
US History
Chapter 10 Packet
Name _____________________________________________
Period ____
Part IA. Lecture Notes. Complete the following section using information from class lecture.
Part IB. Vocabulary.
AmnestyFreedmen’s BureauBlack CodesCivil Rights Act of 1866Military ReconstructionImpeachCarpetbaggersScalawagsKu Klux KlanTenant farmersSharecroppers-
As you read Chapter 10, define the following terms in COMPLETE SENTENCES:
Part II. Document Based Questions.
Read the Infographic - Three Plans for Reconstruction on page 357, and complete the following graphic
organizer with important details of each plan:
Three Plans for
Analyze the Primary Source and read about the Freedmen’s Bureau on page 359. Answer the
question below and then in the space provided below, answer the Analyzing Visuals questions at the
bottom of page 359 IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.
 What was the Freedmen’s Bureau, and why was it established?
#1. Specifying -
#2. Explaining -
2. Using information from the top of page 362, list the provisions of the Reconstruction Amendments.
3. View the Primary Source on page 367, and in the space below, answer the Analyzing Visuals
questions that correspond to the primary source. ANSWERS MUST BE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!!
4. View the political cartoon titled The Union as it Was on page 370 (bottom right corner image);
answer the following questions about the cartoon.
What do you see in this image, include any and all details including symbols and words (list at least
5 details)
What is the message of this cartoon?
5. View the Primary Source titled New South on page 376 and the accompanying sharecropping
map; in the space below, answer the Analyzing Visuals questions corresponding to the images. ALL
#1. Specifying-
#2. Explaining-
Part III. Cartoon Analysis
Iago. (Jeff Davis.) "For that I do suspect the lusty Moor hath leap'd into my seat: the thought whereof
doth like a poisonous mineral gnaw my inwards."--Othello.
During Reconstruction, black men were elected to political office for the first time in American
history. They served at the local, state, and national level, although at a ratio far below that of the
percentage of blacks in those constituencies.
In 1870, Hiram Revels of Mississippi, a Republican, became the first black person elected to the U.S.
Senate. Born a free black in North Carolina, Revels was educated at Knox College (Illinois) and
ordained a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. He worked as a pastor in various
Northern and border-states, and as a principal of a school for black children in Baltimore,
Maryland. During the Civil War, once Congress authorized the use of blacks in the Union military,
Revels organized two black volunteer regiments in Maryland and served as a chaplain to another
black regiment in Mississippi.
At the end of the war, Revels ministered to a black congregation in Natchez, Mississippi, and
entered politics during Reconstruction. When Mississippi rejoined the Union in February 1870, the
Republican-controlled state legislature elected Revels to complete the term of Jefferson Davis, who
had left the Senate in 1861 upon Mississippi's secession and became president of the Confederacy.
It is that ironic twist of fate, which saw a black man filling the Senate seat previously held by a slave
owner who became Confederate president, which is the subject of Nast's cartoon. Here, Revels is
welcomed to the Senate chamber by a group of his fellow-Republican senators (left to right): Henry
Wilson of Massachusetts, Oliver Morton of Indiana, Carl Schurz of Missouri, and Charles Sumner of
Massachusetts. Nast often tapped the plays of Shakespeare, which were well known to nineteenthcentury Americans, as sources of inspiration and symbolism. In this cartoon, the artist portrays
Davis as the evil Iago, who schemed against the innocent Othello, the Moor (African).
At the term's conclusion on March 3, 1871, Revels left the Senate to become the first president of
Alcorn University (Mississippi), the first land-grant college for black students. In 1874, he was
dismissed by the college board. He soon joined the Democratic party and helped to oust the
Republicans from power in the state. In gratitude, his new political allies in the Democratic party
reappointed him in 1876 as president of Alcorn, where he served until his retirement.
In addition to Revels, fifteen other black men served in Congress during the Reconstruction era,
including Blanche Bruce, a former slave who was also elected to the Senate as a Republican from
Mississippi (serving 1875-1881). After Revels and Bruce left office, however, it would be nearly
100 years until the next black, Republican Edward Brooke of Massachusetts, was elected to the U.S.
Senate (serving 1967-1979). The first black woman and black Democrat elected to the U.S. Senate
was Carol Moseley-Braun (serving 1993-1999).
Use the image and the description to answer the following questions:
1. What is this image (political cartoon, billboard, drawing, poster, etc.)?
2. When was this image created?
3. What does the image show?
4. What is the significance of Hiram Revels?
5. Who or what dominates the image.
6. List and interpret any tiny details in the image.
7. List any words or phrases in the image. Explain their significance understanding the image.
8. What is the message of the image?
9. What can you gather about the Reconstruction era from this image?
10. Do you detect a bias in this image? If so, what is the bias?
11. What irony do you detect in the cartoon?
12. Does this image support or conflict your opinions about what you already know about
Reconstruction? Explain.
13. How many Black men served in Congress during Reconstruction?