The Outsiders Unit


Rationale for The Outsiders What does it mean to be a friend? I hope the students will gain insight into what it means to be a friend. A friend is a member of a community and as a part of that community fulfills a role. I want students to analyze how friends affect each other- both in positive and negative ways. I want students to be able to

analyze characters’ motivations and how they are tied to their

relationships. I want them to look at their own lives and see how they have been positively and negatively affected by those around them and how they have positively and negatively affected others. What does it mean to be you? Every person has an identity that is in some way different than everyone else. I want students to realize that they have unique qualities and characteristics that make them who they are. I want them to see

that they don’t have to fit into a stereotype or do what the group

wants them to do. They are capable of making good decisions if they take a moment to think about why they are choosing to do what they are doing. What does it mean to analyze characters? I want students to look into characters’ motivations and question why they made the decisions they made. I want them to be able to state why they agree with some characters’ decisions and disagree with other characters. I want them to discover, discuss, and grapple with the characters’ choices

Starting off: Introduction to themes! Group work and skits! Focus 1: Groups, conflicts, friendship etc.) Focus 2: Similarities between Romeo and Juliet and The Outsiders (rivalry,

Name ___________________________ Group A Introducing The Outsiders : Looking at groups and conflicts 1. Make a list of at least 10 different groups in high school 1. 6. 2. 7.

3. 4. 8. 9. 5. 10. 2. Discuss and write down 3 reasons why these groups form. 3. What are some issues these groups could have with each other? 4. ACT IT OUT! Think about your answers to the previous questions and Act out a conflict that could arise between two groups (everyone must participate) SEE BACK OF PAGE! 5. SCRIPT IT! Think about: Who is saying what? How are they saying it? What actions are they performing? Example from Romeo and Juliet:

Tybalt says with disgust: You wretched boy, you who associated with him here, will soon be near him again Romeo says with anger: This fight will decide that!

They fight, and Tybalt falls

Name ___________________________ Group B Introducing The Outsiders : Looking at groups and conflicts 1. There are two groups of students at the Not State High School. Country kids: Walk/bus/bike to school Have one good set of clothes Have jobs after school City kids: Drive to school Have several good sets of clothes Receive a large weekly allowance 2. How would you be able to tell these two groups apart? 1. 2. 3. 3. These two groups often fight at school and outside of school. What are some possible reasons for their fighting? 1. 2. 3. 4.

4. ACT IT OUT! Think about your answers to the previous questions and act out a conflict that could arise between these two groups (everyone must participate) SEE BACK OF PAGE! 5. SCRIPT IT! Think about: Who is saying what? How are they saying it? What actions are they performing? Example from Romeo and Juliet: Tybalt says with disgust: You wretched boy, you who associated with him here, will soon be near him again Romeo says with anger: This fight will decide that!

They fight, and Tybalt falls

Name ___________________________ Group C Introducing The Outsiders : Looking at friendship and conflicts 1. List 4 examples of what you would do for a friend 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. List 2 examples of what you would not do for a friend 1.

2. 3. How did you become friends with the people you became friends with? 4. ACT IT OUT! Act out a scene where one friend sticks up for another. Think about your answers for number 1 and 3. See back of paper! Everyone must participate! 5. SCRIPT IT! Think about: Who is saying what? How are they saying it? What actions are they performing? Example from Romeo and Juliet: Tybalt says with disgust: You wretched boy, you who associated with him here, will soon be near him again Romeo says with anger: This fight will decide that!

They fight, and Tybalt falls

Name ___________________________ Group D- ACT IT OUT! Introducing The Outsiders : Looking at friendship and conflicts . Tybalt: Romeo, the love that I feel for you can find no better word than this—you’re a peasant!

