Time to Commit and Get Ripped

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As you will learn, I’m not a women…but I’ve been fortunate
enough to work with thousands of women on their fitness, of all
different body types, fitness levels and ages but I’ve found one
consistent; women fear bulking up. If I had 1$ for every women
who has said, “but I don’t want to get bulky,” I’d have about $1795
dollars or something like that…nothing to retire off of just a nice
chunk of change.
But I digress...my concern is that women are getting lied to about
how they should be training to get the results they deserve.
Throughout this book, certain sections may refer to “Ripped
Woman______,” not to worry! Don’t think I’m training you to
become the next China Doll.
What is a Ripped Woman?
Don’t worry; a ripped woman isn’t bulky, huge, or manly. A ripped
woman is toned, strong, and trim, and most importantly, healthy.
A ripped woman isn’t afraid of a little sweat and a few kick ass
workouts. In fact, she welcomes them! Pairing the nutrition and
exercise advice from this plan will help you get the body you’ve
always wanted with none of the manly side effects you don’t.
To Getting You in Awesome Shape Your Coach,
JC – “The Ripped Man”
Time to Commit and Get Ripped ..................................................................................................................... 4
“Ripped Woman Dietary Commandments” or “Ripped Woman Rules of the Kitchen” ............. 6
Lean Woman’s Way of Reading Labels ...................................................................................................... 10
Prep for Success .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Ripped Woman’s Meals and Snacks ............................................................................................................ 20
Busy Woman Alternative Meal Plan ........................................................................................................... 23
How to Solve the Ripped Woman’s Sweet and Flavor Fix .................................................................. 31
Supplements ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
Fasting – For the Disciplined WOMan Only ............................................................................................. 37
Time to Commit and Get Ripped
It is my mission to convey to you in the most simplistic way an exact blueprint on how to
eat cleanly to get ripped and maintain it. I have created a bullet-proof system for getting
and staying ripped through working with thousands of people, spending countless hours
in the gym experimenting, and studying all types of diets and workout programs.
What is a Ripped Woman?
Don’t worry; a ripped woman isn’t bulky, huge, or manly. A ripped woman is
toned, strong, and trim, and most importantly, healthy. A ripped woman isn’t
afraid of a little sweat and a few kick ass workouts. In fact, she welcomes them!
Pairing the nutrition and exercise advice from this plan will help you get the body
you’ve always wanted with none of the manly side effects you don’t.
I am going to share with you a blueprint showing exactly what you need to do most of
the time to maintain an athletic, lean build and still go out with your friends and enjoy the
foods you like.
There are so many diets and programs available that give people the perception that
you need to eat perfectly all the time, cannot enjoy the foods you love, and cannot have
drinks with your friends.
The reality is you just need to commit to eating cleanly 80% of the time and drinking
correctly 95% of the time.
People ask me constantly the best way to develop six-pack abs, as if I am going to
unlock the code to one exercise that if they use will give them abs next week. The
reality is that a flat stomach comes from eating correctly on a consistent base, not six
weeks here and there. A flat belly comes from a comprehensive fitness program that is
centered on metabolic training and includes NO crunches!
I calculated all the major holidays where you should enjoy the fruits of your hard labor
and cheat, and factoring in one “slip up” day a month and one cheat meal a week and
concluded that if you can eat right 80% of the time, you are golden! This way, there is
no pressure to eat like a boring robot and starving yourself.
Holidays: Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day, New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving, St.
Patrick’s Day, Easter, Birthday, 4th of July, Memorial Day
1 random “slip up” a month, 12 a year
1 “cheat” meal a week, so 52 days a year
Total: about 290 days of eating correctly
As for drinking, I am sorry (ever so slightly), but a glass of wine more than twice a week
will cause damage around your belly! In addition, drinking anything other than water or
tea will dehydrate you and cause you to gain weight and body fat.
This might seem weird, random, and overwhelming but I promise you it is not. This rule
has helped me for almost a decade building people into amazing shape and allowing
me to maintain my own six-pack abs.
The bottom line is if you cannot commit to eating correctly 80% of the time and drinking
correctly 95% of the time, you do not deserve to be ripped
“Ripped Woman Dietary Commandments” or “Ripped Woman Rules of the
Let’s face it, it is pointless to get into good shape for the summer or some event only to
pack on more weight soon after. How embarrassing is it to see a different you in
pictures just a few months later? Here are 15 rules / commandments that are essential
to not only getting ripped, but also staying ripped year round.
1. Stop eating / drinking like you did when you were younger:
a. Skipping Breakfast
b. Using Ketchup
c. Putting cream / sugar in your coffee
d. Drinking sports drinks casually or with a meal
e. Eating fast food frequently
f. Not eating fresh fruit and veggies
g. Relaying on other people (parents, boyfriend / husband and restaurants) to cook
for you
You have got to wo-man up to get ripped up! When you were in high school or even
college you might have been able to get away with these things, but as you age your
metabolism and hormones change for the worse if you do not take control of the
2. Control any bad food or drink habits:
a. Step 1: Become aware of what bad eating and drinking habits you have. Some
common issues I help my clients with are having a beer every night, eating
peanut butter out of the jar, skipping breakfast and eating like crap on the road.
Whatever the issue, what is yours?
b. Step 2: Reduce the frequency of the negative habit. Is it occurring several times
a day, several days a week or just on the weekends? First, reduce the
occurrence to three times a week for the next two weeks.
Once you have limited this habit to only three times a week for consecutive weeks,
permanently reduce the habit to once a week.
If you are having a hard time with this, remove the food / drink item from your house.
If it is not there, you will not be tempted to indulge. This does not mean you cannot
still have it once a week; in fact, it will most likely make you realize you do not need
whatever it is.
I know from personal experience that the foods that disrupt my clean way of eating
always make me feel like crap after eating. Once I remove them completely, I just
feel much better and do not miss them all that much. I will indulge occasionally as a
cheat, but you will realize it is not as often as you would think.
3. Do not use microwaves. Let me preface this by acknowledging that for every
research against microwaving, there is a research study denying any negative side
effects. My belief is that microwaving your food zaps away vital nutrients and
exposes your food to an increase amount of free radicals.
In addition, you should be eating as raw as possible anyway. I am not saying to eat
raw fish / meat / chicken, I am referring to cooked protein alongside veggies, beans
– nothing that needs to be reheated.
4. Cook with Coconut Oil: As extra virgin olive oil is a healthy fat, its makeup
compromises under medium – high heats, turning it into a trans-fat. Do not be
alarmed by coconut oils saturated fat content, it turns out that saturated fat itself is
not all that bad. Research shows that saturated fat itself does not lead to heart and
artery issues and obesity. It is primarily because of the trans-fat in foods, people’s
overall poor eating habits, and inactivity.
5. Enjoy a cheat meal once a week! Even in The Photo Shoot Ready Diet, a strict 4week diet has proved to get you ripped, you can have a cheat meal once a week.
Eating the same healthy foods all the time can mean that cheat meals will eventually
help you build more muscle and get ripped. Cheat meals disrupt your metabolic rate
in a positive way, allowing you to digest quicker. Additionally, cheat meals force
glycogen to your muscles, allowing you to build more lean muscle.
