Database Management Systems & Programming LIS 558 - Week 4 Entity Relationship Modeling II Faculty of Information & Media Studies Summer 2000 Class Outline Entity-Relationship Modeling Continued E-R Modeling Exercises E-R Model Transformation BREAK E-R Model Transformation Exercises Common database data types Guidelines for designing tables Common database design flaws Weak Entities An entity that is existence dependent on another entity (mandatory participation) and Has a primary key that is partially or totally derived from the parent entity of the relationship In ERD depict weak entity using double lines COURSE contains CourseID, ... EMPLOYEE EmployeeID, ... SECTION CourseID, SectionID, ... has a DEPENDENT EmployeeID, DependentID, ... Illustration of the Weak Relationship Between DEPENDENT and EMPLOYEE IS-A Supertypes-Subtypes A subtype entity is an entity that contains a set of optional attributes of the supertype entity and inherits its attributes and its relationships from the supertype entity If the supertype entity is related to mutually exclusive subtype entities (can belong to only one subtype), indicate with 1; if subtypes are overlapping (can belong to more than one), use m supertype CLIENT 1 INDIVIDUAL CORPORATE CONTRACT subtype PRODUCTS The same identifier (e.g., ClientID) is used for the supertype as well as subtype. m SERVICES Steps to E-R Modeling 1. Identify entities 2. Identify relationships 3. Determine relationship type 4. Determine level of participation 5. Assign an identifier for each entity 6. Draw completed E-R diagram 7. Deduce a set of preliminary skeleton tables along with a proposed primary key for each table (using cases provided) 8. Develop a list of all attributes of interest (not already listed and systematically assign each to a table in such a way to achieve a 3NF design (i.e., no repeating groups, no partial dependencies, and no transitive dependencies) Developing an E-R Diagram Entities for the Tiny College Database SCHOOL COURSE DEPARMENT CLASS EMPLOYEE PROFESSOR ENROLL (Bridge between STUDENT and CLASS) STUDENT Developing an E-R Diagram Tiny College Database • Each school is composed of several departments. • The smallest number of departments operated by a school is one, and the largest number of departments is indeterminate (N). • Each department belongs to only a single school. Developing an E-R Diagram Tiny College Database • Each department offers several courses. Developing an E-R Diagram Tiny College Database • A department may offer several sections (classes) of the same course. • A 1:M relationship exists between COURSE and CLASS. • CLASS is optional to COURSE Developing an E-R Diagram Tiny College Database • Each department has many professors assigned to it. • One of those professors chairs the department. Only one of the professors can chair the department. • DEPARTMENT is optional to PROFESSOR in the “chairs” relationship. Developing an E-R Diagram Tiny College Database • Each professor may teach up to four classes, each one a section of a course. • A professor may also be on a research contract and teach no classes. Developing an E-R Diagram Tiny College Database • A student may enroll in several classes, but (s)he takes each class only once during any given enrollment period. • Each student may enroll in up to six classes and each class may have up to 35 students in it. • STUDENT is optional to CLASS. Developing an E-R Diagram Tiny College Database • Each department has several students whose major is offered by that department. • Each student has only a single major and associated with a single department. Developing an E-R Diagram Tiny College Database • Each student has an advisor in his or her department; each advisor counsels several students. • An advisor is also a professor, but not all professors advise students. Components of the E-R Model Exercise Problem Rob 2.1-7 Exercise Problem - Rob 2.1-7 An EMPLOYEE has only one JOB_CODE, but a JOB_CODE can be held by many EMPLOYEEs. An EMPLOYEE can have many BENEFITs, and any BENEFIT