Romeo: Tybalt, the reason that I have for loving you helps me overcome the anger I should really feel at such an insult. I’m not a peasant. Therefore goodbye. I see you don’t really know me. Tybalt: Boy, this will not excuse the wrong you’ve done to me. Turn around and draw your sword! Romeo: I protest, I’ve never harmed you. I love you more than you can understand until you know the reason for my love. So, good Capulet—a name I value as dearly as my own— be satisfied. Mercutio: What a calm, dishonorable, disgusting submission to an insult! Tybalt is getting away with this insult. He draws his sword. Tybalt, you ratcatcher, will you cross swords with me? Tybalt: What do you want of me? Mercutio: Good king of the cats, I want nothing of you except one of your nine lives. That life I mean to take, and then, depending on whether you treat me well or badly, I might only thrash your other eight. Will you draw your sword from your scabbard? Hurry, or my sword will beat your ears before yours is out. Tybalt: I’m ready for you (draws his sword) Romeo: Gentle Mercutio, put your sword away. Mercutio: Come on, sir, give your forward thrust. They fight. Romeo: Draw your sword, Benvolio, beat down their weapons. Gentleman this is shameful! Stop this! Tybalt! Mercutio! The prince has specifically forbidden fighting in the streets of Verona. Stop, Tybalt! Please, Mercutio!

Romeo reaches to stop them. Tybalt sweeps under Romeo’s arm, stabs Mercutio, and runs away with the rest of his followers.

1. How do you plan to act this out? (Think about: Who is saying what? How are they saying it? What actions are they performing?) 2. Why did Mercutio want to fight Tybalt?

3. Have you ever done what Mercutio did? 4. Have you ever stood up for a friend? What did you do?

Chapters 1& 2: In-class read aloud Focus 1: characters Focus 2: reading strategy- stop, review, describe

Name ____________________ Characters & Terms: The Outsiders Chapters 1 & 2 Use this sheet to help you keep track of the characters and the terms in The Outsiders. Think about what the characters look like and what they act like. Also think about what group they are a part of and how they are related to each other. Narrator/Ponyboy- Soda- Darry-

Steve Randle- Two-Bit Mathews- Dally- Johnny- Sandy- Sherri/Cherry- Marcia- Greasers-

Socs- Words/terms you didn’t know:

Chapter 2: Enrichment activity on child abuse

Name __________________ English 9 April 19, 2010 Like many of the Greasers, Johnny is greatly affected by his less than perfect home life. Johnny is a victim of child abuse and finds the only people he can confide in are his friends. Greasers are known for sticking together and as a

Greaser you will try to help Johnny out by explaining to him why he is a victim and telling him where he can go for help.

What you need to do: Write a letter to Johnny explaining how he has been mistreated in the past and find research on the internet that clarifies what is considered child abuse. You will also explain to Johnny where he can go for help.

PART 1: Web quest for definition and facts on child abuse

(10-15 minutes) Use the following sites (or use a search engine to find your own sources) to DEFINE what child abuse is and find 6 items of information you did not know before. FACTS ABOUT CHILD ABUSE 1. Definition of child abuse: 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

PART 2: Book quest for evidence that Johnny was abused

(10-15 minutes) In your book: -Find examples of Johnny being mistreated by his family and write the example after the page # 1. (page # _____) 2. (page #_____) -Find examples of Johnny being affected by how he is treated and write the example after the page # (How does Johnny act differently?) 1. (page # _____) 2. (page #_____)

PART 3: Web quest for where Johnny can go for help

(20-25 minutes) Find three places where Johnny can go for help! Think about Johnny’s problem and what kind of help he would need. Look for child and teenage abuse agencies and other agencies online and find out how they help young people. Do they provide counseling, sheltering, legal help? Name of Agency #1: Website: How could this service help Johnny?

Name of Agency #2: Website: How could this service help Johnny? Name of Agency #3: Website: How could this service help Johnny?

