Tema 2: Growth and cell division Paper asignado: MreB.pdf Growth is an increase in mass Can be measured by: Dry weight Turbidity Protein Total and viable cell counts Turbidity The amount of light scattered by a bacterial cell is proportional to its mass. Beer-Lambert law I/Io=10xl Si tomamos el logaritmo de: Beer-Lambert law I / Io=10xl Entonces Log (Io / I)= -xl Turbidity, absorbance, optical density OD = A = xl Turbidity se miden lecturas de absorbancia a 600nm Io incident light 600nm I detected light X=cell density absorbancia a 600nm aumenta según aumenta el # de células Total cell counts Cámara de conteo Petroff-Hausser cubre objetos pozo central (0.02mm profundidad) • contiene una rejilla que se divide en cuadrantes microscópicos Limitations 1) Are the cells dead or alive? 2) Make right dilution (<106 cells/ml) Total cell counts 25 cuadrados subdivididos en 16 unidades 12 + 16 + 20 + 18 +14 = 16 5 16 x 25 = 400 400 células/ 0.02 mm3 400 x = 0.02 mm3 10mm3 2 x105 células /cm3 = 2 x105 células /ml pozo central (0.02mm profundidad) • varios cuadros se cuentan se promedian y se multiplica por 25 (# de cuadros en la rejilla) • la cifra resultante es el # de células en un volumen que corresponde a las dimensiones de la rejilla: (1mm2 x 0.02mm) = 0.02mm3) • resultados pueden ser expresados en # de células por ml (cm3) Total cell counts Electronic cell count Count of cells in the culture and the size distribution of the cells Chamber 1 Chamber 2 Measure electrical conductivity Viable cell counts Limitations 1) must avoid clumps. 2) Some bacteria plate with poor efficiency. 3) It will always depend on the medium used. Dry weight: Is the most direct way to measure growth 1-10ml Sample thru time Culture Results Drying oven 3 -7 days Cell growth by protein quantification Results Culture Crecimiento Poblacional Bacteriano El ciclo de la curva de crecimiento Fase Lag: periodo de aclimatación Fase Estacionaria: se agotan nutrientes, a condiciones de crecimiento, síntesis de RNA, duplicación DNA se acumulan desperdicios dañinos, procesos de división celular y muerte estan en balance Fase Exponencial: número de células se duplica a intérvalos regulares de tiempo, ocurre bajo condiciones ideales de crecimiento (ej .abundancia de nutrientes) Fase de Muerte: las condiciones prevalecientes no pueden sostener más crecimiento y las células mueren Adaptive responses to nutrient limitations 1) 2) 3) 4) Starvation conditions Growth no growth Generation time days or months Depletion of an essential nutrient Responses: 1) PO4 may induce the high affinity i- PO4 uptake systems and/or enzymes that degrade o- PO4 (phosphatases). Stationary phase Sporulate Stationary phase 1) Changes is size 5-10 μm to 1-2 nm. 2) Changes in morphology form rod-shape to coccoid-shape 3) Changes in cell surface from hydrophilic to hydrophobic. 4) Formation of fibrils and aggregates 5) Changes in phospholipids from unsaturated to cyclopropane 6) The metabolic rate slow down but increase turnover of protein and RNA. 7) May synthesize 50 to 70 or more new proteins. 8) Cells may become more resistant to environmental stress Temperature, osmotic stress, high salt, ethanol, solvents, pH. Figure 2.4 Relative amount 10 RNA mass 5 protein DNA 1 0.6 1.0 1.5 2.0 μ (doublings/ hour) 2.5 Faster growing cells 1) More RNA, more ribosomes (65% RNA) 2) More DNA 3) More mass Why is that? Diauxic growth lactose growth OD [Substrate] glucose Time Catabolite repression by glucose 1) Repression in synthesis of degrading enzymes for the 2nd compound 2) Inhibits the uptake of other sugars (Inducer exclusion) Catabolite repression In Rhizobium: It grows first in C-4 acids of the