing in M&A. To emphasize, managers tend not to be affected by the dilution of their voting rights at exceptionally low and high levels of ownership (Martin, 1996). He further concluded that the probability of equity financing decreases when acquirer has a large number of institutional shareholders (i.e. block ownership exceeding 5%). 2.3 The role of Credit Ratings Agency (CRAs) in M&A payment method CRAs are of a great importance in the financial world, as to what they offer in evaluating the creditworthiness of firms, as well as assigning a credit rating score (Securities and Exchange Commission, 2003). Moreover, Schwarcz (2004) had reasoned that the role of 14 CRAs are far and beyond. The existence of CRAs aids in increasing transparency, simultaneously reducing information asymmetry in the capital markets by assessing the credit quality of a firm (Fulghieri, Strobl & Xia, 2013). As previously mentioned, cash financed acquisitions are to a large extent funded by debt. A firm’s debt capacity is highly dependent on its creditworthiness; the credit rating of firm is therefore of paramount importance in determining the amount of leverage a firm can employ in its capital structure (Faulkender & Petersen, 2005). In a study by Graham and Harvey (2001), it was acknowledged that credit ratings are ranked second in order of importance for CFOs when determining firm’s capital structure – 57.1% of CFOs claimed that credit ratings are exceptionally crucial in deciding the appropriate amount of debt for their firm (Graham & Harvey, 2001). 2.3.1 Credit rating progression and its influence on M&A payment decision As previously discussed, the relationship between credit rating and capital structure suggests a tradeoff between the cost of equity financing and the effect of change in credit rating (e.g. credit rating downgrade increases cost of debt). Kisgen (2006) concluded that such a tradeoff would exist most strongly for firms that are on the brink of a credit rating change – either a credit rating upgrade or downgrade, contradictory to the pecking order. Firms that are near a credit rating upgrade might transact acquisition via equity instead of debt (cash) in order to leverage the benefits of a better credit rating. While, firms near a downgrade might avoid issuing debt to avoid the explicit costs resulting from a credit rating downgrade (Tang, 2009). 2.4 Characteristics of the Target The following section aims to provide an in-depth analysis of how target specific characteristics influences acquirer’s M&A payment decision. 15 2.4.1 Size and availability of information In every M&A deal, complete availability of information regarding the target firm (i.e. public firm) plays a crucial role in deciding the form of payment method. Hansen (1987) discusses the choice of payment method under circumstances of asymmetric information between acquirer and target. Fishman (1989) and Hansen (1987) had hypothetically reasoned that if costs associated with gathering information as well as information asymmetry regarding target’s intrinsic value are high; acquirers tend to favor equity as the payment method. This forces the target to take a stake in any post acquisition revaluation effects. Hansen further concluded a positive relationship between information asymmetry and target’s size (i.e. information asymmetry increases with increasing target size). Hence, if the target can create significant synergies for the acquirer, the acquirer would be more likely to use equity or a mixture of equity and cash to finance the transaction. Fishman (1989) proposed the risk sharing hypothesis – acquirer favor cash payment, only if they are confident about the profitability of the deal since it discourages excessive competition. Fuller, Netter and Stegemoller (2002) had further reinforced that if an acquirer is uncertain about the value of the target and hence is hesitant to overpaying, they are then less likely to finance acquisition by cash. 2.4.2 Ownership structure Faccio and Masulis (2005) had identified that shareholders of private targets are less likely to accept equity payment in an M&A transaction. This is primarily because the sale of target’s assets is often driven by liquidity issues and/or restructuring purposes. As a result, shareholders of private target are highly in favor of cash payment so as to meet their short term liquidity demands. The ownership of a private target tends to be highly concentrated with each blockholder, typically owning at least five percent of equity in the firm. The acquirer’s primary shareholders tend to prefer debt financing relative to equity, given the fact that issuing new 16 shares will lead to ownership dilution arising from external influence and ultimately a loss of control (Stulz, 1988; Jung, Kim & Stulz, 1996). Therefore, blockholders are more prone to choose cash as a financing method, as argued by Martin (1996) and Faccio and Masulis (2005). 3.0 Hypothesis Based on the abovementioned literature review, we are interested in the following hypotheses that lay the grounds of our research and analysis. There are as follows: Hypothesis 1: Null Hypothesis: Credit rating progression of acquirers’ pre and post crisis affects the fraction of cash used in M&A transaction Alternative Hypothesis: Credit rating progression acquirers’ pre and post crisis does not affect the fraction of cash used in M&A transaction Hypothesis 2: 17 Null Hypothesis: Acquirers that experienced a credit rating downgrade pre and post crisis are more likely to transact M&A with equity Alternative Hypothesis: Acquirers that experienced a credit rating downgrade pre and post crisis are less likely to transact M&A with equity Hypothesis 1 is tested using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression model while hypothesis 2 is tested via the Multinomial Probit model (MNP). This is primarily because of the two different dependent variables used in each of the hypothesis. Detailed information regarding the two models will be discussed in section 4.4. 4.0 Methodology In this section, we will first discuss the methodological approach used to provide us with the appropriate techniques to test our hypotheses and reach adequate results. We will then discuss the applied sample selection criteria, as well as the variables employed (dependent and explanatory). And lastly, we will scrutinize the econometrics techniques and the results obtained. 4.1 Research Method For our research method, we used a deductive approach where we made use of existing theories to generate our hypothesis. Following which, the relevant data was gathered in order to test our hypotheses (Hyde, 2000). We will then examine the findings and conclude on the confirmation or rejection of the hypotheses (Hyde, 2000). Finally, based on these 18 results previous theories can either hold or rejected (Hyde, 2000). In addition to a deductive approach, we have employed a quantitative techniques given the parameters of our data. 4.2 Data and Sample Selection Due to time constraints, we were not able to conduct any first hand surveys and quantitative/qualitative analysis, therefore our research was solely based on secondary data engines, books, surveys, online journals and dissertations. According to the Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances, the United States has the highest number of announced M&As throughout 1985-2014 than the rest of the world (Imaa-institute.org, 2015). Therefore, we chose the U.S. given the availability of information as well as the coverage it receives. The period used was from 1st of January 2003 till 1st of January 2013 (i.e. 10 years) so as to capture the progressive change in the characteristics of our variables. Taken into consideration that 2008 was the focal point for the financial crisis, we divided the period into two sub periods; from 1st of January 2003 to 1st of January 2008 and 1st of January 2008 to 1st of January 2013. The reason behind including the year 2008 in our time frame is primarily because our main explanatory variable of interest – credit rating level, changes gradually over a long period of time. For our sample selection, we employed a variety of databases – Thomson Reuters Eikon, DataStream and Compustat. We first started off with Thomson Reuters Eikon, where we limited our M&A sample to 100% acquired and completed deals within the United States for both the target and the acquirer. We further restrained our sample by choosing the acquirer to be a public company only. We also placed restrictions on the type of transaction to include only mergers and acquisition deals (excluding acquisition of assets, acquisition of partial interest, acquisition of majority of assets, buyback, acquisition of remaining interest, acquisition of certain assets, exchange offer and recapitalization). This eventually resulted in a sample size 5,663 (3,501 from 2003 to 2008 and 2,162 from 2008 to 2013). 19 Additionally, our sample was also selected based on having the same acquirer for both sub periods. To illustrate, the acquirer should have one transaction before the crisis and one after, so that we are able to construct a balanced comparison pre and post crisis. This restriction had reduced our sample to 531 deals (266 deals for the first sub period and 265 for the second sub period). Taking into account, that some acquirers had multiple transactions, we had to limit to only one by choosing the transaction with the highest deal size. Subsequently, we employed the use of Compustat to gather the credit ratings for all selected firms. We entered each company’s ticker symbol and gathered the information from January 2003 to January 2013. The credit ratings chosen were S&P Domestic Long Term Issuer Credit Rating. Given the fact that limited firms have credit ratings in the desired time period, it further reduced our sample size to 68 deals per sub period (136 deals for the entire duration). Moreover, the payment method (i.e. cash, mixed or equity) used in financing each M&A deal was extracted from Figure 3 Credit rating progression of U.S. acquirers pre and post GFC Thomson Reuters Eikon. Figure 3 illustrates the credit rating progression of U.S. acquirers for the two sub periods, pre and post GFC. It 21% is observed that, in our sample of 68 acquirers 51% 28% measured over the crisis period, 51% had maintained the same credit rating, 21% were upgraded while 28% Upgraded Downgraded No change were downgraded. Standard and poor’s states Standard & Poor’s upgraded or downgraded roughly 20% of its corporate credit ratings each year from 1981 through 2007, compared to about 10% for structured finance from 1978 through 2007 (standardandpoors.com, 2015). However, these percentages can increase during periods of significant and unexpected changes in the credit markets or the business environment. (standardandpoors.com, 2015). 