Note, “cheat meals” not “cheat days.” Some recommendations for cheat meals:
a. Stick to one serving of whatever it is. For example if your cheat meal is pasta, do
not eat family style or keep scooping your servings. Portion out your bowl of
pasta and enjoy!
b. Schedule your cheat meal around your workouts. The best time for a cheat meal
is the night or morning before a kick-ass workout. Do not get me wrong, every
workout should be kick ass but specifically pick areas of your body you perceive
as weak.
c. Look forward to your cheat meal: Position it at the end of the week, giving you
something to which you can look forward.
d. Leverage your “cheat pass,” should you need to. You get one cheat meal a week
as discussed and as I recommend enjoying it at the end of the week, sometimes
life happens. If you become caught up in a situation where you deviate from your
diet unexpectedly, use this event as your cheat meal.
Here is why: You can leverage the increased calories to give you more energy to
attack your weak area (s).
6. Pack your meals and snacks as much as possible. Depending on your carreer, I
know this can be difficult. For best results, you should invest in a fairly large cooler
that can carry your food and take it with you daily. I will show you the most efficient
way to prep your meals later.
7. Toss all of the crap from your kitchen.
Before we talk about what to stock your kitchen with, we must get rid of the “crap,” or
stuff that will make you fat.
You are going to want to talk with your household and let them know you are serious
about changing your body. These conversations can be difficult, but they need to
happen. If your children / roommates / significant others are not willing to start
making positive changes in their life, separate your cabinets and refrigerator so you
are only looking where the healthy food will be.
Check out your cabinets, if you find this stuff – remove it!
Diet branded shakes, (for example, Slim-fast shakes), are actually loaded with
high fructose corn syrup
Any protein bars (aka glorified candy bar) or “nutritional” bars with more than 10
ingredients and 10 grams of sugar
Any item with hydrogenated oil or high-fructose corn syrup in the ingredients –
check all crackers, cereals, chips, oils, spreads, dressings and sauces.
Desserts (even reduced sugar or sugar-free desserts). Although you will see we
recommend you enjoy things you love, in proportion, once a week, if you have it
lying around your house, you will eat it! In addition, reduced sugar desserts are
created from artificial sweeteners that trick your brain and trigger hunger.
Any sodas – especially diet! Diet sodas will raise your insulin levels, cause you to
become hungry and lead to fat gain.
Refined Vegetable oils (canola, corn, soybean, sunflower, safflower, Crisco)
8. Eat protein at every meal: Protein repairs and helps build muscle tissue, stabilizes
blood sugar levels and will keep you full throughout the day. I will give you a variety
of choices later for each time of day.
9. Stay away from Gluten and Traditional carbs like bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice
outside your cheat meal. Focus on fibrosis carbs like vegetables and fruit.
We will discuss the negative side effects from ingesting gluten but it has been
proved that many people are allergic and intolerant to gluten. If you are allergic to
gluten and are still consuming products with gluten, you should stop immediately.
Allergic reactions to gluten are very similar to symptoms of MS.
Some symptoms of Gluten Intolerance are constipation, digestive issues, bloating,
and even the pouch around your abs.
10. Remove 99% of lactose out of your diet. Replace milk with almond or coconut milk. I
have found removing milk and cheese reduces the extra fat around your hips and
gives better abdominal definition.
11. Change your attitude against fat, but be careful. You should be taking in fat at every
meal through flax seeds, fish oil, egg yolk, raw nuts, avocado, white fish, salmon
EVOO, coconut oil, to name a few of my favorites.
12. In the same breath, you have to be careful with the amount of fat. It can be easy to
get carried away with snacking on nuts or pouring a little too much oil on our salads.
The problem here is fat hits you at 9 calories a gram, whereas protein and
carbohydrates are 4 calories a gram. As fats are important for their heart benefits,
protection of your vital organs, as an energy source, and to mobilize bad fat, be
careful with portions.
13. Eliminate all processed foods: If it is in a box, can or inside the perimeter of the
grocery store, forget about it! The only exceptions here are kidney / black / garbanzo
beans and frozen vegetables (found in cans and in the middle of the store).
14. Be aware of calories, ingredients, and portions. You do not need to count calories,
but you need to know what you are eating and how much you are putting into your
body. Later I will teach you how to read labels and what portion sizes you should be
15. Always Keep Moving Forward: If you accidentally eat something bad, immediately
forget it and get back on track. I have seen so many people do amazing, then
something happens unexpected and they completely give up their focus on their
fitness and nutrition.
Lean Woman’s Way of Reading Labels
The first time you buy anything, make sure to read both the front and back sides from
the label.
As a rule of thumb, less than or equal to 10 grams is considered a small amount,
between 10 and 15 grams is considered average and greater than 15 is considered
When reading a label, you should be looking at the following (in this order):
Serving Size: Most food packages include two or more servings. Yet if they feel or
appear reasonably small, it is easy to neglect the fact that if you consume the entire
thing, you are taking in multiple servings. This is important because if there are four
servings and you eat / drink the entire thing, you are eating / drinking four times the
number of calories listed below.
Take a Sports Drink as an example. You might buy one, look at the amount of sugar
listed and see its 16 grams of sugar (not awful, but not ideal) then proceed to drink the
entire bottle. Well it turns out, after drinking it you realize there were two or more
servings (most have four servings in one 18 fluid ounce bottle!). In one sitting, you took
in 32 or more grams of sugar! The excess sugar will surely store in your body as fat.
Calories per serving: This is the total number of calories the food / drink has in its
Calories from fat: This is the total number of calories the food / drink has in its serving
from fat, but be careful here. If you are looking at almonds, organic peanut butter,
coconut oil or anything else that is good for you that has a significant amount of good
fat, then it is okay that most of the calories are from fat because it is the type of fat that
will help your body. However, here more than ever, you need to be careful with portions
and the amount you consume
On the right column of a label, you will see a percentage. This is called the Daily Value
percentage and is the percent a typical person should consume of a nutrient / mineral
based on a 2000 calorie a day diet. Therefore, your needs may be higher or lower
depending on the number of calories your body needs. As will be discussed later, we
are not concerned with calories as much as we are concerned with healthy eating habits
and portions.
Fat: This should be low unless it is a source of good fat
Saturated Fat: Society has told us to stay away from this, but more and more research
is showing that saturated fat is not that bad for us. Again, it comes down to the source.
If it is something processed or fried, stay away! Dairy, healthy oils and grass fed beef
tend to have a higher saturated fat with a ton of nutritional value
Trans fat, also known as “The Worst” – stay away from foods with Trans Fat!
Cholesterol: Usually, you would want to keep this low, but again with dairy, healthy oils
and grass fed beef, this number might be higher and that does not mean it is bad for
you, foods that are high in good cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein.
Sodium: Should never be a problem unless you are eating something packaged or
processed. Nine times out of ten, you should stay away from packaged food, however,
something like canned black, red or garbanzo beans are fine to eat if you rinse them
before consumption.
Total Carbohydrates: The total number of carbohydrates in the serving size. Mostly,
this is based on the theory that between 40% and 70% (depending on the source) of
your total caloric intake should be from carbohydrates. As you will see in the meal plan
chapter, your total calories from traditional carbohydrates will be less.
Dietary Fiber: The more natural fiber something has, the better! Try to consume items
with at least two grams of fiber
Sugars: Stay away from anything with 15 grams or more of sugar!