can be assigned to many EMPLOYEEs. Exercise Problem - Rob 2.1-7 1 JOB M is assigned to EMPLOYEE 1 own s 1 PLAN M d esc ribe s M BE NE FIT E-R Modeling I Exercises (distributed last week) Complete solutions on course website E-R Modeling I - #1 1. Use the following business rules to write all appropriate connectivities and cardinalities in an E-R diagram: A department employs many employees, but each employee is employed by one department, although some employees, known as "rovers", are not assigned to any department; A division operates many departments, but each department is operated by one division; An employee may be assigned to many projects and a project may have many employees assigned to it; A project must have at least one employee assigned to it; One of the employees manages each department; One of the employees runs each division. Solution to Q1 E-R Modeling I - #2 2. The Hudson Engineering Group (HEG) has contacted you to create a conceptual model whose application will meet the expected database requirements for its training program. The HEG administrator gives you the following description of the training group's operating environment: The HEG has twelve instructors and can handle up to thirty trainees per class. HEG offers five "advanced technology" courses, each of which may generate several classes. If a class has fewer than ten trainees in it, it will be canceled. It is, therefore, possible for a course not to generate any classes during a session. Each class is taught by one instructor. Each instructor may teach up to two classes or may be assigned to do research. Each trainee may take up to two classes per session. Given this information, do the following: - Describe the relationships between the entities in terms of connectivity, cardinality, and existence dependence. - Draw the E-R diagram for HEG. Solution to Q2 E-R Modeling II Exercises (distributed last week) Complete solutions on course website E-R Modeling II - #1 1. Given the following business rules, create the E-R diagram, incorporating each of the specified relationships: - A company operates four departments; - Each department in part (a) employs employees; - Each of the employees in part b may or may not have one or more dependents; - Each employee in part (c) may or may not have an employment history. Solution to Q1 E-R Modeling II - #4 4. A large hospital has just hired you to design a technical help desk database application. The hospital has just standardized their complement of network PCs by acquiring 500 Pentium III 400 MHz workstations. Each workstation has an appropriate range of applications software already loaded. The purpose of the helpdesk database is to track the problems that arise (hardware and software), the users who report them, and the person assigned to resolve the problem. The development of this helpdesk and the associated database was proposed to reduce response time, reduce paperwork, centralize problem resolution, and ensure appropriate follow-up. Provide a conceptual design for this database application by creating an entity-relationship diagram. UserID,... Solution to Q4 USER (0,N) 1 ProbID... reports (1,1) ProbID,… M PROBLEM (1,1) M HARDWARE 1 (0,1) is a assigned to (0,N) 1 ResolverID,... RESOLVER SOFTWARE ProbID,... E-R Modeling II - #5 5. Design a database that tracks employee’s skills. Additionally, track various projects and the skills that are required to perform each project. Finally, the project must be appropriately assigned. Include also the employee’s supervisor, dependents, work history and employee benefits. Solution to Q5 employee supervises 1 1 parent of * M 1 M M has * M dependents M work history acquires assigned N N M given N project skill M requires N benefits Steps to E-R ModelTransformation 1. Identify entities 2. Identify relationships 3. Determine relationship type 4. Determine level of participation 5. Assign an identifier for each entity 6. Draw completed E-R diagram 7. Deduce a set of preliminary skeleton tables along with a proposed primary key for each