20 This illustrates that the frequency of change in credit rating is exceptionally slow, supporting our findings that 51% had remained constant throughout the entire period. Figure 4 depicts M&A payment methods pre Figure 4 80% M&A Payment method pre and post GFC and post the financial crisis in our sample. 70% Before the crisis, the use of cash as a 60% 50% 2003-2008 payment method was 67.6%, mixed 40% 2008-2013 payment was 26.5% and equity was 5.9%. 30% After the crisis, the use of cash had 20% decreased by 7.3% and the mixed payment 10% increased by the same amount, while the use 0% Cash Mixed Equity of equity remained constant. 4.3 Variables We identified three highly relevant journals – Faccio and Masulis (2005), Karampatsas et al. (2012) and Karampatsas et al. (2014) to establish the foundation of our research. We acknowledged that most of the variables used in these studies are relevant to our research. 4.3.1 Dependent Variables As previously discussed, the main purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the effect of credit rating progression on the choice of M&A payment method in the U.S.. Hence, two dependent variables – (1) fraction of cash; (2) payment method (i.e. cash, mixed or equity), are highly relevant in identifying this relationsip. Fraction of cash is a continuous variable that takes on the value between 0% and 100%, hence the OLS model is applied. The other dependent variable, payment method, is a discrete variable that takes the value of 1 for cash, 2 for mixed and 3 for equity. With regard to this variable, the MNP model is used. The reason why we used payment method (i.e. 21 cash, mixed or equity) is to capture the qualitative nature as well as to establish an in-depth analysis of financing methods. 4.3.2 Explanatory variables According to Brooks (2008), an explanatory variable is defined as any variable that explains the dependent variable. The explanatory variables for our regression are Credit_Ratinglevel, Ln_size, Collateral, FinancialLeverage, BookToMKT, Rel_dealsize, Num_analysts, Private_Public, Cashflow_assets, IntraIndustry, Runup, Blockownership. In our study, we propose Credit_ratinglevel, as the explanatory variable for the two different dependent variables; fraction of cash and payment method. Credit rating level is the main independent variable of interest in the OLS regression model. It represents the credit rating of the acquirer that ranges from 1 to 22. The credit rating DDD- takes the value of 1, and AAA takes the value of 22 (See appendix B). We employed Compustat to gather each acquirer’s credit rating, more specifically; we took the credit rating of each acquirer one month prior to the announcement of the acquisition. The credit rating scale was adopted from S&P Domestic Long Term Issuer Credit Rating. With regards to the MNP model, two dummy variables – upgrade and downgrade, were introduced. The dummy variable upgrade that takes the value of one if acquirers were upgraded and the value of zero if they were downgrade or stayed constant. The dummy variable downgrade that takes the value of one if acquirers were downgraded, and the value of zero if they were upgraded or stayed constant. 4.3.3 Control Variables Ln_size – as defined in Karampatsas et al. (2014), this variable takes into account the size of the acquirer by taking the natural logarithm of its market value of equity one month 22 before the announcement of the acquisition. Each acquirer in our sample differed substantially in size; hence, we took the natural logarithm of their market capitalization to allow for better distribution by converting absolute distances to relative distances (Brooks, 2008). This variable is taken into account because according to Karampatsas et al. (2014), the greater the firm size, the more diversified it will be, thus a lower probability of default. A lower probability of default implies that firms will have greater access to debt capital markets, hence cash financing is more likely. Collateral – according to Faccio and Masulis (2005), this variable is another measure of debt capacity. A study by Hovakimian et al (2001) shows a strong and a positive influence between the company’s tangible assets and its level of debt. Collateral is calculated by dividing the property, plant and equipment by the book value of total assets at the end of fiscal year before the acquisition announcement. FinancialLeverage – according to Faccio and Masulis (2005), this variable is taken into account to measure the financial condition of the acquirer since it was found to have a substantial influence on M&A payment method. Faccio and Masulis (2005) had argued that highly leveraged firms tend to use more equity financing instead of cash since they are more restricted in issuing debt. On the contrary, Karampatsas et al (2014) had argued a positive relationship between acquirer’s financial leverage and cash as a payment method. Their motivation behind this is that acquirers that are more susceptible to paying with equity typically have better growth opportunities (Karampatsas, Petmezas & Travlos, 2012). FinancialLeverage is calculated by dividing the total debt over the book value of total assets at the end of the fiscal year preceding acquisition announcement (Faccio & Masulis, 2005). In order to account for acquirer’s growth opportunities, Karampatsas et al. (2012) justified the use of BookToMKT as a valid proxy. Book to market value of equity is calculated by taking the ratio of the book value of equity at the fiscal year end before the announcement of the acquisition over the market value of equity one month preceding the announcement of the acquisition (Karampatsas, Petmezas & Travlos, 2012). 23 Rel_dealsize – the relative deal size is used as a proxy for information asymmetry since according to Faccio and Masulis (2005), information asymmetry is expected to increase when target’s assets increases relative to acquirer’s assets. To illustrate, the greater the target’s assets compared to acquirer, the higher the probability the use of equity in payment method. Additionally, the use of equity in large amounts will lead to a greater dilution of ownership, especially so for controlling shareholders (Faccio & Masulis, 2005). This variable is calculated using the value of M&A deal divided by the acquirer’s market value of equity one month before the acquisition announcement. Num_analysts – is used to take into account the information asymmetry problem that is associated with acquirers attempting to transact acquisition with overvalued stocks. Target firms however, are more likely to reject this offer if the actual value of the acquirer’s stock is uncertain. As such, Karampatsas et al (2014) argued that the higher number of analysts monitoring the deal, the lower the information asymmetry associated with it, thereby increasing the likelihood of acquirers financing acquisition via cash. Another variable that takes into consideration the information asymmetry problem is the status of the target firm. Private_Public is used as a proxy for that. According to Karampatsas et al. (2012), the smaller the target (i.e. nontransparent private firm) the higher the information asymmetry. Private targets are thus more likely to favor cash over equity offers, because of possible liquidity problem. Private_Public is a dummy variable that takes the value of one if target is unlisted and zero otherwise. Cashflow_assets – is taken into consideration to control for the pecking order theory as substantiated by Karampatsas et al. (2012). The pecking order theory explains the motivations why managers follow a financing order, starting from internal funds, followed by debt and lastly equity (Myers, 1984). Jensen (1986) argues that companies are more prone to engage in value destroying mergers and empire building activities when they have a surplus of free cash flow. Therefore, we deduced a positive relationship between Cashflow_assets and the use of cash in M&A. Cashflow_assets is the proportion of 24 acquirer’ earnings before interest and taxes (excluding unusual items, plus depreciation, less total dividends) and its total assets at fiscal year end preceding the acquisition announcement. IntraIndustry – taking different industries into consideration is essential, since the target firm will favor cash as a payment method when acquirer is from a different industry (Faccio & Masulis, 2005). This is due to the fact that targets are usually less acquainted about the risks associated with the acquirer’s industry (Faccio & Masulis, 2005). IntraIndustry is a dummy variable that takes on the value of one if acquirer and target are from the same industry (i.e. interindustry) and the value of zero if they are intraIndustry. We used Thomson Financial SDC to get the data for this variable. To account for the acquirer’s overvaluation and undervaluation, the variable Runup is used. In accordance with the market overvaluation theory, acquirers opt to take equity offers when its equity is considered overvalued to the target’s equity (Shleifer & Vishny, 2003). This variable is calculated by taking the cumulative return on stock one month prior the acquisition date over the year prior to the acquisition announcement. The variable Blockownership is used as a proxy for acquirer’s blockholder ownership. As argued in Karampatsas et al. (2014), if the number of blockholders is high, the use of cash as a payment method should be favored since equity dilutes ownership. The variable Blockownership is calculated by summing up the total number of blockholders who own at least 5.0% of the company’s stock. 