PART FOUR: Write the letter

(15-20 minutes)


In order to get full credit for this assignment you will need to have completed all the above questions as well as write a letter to Johnny. The letter to Johnny should include: -A paragraph containing information you learned about child abuse. You must include a minimum of three facts that you learned. Help Johnny learn more about his situation and how he can get help. Remember you are trying to help Johnny so you need to convince him that he has a problem and that he can get help. -A paragraph giving Johnny three options about where he can go for help. Be sure to explain to him what each of these options offer! Remember you are trying to help Johnny so you need to consider what is in his best interest.

Chapter 3: Silent in-class read Focus 1: group differences, characters’ lives at home Focus 2: reading strategy- stop, review, answer

Name _____________ Chapter 3 Outsiders 1. Page 37 It seemed funny to me that Socs-if these girls were any examples- __________________. 2. Page 38 How does Cherry explain the difference between Socs and Greasers?

3. Page 38 What do you think rat race means? 4. Page 38 “That’s why we’re separated,” I said, “It’s not _______, it’s ________-you don’t ____ ______ and we ________ ___ _______.” 5. Page 39-40 Who is Mickey Mouse? (besides a cartoon character) 6. Page 41- Why is Johnny more afraid than normal? What do you think is going to happen next? 7. Page 42 What is Ponyboy’s home life like? 8. Page 42 What does Ponyboy say about Johnny’s home life? 9. Page 43 Greasers’ Tough Breaks Johnny- Two-Bit- Dally- Steve- Sodapop- Darry- 10. Bottom of page 43 “Things were rough all over, all right. All over the East Side.” This is a reference to what __________ said in Chapter 2 Page 35 11. Page 44 What past history does Ponyboy think that Johnny has with these Socs? 12. End of Page 45-46 Do you think Cherry and Ponyboy be friends in the future? Why or why not? 13. Page 47 Do you think the following statement is true or false? WHY? “ It wasn’t our fault we were greasers” 14. Page 47 “I couldn’t just take it or leave it, like _________, or ignore it and love life anyway, like _________, or harden myself beyond caring, like _________, or actually enjoy it, like ____________.”

15. Page 48 Do you think there is “someplace without greaser or Socs, with just people. Plain ordinary people.”? Explain! Page 48 16. What did Ponyboy wish was different? What does Ponyboy want to be away from? 1. 2. 17. What does Ponyboy want back? (from his past) 1. 2. 18. What does Ponyboy believe would happen if he still had his parents? 1. 2. 19. 50 Do you think what Ponyboy is saying about Darry is true “It was plain to me that Darry didn’t want me around”? 20. 49 52 Would you prefer Johnny’s home life or Ponboy’s home life? Why? 21. Page 52 “Things gotta get better, I figured. They couldn’t get worse. I was wrong.” What do you think could happen that would make the greasers’ situation worse? 22. Which character do you like the most and why?

Chapter Four: Small group reading Focus 1: group differences, main events, characters’ lives at home Focus 2: reading strategy- stop and summarize

Name __________________________ Chapter 4 PART 1: This chapter is full of action! Two of the boys end up in some trouble and try to get out of it. While you’re reading write down some of the main events in the story:

Pg 53-56


Event 1 __________________________ ____________________________ ______ Pg# ______ Describe what happened, who was there, Describe what happened, who was there, and why it happened: why it happened: Pg 56-61 Event 2 __________________________ Pg# ______ and why it happened: Describe what happened, who was there,

Pg 61-

Event 3 Pg # and PART 2: Pick the most important event out of the three you wrote down and answer the following questions: A. Describe the most important event: B. Explain why it is important to this chapter: C. How would you have felt if you were Ponyboy or Johnny in that situation? D. What would you have done if you were Ponyboy or Johnny? Why?

PART 3: Title the chapter! Look at your answers for PART 2 and consider what is most important about this chapter. Do not use character names, Socs, or Greasers! PART 4: Write a newspaper article title! On page 63 Johnny says, “It won’t be in the paper yet.” When the news does reach the paper what will the article say? A. TITLE: B. What will the article report happened? -If the journalist interviewed a Soc what would he say happened? -If the journalist interviewed a Greaser what would he say happened?

