Major Game Project (Summative)

ICS20 Summative Game Project Instructions
Why a Computer Game?
Since the very first computers, there have always been computer games. Games are in many ways the ultimate
icons of computer culture. The computer excels at the kind of interactive simulation that games require, giving the
user immediate response to her actions.
Games take user input, process it against an internal model and output a visual (or multisensory) result in
response. In this project, you'll be able to use everything you've learned in Alice so far and put it to good use in an
interactive world
Part A
Come up with a concept sketch for your game program. You must be able to win, lose or keep score.
Describe the game idea, explaining what the components are and how they will interact. Your concept
sketch should include the following:
(a) What is your game about?
(b) As you visualize your game right now, what objects are included?
(c) List the instructions on how to play the game.
(d) A flowchart to show the general program flow.
Submit your concept sketch in word format. Those games either too easy or too hard are unlikely
accepted. Your document should be well formatted with headings and page numbers. It should be
submitted in hard copy form (or as your teacher directs.) Your teacher will interview you to give
personal feedback and permission to start writing code. While you wait for approval, you can prepare
scene setup, audio files or any other preparatory work required.
Part B
This part of the project will take approximately 3 weeks. You will be expected to complete all the
programming during class time. You may wish to complete some of the extra documentation at home.
If you miss programming time, then you will be able to catch up during the supervised time after school.
At the completion of this project you will be asked to present your game to the class, explaining the
rules and limitations of your game demonstrating what happens when a user both wins and loses.
It is expected that your game will change and develop as you test it. It is important to keep a record of
the time you spent on the project, and what you accomplished each class. Keeping a record of your file
name and location is also critical. Your log will be kept on edsby, as your teacher directs.
Sample log entry
14/02/2013 – 60 minute class
I worked on my procedure for moving my people left to right across the screen. I used
mouse listeners. I had trouble getting my mouse listener to respond and I asked Abigail for
help. She showed me where I was going wrong. Left 10 minutes early for a Volleyball
Project saved as game v.7 on my desktop and copied over to my H drive.
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ICS20 Summative Game Project Instructions
Your name, date and program purpose should appear as a comment at the top of myFirstMethod
Comments to explain the program code need to be included in all procedures and event listeners.
Booklet in Word:
You will be asked to prepare a booklet outlining all the programming parts that you used to complete
your project. As your program changes, it is important to update your flowchart so that it is clear
that you followed your programming plan.
Your booklet should include the following:
Title page with the Game Summary / your name / location and filename of your game
project. / backup location of your game and filename.
Page numbers
Rules for the Game, including what happens when you win or lose or score points
Names and purpose of all user created procedures, and event listeners
Flowchart with the general flow of the program
A list of all the variables you will use in your program. The purpose of each should be
explained if it is not self-explanatory. This should also include all lists or arrays.
Make a list of all the parameters you will use in your program. The purpose of each
should be explained if it is not self-explanatory.
Explain how you will use random numbers in your program if they are needed.
Any programming construct not described above.
Any programming structure that you learned about on your own. Give yourself credit!
Students are encouraged to discuss their work with other students in the class. They may
discuss problems in general and they may help each other by discussing bugs and debugging
strategies. In some special circumstances, it may be legitimate to use another person's work.
Your teacher must allow this; and the author of the program code must give his or her
permission. In this case, clear and explicit acknowledgement of the borrowed work must be
given using comments. Of course, in grading such an assignment, the student will not get credit
for any borrowed work.
Legitimate collaboration changes into plagiarism when the student submits another student's
work as her own (with or without minor modification of detail).
Make sure that you acknowledge the source of any program code that is not your own. If you
collaborated closely with another student when preparing a program, make sure that you could
recreate your program code (with no help). Remember to use comments to fully document
your program.
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ICS20 Summative Game Project Instructions
Beta Testing
When you bring the program to the stage where you can test it, bring in at least 3-5 people who will try
your program and give you realistic feedback about how it works for them. Keep track of your testing
process. Make sure you have tested your program for all reasonable input.
Sample Beta Test Reports
Person 1: A student aged 15 years
Date of Trial: 2012-03-28
Comments and Feedback: Nice game! I would maybe speed it up a bit because you spend a lot of time
waiting for them to move on and off the screen. Also more scenarios would be nice. Over all a really
good game though!
How these were implemented: Sped up the game while outfits walk off stage. Do not have time to add
more scenarios.
Person 2: A student aged 14 years
Date of Trial: 2012-04-02
Comments and Feedback: she should change the atmosphere at the end of the game black so the user
knows the game is finished. I also told her that she should make the comments a little longer so that I
could read all the instructions.
How these were implemented: Made the sky turn black at the end of the game, made the comments
take a little longer.
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ICS20 Summative Game Project Instructions
Game Rubric
High Degree
-All parts of the programming problem
are clearly understood.
-All potential input and output is
-The programming process of identifying,
planning and implementing a
programming solution are clearly
-Flowchart and/or a list of steps to
describe the program flow is prepared in
advance of the project due date.
-All parts of the
programming problem is
-Most potential input
and output is identified.
-The programming
process of identifying,
planning and
implementing a
programming solution
are followed.
-Many parts of the
programming problem
are understood.
-Some potential input
and output is identified.
-The programming
process is generally
-A few parts of the
problem are
-Some potential
input and output is
-Some evidence of
the programing
process is shown.
-The programming
problem is not
-No though is given
to input and output
-A “hit-or miss”
approach is taken
when solving the
Code Difficulty
and Independent
Problem Solving
Code difficulty:
-All relevant advanced coding structures
are used as needed in the program.
-The programming structures used are
efficient and necessary to complete the
project as it is visualized by the
-Code reusability by using parameters
when needed.
-Code efficiency by using well-designed
-New ideas generated from advanced
programming ideas
-Professional look and feel in scene
-Easy to use and/or intuitive.
The student seldom asks
for technical help from
teachers or peers or the
student requests help,
but works independently
when given assistance.
The student occasionally
(e.g. 3 times) requires
technical help from
teachers or peers.
The student
frequently requires
technical help from
teachers or peers.
The student needs to
be coached through
every step of the
Code difficulty:
Many relevant advanced
coding structures as used
in class are used as
needed in the program.
Code difficulty:
Some relevant
advanced coding
structures as used in
class are used as
needed in the
Code difficulty:
Few or none of the
relevant advanced
coding structures as
used in class are used
as needed in the
Code difficulty:
Most relevant advanced
coding structures as used
in class are used as
needed in the program.
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ICS20 Summative Game Project Instructions
-Creativity or originality is shown in the
design of the game
-Smooth animations.
High Degree
-Log keeping is complete and correct.
-Logs are kept on an ongoing basis
-Internal programming comments are
complete and correct. All the procedures
and main run window have explanatory
comments included. Author is credited
with the work by using comments at the
top of the main run window.
-Other support documents (in Word) are
provided as necessary
-Program presentation is clear, easy to
understand and the programmer can
successfully field questions form the
audience about her project.
Most of the ideal
specifications and
documentation are
Some of the ideal
specification and
documentation are
Many items in the
ideal project are
The documentation is
incomplete or
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ICS20 Summative Game Project Instructions
-Code runs without errors.
-Program is backed up regularly
-Code is highly efficient and clearly
-Program has been tested for all
reasonable input.
-Rules and limitations of the game are
made clear to the user.
-The code is well
organized and very easy
to follow.
-The code is fairly
efficient without
sacrificing readability
and understanding.
-Code runs without
-Program has been
tested for all reasonable
-Rules and limitations of
the game are made clear
to the user
-The code is fairly easy to
-Many parts of the code
could be reused in other
-The code has some
-The program appears to
work for all reasonable
input, but the
programmer has not
included all the
information in the field
-The code is readable
only by someone
who knows what it is
supposed to be
-Some parts of the
code could be reused
in other programs.
-The code is brute
force and
unnecessarily long.
-The programmer
has not included all
the information in
the field testing
-The code is poorly
organized and very
difficult to read.
-The code is not
organized for
-The code is huge and
appears to be
patched together.
-Code contains
-The programmer has
not included all the
information in the
field testing process
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