4.3.4 Excluded Variables Some variables were used in Faccio and Masulis (2005) and Karampatsas et al. (2014) but were not included in our study due to multiple reasons. For example, the variable InterLock was not used due to the difficulty of obtaining information about the directors of acquirers. Competition and Interest rate spread were excluded on the basis that they were insignificant as well as the difficulty in obtaining information. Additionally, hostile deals 25 and cross border were excluded because all deals in our sample were friendly and are based in the U.S. Furthermore, the variable tender was disregarded because of the lack of data even though it was significant in Karampatsas et al. (2014). 4.3.4 Instrumental Variables (IVs) To take into account possible endogenity in our OLS regression model, we identified Karampatsas et al. (2014) particularly relevant in our analysis. The source of endogenity in our regression fundamentally stems from omitted variable bias in our variable of interest – credit rating level. According to Angrist and Pischke (2009), in order for an IV to be valid, it has to fulfil the relevance condition, that is: (a) IV has to be correlated with the endogenous variable – credit rating level (b) IV has to be uncorrelated with the error term. It is however crucial to note that point (b) is difficult to assess given the fact that the error terms are unobservable Angrist & Pischke, 2009). Hence, when introducing the IVs we have to be sure that they are not directly correlated with the dependent variable, fraction of cash. This allows us to make a fair assumption that the IVs would be uncorrelated with the error term (Angrist & Pischke, 2009). We therefore propose three IVs as follows: AltmanZScore – considered a relevant IV primarily because it determines a firm’s likelihood of bankruptcy which is paramount in defining its credit quality. Since AltmanZScore is independent of our dependent variable, fraction of cash, it fulfils the relevance condition required of an IV. It is therefore a valid IV and can be used as a proxy for acquirer’s credit quality. It is calculated via 4 specific ratios – (1) Working capital/ total assets; (2) Retained earnings/ total assets; (3) EBIT/ Total assets; (4) Book value of equity/ Book value of total liabilities (Karampatsas, Petmezas & Travlos, 2012). All required data was extracted from Compustat. 26 Profitability – According to Karampatsas et al (2012), a firm’s profitability has a positive linear relationship with its credit rating, that is, higher profitability is accompanied with lower debt ratios and higher credit rating levels. Therefore, Profitability is used as a proxy for determining if a firm’s credit rating is to be upgraded, downgraded or kept constant. It fulfils the relevance condition required of an IV since it does not affect our dependent variable, fraction of cash, directly, but only through the explanatory endogenous variable of interest, credit rating level. Profitability is calculated by the fraction of acquirer’s earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) and total assets of acquirers. All required data was extracted from Datastream. Regulated Industry – used as a proxy for acquirer’s reliance on public debt, more specifically, firms in regulated industry are more reliant on public debt since they face lower agency and monitoring costs (Karampatsas, Petmezas & Travlos, 2012). This variable fulfils the relevant condition given the fact that it is correlated with the endogenous variable, credit rating level, but does not directly impact the dependent variable fraction of cash. This particular variable is a dummy variable that takes on the value of one if the acquirer is a financial institution or a utility (i.e. oil, gas and water) firm and zero otherwise. All required data were extracted from Thomson Reuters Eikon. 4.4 Econometrics techniques used The sample we have is a panel data set (i.e. longitudinal or cross-sectional time-series data), since, we have different observations for the same entities n, at different time periods T (Stock & Watson, 2007). As stated by Stock and Watson (2007), panel data is represented as: (𝑋𝑖𝑡 , 𝑌𝑖𝑡 ), 𝑖 = 1, … , 𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡 = 1, … , 𝑇 i: entity being observed t: the date of the observation 27 Subsequently, our regressions are chosen based on a balanced panel data specifications, since there are no missing observations for any of the firms for the two sub periods (Stock & Watson, 2007). In order to close our research gap, we tested our hypotheses with two different regression models – (1) OLS model; (2) MNP model. This is primarily because we have two different dependent variables – fraction of cash and payment method. For the dependent variable, fraction of cash, the OLS regression was used primarily because it is a continuous variable that takes the value between 0% and 100%. With regards to the other dependent variable, payment method, there are three different outcomes with no natural ordering; cash, equity or a mix of both. For this variable, there are two models that can be used (1) Multinomial Probit model; (2) Multinomial Logit model. Although the MNP model takes into account the possibility of correlated error terms, especially if there are similarities in the characteristics of the choices, both models generate very similar results (Brooks, 2008). Additionally, Train (2003) stated that “[probit models] can handle random taste variation, they allow any pattern of substation, and they are applicable to panel data with temporally correlated errors”. Therefore, this supports the use of MNP model in our regression. 4.4.1 Ordinary Least Squares Regression (OLS) The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation method is one of the most important techniques in econometrics. Gauss-Markov assumptions suggested that OLS coefficients (β and α) are the Best Linear Unbiased Estimators – BLUE (Brooks, 2008). The general equation stated in Brooks (2008) is 𝑦𝑖𝑡 = 𝛼 + 𝛽𝑋𝑖𝑡 + 𝑢𝑖𝑡 According to Brooks (2008), the five fundamental assumptions underlying the OLS are as follows: 1) The errors should have a zero mean, E(ut ) = 0 28 2) The variance of errors should be constant and finite for the values of xt . 3) The errors should be statistically independent from each other, COV(ui , uj ) = 0 4) The errors are normally distributed, ut ~ N(0, σ2 ) 5) There should be no relationship between the error term and its corresponding independent variable, COV(ut , xt ) = 0. With reference to our OLS regression model, there is no necessity to test for assumption (1) since the error term is included in the regression (Brooks, 2008). Therefore, the violation of this assumption is inapplicable in our study. To account for assumption (2), we ran the White Diagonal test in order to mitigate any form of heteroscedasiticity across cross-sectional and period dimensions. Furthermore, to account for assumption (3) we ran the Durbin Watson test. The results showed that the Durbin Watson test is close to 2 and therefore we do not reject the null hypothesis of no autocorrelation. In order to validate assumption (4), we ran the Ramsey RESET test and found that skewness and kurtosis were very close to 0 and 3 respectively, indicating a normal distribution. To account for assumption (5), we had performed the Hausman test for endogenity. The procedures and results of the Hausman test will be further explained in section 6.2.3. Lastly, we plotted a correlation matrix of all variables in order to identify the presence of collinearity. With regards to the general rule of thumb, mentioned in Brooks (2008), of not having a correlation higher than 0.8, the correlation matrix indicated no form of multicollinearity (See table 1). Moreover, table (2) shows the collinearity of the MNP model, which also expresses no form of multicollinearity. Our dependent variable in the OLS regression is fraction of cash and it is a continuous variable that takes on any value from 0% to 100%. The OLS regression equation is as follows: Fraction of cash2003-2013= α + β1Credit_Ratinglevel + β2ln_size + β3FinancialLeverage + β4Rel_dealsize + β5Private_Public + β6IntraIndustry + β7BookToMKT + β8Cashflow_assets + β9Num_analysts + β10Collateral + β11Runup + β12Blockownership + uit. 29 The error term uit is assumed to be normally distributed. Since our sample is a balanced panel dataset, we have to take into account fixed and random effects in our panel estimator when running the OLS regression. This will be further discussed in the section 6.2.1. 4.4.2 Multinomial Probit Regression (MNP) The general equation for the Multinomial Probit Model (MNP) according to Antunes et al. (2011) is: 𝑗 𝑢 𝑖𝑡 = 𝛾𝑗 𝑥𝑖𝑡 + 𝜀𝑗𝑖𝑡 where, xit : Represents relevant characteristics of the firm i in the year t. γj : Regression coefficient j : is the option of choosing from 3 different payment methods. j = 1, 2, 3 εjit : Random error term with a normal distribution N (0, Σ). In this particular regression model, our dependent variable is, Payment Method and it takes on three specific unordered values: 1 for cash only payment, 2 mixed payment (cash and equity) and 3 for equity only payment. It is also crucial to note that the choices between cash, mixed or equity payment are mutually exclusive and comprehensive, that is, only one payment method can be selected. Based on the general MNP model, our specific equations are as follows: Mixed2003-2013 = α + β1Credit_Ratinglevel + β2ln_size + β3FinancialLeverage + β4Rel_dealsize + β5Private_Public + β6IntraIndustry + β7BookTOMKT + β8Cashflow_assets + β9Num_analysts + β10Collateral + β11Runup + β12Blockownership + ui 30 Equity2003-2013 = α + β1Credit_Ratinglevel + β2ln_size + β3FinancialLeverage + β4Rel_dealsize + β5Private_Public + β6IntraIndustry + β7BookTOMKT + β8Cashflow_assets + β9Num_analysts + β10Collateral + β11Runup + β12Blockownership + υi The error terms ui and υi are assumed to have a multivariate normal distribution and can be correlated (Brooks, 2008). As stated by Antunes et al. (2011), the MNP model is established on k-1 equations, where k in our regression is defined by the three payment methods. To illustrate, the use of cash as a payment method is not included in a third equation. This is because, if the two above mentioned equations equals to zero, the payment method is cash. As such, cash payment is defined as the base case or reference point in our MNP model. Moreover, Stata chooses cash only payment as the base case since it occurs most frequent in our sample. 