table (using cases provided) 8. Develop a list of all attributes of interest (not already listed and systematically assign each to a table in such a way to achieve a 3NF design (i.e., no repeating groups, no partial dependencies, and no transitive dependencies) Developing an E-R Diagram Converting an E-R Model into a Database Structure • A painter might paint many paintings. The cardinality is (1,N) in the relationship between PAINTER and PAINTING. • Each painting is painted by one (and only one) painter. • A painting might (or might not) be exhibited in a gallery; i.e., the GALLERY is optional to PAINTING. Developing an E-R Diagram Summary of Table Structures and Special Requirements for the ARTIST database PAINTER(PRT_NUM, PRT_LASTNAME, PRT_FIRSTNAME, PRT_INITIAL, PTR_AREACODE, PRT_PHONE) GALLERY(GAL_NUM, GAL_OWNER, GAL_AREACODE, GAL_PHONE, GAL_RATE) PAINTING(PNTG_NUM, PNTG_TITLE, PNTG_PRICE, PTR_NUM, GAL_NUM) A Data Dictionary for the ARTIST Database Developing an E-R Diagram General Rules Governing Relationships among Tables 1. All primary keys must be defined as NOT NULL. 2. Define all foreign keys to conform to the following requirements for binary relationships. – 1:M Relationship – Weak Entity – M:N Relationship – 1:1 Relationship Developing an E-R Diagram 1:M Relationships • Create the foreign key by putting the primary key of the “one” (parent) in the table of the “many” (dependent). • Foreign Key Rules: Null On Delete On Update If both sides are MANDATORY NOT NULL RESTRICT CASCADE If both sides are OPTIONAL NULL ALLOWED SET NULL CASCADE If one side is OPTIONAL and the other MANDATORY NULL ALLOWED SET NULL or RESTRICT CASCADE Developing an E-R Diagram Weak Entity • Put the key of the parent table (strong entity) in the weak entity. • The weak entity relationship conforms to the same rules as the 1:M relationship, except foreign key restrictions: NOT NULL ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE M:N Relationship • Convert the M:N relationship to a composite (bridge) entity consisting of (at least) the parent tables’ primary keys. Developing an E-R Diagram 1:1 Relationships • If both entities are in mandatory participation in the relationship and they do not participate in other relationships, it is most likely that the two entities should be part of the same entity. Developing an E-R Diagram Case 1: M:N, Both Sides MANDATORY Developing an E-R Diagram Case 2: M:N, Both Sides OPTIONAL Developing an E-R Diagram Case 3: M:N, One Side OPTIONAL Developing an E-R Diagram Cases 1-3: M:N PATIENT M prescribed N DRUG PATIENT (PATIENT_ID, PATIENT_LNAME, PATIENT_PHYSICIAN,...) DRUG (DRUG_ID, DRUG_NAME, DRUG_MANUFACTURER, ...) PRESCRIBE(PATIENT_ID, DRUG_ID, DOSAGE, DATE…) NOTE: The relationship may have its own attributes. Example of decomposing entities with a binary M:N relationship Students:Classes have an M:N relationship, therefore, decompose to three tables. bridge table Developing an E-R Diagram Case 4: 1:M, Both Sides MANDATORY EMPLOYEE 1 checks M PRODUCT EMPLOYEE (EMP_ID, EMP_DEPT, …) PRODUCT (PROD_ID, PROD_NAME, PROD_%FIBRE, EMP_ID... ) Developing an E-R Diagram Case 5: 1:M, Both Sides OPTIONAL PHYSIOTHERAPIST 1 has M CLIENTS PHYSIOTHERAPIST (PT_ID, PT_LNAME, ...) CLIENT (CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_LNAME, CLIENT_OHIP#, …PT_ID) Developing an E-R Diagram Case 6: 1:M, Many Side OPTIONAL, One Side MANDATORY MACHINE 1 contains M PARTS MACHINE (MACH_ID, MACH_NAME, MACH_DEPT, ...) PART (PART_ID, PART_NAME, PART_CATEGORY, …, MACH_ID) Developing an E-R Diagram Case 7: 1:M, One Side OPTIONAL, One Side MANDATORY BAND 1 accepts M MUSICIAN BAND (BAND_ID, BAND_NAME, MUSIC_TYPE...) MUSICIAN (MUSICIAN_ID, MUSICIAN_INSTRUMENT, … BAND_ID) Developing an E-R Diagram Case 8: 1:1, Both Sides MANDATORY Developing an E-R Diagram Case 8: 1:1, Both Sides MANDATORY PLUMBER 1 1 assigned BUILDING PLUMBER (PLUMBER_ID, PLUMBER_LNAME,…BUILDING_ID) BUILDING (BUILDING_ID, BUILDING_ADDRESS,...) EMPLOYEE 1 has a 1 JOB-DESCRIPTION EMPLOYEE (EMP_NUM, EMP_LNAME,…, JOB_DESC) Developing