The words “syrup”, “sweetener”, and anything ending in “ose” can usually be assumed
as “sugar”. If the label says “no added sugars”, it should not contain any of the following,
all considered added sugars:
Corn Sweetener
Corn syrup or corn syrup solids
Dehydrated Cane Juice
Fruit Juice Concentrate
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Invert Sugar
Malt syrup
Maple syrup
Raw sugar
Rice Syrup
Sorghum or sorghum syrup
Turbinado Sugar
“Other Carbohydrates” sometimes is displayed on labels, if this number is high, stay
Protein: This is the amount of protein found in the food / drink. Make sure you are
consuming protein at every meal! Protein helps feed your muscles, allowing your body
to look toned, increasing your metabolism, and aiding in a healthy hormonal balance.
Multivitamins: I recommend however healthfully you eat, to consume a gender-specific
multivitamin. Even on a sound nutritional plan with fruits and vegetables, the Food and
Drug Association still recommends taking a multivitamin daily to get the necessary
amount of essential vitamins and minerals. I have found the best source from Prograde
Ingredients to be Aware of
If you find the items below in food / drinks, I highly recommend you stay away!
Gluten: Gluten is a wheat protein, also found in barley and rye. Research is showing
that many of us are highly intolerant to wheat and products that contain wheat, without
the severe reactions. Some common symptoms are irritable bowel syndrome, chronic
constipation and the constant feeling of being “bloated.” Besides overcoming those
common symptoms mentioned above, I have found my clients and I have decreased the
amount of belly fat around our stomach and hips after removing gluten products.
Additionally, you will have more energy and feel healthier upon eliminating gluten from
your diet. Gluten is found in most food and drinks out there. However, there is finally a
movement against gluten to which you are starting to see more “gluten” free menu
choices and options at the grocery store. Just understand that “gluten-free” or
“anything free” is not always healthful!
Refined or enriched “white” or “wheat” flour: Commonly found in most pastas,
cookies, crackers, and bread. As flour is processed, it loses its fiber content and
nutritional value.
Foods high in starch and low in fiber will make you feel fatigued, malnourished,
constipated, irritable, depressed, and susceptible to chronic illnesses and high blood
pressure. High blood pressure leads to more insulin being released, leading to your
body storing fat! The more insulin that is released, the hungrier you get and the more
calories you consume.
Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus are two very common diseases that,
usually, are caused by poor diets. As you eat more of these refined foods, your body
has to produce more insulin to manage it. In addition, as mentioned above, insulin
promotes the storage of fat – something we do not want!
We are all led to believe that eating wheat is healthful because it is a grain. However
eating wheat can make you feel lethargic and bloated, and can even lead to weight
gain. Gluten (the protein of wheat, rye, and barley) is in ALMOST ALL processed
products, making it hard to avoid. Thankfully, there has been a “Gluten Sensitivity”
movement as more people realize the issues with gluten consumption, so now more
than ever there are “gluten-free” sections at the grocery store.
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS): HFCS is a chemically altered product, NOT
natural! HFCS goes through an enzymatic process, which changes the compound from
glucose (a simple sugar) to mostly fructose. This low-cost sweetener is everywhere!
This quick sugar-like substance will raise your insulin levels quickly, then immediately
drop causing you to feel hungry and tired. You might expect this in soda but it is
commonly found in things you would never think of such as “healthy” cereals, sauces /
dressings or even peanuts.
Glucose or table sugar enters the cells in the body through the action of insulin.
Fructose enters in an entirely different action that does not depend on insulin.
Additionally, fructose does not provide a feeling of satiety. This is because it does not
transport to your brain, therefore, as you eat things higher in fructose, you never get the
signal of being full. Once inside your cells, fructose forms triglycerides more efficiently
than glucose, which turns to fatty compounds in the blood and are stored as fat.
High Fructose corn syrup comes from genetically modified corn. Genetically modified
corn has been proved to cause animals who consume it to be at risk to severe health
problems thus making human beings at risk as well.
Splenda / sucralose, Nutri-sweet / aspartame, Saccharin or other artificial
sweeteners: However, there is great debate over artificial sweeteners making you fat,
gain weight or actually help you lose weight. Based on most researches I have read,
these fake sugars actually increase your appetite, trick your body, and stimulate insulin
response. As you probably already know, sugar is also extremely addictive. Sugar
causes you feelings of high and low, and worse, dependence.
What I have found happening with several clients, is when they give up sugar they
automatically resort to artificial sweeteners or “diet” variations, full of artificial
sweeteners and this is not the answer!
Let’s think about it aloud. One thing that no one can argue is the benefit from natural
food over processed food, why would the sugar we consume be any different. If you are
going to use a sweetener (we will show you other healthy ways to add flavor later), why
not use the real thing rather than a synthetic variety?
These artificial sweeteners mess up your natural hormonal balance, leading to weight
gain (among many other things).
Let’s look at aspartame, zero calories but one of its ingredients is phenylalanine, which
blocks serotonin production. Serotonin is a natural brain chemical that is commonly
known to promote happiness, but it also controls your food cravings. Therefore, when
there is a shortage of serotonin in the brain, it will make your brain crave the foods that
create more of this brain chemical. These foods are the high caloric, high carbohydrate
snacks that ruin a diet.
It is hard to ignore some of the well-documented side effects of aspartame:
Vision problems
Ringing or buzzing sounds
Noise sensitivity or hearing impairment
Epileptic seizures
Headaches, migraines, dizziness
Depression (blocking of serotonin)
Anxiety, palpitations, tachycardia
Stomach and abdominal pain
Rashes, hives
Research is also proving that these fake sweeteners trigger an insulin release, even
when there is no food consumed. For insulin-sensitive people, these sweeteners
confuse the brain. Your body thinks food has been eaten so insulin is released.
However, your body discovers there is no food in your system so it creates strong
cravings. These cravings can only be controlled by eating foods that raise blood sugar
(high carb, high sugar crap!).
Remember, your body does not care what the label says. It is all just "sugar"!
Therefore, I highly recommend you stay away from:
Splenda (sucralose)
Sweet n Low (saccharin)
Equal (aspartame)
Diet Sodas
Crystal Lite / Mixes
Sugar-Free Kool-Aid
Sugar-Free Drinks of all Kinds (even sports drinks)
Sugar-Free Snacks and Desserts
Sugar-Free Ice Cream
Sugar-Free Syrups, Jams, and Jellies
Sugar-Free Gum
Sugar-Free Candy
Read the label of practically anything that says “Sugar-Free” – most likely, it contains
one of the artificial sweeteners mentioned.
I promise, once you are “off” sugar, you will not even miss it!
Rule of Thumb for Meats, and What to Look for
Stay away from any packaged processed meats like salami, bologna, hot dogs,
sausage, frozen prepared meats, or “farm raised” fish. These meats have high levels of
sodium, nitrates or nitrites, and preservatives. Farmed fish are fed genetically altered
food in an effort to increase the “nutritional value,” size of fish and the size of the fish
population within the farm – all done to make more money. This means that when you
are consuming farmed fish you are probably exposing your body to antibiotics and
concentrated pesticides. Farmed fish are even dyed to improve the look of the end
Instead, look for:
Grass Fed: Much of our cattle in the US is corn fed, as it is a cheap way to fatten the
animals before slaughter. Contrary to common perception, corn is actually a grain, not a
vegetable. Additionally, corn is high in sugar (sugar = fat gain), inflammatory omega 6
fatty acids, and phytate (a chemical that binds to iron, can lead to anemia), low in fiber,
low in minerals and protein. Research has found that animals fed genetically modified
corn developed extensive health problems, making human beings who eat genetically
modified corn at risk too. Therefore, buy grass fed only!