5.0 Validity and Reliability According to Bryman and Bell (2011), the validity of a study is defined as ensuring that the research methodology is conducted in a manner that allows it to measure what it proposes to measure. With regards to our study, prior to choosing the appropriate methodology approach, we had thoroughly analyzed a wide spectrum of previous research that includes published journals, books and articles. Although our paper closely follows Karampatsas et al. (2014) and Faccio and Masulis (2005), it is crucial to note that we do not adopt their econometric techniques since we aim to establish a comparative perspective. Therefore, additional research was conducted to identify appropriate econometrics techniques that were more suitable for our assumptions and regressions. In addition, external validity and internal validity should also be taken into account when analyzing the consistency of any study (Bryman & Bell, 2011). External validity emphasizes the generalization of the research that one uses in his/her study which can be applicable to other studies (Bryman & Bell, 2011). For example, in this research, only the 31 U.S. was used and no other country was accounted for. Hence, the fundamental problem of the generalization of our study lies in differences in criteria and behaviors that are only focused in the U.S. market. This might lead to conflicting results and inaccurate deductions in comparison with that of the above mentioned studies. In order to account for such issues, a comparison of results between our study and the above mentioned two should be conducted. With regards to verifying the internal validity of a study, Bryman & Bell (2011) argued that the underlying correlation between measured variables should be taken into consideration. We thus employed the use of control variables to aid in the internal validation of our study. Furthermore, we identified statistically significant explanatory variables and compared its influence on the dependent variables so as to draw a clear picture of the fundamental relationship underlying U.S. M&A payment decisions pre and post crisis. Moreover, another crucial element to analyze in any study is its reliability. Bryman & Bell (2011) mentioned that the reliability of any research is explained as providing similar or compatible results in different statistical trials. With reference to our paper, if the methodology was adopted in a systematic manner, it should result in accurate results. The databases we used to retrieve all relevant data for this study – CompuStat, ThomsonReuters Eikon and Datastream, are considered highly reliable, since they are well established data providers in the finance society. Furthermore, in order to ensure consistency, all financial statements extracted from Thomson Reuters Eikon were counter checked with those published by the SEC. It is far more crucial to keep in mind that if the data selection procedure was systematically followed and if appropriate tests were conducted; the replication of the research will be easy to realize. 32 6.0 Empirical results The following chapter presents the descriptive statistics of our study, following which; the regression results for both, MNP and OLS regressions, along with model assumptions will be discussed thoroughly. 6.1 Descriptive statistics Table (3) presents the descriptive statistics for the overall sample and is further segregated into three highly specific characteristics (i.e. credit rating upgrade, downgrade and constant). The proportion of acquirers that did not experience a change in credit rating as a result of the crisis stands highest (51.5%) while (28.0%) faced a credit rating downgrade and (20.5%) experienced an upgrade. Panel A exhibits acquirer specific characteristics and it can be concluded that these characteristics differed across the three different credit rating situations. Acquirers that experienced a credit rating upgrade have the highest average Ln_size (9.595m USD), while acquirers that experienced a downgrade have the lowest average Ln_size (8.469m USD). This finding is consistent with theoretical motivations analyzing the relationship of credit rating changes on a firm’s market value. Acquirers that experienced a downgrade exhibit the highest level of collateral (0.250) while acquirers that experienced an upgrade have the 33 lowest level of collateral (0.138). Moreover, acquirers that were downgraded reveal the highest level of leverage (0.290) while those that experienced an upgrade have the lowest level of leverage (0.227). These 2 findings are exceptionally relevant and are in line with theoretical standpoint of the influence of credit rating changes on a firm’s leverage and collateral value. BookToMKT ratio is significantly higher in acquirers that were downgraded (0.531) as opposed to those that were upgraded (0.384) and those that retained the same rating (0.392) – indicating that acquirers who were downgraded faces higher future growth opportunities (Jung, Kim & Stulz, 1996). Runup is significantly higher in acquirers that were downgraded (0.254) implying that stocks of firms that were downgraded were overvalued during its post-crisis acquisition. With regards to acquirer’s blockownership, it was observed that those who were downgraded have the highest number of blockholders (2.553). Cashflow_assets appears to be relatively higher amongst firms that were upgraded (0.132), as opposed to firms that were downgraded (0.118) and those that remained constant (0.113). Panel B displays the statistics for deal specific characteristics and likewise, they appear rather different across the three different credit rating situations. What lies most intriguing is the fact that the average Rel_dealsize of the M&A deal is higher for firms that experienced a credit rating downgrade (0.238). However, based on the earlier mentioned deduction that downgraded acquirers have higher future growth opportunities, we can conclude that it is justifiable for them to have higher average Rel_dealsize. Table (4) and (5) presents the descriptive statistics for the three different choices of M&A payment methods (cash, equity, or mixed) for period 1 and 2 respectively. Table (4) shows that firms that used cash as a payment method had the highest mean in Credit_ratinglevel (14.854) and Cashflow_assets (0.137). The mean for Ln_size was the highest for cash deals (8.948), while lowest for all equity deals (8.384). The mix of cash and equity as a financing source has the highest mean in FinacialLeverage (0.334), 34 Collateral (0.311), Blockownership (2.43) and Runup (0.271) in comparison with complete cash and complete equity deals. The variable BookToMKT ratio has the highest value in cash deals (0.374), which is supported by the growth opportunity theory. The Rel_dealsize was found to be the highest for mixed payment method (0.337), and lowest for equity deals (0.101). IntraIndustry was also the highest for mixed payment method (0.739), yet it was the lowest for cash deals (0.390). Num_analysts had the highest mean for mixed payment (0.957). Table (5) indicates the change in the financing method after the crisis (i.e. period 2). The use of mixture of equity and cash in the payment method has the highest mean in the majority of variables – Collateral (0.210), FinancialLeverage (0.336), Blockownership (2.560), Rel_dealsize (0.467), Num_analysts (1.278) and IntraIndustry (0.556). The use of equity in financing M&As, has the highest mean Credit_ratinglevel (15.000), Ln_size (9.793) and BookToMKT (0.690). The remaining variables, Cashflow_assets (0.130) and Runup (0.157) stood highest for cash only deals. The effects of the GFC were apparent on acquirer specific, target specific and deal specific characteristics in U.S. M&A. To illustrate, Ln_size had increased from period 1 to period 2, moreover, the use of cash as a payment method had also increased across period 1 and 2. FinancialLeverage of acquirers had increased across period 1 and 2, and this is consistent with the increasing number of acquirers using cash payment. This observation supports the theory mentioned above, that if acquirer’s size increases, more debt will be used to finance the acquisition. Acquirers acquiring Private_Public targets had increased from period 1 to 2 with an increasing number of firms using cash as a payment method. Moreover, acquirer’s Credit_ratinglevel had decreased from period 1 and 2, which is entirely consistent with theories mentioned above. Cashflow_assets had remained the highest for both periods for cash deals, supporting our assumption that the relationship between cash flow to assets and the use of cash in M&A is positive. The BookToMKT of acquirers had increased substantially across the three payment methods, indicating that acquirers on average were 35 less undervalued before the financial crisis and more undervalued after it. This implies that the crisis had actually led to increasing growth opportunities for acquirers. In summary, when comparing the total samples of period 1 and period 2, on average; Ln_Size, FinancialLeverage, Blockownership, Private_Public and Rel_dealsize increased, while, Collateral, Cashflow_assets, Runup and IntraIndustry, had decreased. 6.2 OLS Regression This section provides the interpretation of the OLS regression that was fundamentally based on the dependent variable – fraction of cash. Prior to discussing the results, we will first outline the various assumptions of the model. Subsequently, we will draw relevance to previous studies and literature so as to provide a holistic understanding of how M&A payment decision is influenced by credit rating progression prior to and after the crisis. 