an E-R Diagram Case 9: 1:1, Both Sides OPTIONAL EXERCISER 1 has 1 TRAINER EXERCISER (EXERCISER_ID, EXERCISER_LNAME, …TRAINER_ID) TRAINER (TRAINER_ID, TRAINER_LNAME, ...) Developing an E-R Diagram Case 10: 1:1, One Side OPTIONAL, One Side MANDATORY EMPLOYEE 1 has 1 AUTO EMPLOYEE (EMP_ID, EMP_LNAME, EMP_PHONE,…) AUTO (LIC_NUM, SERIAL_NUM, MAKE, MODEL,, …, EMP_ID) Developing an E-R Diagram Case 11: Weak Entity (Foreign key located in weak entity) Case 11. Decomposing Weak Entities When the relationship type of a binary relationship is 1:M between an entity and its weak entity, two tables are required: one for each entity, with the entity key from each entity serving as the primary key for the corresponding table. Additionally, the entity that has a dependency on the existence of another entity has a primary key that is partially or totally derived from the parent entity of the relationship. Weak entities must be deleted when the strong entity is deleted. HOSPITAL 1 contains M UNIT HOSPITAL (HOSP_ID, HOSP_NAME, HOSP_ADDRESS, ...) UNIT (HOSP_ID, UNIT_NAME, HEAD_NURSE, ...) Developing an E-R Diagram Case 12: Multivalued Attributes Decomposing an IS-A Relationship CLIENT 1 INDIVIDUAL CLIENT CORPORATE CLIENT Entity CLIENT contains ClientNumber ClientName Address AmountDue SocialInsuranceNumber TaxIdentificationNumber ContactPerson Phone Problem: Too many NULL values Solution: Separate into CLIENT entity plus several subtypes Decomposing an IS-A Relationship Create a table for the parent entity and for each of the child entities or subtypes Move the associated attributes from the parent entity into the child table to which they correspond From the parent entity take the entity key and add it as the primary key to the corresponding table for each child entity In the event a table corresponding to a child entity already has a primary key then simply add the entity key from the parent entity as an attribute of the table corresponding to the child entity CLIENT 1 INDIVIDUAL CLIENT CORPORATE CLIENT CLIENT (CLIENT_ID, AMOUNT_DUE, …) INDIVIDUAL_CLIENT (CLIENT_ID, SIN#, …) CORPORATE_CLIENT(CLIENT_ID, GST#, …) Transforming Recursive Relationships 1:1 - create a foreign key field (duplicate values not allowed) that contains the domain of primary key Stud_ID Stud_FName Stud_LName 1 2 3 4 Rodney Joki Francine Anne Jones Singh Moire Abel Locker Partner 4 3 2 1 1:M - create a foreign key field (duplicate values allowed) that contains the domain of primary key Prod_ID Prod_Name Base_Prod 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chicken burger Raw Chicken Weiner Schnitzel Fried Chicken Ground pork Pork dumplings 2 5 2 5 Transforming M:N Recursive Relationships M:N - create a second relation that contains two foreign keys: one for each side of the relationship BookID 1 2 3 4 BookTitle Author Open Secrets Wilderness Tips Stones from the River Cat's Eye Alice Munro Margaret Atwood Ursula Hegi Margaret Atwood BookID RecommendedBook 1 1 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 3 Decomposing Ternary relationships When a relationship is three-way (ternary) four preliminary tables are required: one for each entity, with the entity key from each entity serving as the primary key for the corresponding table, and one for the relationship. The table corresponding to the relationship will have among its attributes the entity keys from each entity Similarly, when a relationship is N-way, N+1 preliminary tables are required. Library Database Example writes AUTHOR M BOOK N M publishes 1 PUBLISHER PUBLISHER (Pub_ID, ___, ___, ___, ___, …) BOOK (ISBN, Pub_ID, ___, ___, ___, ___, …) AUTHOR (Author_ID, ___, ___, ___, ___, …) WRITES(ISBN, Author_ID, ___, ___, ___, ___, …) Case 6 Case 2 University Example M STUDENT takes N COURSE M M taught by Case 6 ENROLL (StudID, CourseID, ___, ...) STUDENT (StudID, ___, ___, FacID, …) Case 2 COURSE (CourseID, ___, ___, ___, …) FACULTY (FacID, ___, ___, ___, ___, …) TEACH (FacID, CourseID,…) Case 2 N 1 FACULTY E-R Modeling & Transformation Exercise E-R Modeling & Transformation Exercise Create an E-R model and define its table structures for the following requirements. - An INVOICE is written by a SALESREP. Each sales representative can write many invoices, but each invoice is written by a single sales representative. - The INVOICE is written for a single CUSTOMER. However, each customer may have many invoices. - An INVOICE may include many detail lines (LINE) which describe the products bought by the customer. - The product information is stored in a PRODUCT entity. - The product's vendor information is found in a VENDOR entity. E-R Modeling & Transformation Exercise 1 1 CUSTOMER VENDOR (1,1) (1,N) (1,N) gene rate s M (1,1) SHIPMENT 1 M INVOICE M (1,1) writes 1 (1,N) SALES RE P M M 1 PRO DUCT INV_LINE (1,N) (1,1) (1,1) (1,N) (1,1) (1,N) M 1 E-R Modeling & Transformation Exercise • Keep in mind that the preceding E-R diagram reflects a set of business rules that may easily be modified • For example, if customers are supplied via a commercial customer list, many of the customers on that list will not (yet!) have bought anything, so INVOICE would be optional to CUSTOMER • We are assuming here that a product can be supplied by many vendors and that each vendor can supply many products. The PRODUCT may be optional to VENDOR if the vendor list includes potential vendors from which you have not (yet) ordered anything. • Some products may never sell, so LINE is optional to PRODUCT... because an unsold product will never appear in an invoice line. • LINE may be shown as weak to INVOICE, because it borrows the invoice number as part of its primary key and it is existencedependent on INVOICE • The design depends on the exact nature of the business rules. E-R Modeling & Transformation Exercise 1 VENDOR (0,N) sh ips (1,1) 1 CUSTOMER ORDER (1,N) (1,1) gene rate s M (1,1) (1,1) writes 1 (1,N) SALES RE P M sh ows in M 1 INVOICE M M contains (1,N) M INV_LINE (1,1) 1 is in (1,1) (1,N) PRO DUCT (0,N) 1 E-R Modeling & Transformation Exercise CUSTOMER (CustomerID, …) INVOICE (InvoiceID, CustomerID, SalesRepID,…) LINE (InvoiceID, LineID, ProdID,…) PRODUCT (ProductID, …) SALESREP (SalesRepID, …) VENDOR (VendorID,…) SHIP (ShipID, ProductID, VendorID,…) Further E-R Transformation Exercises ER Modeling I handout - Q1 DIVISION (DivisionID,…ManagerID) DEPARTMENT (DeptID,…DivisionID) not null EMPLOYEE (EmpID, …DeptID) PROJECT (ProjectID,…) EMPLOYEE_PROJECT (EmpID, ProjectID,…) null allowed ER Modeling I - Q2 INSTRUCTOR (InstructorID, HighestDegree, …) COURSE (CourseID, ClassTitle, …) CLASS (ClassID, CourseID, InstructorID, Term…) TRAINEE (TraineeID, …) ENROLL (TraineeID, ClassID, Term…)* All foreign keys not null. * Optionally, create an EnrollmentID attribute to use as primary key. ER Modeling I - Q3 CUSTOMER (CustomerID, …) INVOICE (InvoiceID, CustomerID, SalesRepID,…) LINE (InvoiceID, LineID, ProdID,…) PRODUCT (ProductID, …) SALESREP (SalesRepID, …) VENDOR (VendorID,…) SHIP (ShipID, ProductID, VendorID,…) All foreign keys not null ER Modeling I - Q4 AGENT (AgentID, LName, Region…) CLIENT (ClientID, LName,…) MUSICIAN (MusicianID, AgentID, Name, DaysAvailable,…) EVENT (EventID, ClientID, MusicianID, Date, Time, Location…) INSTRUMENT (InsturmentID, …) MUSICIAN_INSTRUMENT (MusicianID, InstrumentID, YearsExperience…) All foreign keys not null. ER Modeling I - Q5 CITY (CityID, …) TEAM (TeamID, CoachID, CityID, …) PLAYER (PlayerID, TeamID,…) COACH (CoachID, TeamID,…) GAME (GameID, HomeTeamID, VisitorTeamID,…) All foreign keys not null. ER Modeling II - Q1 COMPANY (CompanyID, …) DEPARTMENT (DepartmentID, CompanyID…) EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, DepartmentID, …) DEPENDENT (EmployeeID, DependentID, …) EMPLOYEE_HISTORY (EmployeeID, HistoryID, …) All foreign keys are not null ER Modeling II - Q2 MEMBER (MemberID, …) WORKOUT (WorkoutID, MemberID, Date…) EXERCISE (ExerciseID…) WORKOUT_EXERCISE (WorkoutID, ExerciseID, NumberSets, NumberReps,…) ER Modeling II - Q3 EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, Name…PositionID) PART_TIME_EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, HourlyRate…) FULL_TIME_EMPLOYEE (EmployeeID, Salary, OfficeRoom, …) POSITION (PositionID, Title, Job_Description…) All foreign keys not null. ER Modeling II - Q4 USER (UserID, Name, Department,…) PROBLEM (ProblemID, TimeSpent, UserID, ResolverID,…) HARDWARE (ProblemID, Description, Solution…) SOFTWARE (ProblemID, SoftwareVersion, …) RESOLVER (ResolverID, Name, Phone, Level, …) All foreign keys not null. ER Modeling II - Q5 EMPLOYEES (EmployeeID, SupervisorID, …) SKILLS (SkillID, SkillName, …) EMPLOYEE_SKILL (EmployeeID, SkillID, DateAcquired, Certification,…) PROJECTS (ProjectID, ProjectName, ManagerID, StartDate…) EMPLOYEE_PROJECT (EmployeeID, ProjectID, Role…) PROJECT_SKILL (ProjectID, SkillID, SkillLevelRequired, NumberStaff,…)* DEPENDENTS (EmployeeID, DependentID, DateOfBirth…) WORK_HISTORY(EmployeeID, HistoryID,…) BENEFITS (BenefitID, BenefitType, Company, Contact,…) EMPLOYEE_BENEFIT (EmployeeID, BenefitID,…) All foreign keys are not null. * Optionally, create a ProjectSkill_ID attribute to use as primary key. ER Modeling II - Q6 ORCHARD (OrchardID, Location, …) SPECIES (SpeciesID, Name, OrchardID…) DISEASE (DiseaseID, Symptoms, Treatment,…) SPECIES_DISEASE (SpeciesDiseaseID, SpeciesID, DiseaseID, Date,…)* CUSTOMER (CustomerID, …) ORDER (OrderID, CustomerID, …) ORDERDETAILS (OrderID, DetailID, SpeciesID,…) All foreign keys not null. * Optionally, use the combination of SpeciesID, DiseaseID and Date as primary key and remove SpeciesDiseaseID entirely. Characteristics of Fields Each field within a table must have a unique name (avoid spaces and special characters). Data within a field must be of the same data type. The following are common data types: • • • • • • • • character (text or string) memo (large character field) integer (whole numbers for calculations) number (values with decimals for calculations) currency (formatted number) logical or Boolean (true/false; 0,-1; yes/no) date/ time (use computer’s internal calendar/clock) graphic (picture) Guidelines for Ideal Table Design Each table should represents a single theme or subject or entity or transaction Tables should include primary keys that uniquely identify each record of each table Avoid the use of smart keys that attempt to embed meaning into primary keys (keys should be meaningless) A primary key should be a unique, random or sequential collection of alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric characters The domain of primary keys should be large enough to accommodate the identification of unique rows for the entire potential universe of records Use the suffix ID in constructing primary keys to ensure they are readily identifiable Tables should not contain any of the following: multipart fields, multivalued fields, calculated or derived fields or unnecessary duplicate fields There should be a minimum amount of redundant data Common Errors in Database Design Flat file database Duplicate field names Too much data Cryptic field or table names Compound fields Referential integrity Missing keys Database Security Bad keys Missing relationships Unnecessary relationships Missing or incorrect business rules Missing or incorrect constraints Incorrect relationships John Paul Ashenfelter, “Common Database Mistakes”, May 26, 1999, <> (Oct 10, 1999). The Well-Structured Database E-R modeling is top-down method of designing Transforming an E-R model does not guarantee the best design (e.g., E-R model could be way off) Best to transform E-R model and then check the design according to the Cases of normalization Normalization is bottom-up method of designing a database Use both approaches to develop a wellstructured database The Challenge of Database Design: Conflicting Goals Conflicting Goals • Design standards (design elegance) • Processing speed • Information requirements Design Considerations • Logical requirements and design conventions • End user requirements; e.g., performance, security, shared access, data integrity • Processing requirements • Operational requirements • Documentation