Chapter Five: At home read Focus 1: group differences, friendship, loyalty, ethics Focus 2: reading strategy- optional note-taking encouraged

Name _______________________ April 26, 2010 1. What Greasers are in this chapter? Chapter 5 Reading Quiz 2. What are at least three items the boys have with them at the church? 3. What do Ponyboy and Johnny use the bleach for? Why? 4. A letter is written in this chapter, who is it from? Who is it to? What is it about? 5. How has the stabbing affected the relationship between the Socs and Greasers according to Dally? 6. Dally says that the Greasers have a spy. Who is he referring to?

Hero discussion:

Name __________________________ Chapter 5 Worksheet

1. Think about how you define a hero: A hero is ________________ , ________________, and ________________. In a tough situation a hero would __________________________________________________. You can tell someone is a hero by __________________________________________. You cannot tell someone is a hero by _____________________________________. 2. Give an example of someone who fits your definition of hero in real life and explain why he or she is a hero in your eyes. 3. Reread page 75 and 76. What do we learn about Dally, Johnny, and Ponyboy? How do they relate to each other? The next three questions refer to Dally. Skim the book for Dally’s name in chapter 1 pages 10- 12 and also chapters 4 and 5. Also look at pages 56 and 76. Your character sheets might help as well. 4. How does Johnny view Dally? Why does he view him like that? Give at least two examples from the book. Pg # _____ Pg#______ 5. How does Ponyboy view Dally? Why does he view him like that? Give at least two examples from the book. Pg # ______ Pg# _______ 6. In your point of view, is Dally a hero? Explain why or why not.

Chapter Six: In-class reading with a partner Focus 1: character description, friendship, dedication, responsibility, heroism

Focus 2: reading strategy- stop, review, answer Focus 3: fact vs. opinion

Name ________________________ Chapter 6 The Outsiders While you fill out this worksheet, label all of these questions as opinion or fact. Opinion questions ask for your thoughts and ideas on the topic. Fact questions ask you to summarize what happened in the book. 1. Pg 85 “Next time you want a broad, pick up your own kind…” is referring to what who said to whom earlier in the book? (hint: pg 55) 2. Pg 86 Why is it funny that Dally offers to take Cherry to The Dingo for a Coke? (hint: pg 24) 3. Pg 87 What does Johnny suggest doing that comes as a shock to Dally? What are Johnny’s reasons for wanting to do this? 4. Pg 87-90 Why does Dally worry about Johnny turning himself in? 5. Pg 87-90 If Johnny goes to court will he be found guilty and get in trouble? Why or why not? 6. Pg 88 What is the same about Dally’s relationship with his parents and Johnny’s relationship with his parents? What is different about how they react to it?

7. Pg 89 We rarely fought among ourselves- _________________ was the unofficial leader since he kept his head best _________________ and ____________ had been best friends since grade school and never fought __________________ was just too lazy to argue with anyone ___________________ kept his mouth shut too much to get into arguments __________________ was a different matter. If something beefed him, he didn’t keep quiet about it 8. Pg 91 Why is Ponyboy determined to go into the church? 9. Pg 92 Ponyboy asks himself “Why aren’t I scared?” Why do you think that Ponyboy isn’t scared? 10. Pg 93 What does the page break mean? 11. Pg 94 Where does Ponyboy think they are going after he wakes up in the ambulance? 12. Pg 95 Jerry, the man in the ambulance, expresses his gratitude towards Ponyboy and asks him if the three of them were professional heroes. Do you think it is heroic what Ponyboy, Dally, and Johnny did? 13. Pg 95 What does Ponyboy say that confuses Jerry? Why do you think it confuses him? 14. Pg 98 What does Ponyboy realize when his brothers come to see him at the hospital?