6.2.1 Fixed and random effects estimation Given the fact that our data involves the use of a panel data set, we have to account for fixed and random effects across both cross-sectional and period dimension. In order to identify the type of effect we have on the cross-sectional dimension, we first ran a regular OLS on the structural equation. We also accounted for random effects in the cross-sectional dimension as well as the heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors (i.e. White Diagonal test) to account for acquirer clustering because of repeated acquirers in our sample. Subsequently, we ran the Hausman random effects test and based on the p-value (0.923), we do not reject the null hypothesis that the random effects model is well specified. We therefore employed the random effects model specification across cross-sectional dimension. Moreover, to identify the type of effect our panel dataset have on the period dimension, we followed the same steps as mentioned, but this time, we accounted for random effects in the period dimension. However, upon running the Hausman random effects test, we were prompted with a dialogue stating that the number of cross section is 36 greater than the number of coefficients for between estimators. As mentioned by Wooldridge (2009), in such situation, we can simply assume fixed effects across period dimension. 6.2.2 Regression results We first scrutinize the relationship between acquirer’s credit rating progression on the fraction of cash they employ in an M&A transaction. We controlled for acquirer, target and deal specific characteristics so as to observe how credit rating level would impact fraction of cash used in M&A under the three different characteristics. Specification (1) controls for target specific characteristic, specification; (2) controls for deal specific characteristics, specification; (3) controls for acquirers specific characteristics and specification; (4) controls for target, deal and acquirer specific characteristics. Refer to table (6) for detailed information on regression results for all 4 specifications. The regression results in specification (1) depict Credit_ratinglevel significance at 5% significance level with a coefficient of (0.021). This indicates that a 1-unit credit rating downgrade (upgrade) leads to a 0.021 decrease (increase) in fraction of cash used in an M&A transaction before and after the GFC. Though this particular finding is consistent with literature as well as previous studies, an exceptionally low R-square (0.034) questions the goodness of fit of this model to a large extent. Taking into account only target specific characteristics do not explain much about how credit rating progression affects M&A payment decision prior to and after the crisis. Regression results in specification (2) show that Credit_ratinglevel is significant at 10% level of significance with a coefficient of (0.012). This indicates that a 1-unit credit rating downgrade (upgrade) results in a 0.012 decrease (increase) in fraction of cash used in transaction M&A before and after the crisis. Num_analyst monitoring M&A deal is significant at 5% level, with a coefficient of (-0.103), implying a negative and significant relationship with fraction of cash used in M&A payment decision. Moreover, IntraIndustry is significant at 5% level, with a coefficient of (-0.132) indicating a significant and negative 37 relationship with fraction of cash used in M&A. A substantially higher R-square (0.142) in specification (2) in comparison with specification (1) indicates a far better goodness of fit in this model. Specification (3) illustrates Credit_ratinglevel significance at 10% level with a coefficient of (0.011), suggesting that a 1-unit credit rating downgrade (upgrade) results in a 0.011 decrease (increase) in fraction of cash employed in transaction an M&A across period 1 and 2. Blockownership depicts a significant negative relationship at a 10% significance level with a coefficient of (-0.038). Moreover, Cashflow_assets depicts a highly significant positive relationship at 1% significance level with a coefficient of (1.863). FinancialLeverage appears to be significantly negatively correlated with fraction of cash at a 5% significance level with a coefficient of (-0.437). Lastly, the variable Runup has a significant positive correlation with fraction of cash at 10% significance level with a coefficient of (0.077). Specification (3) appears to have an R-Square of (0.240), which is relatively higher than specification (2), indicating a slightly more accurate goodness of fit. Results in specification (4) indicate that Credit_ratinglevel is insignificant in explaining the fraction of cash used in transaction M&A. However, given the fact that specification (4) takes into account all control variables across target, bidder and deal specific characteristics, the existence of endogenity is applicable and this will be accounted for in section 6.2.3. FinancialLeverage is significant at a 10% significance level with a coefficient of (-0.375), indicating an inverse relationship with fraction of cash. Blockownership is also negatively correlated with fraction of cash at a 5% significance level with a coefficient of (-0.045). Furthermore, Num_analyst is negatively correlated with fraction of cash at a 1% significance level with a coefficient of (-0.115). On the contrary, Cashflow_assets appeared to have positive relationship with fraction of cash with a coefficient of (1.717). Further scrutinizing the goodness of fit of all four specifications mentioned above, the Fstatistic of specification (1) was observed to be insignificant. Therefore, we do not reject 38 the null hypothesis that all regression coefficients are equal to zero, indicating an overall weak goodness of fit. 6.2.3 Endogenity control for OLS The issue of endogenity stands paramount in many empirical studies and accounting for this goes far and beyond in establishing an unbiased and consistent coefficient estimates. Endogenity is defined as the correlation between explanatory variables and the error term in a regression, consequently leading to unreliable inferences and conclusions of the hypothesis (Roberts & Whited, 2012). There is two primary sources of endogenity in our OLS regression – (1) omitted variable bias; (2) simultaneity. Omitted variables bias is defined as biased coefficient estimates that result from excluding explanatory variables (Roberts & Whited, 2012). While, simultaneity occurs when an independent and dependent variable in a given model influences each other instantaneously (Brooks, 2008). As argued by Karampastas et al. (2014), a firm’s credit rating level could be influenced by firm specific characteristics and failure to consider these would lead to biased coefficient estimates in our regression. Prior controlling for endogenity, we first have to identify if our explanatory variable, Credit_ratinglevel, statistically possess endogenity via the Hausman test. In order to run the Hausman test, we first have to identify which of the above three listed IVs, identified in section 4.3.4, are statistically significant. We hence ran an OLS regression with the IVs and found that Profitability was the only IV that was statistically significant at a 5% significance level. As a result, Profitability is the only IV we can use to control for possible endogeneity. We then conducted the Hausman test for endogenity manually in Eviews by first regressing Credit_ratinglevel as a function of all our control variables and instrumental variable, Profitability. The equation is as follows: 39 Credit_ratinglevel = β0 + β1Ln_size + β2FinancialLeverage + β3Rel_dealsize + β4Private_Public + β5IntraIndustry + β6BookToMKT + β7Cashflow_assets + β8Num_analysts + β9Collateral + β10Runup + β11Blockownership + β12Profitability + uit. Following which, we used the fitted values obtained from the above regression and ran a separate regression with the structural equation. The fitted values were statistically significant at 5% significance level and thus we reject the null hypothesis of no endogenity. To control for endogenity in our OLS regression, we then employed the Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) regression technique with all control variables (i.e. acquirers characteristics, target characteristics, deal characteristics) and the IV, Profitability (see Table 7 for regression output). The equations employed in the 2SLS model are as follows: 1st stage equation: Credit_ratinglevel = 𝛼̂0 + 𝛼̂1 Ln_size + 𝛼̂2 FinancialLeverage + 𝛼̂3 Rel_dealsize + 𝛼̂4 Private_Public + 𝛼̂5 IntraIndustry + 𝛼̂6 BookToMKT + 𝛼̂7 Cashflow_assets + 𝛼̂8 Num_analysts + 𝛼̂9 Collateral + 𝛼̂10 Runup + 𝛼̂11 Blockownership +𝛼̂12 Profitability + 𝜐it. 2nd stage equation: Fraction of cash2003-2013= 𝛽0 + β1Credit_ratinglevel + β2Ln_size + β3FinancialLeverage + β4Rel_dealsize + β5Private_Public + β6IntraIndustry + β7BookToMKT + β8Cashflow_assets + β9Num_analysts + β10Collateral + β11Runup + β12Blockownership + β13 Credit_ratinglevel + uit After accounting for endogeneity, the Credit_ratinglevel is significant at 5% level. This finding provides the fundamental argument that coincides and supports the story defined by literature, that is, a credit rating downgrade affects the fraction of cash used by acquirer in an M&A transaction. 