Free-range / Cage-free: This means that the animals were able to move about
naturally, rather than get restricted in a caged and bulked up through getting injections
with unnatural growth enhancers.
Wild Caught fish: Wild fish have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids (essential in that
your body cannot produce it and are less commonly found in American diets) and lower
in levels of omega-6 fatty acids (typical Americans have high levels of this).
Effective and Efficient Grocery Shopping – Ripped Rules
As a busy woman, you have ZERO time to waste. If you follow this blueprint, you will
not only be in and out within 30 minutes, you will have ONLY the things you need
around the house to help you drop body fat and save a ton of money!
Bring the list below with you, either on your phone or a printed version.
Stick to this LIST only! No matter what deals or temptations you see – stay away!
Go alone! Unless you are with someone as committed to health as you are going to be,
do not bring anyone else. Most people will not understand the sacrifices you are making
to better your body. Because of their insecurities and lack of action, they might crack
jokes or try to pressure you to sway from the game plan.
Stay around the outside of the grocery store, because there are few things you will find
in the inside of the grocery store worth any nutritional value.
Do not go hungry! Everything will look good, negatively affecting your buying decisions.
In addition, you will finish by eating something before you leave the store, I know
because I do. Eat something or have a shake before you go grocery shopping.
Stick to one grocery store. As silly as it sounds, continuity in grocery shopping is
extremely important. If you go to the same store, you know where everything is and
there is less chance you will stray from your plan. Familiarity with the store will allow you
to go only where you need to go, allowing you to stick with the plan and get out of there
Schedule your grocery shopping. As you know, if it is not scheduled, it is not happening.
A HUGE part of fat loss is staying in a routine with all aspects of your life, not just
working out. What weekday can you go in late or leave early? If the weekend is the only
time that is available to you, go mid to late afternoon to avoid the crowds.
Ask your grocer about discount memberships. Several big grocery stores have these;
they are essentially an annual membership that pays for itself in discounts within the
first few months.
Read labels! Food companies spend billions of dollars on their packaging design and
sales copy. In fact, most products you are probably eating are causing you to gain fat!
Make sure to read the ingredient list. If there is a small paragraph or longer, leave the
product at the shelf! If there are words you cannot pronounce and just do not sound like
you should be consuming them, leave the product on the shelf. If you see one of the
items on the checklist below, leave the item on the shelf!
“__________” free does not mean healthful! Because of the recent health craze, it
seems as though almost all products are “organic,” “fat-free,” “sugar-free” or “whole
wheat.” Often times products that go out of their way to show how healthful they are, will
make you fat. These items compensate for whatever it is “free” of with more calories of
something else. For example, a product that is “gluten-free” might still contain other
refined – processed grains or wheat substitutes such as tapioca flour and corn flour.
Anything organic is not automatically healthful! Organic refers to natural, unprocessed
foods that are free of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, irradiation, additives, and
genetically modified organisms. Organic foods can be high in sugar and harmful fats.
Additionally, something can be labeled “organic,” when only a percentage of the farming
follows the organic guidelines. Also, note that various countries have different standards
for “certified organic.” I recommend only buying foods that are certified by USDA.
The List
This list is designed based on the assumption you are feeding one person. If you are
providing for a family who will be following the same healthful habits (which they
should), multiply the quantities accordingly.
Under this is a general guideline and recommended list designed for the typical person.
You might find you need slightly less or more quantities of the food choices. Adjust
accordingly within the program each week.
In addition, you will find the first time you follow this list; you will be buying more than
normal. Specific things such as cocoa or hot sauce will last you more than a week.
Dairy Section
1. Plain Chobani or Fage Greek Yogurt (only these two brands) – 10
2. Vanilla Almond or Coconut Milk – 2 total
3. Dark Chocolate Almond milk – 1 (optional)
Fresh fruit / Vegetable Section
1. Organic Mixed Greens – 1 large container
2. Organic Carrots or organic celery – 1 bag
3. Organic Broccoli – 1 bag
4. Organic Apples – 5
5. Organic Pears – 5
1. Raw unsalted almonds, cashews or walnuts – 2 to 5 bags
2. Organic dried fruit (cherries, blueberries, bananas, etc..) – 1 bag (optional)
3. Coconut oil – 1 jar
4. Lara bars – 7
5. Green, Black and White tea – one packet of each
6. Organic Salsa
7. Black, Red, Kidney or Garbanzo beans – 3 big cans total
8. Hot sauce or Sriaji hot sauce – 1 each (optional)
9. Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil – 1
10. Lemon juice – 1
11. Ground Cinnamon – 1
12. Cocoa (must be at least 80% real Cocoa) – 1
13. Organic Low Sodium Peanut Butter NOT just “Natural” (preferred option would be to
make your own) – 1
14. Plain, low sodium rice cakes – 2 packages
15. Ground Flax seeds
Lean Proteins: You will need anywhere from 14 to 21 servings for yourself here
1. Grass Fed, Organic Beef or Bison
2. Grass Fed, Free-range chicken
3. Wild Salmon
4. Lean Bacon
5. Free-range, organic eggs
Freezer Section (can be handy for weekly meals or when your fridge is empty)
1. Broccoli
2. Peppers
3. Mixed vegetables
4. Free-range chicken breasts
Prep for Success
As a busy professional, you have precious little time throughout the week hence many
poor eating decisions are probably made. Fast food is indeed fast and eating out
requires zero effort, but these things will prevent you from achieving the body you
In a perfect world, you could hire a chef to cook for you OR you could get out of work on
time every night, have the children picked up / dropped off as you cook, and have the
family seated at the dinner table by 7:00 p.m.
Let’s face it, neither scenario happens or at least not long enough for it to be sustained.
Remember, this program is about getting you to be healthy for the rest of your life – not
Five steps to low cost, prepared, and healthful meals
1. Find the right time! What is the slowest day of the week for you? You can cook
healthful meals for your entire week in just three hours. For most people, it is
Sunday. In addition, because it is also considered a family day, do it as a team and
leverage the others’ abilities. That way you can finish preparing the meals in half the
2. Develop your plan of attack! Pick one lean protein and a variety of vegetables and
think of ways to prepare those ingredients using the tools you will find later in this
Example: If you bought chicken you could make chicken salad, grilled lemon chicken
with asparagus, chic on a stick with pepper and tomatoes, chicken chili loaded with
beans and vegetables, grilled chicken parmigiana with vegetable sauce and more.
3. Go grocery shopping specifically for the week’s menu. You might want to check out
a wholesale grocery store.
4. Cook it! Leverage your time here; grill chicken as you boil eggs OR make a pot of
5. Proportion, Pack, Freeze, and Date!
Ripped Woman’s Meals and Snacks
I provide a sample three-day meal plan for you to follow with a variety of choices below
for you to plug into the general meal plan format.
1. Grocery shop for the entire week, the same time weekly
2. Leverage time spent cooking and prepping. For instance, rather than cook chicken,
bison, salmon, turkey chili, grass fed lean beef and turkey bacon in the same week,
pick 2 or 3 choices and use them for the entire week. This will still give you variety
while also saving you time.
