Mother of God? - The Gospel Herald

Jesus is coming. . .soon! Are you ready?
Revelation Chapter 12
1. Woman and her child
2. Dragon’s origin and
his nefarious works
3. Mysterious “woman”
“Great Wonder”
“Another Wonder”
Contrast of two “wonders”
and two “women” in Rev. 12
Mother of God?
“And there appeared
a great wonder in
heaven; a woman
clothed with the sun,
and the moon under
her feet, and upon
her head a crown of
twelve stars” Rev. 12:1
Mother of God?
“I am she who is
related to the
Divine Trinity—I am
the Virgin of
Stated in a vision given to
Bruno Cornacchiola at
Tre Fontane, Italy, 1947
Mother of God?
“I am the same
one that appeared
all over the world.
. . . I am the
mother of God.”
Message given to Estela
Ruiz of Phoenix, Arizona
on Dec. 10, 1988
Mother of God?
“Beloved son,
today you are
gazing upon the
splendor of your
heavenly mother. I
am the Immaculate
Conception. . . .”
Mother of God?
“. . . I am the only
creature free from
every stain of sin,
even the original
Message given to Don
Stefano Gobbi on
Dec. 8, 1989
Mother of God?
“The original of that mother,
so widely worshipped, there
is reason to believe, was
Semiramis who, it is well
known, was worshipped by
Babylonians and other
eastern nations . . .”
Mother of God?
“It is from her son, however,
that she derived all her glory
and her claims to deification.
. . . In Scripture he is referred
to under the name of
Tammuz.” (see Ezek. 8:14)
Alexander Hislop
The Two Babylons, p. 21
Babylon’s Deep
“And Cush begat Nimrod: he
began to be a mighty one in
the earth. . . . And the
beginning of his [Nimrod’s]
kingdom was Babel, and
Erech, and Accad, and Calneh,
in the land of Shinar.”
Genesis 10:8-10
Babylon’s Deep
Noah, and his mother and wife,
Semiramis, also known as Ishtar
and Isis. Nimrod, known in Egypt
as Osiris, was the founder of the
first world empire at Babel, later
known as Babylon.”
Forerunner Commentary
Babylon’s Deep
if you prefer the Biblical version,
was said to have ruled the land
of Shinar and founded several
great cities, including Babylon,
at about 2182 B.C.”
Mother of God?
“The Babylonians in their
popular religion, supremely
worshipped a goddess
mother and her son, who was
represented in pictures and
in images as an infant child
in his mother’s arms. . .”
Mother of God?
“From Babylon this worship
of the mother and the child
spread to the ends of the
earth. In Egypt the mother
and child were worshipped
as Isis and Osiris. In India,
even to this day . . .”
Mother of God?
“ . . . as Isi [Vishnu] and Iswara;
in Asia as Cybele and Deoius;
in pagan Rome as Fortuna
and Jupiter. . . . And even in
Tibet, in China, and Japan,
the Jesuit missionaries were
astonished to find . . .”
Mother of God?
“ . . . the counterpart of the
Madonna and her child as
devoutly worshipped as in
Papal Rome itself; Shing
Moo, the Mother of China,
being represented with a
child in her arms . . .”
Mother of God?
“ . . . and a glory around her,
exactly as if a Roman Catholic
artist had been employed to
set her up.”
Alexander Hislop
The Two Babylons, p. 20
Mother of God?
Mother of God?
“King Solomon loved
many strange women,
together with the
daughter of Pharaoh,
women of the
Moabites, Ammonites,
Edomites, Zidonians,
and Hittites.”
Mother of God?
Source of the
“. . . in the latter times, the
devil’s doctrine will be
taught by seducing spirits,
and many will give heed to
them . . .”
Source of the
“. . . the doctrine the Devil
taught in the Garden was,
‘Ye shall not surely die.’
This is the sentiment of the
seducing spirits at the
present time.”
J.N. Loughborough
Man’s Present Condition
and His Future Reward or Punishment, p.150
Source of the
“The notion prevailed in the
heathen world that man’s
spirit ascended up to be
with the gods (and this is
the foundation of heathen
mythology) . . .”
Source of the
“. . . It was the old lesson
taught by that unreliable
character in Eden, ‘Ye shall
not surely die,’ but ‘ye shall
be as gods.’”
Uriah Smith
Here and Hereafter, p. 84
Source of the
“. . . ‘ye will be as God,
knowing good and evil.’ This
is not only the literal reading,
but the true meaning, of the
original words [of Satan]. . .”
Source of the
“. . .This gives the very
thought that was put before
the woman. It was not that
you shall be as gods, in the
common acceptation of the
plural term ‘gods’. . . .’”
Source of the
“. . . It was literally the very
thought and ambition of
Lucifer himself which he now
put before her — ye shall be
as God. . . .”
Source of the
“. . . He would lead her away,
and inspire her with this
mind which was in him, to
be equal with God.”
A.T. Jones
Ecclesiastical Empire, p. 590
Source of the
“. . . He would lead her away,
and inspire her with this
mind which was in him, to
be equal with God.”
A.T. Jones
Ecclesiastical Empire, p. 590
Source of the
“. . . He would lead her away,
and inspire her with this
mind which was in him, to
be equal with God.”
A.T. Jones
Ecclesiastical Empire, p. 590
“We confess that the Pope has
power of changing Scripture
and of adding to it, and taking
from it, according to his will.”
Roman Catholic Confessions
for Protestants Oath, Article XI
“Take care that we lose not that
salvation, that life and breath which
thou hast given us, for thou art our
shepherd, thou art our physician,
thou art our governor, thou art our
husbandman, thou art finally another
God on earth.” Christopher Marcellus in
Oration addressing Pope Julius II, in Fifth
Lateran Council, Session IV (1512)
“The Pope takes the place of Jesus
Christ on earth . . . by divine right the
Pope has supreme and full power in
faith, in morals over each and every
pastor and his flock. He is the true
vicar, the head of the entire church,
the father and teacher of all
Christians. . . .”