6.3 MNP Regression This section provides the interpretation of the MNP regression that was fundamentally based on the dependent variable – Cash, mixed or equity. Subsequently, we will draw 40 relevance to previous studies and literature so as to provide a holistic understanding of how M&A payment decision is influenced by credit rating progression prior to and after the GFC. 6.3.1 Regression results Interpreting the MNP regression differs from the OLS since it takes into account a reference point (i.e base case) used to compare between three different possible outcomes – cash, mixed and equity payment. Refer to table (8) for detailed information of the MNP regression results. Based on the regression results, Credit_ratinglevel was insignificant which led us to conclude that credit rating progression had no significant influence on M&A payment decision during period 1 and 2. To further our analysis, we performed a second MNP regression with the segregation of the explanatory variable, credit rating level, into two independent dummy variables – (1) Upgrade, (2) Downgrade (see table 9). More specifically, the dummy variable, upgrade, takes on a value of one when acquirers were upgraded and take on a value of zero when they were downgrade or had retained the same credit rating across period 1 and 2. The dummy variable, downgrade takes on a value of one when acquirers were downgrade and takes on a value of zero when they were upgrade or had retained the same credit rating across period 1 and 2. Interestingly enough, the variable downgrade was significant at 10% level of significance while upgrade was insignificant. We will hence focus our analysis on the variables that were significant. Since the coefficient of downgrade in mixed payment is higher than equity, a credit rating downgrade over the crisis period is associated with a lower likelihood of equity payment and a higher likelihood of mixed payment in an M&A transaction, in comparison to cash. More specifically, 1-unit credit rating downgrade pre and post crisis is associated with acquirer’s cash financing being 12.4% less likely, mixed financing being 12.9% more likely and equity financing being 0.55% less likely (see table 10). 41 Cashflow_assets displayed significance across both equity and mixed payment with reference to the base case (i.e cash payment) (see table 9). Since its coefficient is negative in both mixed and equity payment method, we can conclude that acquirers with increasing Cashflow_assets is associated with a lower likelihood of mixed and equity payment in comparison to cash. More specifically, a 1-unit increase in Cashflow_assets of acquirers before and after the crisis is associated with acquirer’s cash financing being 20.5% less likely and mixed financing being 23.2% more likely (see table 10). With regards to acquirer specific control variables – FinancialLeverage and BookToMKT, they illustrate significance across mixed payment while insignificance across equity payment (see table 9). The coefficient of FinancialLeverage is positive in mixed payment, indicating that it is associated with a higher likelihood of mixed payment in comparison to cash. On the contrary, the coefficient of BookToMKT is negative in mixed payment, implying that it is associated with a lower likelihood of mixed payment in comparison to cash. The level of FinancialLeverage of acquirers before and after the crisis is associated with cash financing being 55.7% less likely and mixed financing being 55.6% more likely. Furthermore, the BookToMKT value of acquirers before and after the crisis is associated with cash financing being 37.0% more likely and mixed financing being 37% less likely (see table10). With regards to deal specific control variables – Num_analyst, it appears significant across mixed payment while insignificant across equity payment. We can therefore conclude that increasing number of analyst monitoring an M&A deal over the crisis period are associated with a higher likelihood of transacting deal via mixed payment in comparison to cash. More specifically, Num_analyst covering the M&A deal before and after the crisis is associated with cash financing being 26.7% less likely and mixed financing being 26.7% more likely. Further scrutinizing the goodness of fit of our MNP regressions, the Prob > Chi (2) in both regressions is significant at 5% significance level. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis 42 that there is no relationship between explanatory variables and the outcome (i.e. cash, mixed or equity). 7.0 Analysis The following section establishes a comprehensive analysis of both the MNP and OLS regressions. We will draw relevance of our results to the above discussed theories in chapter 2, and subsequently present constructive deductions. Based on our OLS regression, Cashflow_assets had a positive and significant correlation with fraction of cash, indicating that acquirer’s cash flow positively impacts the fraction of cash used in an M&A transaction. This is supported by Myers’s (1984) pecking order theory, which emphasizes the use of internal funds (i.e. retained earnings) prior to external funds (i.e debt and equity). Moreover, Jensen and Meckling’s free cash flow hypothesis is relevant with our results, implying that managers with surplus of free cash flow are more prone to financing M&A deals with cash. Our results are also consistent with having positive and significant Cashflow_assets as identified in Karampatsas et al. (2014). Furthermore, our analysis shows that FinancialLeverage had a significant negative correlation with fraction of cash, indicating that increasing leverage decreases the fraction of cash used in transacting M&A. This is in line with M&M preposition II; increasing financial leverage increases probability of financial distress and bankruptcy, thereby reducing acquirer’s access to debt capital markets (Kraus and Litzenberger, 1973). Moreover, under Standard & Poor’s credit rating framework (2015), increasing leverage results in lower credit rating score assigned to a firm’s business risk profile. Blockownership depicts a significant negative correlation with fraction of cash, indicating that increasing concentration of blockholders results in decreasing fraction of cash used in 43 M&A. Our results contradict that of Karampatsas et al. (2014) of having a positive relationship. This anomaly could be explained by looking in-depth on the acquirer’s ownership characteristics. More specifically, concentrated blockholders identified in our sample might not possess major influence on decision-making (e.g. voting rights). Number_analyst is significantly negatively correlated with fraction of cash, indicating that increasing number of analyst covering an M&A deal, results in decreasing fraction of cash used in transacting the deal. Theoretically, increasing number of analyst decreases information asymmetry. Karampastas et al. (2014) had argued that the lower the information asymmetry, the higher the use of cash in an M&A. However, our results indicate otherwise. After accounting for endogeneity, Credit_ratinglevel was now observed to be significant (see table 7). Contrary to Karampastas et al (2012), our study shows a negative relationship between Credit_ratinglevel and fraction of cash. This is supported by Tang (2009) where he identified that firms who issue high amounts of debt face the possibility of being downgraded. Therefore, financing M&A deals with increasing debt (i.e cash) might lead to a downgrade of acquirer’s credit rating. In the MNP regression, we observed that only two variables – (1) downgrade; (2) Cashflow_assets were significant across both equity and mixed payment with reference to the base case (i.e cash payment). The regression output indicated a lower likelihood of equity payment and a higher likelihood of mixed payment in comparison to cash when acquirers experience a credit rating downgrade during the crisis period. Theoretically, credit rating downgrade will lead to lower accessibility to debt capital markets (i.e. cash). On the other hand, equity is considered the most expensive financing method (Watson & Head, 2007). A balance of both cash and equity is required; therefore, mixed payment is the appropriate financing method for M&A deals in such situations. Moreover, significant reduction in bank lending 44 during the crisis had placed acquirers in a situation of having to balance debt financing (i.e cash) with equity financing. Furthermore, Cashflow_assets is significant, indicating a lower likelihood of equity payment and a lower likelihood of mixed payment in comparison to cash. This is in line with the pecking order theory and Jensen (1986) study as discussed in section 4.4.3. FinancialLeverage is significant across mixed while insignificant across equity payment, indicating a higher likelihood of transacting M&A via mixture of cash and equity in comparison to cash payment. This is once again consistent with M&M preposition II; increasing financial leverage increases probability of financial distress and bankruptcy thereby reducing acquirer’s access to debt capital markets (i.e. increase cost of debt) (Kraus and Litzenberger, 1973). Increasing cost of debt tightens acquirer’s ability in financing the acquisition via cash only; instead, a balance of both cash and equity aids in reducing overall cost of capital and the risk of being downgraded. BookToMKT is significant across mixed while insignificant across equity payment, indicating a lower likelihood of transacting M&A via mixture of cash and equity in comparison to cash payment. This is in line with the market overvaluation theory argued by Shleifer and Vishny (2003), acquirers tend to prefer cash financing when it is comparatively undervalued than target’s equity. Number_analyst is significant across mixed while insignificant across equity payment, indicating a higher likelihood of transacting M&A via mixture of cash and equity in comparison to cash payment. Karampatsas et al (2014) argued that the higher number of analysts covering an M&A deal, the lower the information asymmetry associated with it, thereby increasing the likelihood of cash financing. Our results are not entirely consistent with previous literature; however, historically seen, mixed payment has been following an upward trend compared to cash and equity payment method (see figure 3). 