3. Prepare as much as you can for the week on Sundays, for example, hard-boiled
eggs, grill meat / chicken / fish, cut veggies, and cooked veggies.
4. Spend 20 minutes after dinner preparing meals for the next day.
5. Set an alarm in your phone if you are not used to eating this much
Sample Day 1
1 Chicken Sausage Links, handful of spinach and 1
Snack #1
1 Hardboiled Eggs
Snack #2
Lunch #1
¼ Black Bean Guacamole
Mixed Greens with Grilled Chicken, ¼ Cup of
Garbanzo Beans and 1 tsp. of Vinegar
Spinach Salad with fist of Grilled Chicken, ¼ cup of
Black Beans and 1 tsp. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Lunch # 2
25 grams of Protein, ¼ cup of Berries and Almond
4 ounces Bison Stir Fry: Handful of Spinach, ¼ Cup
of Mixed Vegetables
Snack #3
Greek Yogurt Plain
Sample Day 2
Snack #1
Breakfast Shake; 1 tsp. of Ground Flax Seeds, 1/2
scoop Protein Powder and handful of Berries with 8
ounces of Almond Milk
3 Brussels Sprouts (Steamed in coconut oil)
Within 30
minutes of
waking up
2 Hours Later
2 Hours Later
2 Hours Later
2 Hours Later
30 minutes
before working
Within 30
minutes of
working out
At least 2
hours before
Within 30
minutes of
waking up
2 Hours Later
Snack #2
Lunch #1
Lunch # 2
1 handful of Organic Beef Jerky
Mixed Greens with Grilled Chicken, ¼ Cup of
Garbanzo Beans and 1 tsp. of Vinegar
Spinach Salad with Fist of Grilled Chicken, ¼ cup of
Black Beans and 1 tsp. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
25 grams of Protein, ¼ cup of Berries and Almond
4 ounces Bison Stir Fry: Handful of Spinach, ¼ Cup
of Mixed Vegetables
Snack #3
1 Hardboiled Eggs
Sample Day 3
Snack #1
Snack #2
Lunch #1
Lunch # 2
1 Pieces of Organic Lean Turkey Bacon, 2 pieces of
cooked Asparagus and 1 handful of Berries
1 Lara Bar
Date – Banana Shake with 1/2 scoop of Protein
Spinach Salad with Smoked Salmon, handful of
Alfalfa Sprouts
Fist of Grilled Chicken, ¼ cup of Black Beans, ½
cup of Broccoli and 1 tsp. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
25 grams of Protein, ¼ cup of Berries and Almond
4 ounces Ahi Tuna, 4 pieces of Asparagus with
Lemon Twist
Snack #3
1 Hardboiled Eggs
Food Choices
1 Chicken Sausage Links, handful of Spinach
2 Hours Later
2 Hours Later
2 Hours Later
30 minutes
before working
Within 30
minutes of
working out
At least 2
hours before
Within 30
minutes of
waking up
2 Hours Later
2 Hours Later
2 Hours Later
2 Hours Later
30 minutes
before working
Within 30
minutes of
working out
At least 2
hours before
At least 1 hour
before bed
1/2 scoop of Protein Powder, 8 ounces of Almond Milk
2 tsp. of Almond Butter, cup of Berries, 8 ounces of Almond Milk
Breakfast Shake; 1 tsp. Ground Flax Seeds, 1/2 scoop Protein Powder and handful
of Berries with 8 ounces of Almond Milk
1 Hardboiled Eggs, handful of Broccoli or any Green Vegetable
4 ounces Smoked Salmon with 2 pieces of Asparagus
¼ Cup Raw Walnuts, 1 Banana
¼ Cup of Raw Cashews, 1 Apple
¼ Cup of Raw Almonds, 1 Pear
¼ Black Bean Guacamole
1/2 scoop of Protein Powder, 12 ounces Water
1 Hardboiled Eggs with 1 Apple
3 Brussels Sprouts
3 Celery with 1 tsp. Hummus
3 Carrots with 1 tsp. Organic Peanut Butter
¼ Cup of Pumpkin Seeds with handful of Berries
¼ Cup Raw Walnuts with Pear
¼ Cup of Raw Cashews with Apple
¼ Cup of Raw Almonds with Banana
Lunch and Dinner
Below are some choices of actual meals but feel free to become creative if it matches
the following formula:
A + B + C + D = Ripped Deliciousness
A. At least ½ of the Plate of Fibrosis and nutrient dense Vegetables; Broccoli,
Asparagus, Mixed Greens, Spinach, Alfalfa Sprouts, Green and Red Peppers
B. ¼ Cup of rinsed Red, Black or Garbanzo Beans
C. Fist size Fish and grass fed Beef OR hand size piece of Chicken
D. 1 tsp. of Apple Vinegar, Regular Vinegar, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Hot Sauce
OR ¼ cup of Guacamole and Salsa OR Fresh Squeezed Lemon or Limes.
Done for you Options
Mixed Greens with Grilled Chicken, ¼ Cup of Garbanzo Beans and 1 tsp. of Vinegar
Spinach Salad with Fist of Grilled Chicken, ¼ cup of Black Beans and 1 tsp. of Extra
Virgin Olive Oil
2:1 Egg white to Egg, 1/2 Cup of frozen roasted Red Peppers with 1 tsp. of
Mixed Greens with Fist of Grilled Chicken, ¼ Cup of Black Beans and 1 Avocado
Spinach Salad with Grilled Chicken, ¼ cup of Red Beans, and 1 tsp. of Hot Sauce
1 Organic Chicken Sausages over a bed of Spinach and ¼ cup of Tomatoes with 1
tsp. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Spinach Salad with 4 ounces of Smoked Salmon with fresh Lemon Zest
5 to 6 ounces Turkey, Chili Tomatoes, Peppers, and Onions
Busy Woman Alternative Meal Plan
The Busy woman Alternative meal plan considers extremely busy schedules where
eating six meals is impossible. While I have found that the best results for clients are
achieved by following our general meal plan, this is still a terrific option – especially
compared with what most people are currently doing.
Essentially, you will be eating two meals and “graze” each day. Your first meal of the
day is the most important and accounts for a good portion of your caloric needs.
“Grazing” means eating small amounts (for example, less than a handful of anything)
throughout the day.
I originally wrote this meal plan for CPA clients of mine to follow during busy season.
Before this meal plan, they were eating one to three times a day of something
processed or delivered. This meal plan gives you the best of both worlds; healthful
calories, increased metabolism, and less time spent eating.
One objection I received from people was eating that first meal.
Following this meal plan might require you wake 15 to 30 minutes earlier than you
currently are waking. By doing so, you will find yourself more productive and happier
throughout the day, not to mention fitter!
As you see below, meal 2 is to be consumed at your place of work, or if it is a shake, on
your way home. When you are tired and starving, your body craves simple satisfaction.