TCA cycle then in Glucose In Pseudomonas aeruginosa: It grows first on organic acids then on carbohydrates Glucose PTS (phosphotransferase) proteins IIIGlc Adenylate cyclase Pyr PEP Glucose-6-P Blocked P O operon lactose PTS proteins No Glucose P IIIGlc P P Adenylate cyclase cAMP ATP Pyr PEP CAP P Activated O operon lactose Growth yields Y is the growth yield constant Y= amount of dry weight of cells produced per weight of nutrient used. This is determined when the limitation of the production of cells is controlled by The quantity of a single nutrient that is the sole source of energy and carbon. Y= weight dry cell weight of nutrient Molar growth yield constant Ym = weight dry cell (g) moles of substrate In aerobic bacteria Y glucose = 0.5 Means that 50% of the glucose Cell mass CO2 ???? In fermenting bacteria (glucose): Streptococcus faecalis (actualmente Enterococcus faecalis) Ym = 22 but this organism it generates 2 ATP/ mole of glucose How many cells per mole of ATP?? YATP = 22 / 2 = 11g cells per mole of ATP. Zymomonas mobilis 8.6g cells per mole of ATP. Calculate its Ym ? This organism generates 1 ATP / mole of glucose. Ym = 8.6g X 1 = 8.6 As an average you could expect that an organism fermenting glucose would form 10.5 g of cells per mole of ATP produced Growth kinetics: exponential growth x = anything that doubles each generation (cells, protein ,DNA) x = x02y log x0 = starting value y = number of generations g = generation time log x = log x0+ 0.301y log x = log x0+ 0.301t g g = t /y y = t /g Where t is the time elapsed Log x Slope = 0.301/g log x0 log x = log x0+ 0.301t g Y = b + mx time Matemática de crecimiento microbiano g (tiempo de generación): = t(Af)-t(Ai) k (logNf – log No) / t No=número de células inicial Nf = No=número de células final log bacterial numbers/ml k= instantaneous growth rate, número de generaciones por unidad de tiempo log Absorbance 550-600nm 90-60=30 min 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 min How g relates to k? log x = kt/2.303 + log x0 slope Slope = 0.301/g log x0 log x = log x0+ 0.301t g Y = b + mx time k/2.303 = 0.301/g k = 0.301/g (2.303) k = 0.693/g Relationship between growth rate (k) and the nutrient concentration (S) Natural environments [ ] nutrients How is k affected by this fact? K is limited by the rates of nutrient uptake k max k k max 2 k= Ks [S] kmax S Ks + S Steady State Growth and Continuous Growth Quimiostato: artefacto para regular el crecimiento de un cultivo durante un periodo prolongado. Se usa en aplicaciones industriales para la derivación de productos de origen microbiano. The chemostat relieves the insufficiency of nutrients, the accumulation of toxic substances, and the accumulation of excess cells in the culture, which are the parameters that initiate the stationary phase of the growth cycle. The bacterial culture can be grown and maintained at relatively constant conditions depending on the flow rate of the nutrients. The chemostat: Equations D Dilution rate D=F/V F= flow rate V= volume of medium in the growth chamber If a chemostat is operated at F = 10 ml/h and V= 1L What is the value of D. Dx D = 10 ml/h / (1000mL) D = 0.01h-1 If you have 3.67 X 107, What is the value of Dx? Dx = (0.01h-1) 3.67 X 107 Dx = 3.67 X 105 cells h-1 Dx = rate of loss of cells x = # of cells in the growth chamber Problem: How to choose the proper size inoculum. You have a culture with a density of 108 cells/mL and you would like To subculture it so that 16 hr later the density is is 108 cells/mL again. If g = 2 hr, what should x0 be? x = x02y y = t /g y = t /g = 16/2= 8 108= x028 x0= 3.9 X 105 cells/mL C1V1= C2V2 108 (X) = 3.9 X 105 (1000) X = 3.9 mL