45 8.0 Limitations The limitations for MNP model are numerous, since very few studies have dwelled upon it and even fewer studies have utilized it. This is due to multiple reasons, most importantly, the MNP model is exceptionally difficult to estimate given the need to evaluate multiple integrals (Brooks, 2008). Moreover, the MNP model is computationally demanding, especially when large number of alternatives are considered (Daganzo, 1979). The errors in an MNP model follow a multivariate normal distribution, where each error term has a mean of zero and are allowed to be correlated (Daganzo, 1979). The OLS model is fundamentally based on the five assumptions as discussed in section 4.4.1. These assumptions are highly stringent and must be followed strictly. If any one of the assumptions is violated, the OLS estimation will result in a biased coefficient estimates eventually leading to inaccurate deductions (Brooks, 2008). Another crucial limitation in our study is the use of a panel data set. Kasprzyk et al. (1989) argued that there are fundamental problems associated with the design of panel data as well as data collection and management. They further argued that panel data are susceptible to distortions arising from measurement errors. Even though, these issues are present in crosssectional data, they are more apparent and extensive in panel data sets (Kasprzyk et al., 1989). Additionally, the relatively small sample size could be a possible flaw in our study. However, attempts to increase sample size proved impossible given the lack of access to Moodys and Fitch rating databases. Nonetheless, the current sample size of 136 is considered a fair representation of S&P credit rating progression in U.S. M&A payment 46 methods, since minimal restrictions were included in the data gathering process. 9.0 Conclusion This paper provided a comprehensive analysis measuring the influence of credit rating progression on the fraction of cash and payment methods in U.S. M&A before and after the GFC. This has been done using U.S. based companies for a two period regression before and after the crisis (i.e. 2003-2008 and 2008-2013). Previous studies were highly focused on the determinants of payment with no consideration of the GFC taken into account. This study supplements previous literature by establishing further evidence on how credit rating progression of U.S. acquirers since the onset of the crisis had influenced their M&A payment decisions. Our study goes far and beyond in exhibiting complete relevance of the current research gap. Additionally, this paper extended the research by using different empirical analysis and econometric techniques. The GFC had led to restricted bank lending in the U.S., resulting in significant decline in corporate loans to firms for LBO/ M&A activities (see figure 1), consequently, revolutionizing the landscape of M&A payment methods in the U.S.. One would expect the percentage of cash transaction to dip as a result of the crisis, however, it was surprising to note that our descriptive statistics painted a positive trend for cash only, negative trend for mixed and a constant trend for equity only financing. In our OLS regression, we had noticed a negative significant relationship between acquirer’s Credit_ratinglevel and the fraction of cash used in transacting M&A. This observation was fundamentally substantiated by deductions that we derived based on theories and literature as analyzed in section 7.0. We therefore concluded that hypothesis “Credit rating progression of acquirers’ pre and post crisis affects the fraction of cash 47 used in M&A transaction”, is an accurate representation of the changing M&A landscape in the U.S. since the GFC. Hence, we do not reject the null hypothesis. However, distinct evidence was identified in our MNP regression while taking into account the downgrade and upgrade of acquirers across period 1 and 2. We had identified a positive significant relationship between credit rating downgrade and the use of mixed payment method. In essence, the positive relationship portrays a distinct picture of how U.S. M&A landscape has evolved since the crisis and it can be concluded that acquirers are now leaning towards a mixture of cash and equity financing. The increasing sentiment amongst U.S. acquirers in employing mixed financing was further substantiated by historical trends as highlighted by Barbopoulos & Wilson (2013) (see figure 3). We therefore concluded that hypothesis 2 – “Acquirers that experienced a credit rating downgrade pre and post crisis are more likely to transact M&A with equity” is not an accurate representation of the changing M&A landscape in the U.S. since the GFC. Hence we rejected the null hypothesis. 48 10.0 Suggestions for future research As mentioned above, due to the lack of access to Moodys and Fitch credit rating databases, our analysis was limited to acquirers that were rated only by S&P. We propose expanding the research by further including acquirers that were rated by these two credit rating agencies. Moreover, this research could be further enriched by also focusing on the European M&A market, given the severe impact of the GFC on European economies. A comparative perspective between U.S. and European acquirers could then be established to allow for a far more comprehensive analysis of credit rating progression on M&A payment decisions. Given the fact that our explanatory variable, credit rating level, only captures general macroeconomic factors, we propose including highly specific macroeconomic influences such as interest rate risks, inflation risks and political risks. 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Definitions Variable Definition Panel A: Payment Form Fraction Of cash Percentage of cash used to finance the acquisition deal - Thomson Reuters Eikon. Payment Method (Cash, mixed A dummy variable taken the value of one if the &Equity) deal is financed with 70% or more cash and zero otherwise - Thomson Reuters Eikon. Panel B: Credit Rating Variables Credit_ratinglevel The Acquirer credit rating, taking the score from 1 to 22 (1 being DDD- and 22 being A) Compustat. Upgrade Dummy variable, taking the value of one if its an upgrade, and zero if it is a downgrade and constant. Downgrade Dummy variable, taking the value of one if it’s a downgrade and zero if it is an upgrade and constant. Panel C: Bidder Characteristics Ln_Size The natural Logarithm of the acquirer's market equity value one month prior the announcement - DataStream FinancialLeverage Total debt over the book value of total assets in the end of fiscal year preceding to acquisition announceent - DataStream 55 Collateral PPE divided by the book value of total assets at the end of fiscal year before the acquisition announcement - Comupstat BooktoMKT Book value of equity at the fiscal year end before the annoncement of the acquisition over the market value of equity one month preceding the announcement of the acquisition DataStream Blockhownership Total number of blockholders who own at least 5% of the company's stock - Thomson Reuters Eikon Cashflow_assets Earnings before interest and taxes excluding unusual items plus depreciation minus total dividends, divided by total assets in fiscal year end prior the acquisition – Compustat Runnup The cumulative return on stock one month prior the acquisition over the year prior to the acquisition announcement - Thomson Reuters Eikon Panel D: Deal Characteristics Rel_dealsize The value of the transaction divided by the acquirer’s market value of equity one month before the acquisition announcement - Thomson Eikon Num_analysts Number of financial analysts following the M&A deal - Thomson Reuters Eikon 56 IntraIndustry Dummy variable, takes the value of one if the acquirer and the target are from the same industry (interindustry) and the value of zero if they are from a different industry (intraindustry) - Thomson Reuters Eikon Panel E: Target Characteristic Private_Public Dummy variable, takes the value of one if the target is unlisted and zero otherwise - Thomson Reuters Eikon Panel F: Instrumental Variables AltmanZScore Z =6.56 (Working Capital/Total Assets) +3.26 (Retained Earnings/Total Assets) + 6.72 (EBIT/Total Assets) + 1.05 (Book Value of Equity/Book Value of Total Liabilities) – Compustat Profitability EBITDA to total Assets – Compustat Regulated Industry Dummy variable, takes the value of one if the acquirer is a utility firm or a financial institution, and zero otherwise - Compustat 57 Appendix B. S&P credit rating score S&P Credit Rating AAA AA+ AA AAA+ A ABBB+ BBB BBBBB+ BB BBB+ B BCCC+ CCC CCCDDD+ DDD Numerical Score 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 58 Table 1: OLS Correlation Matrix Rel_dealsize Runup Private_Public Num_analysts Ln_size Intraindustry FinancialLeverage Credit_ratinglevel Collateral Cashflow_assets BookToMKT Blockownership Fraction of cash Fraction of cash 1.000 Blockownership -0.215 1.000 BookToMKT -0.095 0.199 1.000 Cashflow_assets 0.379 -0.089 -0.414 1.000 Collateral -0.127 0.126 0.099 0.073 1.000 Credit_ratinglevel 0.195 -0.423 -0.013 0.205 -0.150 1.000 FinancialLeverage -0.244 0.190 -0.246 0.056 0.348 -0.419 1.000 IntraIndustry -0.179 0.135 0.079 -0.090 0.072 -0.086 0.142 1.000 Ln_size 0.167 -0.423 -0.103 0.097 -0.236 0.650 -0.345 -0.087 1.000 Num_analysts -0.205 -0.024 0.054 -0.050 -0.011 -0.105 -0.031 0.044 -0.043 1.000 Private_Public -0.021 -0.061 -0.045 -0.072 -0.046 -0.329 0.017 0.198 -0.281 -0.169 1.000 Runup -0.023 0.101 0.163 -0.097 0.611 -0.116 0.189 -0.067 -0.156 -0.066 -0.007 1.000 Rel_dealsize -0.205 0.228 -0.089 -0.040 0.210 -0.268 0.351 -0.004 -0.324 0.224 -0.143 0.233 1.000 59 Table 2: MNP Correlation Matrix Upgrade Runup Rel_dealsize Private_Public Num_analysts ln_size IntraIndustry Blockownership BookToMKT Collateral Cashflow_assets Downgrade FinancialLeverage Fraction of cash Fraction of cash 1.000 FinancialLeverage -0.244 1.000 Downgrade -0.091 0.090 1.000 Cashflow_assets 0.379 0.056 0.000 1.000 Collateral -0.127 0.348 0.167 0.073 1.000 BookToMKT -0.095 -0.246 0.191 -0.414 0.099 1.000 Blockownership -0.215 0.190 0.201 -0.089 0.126 0.199 1.000 IntraIndustry -0.179 0.142 0.084 -0.090 0.072 0.079 0.135 Ln_size 0.167 -0.345 -0.168 0.097 -0.236 -0.103 -0.423 -0.087 Num_analysts -0.205 -0.031 -0.008 -0.050 -0.011 Private_Public -0.021 0.017 Rel_dealsize -0.205 Runup -0.023 Upgrade 0.054 1.000 1.000 -0.024 0.044 -0.043 0.112 -0.072 -0.046 -0.045 -0.061 0.198 -0.281 -0.169 0.351 