Simple satisfaction usually equates to high sugar, high carbohydrate items that raise
your blood sugar levels very quickly, release insulin, causing you to eat more, which all
leads to you gaining weight. Meal 2 should be prepared for the entire week ahead or the
night before. You can do this for the entire week in less than a few hours, see Prep for
Meal / Snack
Meal 1
Meal 2
Post workout shake
Time Frame
Within 30 minutes of
Small bits throughout the
Before you leave your
place of work
Within 30 minutes of
Your Schedule (fill in)
Water: Drink .55 x your
bodyweight in ounces
working out
All day
Meal 1 3:1 Egg White to Egg ratio, handful of Vegetables, three pieces of grass fed
Beef or Pork, 3 pieces of Carrots with Organic Peanut Butter and a glass of Almond Milk
Snacks: Pick something here with protein / fiber / fat content that you can easily eat
Raw – dry Almonds or Pumpkin seeds
Organic Beef Jerky
Any Fruit / Veggies
Prograde Fusion (www.carabasetraining.getprograde.com) or a spoon full of Protein
Powder in your Water
Meal 2: Pick one of the following options below
Mixed Greens with Grilled Chicken, ¼ Cup of Garbanzo Beans and 1 tsp. of Vinegar
2 tsp. of Almond Butter.1 cup of Berries, 8 ounces of Almond Milk
Breakfast Shake; 1 tsp. Ground Flax Seeds, 1/2 scoop Protein Powder and handful
of Berries with 8 ounces of Almond Milk
Spinach Salad with fist size of any grilled White Fish, ¼ cup of Black Beans and 1
tsp. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Mixed Greens with hand size of Grilled Chicken, ¼ Cup of Black Beans and 1
Spinach Salad with Grilled Chicken, ¼ cup of Red Beans, and 1 tsp. of Hot Sauce
1 Organic Chicken Sausages over a bed of Spinach and ¼ cup of Tomatoes with 1
tsp. of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Spinach Salad with fist size of Smoked Salmon with fresh Lemon Zest
5 to 6 ounces of Turkey, Chili Tomatoes, Peppers, and Onions
How to Eat Out – A Survival Diet
Americans are spending HALF of their food dollars on meals purchased outside the
home yet complain about not having money to spend on eating correctly and on their
Traditional hamburgers or tacos, greasy French fries, and cola
Chili's or 99 type restaurants – places with healthy menu offerings but prepackaged
"On the go" food – ordering to go from local grocery stores and upper scale or good
family restaurants
Eating out at common types of restaurants: Chinese, Steak House, Italian, and
Grinder / Sub Shops.
The traditional fast-food places that serve hamburgers or tacos, greasy French
fries, and colas
Frequency: You should not be able to count on your fingers OR even remember how
many times you ate this type of food in the past year. When you do:
Do not order value meals
Save on the drink
Opt for grilled chicken variation
Ask for no cheese OR no bun
Ask for extra veggies
What to Order when Eating Fast Food
Fast food is fast food. Commercials promising high-quality food are not telling the truth.
Any full meal that costs less than $7 and can be made in two minutes is not a good
option. Most these grades of meats and cheeses are the lowest! Good luck finding
sprout bread options too – the breads are flat out processed carbs or "wheat" aka "dyed
processed carbs."
With all that said, life happens and if you land at one of these fast-food joints, I want you
to be prepared! On a side note, I left the nutritional part of the fast-food website next to
the name. When you get a minute, look – you will be grossed out!
Chick-fil-a makes it easy to understand what is in each food item. Their nutrition facts
can be read as if you are looking at a food label...look at the percentage RDA. A plus for
chick-fil-a, you can now swap out the fries for fresh fruit – yeah somebody gets it!
Best option: Chargrilled Fruit OR Garden Salad with Chicken and NO cheese
These meats are loaded with sodium so be aware! Overall, healthiest meat available is
their oven-roasted chicken.
Best Option: Oven Roasted Chicken Salad with oil for dressing
Beware of Hardees new low carb items; although low in carbs, the fat content in the low
carb thickburger (lettuce burger), and the low carb chicken club have an amazing 24-50
grams of fat.
Best option: Low Carb it – Charbroiled Chicken club with no cheese or bacon
Get the skinny on Kentucky Fried Chicken's Menu items. One of their better-looking
meals is the Oven Roasted Strips Meal: 3 Oven Roasted Strips, Green Beans,
Seasoned Rice. Only 7 grams of total fat, but be careful this meal is loaded with 100%
of your daily-recommended intake of Sodium.
Any Salad, Grilled Chicken Sandwich, and Wraps would work, right? Not so fast! While
these options may lack in total calories, their sodium calories are through the roof!
Best options: Caesar Salad with Chicken OR Plain Hamburger
Scary sodium counts in salads and chicken options! Avoid the Ranch and Zesty Onion
dip at all cost…15 grams of fat per serving.
Best Option: Hamburger with lettuce and tomatoes
Beware of any beverage that contains the words “crème” or “whip” as those words
equate to high fat and 100 to 200 more calories per 16 ounce drink. Topping that list is
the Strawberries and Crème Frap Grande(16 ounces) with whip at 580 calories and
17grams of fat or the White Hot Chocolate with whip at 580 calories and 28grams of fat.
Best option: KIND bar, black coffee or overpriced raw almonds
Taco Bell
Total fat calories for two regular beef tacos with a regular side of nachos and cheese
are a whopping 39 grams of fat. Your daily recommended is typically 68 grams or less.
Best option: Fresco Crunchy Taco
Think twice about ordering the Homestyle Chicken Strip Salad, it has 22 grams of fat
without the dressing, add 1 packet of ranch dressing, and pack 45 grams of fat into one
sitting. Alternatively, for that matter, any wrap or chicken sandwich, both loaded with
Best option: Garden Salad with a Jr. Hamburger patty or grilled chicken fillet. The baked
potato with a Jr. Hamburger patty or grilled chicken fillet is not a bad option for early
evening munchies but be careful at night!
Tier II Fast-Food: Chili's or 99 type restaurants – places with healthy menu offerings
but prepackaged foods
Frequency: When this is the only option
Healthy, but often loaded with preservatives and growth hormones or whatever else
they are adding to foods these days
When you do:
o Save on carbs. Rather than potatoes / rice / pasta, ask to replace with a bean
or veggie based side
o Order without sauces / dressings or at least on the side. You will be shocked
at how much they give you!
o Order popular dishes or specials, generally these will be the most fresh
You will also find this Tier to do some of the best marketing. Most menus here now have
"healthy" or low calorie options. Low Calorie does not always mean good calories!
Ordering “on the go" – ordering to go from local grocery stores and upper scale or
good family restaurants
Frequency: When you do not have time to cook
Some ideas for Ordering “to go”: Whole made chickens from store, a bag of salad,
certain grocery store buffets (mainly just whole foods), calling your favorite local
restaurant beforehand and picking up
When you order:
o On the go: Be careful of stuff that is made to last. If you use a buffet, learn
how long the food has been sitting there. Aside from Whole Foods, most
grocery stores do not offer "fresh" food to go.
o Same rules apply to eating out: dressing / sauces on the side, protein plus
veggies, no bread / pastas / potatoes, and so on.
Your best bet here is to have a place you feel comfortable with locally where you
already know the menu. Call the place before you leave the office, place the order, and
pick up!
What to Eat when Traveling
Through traveling the world over the past 10 years, I have learned there is an extensive
range of healthy-progressive options from airport to airport and gas station to gas
Your best option when traveling is always to pack your own food. Go grocery shopping
before or when you land. If you are going where there is domestic civilization, then bring
a few snacks with you and go to the store once you arrive.
