FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 TIPS Enhancing the capacity of EU transport projects to transform research results into innovative products and services Proposal of an Exploitation Plan for PARTNER X of the project ACRONYM Project Contacts Grant Agreement number: Project acronym: Project title: Funding Scheme: Period covered: From XXX to XXX Name of the scientific project partner: Tel: E-mail: Project website: Document1, Page 1 of 11 FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 Table of contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................... 3 Project Summary ............................................................................................................................... 4 1. TIPS exploitation support summary ......................................................................................... 5 2. Result collection .......................................................................................................................... 5 3. List of exploitable result(s) ......................................................................................................... 6 4. SWOT Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 7 4.1 4.1.1 Status quo of the project result(s) (today/end of the project) .................................................... 7 4.1.2 Protection Right situation .......................................................................................................... 7 4.1.3 Market applicability of the product/process/service range ........................................................ 7 4.2 5. SW-Analysis (for result 1) ................................................................................................................. 7 OT-Analysis (for result 1) ................................................................................................................. 7 4.2.1 Market........................................................................................................................................ 7 4.2.2 Customers .................................................................................................................................. 7 4.2.3 Competititveness ....................................................................................................................... 7 4.2.4 Legal framework conditions ...................................................................................................... 7 4.2.5 Ecological framework conditions .............................................................................................. 7 4.2.6 Other framework conditions ...................................................................................................... 7 Use of project results .................................................................................................................. 7 5.1 Protection Right Applications made DURING the project’s lifetime ............................................... 7 5.2 Roadmap for exploitation measures AFTER the project’s lifetime .................................................. 9 5.3 Proposed Action Plans ..................................................................................................................... 11 5.3.1 Result 1 .................................................................................................................................... 11 5.3.2 Description .............................................................................................................................. 11 5.3.3 Situation of Access rights ........................................................................................................ 11 5.3.4 To background/foreground ...................................................................................................... 11 5.3.5 Proposed Exploitation Route for Result 1 ............................................................................... 11 5.3.6 Benefits & Barriers .................................................................................................................. 11 5.3.7 Proposed Action Plan for Result 1........................................................................................... 11 Document1, Page 2 of 11 FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 Executive Summary This exploitation plan gives an overview of the main results of the AKRONYM project and a draft idea on how one consortium partners intends to use these project results in on-going and future activities, in their further R&D and product marketing strategies. Document1, Page 3 of 11 FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 Project Summary This section should include a concise abstract of the project that has been supported in the frame of the TIPS one to one support. This could either be the abstract that is provided by the TIPS questionnaire or by the brief summary published on CORDIS, e.g.: For example: The vision of the TIPS project is to produce better innovation in the transport sector by enhancing the capacity of EU-funded FP projects in the field of transport to be at the source of innovation and to help them transform research results into products and services. The transport sector is faced with major challenges. Demand in transport will grow by 50% for passengers and 80% for freight (EU 20002030). At the same time the call for energy savings, renewable resources and less CO2 is putting pressure. Transport is a main factor for economic sustainability and growth, but this sector needs to be pro-active to get more innovative solutions quicker into the market. A lot of funding goes into transport RTD, but RTD results do not reach the market accordingly. What we need are good practices for the different transport modes, to see which exploitation channels are working, where to find financing and first users and how to access new markets. Based on sound field work, TIPS will analyse successful exploitation in finished RTD projects and derive exploitation approaches and good practices. Highly innovative transport RTD projects will receive help to improve the capabilities to exploit R&D results in such a way that they gain