Syllabus - the History Department at CSUSB

History 306: Early Modern Europe
SB-211, M & W, 10:00-11:50 am
Fall, 2015
[History Dept.: SB-327, 537-5524]
Robert Blackey
Office & Phone: FOB-224: 537-5550
Off.Hrs.: T&Th, noon-1:50 pm
Class web page:
Web page includes:
• syllabus
• study questions
• Instructions for Answering IDs
• ID Worksheet
• 3 sample papers
• Quotations in History
• Multiple-Choice Tips
If we act only for ourselves, to neglect the study of history is not
prudent. If we are entrusted with the care of others, it is not just.
Samuel Johnson (1709-84)
Students will be able to: (1.1) demonstrate knowledge of relevant historical facts & context;
(1.2) demonstrate the ability to frame historical questions; (1.3) demonstrate awareness of
historical interpretative differences; (2.1) demonstrate the ability to thoroughly use a broad
range of historical sources; (3.1) demonstrate the ability to write clearly.
J. P. McKay et al.,
A History of Western Society, Vol. B: From the
Renaissance to 1815, 11th ed. (2014)
P. Ziegler,
N.Z. Davis,
M. Ashley,
A. Farge & J. Revel
The Black Death
The Return of Martin Guerre
Louis XIV and the Greatness of France
The Vanishing Children of Paris: Rumor &
Politics before the French Revolution
To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
Edmund Burke (1729-97)
Sept 24 & 29
Italian Renaissance
McKay, pp. 351-69, 373-83; Ziegler
Oct 1 & 6
Northern Renaissance
McKay, pp. 322-51, 369-73, 383-88, 426-55; Ziegler
Video Clip: “Nova”: European & Chinese ships compared
Oct 8 & 13
Reformation and Luther
McKay, pp. 390-407; Davis
Oct 15 & 20
Calvin and Catholic/Counter-Reformation
McKay, pp. 407-17; Davis
Oct 22 & 27
Europe of Charles V and Philip II
McKay, pp. 404-07, 455-59; Davis
Oct 29 & Nov 3
Dutch Revolt and French Wars of Religion
McKay, pp. 417-22, 496-97
Tuesday, November 3
Nov 5 & 10
30 Years' War and Rise of French Absolutism
McKay, pp. 462-500; Ashley
Nov 12 & 17
16th & 17th-Century Intellectual Developments; Enlightenment
McKay, pp. 502-29, 574-607
Nov 19 & 24
Enlightened Despotism; Background to the French Revolution
McKay, pp. 529-38, 540-72, 610-19; Farge & Revel
***Paper due: Tuesday, November 24
Dec 1 & 3
French Revolution and Napoleon
McKay, pp. 620-46; Farge & Revel
Thursday, December 10, 10:00-11:50 am
A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.
Henry Adams (1838-1919)
To become familiar with the history of Europe from the Renaissance to the
French Revolution and Napoleon (c. 1300-1815).
To become familiar with the major themes, developments, and trends of the
period (e.g., development of individualism, rise of nation-states, advances in
science & technology, absolutism vs. constitutionalism, spread of religious diversity
& tolerance, development of capitalism, changes in culture & society) and to
demonstrate an ability to frame historical questions about them as well as an ability
to support a thesis about them.
To become aware of and appreciate the differences in pace at which history
proceeded among the various countries and regions of Europe.
To develop an appreciation for the diverse ways in which people of times past
lived and changed.
To appreciate the meaning and significance of this historical period both as a
unique epoch and as it relates to the larger world and to the present.
To improve your ability to think historically, and to express that ability in class
discussion and writing. Also, to be aware that thinking historically includes an
appreciation for different and changing interpretations and that a variety of historical
sources are part of the historian’s arsenal.
We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves.
WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: Each student will write a paper of between 3 & 4 typed pages
(standard double spacing and font size [12], with one-inch margins all around). Choose
any European who lived between 1300 and 1815 and do two things: explain what it is about
the person and why you either admire (or respect, envy) or do not admire (or why you
dislike or detest), or some combination of both admiration and dislike. Do not merely assert
or describe what it is you admire, respect, etc.; in addition, explain the “what” by relating it
to you personally! That is, do not simply summarize aspects of that person's life: you must
do more than describe or identify what you admire (or dislike). You must also explain the
why both by passing judgment on that person's life, ideas, experiences, and/or
characteristics and by relating these to your own life and values (or to the experiences and
values of others you have observed). Be specific about your own (or others') experiences
and values that help you to form that judgment on the person you have chosen to write
about. If your reactions to your historical figure are based on your beliefs and values, then
you will need to explain why you hold those beliefs and values insofar as they relate to the
judgments (admiration, lack of respect) you are passing. It might help to think in terms of
picking someone you'd like to be (or not be)—and then elaborating on why—if you could be
transported back in time. Devote about half the paper to the “what” and half to the “why”;
you would also be wise to weave the two parts together as you write, going back and forth
between them. This is not a research paper in the usual sense expected in history classes.