“He is the infallible ruler, the founder
of dogmas, the author of and the
judge of councils; the universal ruler
of truth, the arbiter of the world, the
supreme judge of heaven and earth,
the judge of all, being judged by no
one, God himself on earth.”
Quoted in the New York Catechism
• Tradition instead of Bible
• Sunday instead of the
seventh-day Sabbath
• Easter Sunday observance
as a moral obligation
Character of the
is worthChurch?
noting that the
centrality of Christ’s teaching on
and example of self-sacrificing
love, especially toward one’s
enemies, was largely abandoned,
at least at an institutional level,
with the advent of ‘Constantinian
Christianity’ . . . ”
Character of the
. . .Once Church?
the church acquired
worldly power, it revisioned its
task as conquering the world, in
Jesus’ name rather than
sacrificially serving the world in
Jesus’ name.”
Gregory Boyd
The Nature of the Atonement, p.42
Mother of God?
with this
Mother of God?
with this
Mother of God?
1. Immaculate Conception
2. That she be declared “comediatrix” with Christ
3. That the world be
dedicated to her so that
she can bring peace
Mother of God?
“It is for this, that, as Mother,
as Immaculate Mother,
Mediatrix of all Graces, that I
call you to this place, so that
my union with you may be
more intimate and vital . . .”
Message given to Maria Esperanza
in Betania, Venezuela
Mother of God?
“Have great confidence in the
powerful work of intercession
and mediation of your heavenly
Message #441i given to Don Stefano Gobbi
Revelation Chapter 12
“For there is one God, and one
Mediator between God and men,
the Man Christ Jesus.”
1 Timothy 2:5
“And this is life eternal, that they
might know Thee the only true
God, and Jesus Christ, whom
Thou hast sent.”
John 17:3
Revelation Chapter 12
“Neither is there salvation
in any other: for there is
none other name under
heaven given among men,
whereby we must be
Acts 4:12
Mother of God?
“Satan's first effort was to
root out the Christian
Church, so that there should
be no visible profession of
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary
Mother of God?
The image of a mother goddess with
a child in her arms was so strongly
written in the pagan mind, that when
the days of the “great falling away”
came, the imagery continued to be
accepted not only in popular
opinion, but by formal church
approval. The image was merely
renamed as Mary and her son.
Mother of God?
Mother of God?
Doctrine of Mary
“The Immaculate Mother
of God, the ever Virgin
Mary, having completed
the course of her earthly
life, was assumed body
and soul into heavenly
Pope Pius IX (1854)
Mother of God?
Doctrine of Mary
“In 1858, just four years
after this doctrine was
declared, Our Lady of
Lourdes appeared with
the salutation, ‘I am the
Immaculate Conception.’”
Patrick Marnham
Lourdes, A Modern Pilgrimage, pp. 4-9
“It is thoroughly understood
that in His birth Christ did
partake of the nature of Mary—
the ‘woman’ of whom He was
‘made.’ Therefore endeavor
has been made . . .”
“. . .to escape the conseCompromise
quences of this glorious truth,
which is the emptying of self,
by inventing a theory that the
nature of the virgin Mary was
different from the nature of
the rest of mankind. . . .”
“This invention has culminated
in what is known as the Roman
Catholic dogma of the
Immaculate Conception.”
A.T. Jones
Consecrated Way, p. 41-42
“The faith of Rome as to the
human nature of Christ and
Mary and of ourselves springs
from that idea of the natural
mind that . . . we are too far off
for Him in His purity and
holiness to come to us just as
we are.”
“The true faith–the faith of
Jesus–is that, far off from God
as we are in our sinfulness, in
our human nature which He
took, He has come to us just
where we are . . . to save us, to
purify us, and to make us holy.”
“The faith of Rome is that we
must be pure and holy in order
that God shall dwell with us at
all. The faith of Jesus is that
God must dwell with us and in
us in order that we shall be holy
or pure at all.”
A.T. Jones
Consecrated Way, p. 45-46
• Mind of Satan included the
desire to “be as God”
• Instilled this thinking into
the mind of mankind
• Idea grew throughout the
history of this world
“For thou shalt worship no other god:
for the LORD, whose name is Jealous,
is a jealous God: lest thou make a
covenant with the inhabitants of the
land, and they go a whoring after their
gods, and do sacrifice unto their
gods, and one call thee, and thou eat
of his sacrifice.” Exodus 34:14, 15
“And Ahab the son of
Omri did evil in the sight
of the LORD above all that
were before him . . . he
took to wife Jezebel the
daughter of Ethbaal king
of the Zidonians, and
went and served Baal,
and worshipped him.”
“And Elijah came unto all
the people, and said, How
long halt ye between two
opinions? if the LORD be
God, follow him: but if
Baal, then follow him.
And the people answered
him not a word.”
“We expect that the
Immaculate Virgin
and Mother of God,
Mary, through her
most powerful
intercession, will
bring it about that
our Holy Mother. . .”
“. . . the Catholic
Church will gain in
influence from day
to day among all
nations and in all
places. . .”
“. . . and that there
will be one fold and
one shepherd.”
Pope Pius IX
“Great Wonder”
“Another Wonder”
Contrast of two “wonders”
and two “women” in Rev. 12
Queen of All
Queen of All
Revelation Chapter 12
“And the dragon was wroth
with the woman, and went to
make war with the remnant of
her seed, which keep the
commandments of God, and
have the testimony of Jesus.”
Revelation 12:17