The Invisible Line that Divides and Unites Us: THE EDUCATION GAP ANALYSIS OF THE OLD MODEL 2 1 ST C E N T U R Y S K I L L S ( N E W M O D E L ) UTILIZING DIVERSITY AS A SKILL SET Dr. JuanCarlos Arauz 415-726-4076 The Generative Question: NAIS President Pat Basset What curriculum will prepare students for the 21st Century? What skills & values will be required? What is Diversity? Old World Model Old model to define educational excellence “This is a linear progression of advancement” How high you scored on your test scores & grades How high you climbed the Old boy’s network ladder How high is your social network Family legacy/wealth What school you attended Who did you know Consequences: Isolation and Segregation This has created the lack of preparation for students, teachers, and parents Students To be in a learning environment different than their home environment To be in an evolving environment requiring intuitive behavior Teachers To teach effectively to disengaged students (cross-cultural communication) To teach effectively the skills for 21st century Parents To be empowered to advocate for their child’s education at home and school To properly develop obstacles to build resiliency Impact of a Gilded Cage Consequence is a Gilded cage One for basic survival, Another for stability survival Education Gap in the 21st century The obvious Education Gap Graduation rates for: Students of color Low-socio economic students Immigrant students Female students Education Gap in the 21st century The hidden Education Gap Employment opportunities for: White students High-socio economic students Native born students Male students What invisible line? Race Class Gender Politics Language Take one step forward if… What the experts are saying about the 21st century Givens in today’s society exponential growth of change Ceaseless change Intangible skills International Commission on Education for the 21st century 21st century learning (UNESCO) (Oracle Education Foundation) Partners for 21st century skills (coalition of corporations, non-profits, and governments) 21st century education 21st Century Learning Oracle Education Foundation 21st Century Skills Seven Cs Critical Thinking & Problem-solving Collaboration, Teamwork & Leadership Cross-cultural Understanding Communication & Media Literacy Computing & ICT Literacy Career & Learning Self-reliance Creativity & Innovation Partners for 21st century skills New World Model New model that now defines educational excellence for all students is integrated… Not who you know but who you want to know Not what you learn but how you learn Not told to learn but a will to learn Not an exclusive secluded education and/or community, but an inclusive global education and/or community New World Model Leadership skills Multicultural Education skills Multicultural Education We cannot teach in isolation any longer These new skills are also a practice not only a theory or content to memorize One of its important goals is to help all students to acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to function effectively in a pluralistic democratic society A second goal is teach students how to interact, negotiate, and communicate with peoples from diverse groups in order to create a civic and moral community that works for the common good How to capitalize our “Diversity” Purpose and origins of Multicultural Education Improved success with all students Strength based approach to education vs. deficit model Preparation for 21st century using 3 principles Motivation Foundation Innovation An example of 21st century skill set Life Principles: Lesson’s learned from undocumented families What are the life principles that undocumented families bring Life has multiple lenses Life is always changing Life depends on your resourcefulness Life has barriers and there is always a way “querer es poder” Key skill competencies that “Diversity” brings Critical Analysis Ability to analyze both situational or institutional barriers that exist because their life depends on it Key skill competencies that “Diversity” brings Adaptability/Agility Ability to shift one’s attitude and/or behavior modification to navigate society Key skill competencies that “Diversity” brings Cross culturalcommunication Ability to communicate across different perspectives effectively Key skill competencies that “Diversity” brings Social capital and/0r teamwork Ability to utilizing community resources for the benefit of you and the community Key skill competencies that “Diversity” brings Innovation and Imagination Ability utilize your creativity for problems with no solution From solutions to implementation Saint Marks partnership Skill based partnership focused on: Traditional Academic skills and Language skills Marin Academy partnership Skill based partnership focus on: Social capital/network skills and resiliency skills For more information about this program please contact Dr. JuanCarlos Arauz 415-726-4076 From solutions to implementation Youth Education & Development Program Holistic approach to create an environment of educational excellence Conscious Leadership Institute Student program to develop 5 key skills in 21st century For more information about this program please contact Dr. JuanCarlos Arauz 415-726-4076 Implications How “Diversity” can address the challenges for leaders of independent schools: Financial sustainability Excellence in education for all students Student of color recruitment Teachers of color retention … Dr. JuanCarlos Arauz 415-726-4076 “We can’t solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them” A. Einstein •CRITICAL PEDAGOGY FRAMEWORK •A L M A FLOR ADA & MARIA DEL PILAR DE OLAVE (1986). HAGAMOS CAMINOS. •Describe the issue •Share your personal interpretation •Explain your critical analysis •Brainstorm your idea for action •What if this gap is happening in my school? Educational Excellence % of U.S. adults with a college degree The “American Dream?” High-end achievers vs. low-end achievers I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has had to overcome while trying to succeed. Booker T. Washington