competitive advantages and improved market shares. Road, rail, maritime and air plus intermodal transport will be covered. The results from the field work and the experience from one-to-one assistance to highly innovative projects will be gathered in recommendations and best practice guidelines for transport RTD project partners. Experienced partners, both in field work and impact analysis as well as in innovation and exploitation strategies will collaborate in TIPS. TIPS ensures a good geographic coverage of the EU. With France, Germany and Italy, three huge players in EU Transport are on board. An expert Advisory Board will accompany the work. Document1, Page 4 of 11 FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 1. TIPS exploitation support summary During the practical exercises of the TIPS Training Academy, you have first collected all project results and further analysed them regarding their imminent potential to be exploited. Then you decided about your own interest in the different project results and lastly analysed them in the SWOT-Analysis. The TIPS proposal for an exploitation plan is for one thing a summary of the practical exercises and for another thing a concrete action plan how to go about exploiting the results. 2. Result collection Table 1: List of project result(s) Title of Project Result(s) Description of Project Result(s) Estimated exploitation potential Document1, Page 5 of 11 FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 3. List of exploitable result(s) Table 2: InterCom matrix Title of the Exploitable Exploitable Result(s) Result(s) Dissemination level1 Exploitation form Your Interest in the exploitable result(s)2 Did/does your organisation contribute to the generation of this result during the project's lifetime? Negotiations with other project partners needed? Exploitable Result 1 Exploitable Result 2 Exploitable Result X 1 Public, Restricted, Confidential, Other A: Result important for your organisation for activities after the end of the project (e.g. spin-off, joint venture, further development/research needed etc.) B: Result that you would like to publish as soon as possible (e.g. as publication in any scientific journal, as part of a PhD thesis) C: I have no interest in exploiting this result. D: Other, please specify. 2 Document1, Page 6 of 11 FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 4. SWOT Analysis 4.1 SW-Analysis (for result 1) 4.1.1 Status quo of the project result(s) (today/end of the project) 4.1.2 Protection Right situation 4.1.3 Market applicability of the product/process/service range 4.2 OT-Analysis (for result 1) 4.2.1 Market 4.2.2 Customers 4.2.3 Competititveness 4.2.4 Legal framework conditions 4.2.5 Ecological framework conditions 4.2.6 Other framework conditions 5. Use of project results 5.1 Protection Right Applications made DURING the project’s lifetime The applications for patents, trademarks, registered designs, etc. shall be listed according to the Table XXX provided hereafter. The following table should specify at least one unique identifier e.g. European Patent application reference. For patent applications, only if applicable, contributions to standards should be specified. This table is cumulative, which means that it should always show all applications from the beginning until after the end of the project Document1, Page 7 of 11 FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 Table 3:List of applications for patents, trademarks, registered designs made during the project’s lifetime Type of IP Rights Patents, Trademarks, Registered designs, Utility models, Others 3 Confidential3 Foreseen embargo date dd/mm/yyyy Application reference(s) (e.g. EP123456) Subject or title of application Applicant (s) (as on the application) Yes/No not to be confused with the "EU CONFIDENTIAL" classification for some security research projects. Document1, Page 8 of 11 FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 5.2 Roadmap for exploitation measures AFTER the project’s lifetime The following table should specify which exploitable result has been analysed in more detail, what type of exploitation is foreseen after the project’s end. Further, it should be indicated whether the exploitation is hindered by confidentiality, what application sectors are relevant for the exploitation and what timetable is envisaged. Additionally it should be indicated whether IPR measures are taken or intended and who the beneficiaries are involved. Table 4: List of future exploitation measures per exploitable result Exploitable project result Type of exploitation Confidenti al e.g. commercial exploitation of R&D results YES / NO Foreseen embargo date dd/mm/yyyy (NEW) product/process /service MRI equipment Sector(s) of application4 1. Medical 2. Industrial inspection exploitation of project results via standards Timetable, commercial or any other use IPR measures taken or intended 2008 2010 A materials patent is planned for 2006 Owner & Other Beneficiary(s) involved Beneficiary X (owner) Beneficiary Y, Beneficiary Z, Poss. licensing to equipment manuf. ABC exploitation of project results via EU policies 4 NACE nomenclature: http://ec.europa.eu/competition/mergers/cases/index/nace_all.html Document1, Page 9 of 11 FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 Table 5: List of necessary steps to be taken in order to successfully exploit the project result(s) What additional R&D steps are necessary for the technology shift Integration in own portfolio product process service Extention of own portfolio NEW product In-house R&D capacity available? Strategic R&D partnerships that should be involved? External financing needed for the R&D steps? What kind of sources of financing do you need? Involvement of e.g. trade partners, distributors, key customers, suppliers needed? NEW process NEW Service Document1, Page 10 of 11 FP7- Grant Agreement 314455 5.3 Proposed Action Plans 5.3.1 Result 1 5.3.2 Description 5.3.3 Situation of Access rights 5.3.4 To background/foreground 5.3.5 Proposed Exploitation Route for Result 1 5.3.6 Benefits & Barriers 5.3.7 Proposed Action Plan for Result 1 Activity No. Description of the Activity Partners responsible Due date Document1, Page 11 of 11