If you are traveling someplace unfamiliar, either domestically or abroad, make sure to
learn what is around where you are staying or find a grocery shop for your trip before
you leave.
Foods that travel well:
Organic Beef Jerky
Raw – unsalted pecans, walnuts, cashews and almonds
Protein Powder – do not worry I have even brought it overseas. Airport security
knows it is not cocaine.
5. “Kind” or “Lara” bars
Dining out at Common Types of Restaurants
3 General Guidelines
Drink 32 ounces of water before eating
Have a salad loaded with as many veggies as possible with Extra Virgin Olive Oil or
Ask server NOT to bring out bread for the table.
Chinese Food:
Always order sauce on the side – you will be amazed at how much they give you!
Use 2 tsp.
Order steamed veggies
No rice. Instead ask for extra steamed vegetables
Order steamed shrimp, fish or chicken
Steak House:
Opt for leaner cuts like Fillets or New York Strips
Stay away from gorgonzola or blue cheese coverings
Stay away from bacon wrapped steaks. As bacon can be a good source of protein
fat, the combination of bacon and a piece of beef at a steak house is dangerous.
Generally the bacon is not as lean and that is a lot of saturated fat in one serving
Substitute the traditional carb (potatoes, fries, rice) with double vegetable of broccoli
or asparagus
Limit Wine – 1 to 2 glasses at most!
Grinder / Sub Shop:
Here you have two options:
Staying away from bread
Eating bread
Earlier we discussed the side effects of gluten as it pertains to digestion and fat loss but
there is something to be said about variety and changing things. I recommend you
choose to stay away from bread 80% of the time.
When you choose to stay away from bread: Ask for the vegetable grinder / sub without
bread on a platter, and then add grilled plain chicken, turkey, or ham.
When eating bread: Seek whole grain or sprout bread whenever possible, as these two
options will have the highest fiber content. The next possible option is a whole-wheat
variation. Ask for a ½ (never whole size!), a variety of vegetables, no cheese and
double protein. Pick grilled plain chicken, turkey, or ham as a protein source.
Just as mentioned above, you have the choice whether to eat carbs here (obviously).
As cleanly as I eat, I also love food – especially Italian! Therefore, I do not like to have
limits at Italian Restaurants as far as e-mail choices so I normally position this as my
cheat meal. Either way, I want to equip you with options outside of cheating.
Scan the chicken, fish and beef sections of the menu. Typically, there will always be
a grilled chicken or steak option. To get an “Italian” feel, ask for the chicken or steak
plain, with a side of marinara sauce.
Outside of that, stay away from heavy and thick sauces. If you are not sure, ask your
server for the consistency of dishes you are looking at.
Order sauce on the side whenever possible!
Accompany your protein with double vegetable
Limit Wine – 1 to 2 glasses at most!
This stuff may seem groundbreaking or slap-in-the-face obvious – it does not matter.
What does matter is acting on good choices :)
How to Solve the Ripped Woman’s Sweet and Flavor Fix
I do not know about you, but I get the itch for something sweet almost daily. I have
learned you can resolve this fix without adding calories!
How to Solve Your Sweet Fix
1. Dark Chocolate Almond Milk: I like to have a container in my fridge always. The key,
I have found, is not to pour a glass but to drink a swig only when you really need to
(For women, maybe pour it in a shot glass since they don’t like drinking out of the
2. 80% or more authentic Cocoa Powder: Add ½ tsp. (you do not need more – trust
me) to your shake, glass of water or glass of plain almond or coconut milk.
3. MELT Tea: Crystal Light and other artificial sugar-induced tea drinks will make you
fat! MELT tea will not
a. Add 8 cups of water to pot or teakettle
b. Add 8 to 12 teaspoons of tea to boiling water or the teakettle
c. Let steep for 8 to12 minutes
d. Pour into a Pitcher full of ice
e. Add 8 tsp. of Stevia (organic sweetener only!) and a handful of fruit. My favorites
are lemons, pineapples, mangos, and peaches.
*The pitcher typically lasts for 2 to 4 days. If you are trying this for the first time
and are not sure if you will drink it, make half the number of servings
recommended above.
25 Ways to Solve Your Sauce / Flavor Fix
Most sauces are full of high sucrose corn syrup, MSG as well as other sugars / oils, use
the list below to add flavor to your food:
1. Fresh lemon
2. Fresh lime
3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4. Garlic
5. Hot pepper seeds
6. Hot sauce
7. Cinnamon
8. Real Cocoa powder
9. Coconut oil
10. Hemp oil
11. Lemon juice
12. Lime Juice
13. Fresh Fruit
14. Basil
15. Cilantro
16. Oregano
17. Tomato sauce (be careful of high sugar variations)
18. Guacamole
19. Salsa
20. Vinegar
21. Apple Cider vinegar
22. Sea Salt
23. Organic Maple Syrup
24. Raw Honey
25. Stevia
Tips to Avoid the Spare Tire – Lowest Calorie Ways to Drink Alcohol
I am not recommending you drink alcohol. In fact, it is best you avoid it. To be realistic, I
want to equip you with some pointers about drinking alcohol, but first understand that
no matter what type of alcohol you drink, most of these calories will be stored as
Your Fitness (not parental) rules to drinking:
Make sure to never drink and drive!
NO fruity drinks, long island ice teas or drinks loaded with syrups and sodas
Avoid frozen drinks
Drinking light beer is not a free pass! We find you consume fewer calories if you
have one darker beer as opposed to several lighter varieties
To piggyback on the last point, if you are going to drink an Ultra-Light Beer, just do
not drink! There is so little alcohol and taste that it is not worth it – break the habit of
mindless drinking!
Here are some ways to save calories:
Beers: Guinness, light beer vs. full-body beers. Generally, four light beers equates to
two full-body beers so don’t torture yourself
Champagne spritzers
Clear alcohols with club soda or tonic water, use garnishes for flavor: oranges,
lemons, limes etc.
Bottom Line: Alcoholic beverages pack on the calories!
Hangover Cures
Drink water, water and more water! On a normal day, you should drink 0.55 x your
bodyweight in ounces. After a night of drinking, your brain becomes dehydrated, making
you feel “off.” Other things you can do to cure a hangover include:
Slow State cardio, yea I said it!
Low intensity biking, hiking, walking
CAUTION: Make sure to drink half your bodyweight in ounces before attempting any
activity where you will sweat excessively, especially after a night of drinking where
your brain is dehydrated. Also, always have a friend with you!
Swimming: Again, make sure you are hydrated prior to swimming!
Hot or regular yoga
CAUTION: Make sure to drink half your bodyweight in ounces before attempting any
activity where you will sweat excessively, especially after a night of drinking where
your brain is dehydrated. Also, always have a friend with you!
Planned Fasts
Only if you have fasted before – this is not the time for first-time fasters!
What to eat on late weekend nights
Just as in the alcohol section, it is not recommended you indulge in late night eating
especially when intoxicated – but if you do, I want you to be prepared!
So, follow these rules:
Avoid traditional carbohydrates, fast foods and fried foods as much as possible
Load it up with protein and vegetables
Obtain flavors from cheese (ask for light), tomatoes sauces, hot sauces, olive oil etc.