15. Pg 90-99 If there were a newspaper article written about the boys and the fire what would it say?

Chapter Seven: In-class independent reading and construction of quesions Focus 1: character description, friendship, dedication, responsibility, heroism Focus 2: reading strategy- ask questions of the text (literal questions and discussion questions) Focus 3: fact vs. opinion

Name ________________________ Chapter 7 Make your own worksheet!

15 fact questions, 5 opinion questions

1. Pg #_____ 2. Pg #_____ 3. Pg # _____ 4. Pg#_____ 5. Pg#_____ 6. Pg#_____ 7. Pg#_____

8. Pg#_____ 9. Pg#_____ 10. Pg#_____ 11. Pg#_____ 12. Pg#_____ 13. Pg#_____ 14. Pg#_____ 15. Pg#_____ 16. Pg#_____ 17. Pg#_____

18. Pg#_____ 19. Pg#_____ 20. Pg#_____

Chapters one through seven review: Reporters and cops! Focus 1: character descriptions Focus 2: reading strategy- reviewing thoughts, actions, and feelings of characters Powerpoint: ACTIVITY ONE: •Earlier I asked you what would be printed in the newspaper about the stabbing. •In the beginning of chapter 7 we learn that the reporters and the police come to the hospital. •As readers, we know everything but the reporters and police only know what the Socs and other witnesses have told them. •What are three questions the FUZZ would have for the boys? What are three questions the REPORTERS would have for the boys? ACTIVITY TWO: Act like the character you were given and respond, REMEMBER: •Think about how the characters act! •How are they described in the book? •What do other characters in the book think of them? Here are some of the questions:

Ponyboy and Johnny: Why were you out in the park so late at night? Did your parents know where you were? Two-bit, Darry, and Soda: Did you know where Ponyboy and Johnny were? If not, why didn’t you report them missing? Ponyboy and Johnny: What was the scariest part of running away? What did you do in the church to pass time? Chapter 8 Focus 1: group dynamics, friendship, Soc & greaser similarities Focus 2: reading strategy- read out-loud- stop, review, answer

Name ________________

The Outsiders

Chapter 8 Worksheet #1. 119. The nurses wouldn’t let us see Johnny. He was in critical condition. No visitors. But ________________ wouldn’t take no for an answer. #2. 119. What does Ponyboy realize by the tone of the doctor’s voice? #3. 121. Why does Ponyboy think the gang couldn’t get along without Johnny? #4. 123. What does Two-bit say about getting along without Johnny? #5. 123. How does Ponyboy remember his mother? #6. 124. Why is it odd or funny that Tim Shepard came by to see Dally?

#7. 124. What changes with Dally and Ponyboy’s relationship? How does Ponyboy view Dally now? #8. 125. Why is Dally even more motivated than normal for this fight? #9. 126. Who does Two-Bit and Ponyboy believe could be a Soc if he wanted? Why is this person not a Soc? #10. 127. Ponyboy feels sick to his stomach because he fears something bad is going to happen. What do you think could happen? #11. 127. What does Ponyboy mean when he narrates “Sodapop would have understood, and we would have tried to figure it out together, but Two-Bit just ain’t Soda. Not by a long shot.”? #12. 128. Who does Ponyboy compare Soda and Steve to? What other friends? #13. 129. Who does Ponyboy compare Bob to? #14. 129. What are some of the mean words that Ponyboy says to Cherry? Why is he saying this to her? #15. 129. Do you think Ponyboy is being honest when he narrates “I’d help her and Randy both, if I could”? Why or why not?

#16. 129. Why does Ponyboy bring up sunsets? What is the significance of them both seeing the sunset? #17. 130. Where else in the book are sunsets mentioned? Find a page number and write down a quote.

Chapter 9 Focus 1: group dynamics, friendship, Soc & greaser similarities Focus 2: reading strategy- read out-loud- stop, review, answer

Name ______________________ The Outsiders Chapter 9 Worksheet Pay attention to your facebook character. Is he or she in this chapter? If not what do you think he or she is doing? Write down page references that could help you make a status update later. 1. How do these greasers feel about fighting? (133) Soda Steve Darry Ponyboy 2. Why does Darry not want Ponyboy to fight? (135) 3. How do the greasers describe themselves on page 136? 4. How do the greasers describe the Socs on page 136?

