Presentation Skills ENC 3254 Speaking & Writing for Premed Students Presentations are expensive. Consider whether it is really necessary. Cost in salaries of audience Cost in time for presentation Cost in time to prepare presentation Presentations have advantages over documents Work can come alive for audience Presenter can read audience and react Work C A B C Presenter receives instant reaction ! ? ! D ? Presentations also have disadvantages ? ? Speaker has limited chance to catch errors Audience cannot reread text ? audience Audience cannot look up background material has one chance to hear Informative Speech Assignment What are the most common public speaking challenges? Anxiety Lack of preparation time Not knowing your purpose Not knowing the audience Communication Apprehension The Book of Lists ranks fear of public speaking as the #1 fear, even ahead of death, disease, and nuclear war. A 2001 Gallup Poll found that public speaking was second only to a fear of snakes. But….is it Genetic? Or a Learned Behavior? Is it Trait or State CA? What are the causes of CA? or Why should we be scared? Fear of Embarrassment Fear of Failure Fear of Rejection Fear of the Unknown Overcoming or Controlling CA Choose your topic Know your environment Breathe & Relax Use extras wisely Get the audience’s attention early Know your material & practice Make eye contact with your audience Don’t be afraid to make mistakes Put in the situation into perspective & welcome the experience Presentations can be viewed from three stylistic perspectives Structure and Speech Supply plenums for each liner panel allow for independent flow control Visual Aids Delivery Archives, Cal-Tech Structure and Speech Visual Aids Delivery Archives, Cal-Tech Begin preparing a scientific presentation by analyzing your constraints Who are they? What do they know? Why are they here? What biases do they have? audience to inform formality to persuade to inspire purpose occasion size time to teach There are 2 messages in any speech: 1. The one you send 2. The one the audience receives Challenge: Audiences can be Poor Listeners Reactive to trigger words or topics Listen faster than you can speak Prefer info similar to their beliefs Retain very little Goal: Be Compelling Know Purpose of Speech Know Audience Show Value of Message Build Rapport Types of Speeches Informative Informative/Persuasive Persuasive Types of Audiences: Demographics Technical or Non-technical Educational Level Age Types of Audiences: Situational & Psychological Occasion Size of Room & Group Roles & Motives Culture Feelings about you or your topic Goal: Present a clear message Speech Overview/Preview Prepares Audience Use Connectives/Transitions Signals Topic Change Review Points Enhances Audience Retention As with documents, the structure of presentations should have clear beginnings, middles, and ends B e g i n n i n g Middle E n d i n g Beginnings prepare the audience for the work to be presented Defines work Shows importance Work = A + B Maps presentation Gives background B A C D Speech Organization Introduction Attention grabber thesis/central idea relation statement qualifications (if necessary) preview/forecast Speech Organization -Organizational Patterns Body—or middle of the speech, presents the information in a logical order Topical Triad Chronological Problem/Cause/Solution MMS Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Step 1--Attention Step 2-Need Step 3-Satisfaction Step 4-Visualization Step 5-Action The ending should summarize main points and place those results in the context of the big picture point 1 point 2 point 3 point 4 point 5 point 6 point 7 point 8 point 1 point 7 Big Picture Summary Speech Organization Conclusion forewarn audience of ending summarize your main points remind audience of desired response end in an upbeat manner Sample Outlines Structure and Speech Visual Aids Delivery Archives, Cal-Tech Delivery is the speaker’s interaction with the audience Cal-Tech Cal-Tech AIP Voice Movement Stage Presence Goal: Be Captivating & Memorable Delivery How You Give the Speech Verbal Techniques Volume, Rate, Emphasis, Vocal Variety, Articulation Non-verbal Techniques Personal Appearance, Gestures, Eye Contact Language Enhances Understanding Speech Delivery Options Memorizing the Speech Reading From a Text + allows eye contact - difficult for long speeches - room for precision errors - no room for improvising + ensures precision - does not sound natural - no room for improvising - hinders eye contact Winging It Speaking Extemporaneously + sounds natural - has much room for error + insures organization + allows eye contact + allows improvising - some room for error Delivery Essentials ~65% of total message Eye Contact and Facial Expression 50% of nonverbal message Body Movement--body language hand gestures, walking, podium use Vocalics or Paralanguage 30% of nonverbal message Distracting Mannerisms Structure and Speech Supply plenums for each liner panel allow for independent flow control Visual Aids Delivery Archives, Cal-Tech