Some ideas:
o Thin Crust pizza or wraps loaded with veggies and chicken or ham
o Order single, grilled chicken options when at a fast-food restaurant
o Eggs are king! Make your own or if out, order them. Add cheese, proteins,
and veggies but skip the bread & home fries
Supplements give your body the nutrients it needs without adding calories. It is virtually
impossible to satisfy your body’s nutritional needs with the number of calories
recommended to lose fat.
A whole food nutrient complex is the foundation of any complete fitness program.
Additional vitamins, minerals, enzymes, essential fatty acids and antioxidants will boost
your nutrient intake beyond what is available through the foods you eat. These
additional nutrients allow cells to reach their potential creating the ideal environment for
positive physical change. Taking other supplements before creating a nutritional
foundation is like adding expensive accessories to a car that does not run properly.
Effects on altering Body Composition
It is difficult to get enough nutrients from your normal diet to support your fitness goals.
During exercise, the body increases its use of nutrients. By supplying these nutrients
without additional calories, the attempt is made to satisfy all nutrient needs for repair
and growth without exceeding the number of calories needed to sustain the required
deficit for fat loss. When undernourished, the body must shed the muscle it cannot feed
– this leads to an increase body fat percentage.
Increasing Performance and Metabolism
Specific nutrients and combinations of nutrients have been found to improve exercise
performance and increase the calories burned during and after exercise. Supplying the
body with calorie-free nutrients can improve performance and, therefore, help with fatloss and muscle-gain goals.
*No supplement in the world can replace eating a consistent diet of whole foods and
regular, high intensity exercise.
Protein Bars: Most protein bars are glorified candy bars; loaded with sugar and other
“stuff.” Bars I recommend are prograde cravers, Lara Bars and Kind Bars.
Isopure Protein: I like isopure because it is gluten and lactose-free and low carb.
Kre- Alkayn Creatine: I only started taking creatine a few years ago and this is by far my
favorite. Creatine supplies energy in cells, specifically muscle cells. In taking it, I’ve
noticed strength and endurance increases.
Prograde Krill Oil: Improves weight loss through blood sugar stabilization, removes &
fights toxins, improves cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart problems, increases
glucose and metabolism, decreases joint pain and provides relief for symptoms of PMS
Prograde Multi Vitamin: Burns fat, builds abs, strengthens your heart, boosts your
immune system, enhances your digestive function, keeps your circulatory system
healthy, increases your energy and preserves your urinary health
Prograde Metabolism: Normally I am against fat burners, but this is an exception.
Prograde’s Metabolism is made of natural fat burnings: cinnamon, green tea, capsaicin,
garlic, citrus and ginger root extract
You can find all these at http://www.carabasetraining.getprograde.com
Fasting – For the Disciplined WOMan Only
Fast once every three months
Fasting is a great way to cleanse the body. Some religions practice a strict 10 to 12 day
fasting to demonstrate discipline for their respected religion. One popular way to fast is
with liquids. In a liquid fast, you consume only liquids for a set time. This type of fasting
gives the digestive system a much-needed rest. Specifically, instead of using energy to
digest food, your body will use the energy for cellular and digestive rejuvenation.
If done correctly, short periods of fasting provide a healthful shock to your body. During
a fast, your body’s natural processes change; waste is cleared from the digestive tract;
and chemicals stored in fat and other tissues are released and excreted from the body.
One of my favorite benefits from fasting is the instant energy boost. Yes, you read that
right! When your mind does not have to focus on food and your body is not focused on
digesting food, you can allocate that energy to being productive on other things.
Elimination of wastes is always a good thing! The natural metabolic processes going on
in the body produce waste. They also originate in toxins found in food, and the air we
breathe. Consuming these toxins takes a toll on our kidneys and liver, as they filter,
break down, and remove waste from the body through the lymphatic system, lungs,
skin, and colon. Fasting gives your body a break from this process while it removes
excess waste.
By removing the toxins and waste buildup, your body becomes cleaner. You will
Increase your sense of strength and happiness
Improve mental clarity and focus
Minimize food cravings and overeating (after the first day or so)
Lessen the toxic burden to your liver, kidneys and digestive tract
Remove toxins from fat and tissue
Improve digestive function
Enhance metabolism
Increase energy levels
It must be understood that fasting will be no “walk in the park”; you must be physically
and emotionally prepared. If you are currently under a lot of emotional or physical
stress, it is not the right time to fast.
A few days before you start your fast, you should prepare your body by increasing your
raw fruit and vegetable intake, consume fewer calories, and eat smaller meals than you
normally would.
Some Things I learned from fasting:
During a fast, your metabolism slows, thus reducing your resistance to cold weather.
Carefully plan your workouts: Typically, I fuse metabolic strengthening with
bodybuilding while working out at a high intensity with little or no rest between
exercises. You simply do not have enough energy in your body to work out at this
pace while fasting! I experimented with different types of routines but generally
discovered that 30 to 90 second rests between exercises during strength training,
one metabolic strengthening workout a week and performing isolated exercises
more often as opposed to multi-joint exercises worked great for me.
Quick, lukewarm showers help! Bathing is a facilitator of detoxifying as warm
showers encourage elimination through the skin. If you normally take long, hot
showers, beware as they can lead to fatigue!
Drink lots of water! At least 0.55 (ounces) x your bodyweight is recommended.
Drink herbal tea! Unsweetened of course.
Once your fasting is complete, it is not a ticket to binge! It is important to ease
carefully back into your normal eating routine.
There can be common side effects when fasting:
Mood swings
Upset stomach
Abnormal stool
Difficulty in sleeping
Stomach pains
Weight loss (early stages of fast)
IF any of these symptoms persist, make sure to see your doctor
Please note that this is not a blueprint to fast, as people’s caloric needs will differ.
I am also not saying YOU or everyone should fast. If you are interested in fasting,
contact a local nutritionist or dietitian to help you find a formula that fits your
profile best.
Fasting is not easy and not for everyone, but if you really focus and commit to it, you
can make it happen! Like the quote goes, “If you think you can you’re right; if you think
you can’t you’re also right!” Stay positive!
During my liquid fasts, I typically consume the following:
Liquid shakes: Protein, Fiber, Super Greens, Cocoa, Super Reds, Ground Flax
Seeds, and Fish oils – you need to make sure you consume enough nutrients! I
drink 5 to 6 shakes a day, ranging from 200 to 600 calories each. This amount will
depend on your size and amount of lean muscle you have.
Herbal Tea: Green tea gets all the credit but white and black tea work great too! In
fact, white tea has a greater antioxidant count and black tea is a great alternative to
Daily vitamins.
Branched-chain amino acids: To keep your body from burning muscle, you must
make sure to take in enough protein. I use Prograde’s amino acids. Get yours here:
Personally, I’ve done up to a 10-day fast and would only recommend that length if you
were doing a specific cleanse OR if you are looking to get very lean for a photograph
shoot or something of that sort.
After my recent vacation, I did a five-day liquid fast / cleanse. My liquid fast included the
items listed above, with a focus on fiber to help cleanse my colon / liver.
Colon cleanses promote healthy, daily bowel movements, which help eliminate
Fiber enhances waste elimination.
Liver focus helps your detoxification pathways.
24-hour liquid fast can be a great way to start. In a basic 24-hour fast, you just consume
the following:
Coffee / tea
Protein / amino acids
A good time to fast is right after a big holiday or any occasion where you have
overeaten. For your first fast, I would recommend doing it on your off day from training.