5. How does Two-Bit feel about fighting? (137) 6. What does Darry tell Soda and Ponyboy to do in case the fuzz show? Why? (137) 7. What does Ponyboy think about hoods? Does he think he will be a hood? (138) 8. Do you think that Ponyboy will be a hood? 9. What does Ponyboy think about when a hood asks him if Darry was a good bopper? 140 10. Why is Ponyboy frustrated that they are at the rumble? (141) 11. Why does Ponyboy believe that Socs never get in trouble? Do you think his reasoning is true? Is it true in your life? (141) 12. What disturbs Ponyboy about Darry and Paul fighting? (page 143) 13. What greaser shows up at the rumble late? Where is he supposed to be? (143) 14 Why do Dally and Ponyboy get pulled over? What does Dally tell the cops? (146) 15. What does Dally say about Johnny’s situation? Why is he saying this? (147) 16. What does Johnny say after Dally tells him the greasers beat the Socs? Why does he say this? (148) 17. Why does Ponyboy say that Johnny’s eyes glowed? (148)

18. What is Johnny referring to when he says “Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold…”? Reference an earlier page # and explain why he says “Stay gold”(148) 19. At the end of the chapter Dally “bolted through the door and down the hall.” How does Dally feel? What is he going to do? 21. Is your facebook character mentioned in this chapter? What status update could you make for this chapter? If your character isn’t in this chapter where do you think he or she is?

Chapter 9 Scoodle discussion questions

#1. Think about the Nothing Gold Can Stay poem that Ponyboy recites in chapter 5 (page 77) and answer the questions that follow in a one paragraph response: Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leafs a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.
 -Robert Frost What do you think this poem means? How does it apply to a person’s life? How does it apply to nature? What do you think this poem means to Ponyboy? Why does Johnny tell Ponyboy to “Stay gold” on page 148? #2. Think about the story and specifically chapter 9 and answer the following questions in a response that is a paragraph long: Do you believe that the conflict between the Socs and the greasers has been

resolved through this fighting? Why or why not? If it hasn’t what would help them resolve their issues? Out of all the greasers and Socs who would want to make peace and who wouldn’t? Why?

Chapter 10 Focus 1: group dynamics, friendship, grieving Focus 2: reading strategy- read out-loud- stop, review, answer

Name_______________________ The Outsiders Chapter 10 1. 150. What does Ponyboy try to convince himself? 2. 152. Ponyboy narrates that Johnny said stay gold and he asks “what was he talking about?” What is Johnny referring to from earlier in the book? 3. 152. According to Ponyboy, why was Dally unable to accept Johnny’s death? 4. 152. What do you think Two-Bit means when he says “So even Dally has a breaking point”? 5. 153. What did Dally do when he left the hospital after Johnny died? 6. 154. Do you think Dally intended to get shot? Why or why not? 7. 155. What happens to Ponyboy on this page? 8. 156-157. How did Ponyboy get a concussion? How long has he been passed out for? 9. 157. What are three concerns Ponyboy has once he is awake and realizes he has been asleep for days?

10. 157-158. Why is Ponyboy concerned about whether or not he asked for Darry at the hospital? 11. 159. What do Ponyboy and Darry have in common that Soda never understood? 12. Was your facebook character in this chapter? Write a status update by him or her. If your facebook character isn’t in this chapter where is he or she? “Two friends of mine died that night: one a hero, the other a hoodlum” –pg 154 13. What does this quote mean? 14. Do you agree with this quote? Why or why not? (Use character names!) 4. 5. 6. 7. 15.. How do the boys deal differently with the grief of losing Johnny? Ponyboy- Dally- 16. Look up the 7 stages of grief: 1. 2. 3.