Neither footnotes nor a bibliography are to be included. The only instance in which you
would have to do any additional reading is if the person you choose to write about is
insufficiently familiar to you.
The purpose of this assignment is to have you write and think critically without
demanding additional reading, since the quantity and quality of the required readings are
sufficient. An additional purpose is to encourage you to identify with a historical figure so
you can develop and/or improve an appreciation for the value and utility of history. Still
another purpose is to encourage you to be introspective, to have you examine your own
life, values, and/or beliefs in relation to a historical figure and to nudge you to develop your
thinking and reasoning in a way not usually called for. Therefore, much of your paper—
especially the “why” portion—should be written in the first person.
You will be graded on the basis of how successfully you have conveyed an
understanding of your historical figure as explained above. The paper is due on Tuesday,
November 24 (please do not send your paper by e-mail); I do not appreciate late papers,
so for every school day (i.e., Monday through Friday) the paper is late I will deduct one
letter grade from the grade you would have received. Please feel free to discuss your
paper with the instructor before completing it so as to make certain you understand the
assignment. Also, on Reserve in the Library (& on the web site listed near the top of the
first page of this syllabus) are a few sample papers to help guide you in your work; you
would be wise to read some.
You can only really figure out what you think if you first put it on paper and then develop
some distance from it. It has to be a part of yourself, but a part that you are willing to
release from yourself. Most problems in writing come from the anxiety caused by the
unconscious realization that what you write is you and has to be held out for others to
see….Writing is not the transcription of thoughts already consciously present in [your] mind.
Writing is a magical and mysterious process that makes it possible to think differently.
Lynn Hunt, historian, UCLA
Perspectives on History (February 2010)
On Written English: Your written assignment will not be downgraded because of a few
comparatively unimportant errors or lapses in grammar or a misspelled word or two. Your
work will be graded essentially on the quality of your ideas and how effectively they are
presented (but that includes written English). The instructor will not be able to read first
drafts (although you should allow enough time to re-read your paper a number of times and
write several drafts as well, just as professional writers know they must do), but he will talk
with you about your paper as often as you need and/or he will read an outline if you wish.
For free writing help from a tutor, go to The Writing Center, University Hall 388 and/or to the
CSBS Writing Lab in SB-354 (for anything from the basics of grammar to abstracts to
research papers).
On Plagiarism and Cheating: As per the University catalog: “Plagiarism is the
presentation as one’s own, the ideas and writing of another. Plagiarism is academically
dishonest and subjects the offending student to penalties up to and including expulsion.
Students must make appropriate acknowledgments of the original source where material
written or compiled by another is used.” I take this seriously; you should too, both because
of reasons relating to being honest and true to yourself and because I want you to improve
and grow.
EXAMS: The nature and scope of the exams will be discussed in class about 2 weeks
before they are given. Under ordinary circumstances there will be no make-up exams. For
"compelling" reasons, however, a make-up exam will be given (at the instructor's
discretion), but you should contact the instructor (in person, or on the phone, or via voice
mail or e-mail to leave a message) beforehand; however, only the instructor will decide if
your reason is sufficiently compelling, although your having a doctor’s note—for illness—or
a copy of a police report—for an accident—will help to make your case persuasive.
For suggestions to help you to improve answering multiple-choice & identification
questions, see “Multiple-Choice Tips” & “Instructions for Answering IDs,” both on the class
web page.
For midterm multiple-choice questions, in reading and reviewing The Black Death, pay
special attention to: (1) the conditions that contributed to the spread of the disease; (2) the
various ways people reacted as the disease began to affect their town or region; (3) the
effects and impact of the disease on Europeans. In reading and reviewing The Return of
Martin Guerre, pay special attention to: (1) why Bertrande did not re-marry following
Martin’s extended absence; (2) the reasons for the early success Pansette had in
impersonating the real Martin; (3) why Pansette failed to sustain his impersonation of
Martin; (4) why the real Martin finally returned.
For final multiple-choice questions, in reading and reviewing Louis XIV & the Greatness of
France, pay special attention to: (1) Louis XIV’s successes and achievements; (2) the
meaning of “divine right of kings”; (3) the results of Colbert’s economic policies; (4) the
significance of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685); (5) the results of the wars of
the second half of Louis XIV’s reign; (6) the Peace of Utrecht (1713). In reading and
reviewing The Vanishing Children of Paris, pay special attention to: (1) the main reason
peasants flocked from the countryside to Paris; (2) who was believed, by the people of
Paris, to be responsible for the disappearance of children; (3) the main reason, according
to the people of Paris, for the disappearance of children; (4) the main circumstances under
which the children were arrested; (5) the main concern of the judges in imposing penalties
following the official inquiry into the uprisings of mid-18th century Paris.
