Nurse to patient ratio

This presentation will present the elements
which affect the health care staffing as observed at
Patton-Fuller which includes raises in wages, the
nurse-to-patient ratio changes, the contracted staff
reduction, and the additional staffing of more
nurses aides. By using trend analysis, the
members of management of Patton-Fuller
determine the type and amount of employees
needed for medical facility staffing in order to
maintain or improve operations above the level of
quality. Using trend analysis will make us find out
the costs that are associated with lessening the
ratio of nurse-to-patient and this change's impact
will be discussed as well.
On Staffing
Nurse-to-patient ratio
Safety of Patients
Reduction of contracted staff
Additional staffing (Nursing Aide)
• Salary
• Vacation
• Hours
Trend analysis is an essential and supportive tool
used to identify and fulfill all the staffing needs
for any organization.
Trend analysis can be a tool for quantitative and
qualitative analysis to determine the future needs
according to current trends.
Patton-Fuller utilizes an impressive and very
systematic organizational structure for managing
their services.
Trend analysis aids in the analysis of staffing
needs by using the sales. The sales on the other
hand helps in plotting all the needs in human
The trends help when recruiting staff for certain
positions, job profiles,and shifts in organizations.
Therefore, Patton-Fuller benefits and is
supported by trend analysis tool in identifying
their staffing needs.
Ratio 5:1 [5 patients to 1 nurse]
Current hourly salary rate
Number of nurses needed daily
Monthly cost
$1 Salary Increase
Current hourly salary rate
Number of nurses needed daily
Monthly cost
Cost Increase
Ratio 4:1 [4 patients to 1 nurse]
Ratio decrease
Current hourly salary rate
Number of nurses needed daily
Monthly cost
Current hourly salary rate
Number of nurses needed daily
Monthly cost
Cost increase
The operating expenses or costs would
 By the salary increase
 By the change to 4:1 ratio
Income remains constant
 The patient visit did not increase
 The procedures did not increase
Total expenses decrease
Total equity will decrease
This presentation presents how the trend analysis could be
used to determine Patton-Fuller's health care staffing
requirements. The management made use of this tool to
identify how many employees or the type of employee is
needed to correctly staff the facility. The number of
employees derived also keeps the patient care quality at its
highest level, providing nurses with enough time off from
work. The utilization of trend analysis showed the
associated costs with decreasing the hospital's nurse-topatient ratio. Indeed, trend analysis is an essential tool for
the health care facilities when studying cost effective
measures before actually implementing them.
America Association of Critical Nurse care. (n.d.). Nurse to patient ratio. Retrieved from
Baker, J, & Baker, R. (2011). Health care finance basic tools for nonfinancial managers.
Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Buhler, P. (2002). Human Resources Management: All the Information You Need to Manage
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Mendelson, Littler (June 07, 2010) Federal HHS Agency Touts Nurse-Patient Ratio Study
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