17. What stage or stages are the boys showing from the list above: Ponyboy- Dally-

Chapter 11 Focus 1: friendship, grieving, pity Focus 2: reading strategy- read out-loud- stop, review, answer


The Outsiders

Chapter 11 1. 161. Did Ponyboy like staying in bed? Why or why not? 2. 162. Ponyboy is talking about Bob’s parents and says “But, then, maybe they understood, like Cherry Valence.” What does he mean by this? What does Cherry understand? 3. 163-164. Who comes to visit Ponyboy? Why? 4. 164. Why were the Curtis boys dreading the hearing? Why were they scared? 5. 165. What does Ponyboy tell Randy that is a lie? Why does he tell him this? What stage or stages of grief is Ponyboy experiencing?

6. 166. Why does Darry ask Randy to leave? 7. What do you think will happen at the hearing? After reading, look back: 7. “I’d rather have anyone’s hate than their pity.” Page 162 1. What is Ponyboy referring to when he narrates this?

2. Do you agree with Ponyboy? Why or why not? 8. “His parents let him run wild—because they loved him too much or too little?” Page 162 1.What are Bob’s parents like? 2. Would you rather have parents that let you do what you want or parents that have rules? Explain.

Chapter 12 Focus 1: friendship, grieving, pity, family Focus 2: reading strategy- read out-loud- stop, review, answer

Name ____________________ The Outsiders Chapter 12 1. Who is at the hearing? 167 2. What happened at the hearing? 168 3. Ponyboy narrates “I wish I could say that everything went back to normal, but it didn’t.” What happened to Ponyboy? Explain how some of his habits changed. 169 4. Why do you think Ponyboy changed? 169 What stage or stages of grief is Ponyboy experiencing at this point? 5. How did people treat Ponyboy the week after the hearing? Why do you think people reacted this way? 170 6. What does Ponyboy do when the Socs approach him and say “You’re the guy that killed Bob Sheldon”? 171

7. Are you surprised that Ponyboy reacted this way? Why or why not? 171 What stage or stages of grief is Ponyboy experiencing at this point? 8. Why does Two-Bit wish that Ponyboy wouldn’t get tough? 171 9. Why is Darry so hard on Ponyboy about his grades? 173 10. Why is Darry yelling at Ponyboy? (What else besides grades?) 11. Why is Soda so upset that he runs out of the house? Give two reasons. 174-175 12. What does Ponyboy mean when he says “If you don’t have anything you end up like Dallas”? 176 13. What does Ponyboy realize about Darry? 176 14. Johnny explains the poem that Ponyboy recited when they were at the church. He writes “When you’re a kid everything’s new, dawn. It’s just when you get used to everything that it’s day.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Is there anything in your life that seemed better when you were younger? Explain. 178 15. What does Ponyboy write his English paper on? What is his motivation for writing about that topic? 178-179 16. What do we find out when Ponyboy starts his theme by writing “When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home…”?

17. If you had to pick out the themes or reoccurring topics from The Outsiders what would you say they were? Why? 18. Susan Eloise Hinton was 16 years old and in high school when she wrote this book. Knowing this, what three questions would you ask her about the book?

Final Project Focus 1: character analysis and event summaries

Facebook Character Explanation Page

For this assignment you will be analyzing a character from The Outsiders. You are going to capture the character’s appearances, actions, and experiences. In many stories, characters change from the beginning to the end. For this assignment, you will be tracking your character by creating a profile and over time writing 4 updates on his or her facebook page. The purpose of this explanation page is for you to explain all of the choices you made on your facebook page. The choices you made should be based off of what you read in the book. Please be sure to use page references. PLEASE NOTE: Use YOUR character to answer all of these questions. are in blue.