ATTENDANCE: Although attendance will not be taken in class, your being there will not
only be appreciated but it will also increase your chances of learning and of doing well.
That is, there will most surely be material that is covered in class that is not covered in the
required reading, and for exams you will be responsible both for what goes on in class and
for what is in those readings. If you miss a class, be sure to get the notes from someone in
the class; but someone else’s notes will never take the place of your being there to listen,
to see all the projected images, and to participate yourself. Note: Your missing class
frequently sends a message to your instructor that you don’t care about his course.
Did I Miss Anything?
Nothing. When we realized you weren’t here
we sat with our hands folded on our desks
In silence, for the full two hours
Everything. I gave an exam worth
40 percent of the grade for the term
and assigned some reading due today
on which I’m about to hand out a quiz
worth 50 percent
Nothing. None of the content of this course
has value or meaning
Take as many days off as you like:
and activities we undertake as a class
I assure you will not matter either to you or to me
and are without purpose
Everything. A few minutes after we began last time
a shaft of light suddenly descended and an angel
or other heavenly being appeared
and revealed to us what each woman or man must do
to attain divine wisdom in this life and
the hereafter
This is the last time the class will meet
before we disperse to bring the good news to all people on earth
Nothing. When you are not present
how could something significant occur?
Everything. Contained in this classroom
is a microcosm of human experience
assembled for you to query and examine and ponder
This is not the only place such an opportunity has been gathered
but it was one place
And you weren’t here
From Did I Miss Anything? Selected Poems 1973-1993, by Tom Wayman
(Harbour Publishing, 1993).
NOTE TAKING: I “give” a lot of notes; that is, students tell me they take a lot of notes in
my classes. You may want to tape record the lecture (for your course-related use only) and
then take notes from the tape; this will allow you to pay close attention in class—and to
participate more easily in discussions—instead of trying to copy every word. Doing this will
also provide you with constant and steady reviewing and studying. I do not give permission
for the use of cell phone cameras.
LAPTOPS & CELL PHONES IN CLASS: May be used only for note taking, not for game
playing, checking e-mail, instant messaging, texting, tweeting, or searching the Internet.
PAGERS, BEEPERS, CELL PHONES, I-PODS: Please turn them off before class begins.
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: CSUSB provides reasonable accommodations for
students with disabilities. Students with verified disabilities are encouraged to contact the
university’s Services to Students With Disabilities Program (University Hall 183, 909-5375238, It is the student’s responsibility to seek out accommodations in a
timely manner.
DROPPING OR WITHDRAWING: Before you decide to drop or withdraw from any course,
see University regulations and procedures in this quarter’s printed Class Schedule. If you
simply stop attending any course, you will receive a grade of F.
A. My expectations of you: Although I do not expect this class to occupy all your
time, I do expect you to give it serious and regular attention (i.e., several hours and days
each week, and not just on the eve of exams or when the paper is due). If you have
difficulty with any aspect of the course, please inform me immediately either in class or
during my office hours; in fact, talk to me before a problem becomes serious (i.e., talking to
me afterwards will inevitably make resolution more difficult).
To be too dissatisfied with ourselves is a weakness. To be too satisfied
with ourselves is a stupidity.
Madame de Sablé (1599-1678)
B. Your expectations of me: You can expect me (1) to do my best to challenge you
intellectually and to make this course interesting, informative, and educationally profitable;
(2) to grade exams and papers honestly and to return them promptly (i.e., my goal is
always to get them back to you by the next class session); (3) to be available to you during
my office hours and at other times I agree to; (4) to help you to improve your thinking and
analytical skills and to add to your appreciation of the importance of history; (5) to be
demanding and fair.
Can you love anyone without making him work harder? Can you do
your best for anyone without educating him?
Confucius (551-479 B.C.E.), Analects, Book XIII
Written Assignment
Class participation will help to support or raise a borderline grade. Do as well as you
are able on the exams and assignment; it will not be possible to do any other work for
“extra credit.”
All undergraduates who are enrolled in a teacher credential preparation major, such
as History Track A, should see a faculty advisor for assistance in choosing courses
from the most up-to-date version of the program and to make sure no unnecessary
courses are taken.
Actually, seeing a faculty advisor in your major at least once a year is something
every student should do.
He who by reanimating the old can gain knowledge of the new
is indeed fit to be called a teacher.
Confucius (551-479 B.C.E.), Analects, Book II