0.050 -0.040 0.210 -0.089 0.228 -0.004 -0.324 -0.143 1.000 0.189 0.107 -0.097 0.611 0.163 0.101 -0.067 -0.156 -0.066 -0.007 0.233 -0.052 -0.097 -0.317 0.089 -0.140 -0.069 -0.142 0.051 0.191 1.000 0.224 0.090 1.000 1.000 -0.082 -0.085 -0.229 1.000 60 Table 3: Sample descriptive statistics by credit rating progression pre & post crisis Variable Panel A: Acquirer Characteristics Ln_size Collateral FinancialLeverage BookToMKT Blockownership Cashflow_assets Runup Panel B: Deal Characteristics Rel_dealsize Num_analysts IntraIndustry Panel C: Target Characteristics Private_Public Total Sample (N=136) Mean Median Upgrade (N=28) Mean Median Downgrade (N=38) Mean Median Constant (N=70) Mean Median 8.940 0.195 0.263 0.429 2.007 0.118 0.104 8.493 0.117 0.231 0.357 2.000 0.115 0.089 9.595 0.138 0.227 0.384 1.536 0.132 -0.288 9.463 0.084 0.213 0.343 1.000 0.154 -0.202 8.469 0.250 0.290 0.531 2.553 0.118 0.254 7.858 0.140 0.255 0.421 2.000 0.091 0.132 8.933 0.187 0.262 0.392 1.900 0.113 0.180 8.934 0.140 0.226 0.350 2.000 0.117 0.098 0.204 0.772 0.485 0.066 1.000 0.000 0.134 0.893 0.536 0.052 1.000 1.000 0.238 0.763 0.553 0.075 1.000 1.000 0.214 0.729 0.429 0.066 1.000 0.000 0.287 0.000 0.214 0.000 0.368 0.000 0.271 0.000 61 Table 4: Sample descriptive statistics by M&A Payment Method (2003 – 2008) Variable Panel A: Bidder Characteristics Credit_ratinglevel Ln_size Collateral FinancialLeverage BookToMKT Blockownership Cashflow_assets Runup Panel B: Deal Characteristics Rel_dealsize Num_analysts IntraIndustry Panel C: Target Characteristics Private_Public Total Sample (N = 68) Mean Median Cash (N = 41) Mean Median Mixed (N = 23) Mean Median Stock (N = 4) Mean Median 14.529 8.909 0.204 0.250 0.345 1.897 0.124 0.143 15.000 8.240 0.141 0.214 0.307 2.000 0.125 0.152 14.854 8.948 0.160 0.208 0.374 1.829 0.137 0.101 15.000 8.230 0.129 0.178 0.320 2.000 0.135 0.143 14.391 8.930 0.311 0.334 0.298 2.043 0.123 0.271 15.000 8.534 0.247 0.323 0.250 2.000 0.094 0.229 12.000 8.384 0.038 0.205 0.322 1.750 -0.009 -0.172 10.500 8.182 0.039 0.239 0.327 1.500 -0.012 -0.025 0.201 0.853 0.515 0.065 1.000 1.000 0.134 0.805 0.390 0.065 1.000 0.000 0.337 0.957 0.739 0.126 1.000 1.000 0.101 0.750 0.500 0.108 1.000 0.500 0.279 0.000 0.293 0.000 0.217 0.000 0.500 0.500 62 Table 5: Sample descriptive statistics by M&A Payment Method (2008 – 2013) Variable Panel A: Bidder Characteristics Credit_ratinglevel Ln_size Collateral FinancialLeverage BookToMKT Blockownership Cashflow_assets Runup Panel B: Deal Characteristics Rel_dealsize Num_analysts IntraIndustry Panel C: Target Characteristics Private_Public Total Sample (N = 68) Mean Median Cash (N = 46) Mean Median Mixed (N = 18) Mean Median Stock (N = 4) Mean Median 14.353 8.971 0.186 0.275 0.513 2.118 0.113 0.066 15.000 8.934 0.104 0.231 0.439 2.000 0.112 -0.080 14.978 9.194 0.191 0.246 0.506 1.913 0.130 0.157 15.000 9.056 0.117 0.216 0.392 2.000 0.122 -0.054 12.611 8.219 0.210 0.336 0.493 2.556 0.089 -0.048 13.000 8.013 0.083 0.308 0.439 2.000 0.074 -0.326 15.000 9.793 0.010 0.329 0.690 2.500 0.019 -0.465 15.500 10.050 0.008 0.316 0.692 2.000 0.012 -0.421 0.207 0.691 0.456 0.067 1.000 0.000 0.121 0.435 0.435 0.049 0.000 0.000 0.467 1.278 0.556 0.216 1.000 1.000 0.025 1.000 0.250 0.022 1.000 0.000 0.294 0.000 0.261 0.000 0.389 0.000 0.250 0.000 63 Table 6: OLS regression of credit rating progression and fraction of cash The table depicts the results of the OLS regression of credit rating progression of acquirers on fraction of cash used in our sample of 136 U.S. M&A transaction before and after the global financial crisis (i.e. 2 time periods). Refer to Appendix A for definition of variables. All regressions are controlled for year fixed effects where the coefficients are suppressed. The symbols *,** and *** represents statistical significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels respectively. The t-statistics displayed in parentheses are adjusted for bidder clustering and heteroskadisticity. Constant (1) 0.4519*** Total sample (2) (3) 0.7637*** 0.8341*** (2.71) (4.09) 0.0211** (2.00) 0.0123* (1.68) Ln_size Credit_ratinglevel Collateral FinancialLeverage BookToMKT Blockownership Cashflow_assets Runup Rel_dealsize IntraIndustry Private_ Public N R-Square F-Statistic (3.48) 0.0119 (0.40) 0.0110* (1.89) -0.2969 (-1.50) -0.4365** (-2.33) 0.0231 (0.16) -0.0384* (-1.80) 1.8629*** (4.10) 0.0772* (1.68) (3.68) 0.0098 (0.32) -0.0174 (-1.06) -0.2628 (-1.27) -0.3749* -1.85 0.0175 (0.13) -0.0447** (-1.97) 1.7170*** (3.58) 0.0672 (1.47) -0.0878 (-0.89) -0.1153*** (-2.77) -0.0543 (-0.92) -0.0594 (-0.83) 136 0.240 (4.42) 136 0.293 (3.89) -0.1357 (-1.52) -0.1030** (-2.47) -0.1318** (-2.21) Num_analyst 0.04368 (0.62) 136 0.034 (1.54) 136 0.142 (4.29) (4) 1.1046*** 64 Table 7: Endogenity control for credit rating progression via 2SLS The table illustrates the results of the instrumental variable regression to take into account possible endogenity of credit rating progression of acquirers on U.S M&A transaction before and after the crisis. Refer to Appendix A for definition of variables. All regressions are controlled for year fixed effects where the coefficients are suppressed. The symbols *,** and *** represents statistical significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels respectively. The t-statistics displayed in parentheses are adjusted for bidder clustering and heteroskadisticity. Constant 1st Stage 2nd Stage 2.4365 (1.31) 1.1046*** (3.68) -0.0174** (-1.97) Credit_ratinglevel Profitability Ln_size Collateral FinancialLeverage BookToMKT Blockownership Cashflow_assets Runup Rel_dealsize Num_analyst IntraIndustry Private_ Public N Adjusted R-Square 2.4570*** (4.37) 1.2756*** (7.77) 0.0576 (0.04) -2.540* (-1.94) 0.9984 (1.41) -0.2325*** (-2.58) -1.1156** (-2.47) -0.2624* (-1.91) 0.5765 (1.09) -0.3450** (-2.13) 0.2227 (0.96) -0.5233 (-1.31) 0.0098 (0.32) -0.2628 (-1.27) -0.3749* (-1.85) 0.0175 (0.129) -0.0447* (-1.97) 1.7170*** (3.58) 0.0672 (1.47) -0.0878 (-0.88) -0.1153*** (-2.77) -0.0543 (-0.92) -0.0594 (-0.83) 136 0.638 136 0.218 65 Table 8: MNP regression of credit rating progression and M&A Payment method The table depicts the results of the MNP regression of credit rating progression of acquirers on M&A payment method (i.e. cash, mixed or equity) used in our sample of 136 U.S. M&A transaction before and after the global financial crisis (i.e. 2 time periods. Refer to Appendix A for definition of variables. The symbols *,** and *** represents statistical significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels respectively. The z-statistics displayed in parentheses are adjusted for bidder clustering and heteroskadisticity. Number of obs = 136 Wald chi2(24) = 39,09 Prob > chi2 = 0,0267 Constant Credit_ratinglevel Ln_size Collateral FinancialLeverage Blockownership Cashflow_assets Runup Rel_dealsize Num_analyst IntraIndustry Private_ Public Mixed -4.3939 -3.917** (-1.10) (-2.17) 0.1906 0.0324 (0.61) (0.31) 0.1180 0.1374 (0.23) (0.67) -2.4871 3.412*** -(0.41) (2.52) 4.4004 2.3342* (1.21) (1.79) -2.0328 -1.365* (-0.96) (-1.71) 0.4235 0.1103 (1.16) (0.82) -41.1505*** -7.848*** (-2.52) (-2.63) -0.5192 -0.6541** (-0.73) (-2.04) -0.2193 0.9504 (-0.05) (1.32) 0.8065 1.0899*** (1.04) (3.40) -1.0742 0.7749* (-1.16) (1.89) 0.2211 0.4017 (0.17) (0.84) Cash -----BASE CASE----- BookToMKT Equity 66 Table 9: MNP regression of credit rating upgrades and downgrade on M&A Payment method The table depicts the results of the MNP regression of credit rating upgrade and downgrade of acquirers on M&A payment method (i.e. cash, mixed or equity) used in our sample of 136 U.S. M&A transaction before and after the global financial crisis (i.e. 2 time periods. Refer to Appendix A for definition of variables. The symbols *,** and *** represents statistical significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels respectively. The z-statistics displayed in parentheses are adjusted for bidder clustering and heteroskadisticity. Number of obs = 136 Wald chi2(24) = 39,09 Prob > chi2 = 0,0267 Upgrade Downgrade Ln_size Collateral FinancialLeverage BookToMKT Blockownership Cashflow_assets Runup Rel_dealsize Num_analyst IntraIndustry Private_ Public Mixed Cash -2.8706 (-0.63) -0.7492 (-0.55) -0.4180* (-1.80) 0.3540 (0.78) -3.6890 (-0.53) 2.8140 (0.83) -2.2786 (-0.93) 0.3833 (1.07) -43.8721** (-2.17) -0.4356 (-0.63) -1.0060 (-0.14) 1.0935 (1.18) -0.5636 (-0.62) -0.6223 (-0.43) -3.6351** (-2.02) 0.8113 (1.53) 0.6492* (1.89) 0.1387 (0.94) 3.2689** (2.43) 2.3452* (1.80) -1.5601* (-1.92) 0.1056 (0.8) -8.6344*** (-2.95) -0.6141** (-1.90) 0.8750 (1.28) 1.1273*** (3.45) 0.7211* (1.75) 0.3705 0.77 -----BASE CASE----- Constant Equity 67 Table 10: Marginal effects of MNP regression of credit rating upgrades and downgrade on M&A Payment method The table depicts the marginal effects of the MNP regression of credit rating upgrade and downgrade of acquirers on M&A payment method (i.e. cash, mixed or equity) used in our sample of 136 U.S. M&A transaction before and after the global financial crisis (i.e. 2 time periods. Refer to Appendix A for definition of variables. The symbols *,** and *** represents statistical significance at 10%, 5% and 1% levels respectively. The z-statistics displayed in parentheses are adjusted for bidder clustering and heteroskadisticity. Number of obs = 136 Wald chi2(24) = 39.09 Prob > chi2 = 0.0267 Upgrade Downgrade Ln_size Collateral FinancialLeverage BookToMKT Blockownership Cashflow_assets Runup Rel_dealsize Num_Analyst IntraIndustry Private_Public Cash -0.2072 (-1.48) -0.1242* (-1.80) -0.0329 (-0.94) -0.7755** (-2.41) -0.5565* (-1.81) 0,3702* (1,93) 0,0251 (-0,79) -0,2053*** (-2,91) 0,1457* (1,87) -0,2076 (-1,26) -0,2675*** (-3,52) -0,1706* (-1,79) -0,0905 (-0,75) dy/dx Mixed 0.2072 (1.48) 0.1293* (1.86) 0.0329 (0.94) 0.7757** (2.41) 0.5564* (1.81) -0,3701* (-1,93) 0,0251 (0,79) 0,2321*** (2,95) -0,1457* (-1,87) 0,2076 (1,26) 0,2675*** (3,52) 0,1706* (1,79) 0,0905 (0,75) Equity 0.0000 (-0.15) 0.0055 (-0.12) 0,0000 (0.14) 0.0002 (-0.15) 0.0001 (0.13) -0,0001 (-0,15) 0,0000 (0,14) 0,0268 (0,14) 0,00 (-0,12) 0,0000 (-0,13) 0,0000 (0,15) 0,0000 (-0,13) 0,0000 (-0,15) 68