1. Picture: Why did you choose the picture that you chose? What evidence from the book provides support for what your character looks like? Pg # ___ Description: Pg #____Description:

Marcia Pg#21 “Short dark hair” Pg#25 “She was a little smaller than Cherry” Steve Pg#9 “Steve Randle was seventeen, tall and lean, with thick greasy hair he kept combed in complicated swirls.” 2. Top friends: How did you choose your character’s best friends? What evidence from the book provides support for your decision? Best friend 1: Pg #____ Explanation: Best friend 2: Pg # ____ Explanation Example: Johnny admires Dally and calls him gallant on page 76. He explains by saying “I saw Dally getting’ picked up by the fuzz, and he kept real cool and calm the whole time. They was getting’ him for breakin’ out the windows in the school building, and it was Two-Bit who did that. And Dally knew it. But he just took the sentence

without battin’ an eye or even denyin’ it. That’s gallant.” We also see Johnny sticking up for Dally on page 26 when the girls are expressing their dislike for him. He says that “Dally’s okay” and Ponyboy explains that “you take up for your buddies.” 3. Status updates: Why did you make the updates for your character that you did? Explain what is happening in the story that made the character update this status? Status Update 1: Page #: Why: Where: What does this update show about your character’s personality: What does this event show about your character’s personality: Who commented, what did they write, and why: Status Update 2: Page #: Why:

Where: What does this update show about your character’s personality: What does this event show about your character’s personality: Who commented, what did they write, and why: Status Update 3: Page #: Why: Where: What does this update show about your character’s personality: What does this event show about your character’s personality: Who commented, what did they write, and why: Status Update 4: Page #: Why: Where:

What does this update show about your character’s personality: What does this event show about your character’s personality: Who commented, what did they write, and why: Example: Status Update 1: “Never tell Cherry to cool off, haha” Page #: Chapter 1 page 24 Why: This is referring to when Cherry threw a coke at Dally because he told her “This might cool you off.” Where: This is when they were all at the drive-ins. What does this update show about your character’s personality: Marcia has a good sense of humor and would find this funny. What does this event show about your character’s personality: According to Ponyboy this event separates Marcia and Cherry, “I realized that Marcia and Cherry weren’t alike. Cherry had said she wouldn’t drink Dally’s coke if she was starving, and she meant it. It was the principle of the thing. But Marcia saw no reason to throw away a perfectly good, free Coke” pg 30 Who commented, what did they write, and why: Cherry commented and wrote “whatever he deserved it ” because this shows that she doesn’t feel sorry for dumping her coke on Dally. Randy commented and incorrectly typed “where are you?” because he was drinking at the drive-ins at this time and didn’t know where Cherry was. 4. Group #1: What group is your character in- Soc or greaser? Find a quote about that group that you think is somehow linked to your character. Group:

Page #___ Explanation: Example: Marcia is a Soc. Her best friend explains on page 38 that greasers “have a different set of values. You’re more emotional. We’re sophisticated- cool to the point of not feeling anything. Nothing is real with us. You know, sometimes I’ll catch myself talking to a girl-friend and realize I don’t mean half of what I’m saying…” This relates to Marcia because what Cherry references in the last line could possibly talking about her conversations with Marcia. Group #2: What does your character like to do for fun? What groups would he/she be in on facebook? Group: Page #____ Explanation: Example: Marcia and Cherry like to go to rodeos and barrel race so they might have made a facebook group for themselves called The Barrel Racin Crew. I know that they barrel race because Ponyboy tells them on page 23 “I’ve seen you two barrel race. You’re good.” 5. Why did you choose this quote for your character? Why would your character appreciate this quote? Your quote could be a movie quote, a song lyric, or a motivational quote. Quote: Pg #____ Explanation: Example: I chose Marcia’s quote to be “Don’t worry about what people think. They don’t do it very often.” Marcia and Cherry are both very sarcastic like this quote.

6. Information Don’t forget to fill in relationship status, interests/activities, books, and music. Remember that some of these answers are answered in your book. (Remember that Greasers like a certain singer and the Socs like a certain band) Relationship status: Interests/activities: Books: Music:
