In a recent questionnaire we asked Year 11 classes to complete questions, which focussed on their work ethic and revision. The results from this really do present food for thought for parents and the students. Please have a look at the findings of the Science department survey: Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Overall findings 1 I review my class notes after each lesson 2 46 101 37 Most disagree 2 I proactively ask for help in lessons and in my own time if I am unsure 19 111 48 8 Most agree 3 I listen to all the revision advice that is given to me by my teacher 48 125 12 1 Most agree 4 I always revise 100% for the topic tests 17 68 91 10 5 I review my targets from topic tests and review these further after topic tests 11 66 94 15 6 I have an organised revision timetable 16 35 92 43 7 I have a revision guide and I actively revise from it 65 78 37 6 Most disagree Most disagree Most disagree Most agree 8 I add further notes to my class notes after revising 9 55 96 26 9 I highlight, underline and add post its to my class notes 9 52 92 33 10 I have tried different revision techniques 63 94 20 9 Most disagree Most disagree Most agree 11 I know all the different Science websites for revision 26 80 60 20 Most agree 12 I know what I have to do to prepare for the Mock exam 51 108 19 8 Most agree HINTS AND TIPS FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS Students should take time to review class notes after each Science lesson this can be as little as 20 minutes in the evening at home. Reviewing work consistently presents the opportunity for the student to consolidate notes and be able to ask their Science teacher further questions if they do not understand any part of the lesson. It is important whilst reviewing notes to encourage your child to highlight, underline their Science notes and even create a glossary of Science keywords if vocabulary is one area that they struggle with. In their Science exercise books students should include post it notes or write questions for the teacher to read after they have reviewed their notes especially if they are not confident with asking in person. It is crucial to revise for Science topic tests as the results are used to construct WAGS, sets as well as reports. Not revising 100% for these tests and the students always saying that they will focus on the final Science Exam or mock exam does not present the right work ethic. Students should focus on showing their full potential from the beginning through each Science topic test and this will also motivate them to do well for the final exams. Each Science test presents the opportunity to recognise areas where further revision is needed hence after the teacher reviews the answers and the theory behind the questions in the topic tests students should ask further questions and revise in depth for these areas. Students should be encouraged to create a revision timetable, this then creates a regular routine and ensures that students are organised for all subjects. This can then also present parents with an opportunity to review the timetable and have a meaningful conversation as to what is going well and what do the students need further help in and where further help can be provided by teachers and parents. The students agree they the listen to all the advice given by their Science teacher and know what they have to do to prepare for their Science mock exam but being proactive and beginning revision seems to be the inhibiting factor. Whilst teachers in the Science department are providing a breakdown of topics and giving advice and pushing students to revise in school at home a push in the right direction by parents would prove to also be effective. Whilst most students have said that they know the different Science revision websites to use to revise further we have included the top four below so parents can also encourage them to use these as a supplement to their exercise and revision books. -‘GCSE Bitesize’ not only contains revision notes but activity, tests and audio revision material. - good resource for revision as well as revision type games is ‘’ - Using You tube and looking at ‘My Science AQA GCSE science’ videos is useful - Using You tube and looking at ‘Fuse school’ videos is also very useful Students in Year 11 and Year 10 have asked for revision sessions and the Science department are more than pleased to respond to this request. Please see the revision rota which has been created below and we would like to as a department emphasise that students should proactively look at the topics at home so that in the revision sessions our department members can focus on key areas that the students say they are finding difficult to understand after having genuinely revised. After you have read this article please take the opportunity to ask your child how they are currently doing in Science and have they begun revision? Do they have a revision timetable and a Science revision guide which they are using effectively to revise? Are they proactively revising at home and what is the evidence for this? Please monitor their revision habits and ask them questions around this. Science revision guides can be bought from the finance Office in Plantsbrook School and your child should ask their Science teacher for a letter to help them order this and purchase the guide from Finance. We hope that the Science department can work together with you parents to help the students be the best that they can be. Mr Boulton Miss Hanif Science Subject Leader Assistant Subject Leader