Post 16 Careers Guidance Interviews

Midland Independent
Careers Guidance
Midland Independent Careers Guidance
High quality, relevant independent and impartial
careers guidance
Directory of Careers Guidance
Services 2014-2015
Midland Independent Careers Guidance 2014-15
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About Us
Midland Independent Careers Guidance
Midland Independent Careers Guidance offers high quality, bespoke, independent and impartial
careers guidance to schools, academies and colleges. The quality of services is ensured through
delivery by staff on the Careers Profession Alliance (CPA) Register of Careers Development
Practitioners who are required to hold Level 6 careers guidance qualifications and to undertake CPD.
The quality of face to face guidance interviews is further ensured through independent assessments
undertaken of careers guidance interviews.
As a Worcestershire based service, we offer relevant guidance from staff with knowledge of local
opportunities and of the local labour market and of general careers and progression routes including
apprenticeships and higher education (HE). Services are charged at a daily rate to schools,
academies and colleges based around the needs of the institution and their students. The website has been developed to help pupils to research reliable and relevant
information and to help teachers and parents to support students with their career decisions.
About Me
As a fully qualified careers professional I have nearly 20 years’ experience of delivering and
managing high quality impartial and independent careers guidance in Staffordshire, Worcestershire
and the Black Country. I have provided careers information, advice and guidance (IAG) as a careers
professional in schools and colleges working with pupils and students aged between 13 and 19 as
well as in Careers/ Connexions centres with young people seeking employment, education or
training or support. I am currently providing IAG services to three Worcestershire schools.
Previously, I was Team Manager for Worcestershire Connexions for over 5 years.
I hold Level 7 careers guidance qualifications – the Diploma in Careers Guidance (DipCG) and
Advanced Certificate in Professional Guidance Practice (ACPGP), am a member of the Career
Development Institute and on the Careers Profession Alliance (CPA) Register of Career Development
Professionals. I am a trained assessor which has enabled me to monitor and assess careers guidance
practice to ensure it has met the high standard expected. I am also trained adviser, able to
administer the Morrisby Profile which offers a psychometric profile and careers suggestions based
on a series of innovative scientifically based tests (see for further details).
Andrew Farthing – Founder of Midland Independent Careers Guidance
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Midland Independent Careers Guidance Directory of Careers Guidance
Services 2013-14
Year 11 Careers Guidance interviews
Year 11 group work
Year 10 Careers Guidance interviews
Year 10 group work
Year 9 Careers Guidance interviews
Year 8/9 group work
Post 16 Careers Guidance interviews (Level 3 learners)
Post 16 Careers Guidance interviews (Foundation Learning/Level 2 learners)
Post 16 group work
Consultancy and Support Services
- Quality Assessment of practice
- Networking and CPD
- Website
Additional Careers Guidance Services and Support for Schools
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Careers Guidance Activity: Year 11 Careers Guidance Interview
How long is the interview?
The interview will last 25-45 minutes to suit school timetabling
What is covered?
The Year 11 careers guidance interview is a one to one discussion with a professionally qualified
(Level 6) impartial careers consultant. The consultant will establish with the student their current
stage of thinking in relation to career ideas and work with the student to explore ideas in relation to
their skills, interests and experience. The interview will include a discussion about post 16 options
relevant to the student which could include 6th form, college, apprenticeships or other training and
will result in a careers action plan summarising the guidance and outlining next steps.
By the end of the interview the student will have:
Reflected on their current stage of thinking, skills, interests and experiences
Evaluated themselves in relation to opportunities
An increased understanding of career decision making
Awareness of realistic and aspirational options open to them
Identified possible barriers and strategies
Identified their next steps which will be recorded in an action plan
An awareness of information including web based information for further research
What are the outcomes for the school?
Students that are focussed on appropriate routes to assist their progression
Raised student aspirations
Motivated students focussed on achieving the grades needed to maximise their potential
Identified likely post 16 progression data for students
Positive post 16 destinations
As students are better able to make well informed decisions about their chosen course/
subjects they are more likely to make suitable choices and remain in learning post16
Further support needs for the student will be identified and discussed with the school/ Early
Help provider or other organisations where appropriate.
What is the cost?
Interviews are normally charged at a daily rate of £available on request per day.
If a school or group/consortium of schools can offer a minimum of 100 days over an
academic year, the rate will be reduced to £available on request per day.
An adviser would normally undertake a maximum 8 interviews per day to ensure quality.
Advisers will have careers guidance interviews assessed by a trained assessor working to
standards approved by an external Matrix accredited careers guidance company.
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Careers Guidance Activity: Year 11 Group Work
Topics: Sessions which can be offered include but are not restricted to those listed below:
Understanding and accessing options/ opportunities
How to apply for jobs and apprenticeships
Apprenticeships workshop
Group work focussed on particular career areas
Use of careers related ICT packages and/or web based resources
Bespoke sessions can be negotiated with schools as required
45-60 minutes (to suit school timetabling)
Size of Group
15 – 30 students
For schools buying in a package of careers guidance services, group sessions can be offered as part
of the overall time allocation offered to the school alongside careers guidance interviews or other
group work paid for at the daily rate of £available on request*/ £available on request.
One off delivery: The first session on any one day is £available on request; further sessions on the
same day are £available on request.
Participating students will be identified and their attendance organised by the school.
*If a school or group/consortium of schools can offer a minimum of 100 days over an academic year, the rate
will be reduced from £available on request to £available on request per day.
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Careers Guidance Activity: Year 10 Careers Guidance
How long is the interview?
The interview will last 25-45 minutes to suit school timetabling
What is covered?
The Year 11 careers guidance interview is a one to one discussion with a professionally qualified
(Level 6) impartial careers consultant. The consultant will establish with the student their current
stage of thinking in relation to career ideas and work with the student to explore ideas in relation to
their skills, interests and experience. The interview will include a discussion about post 16 options
and other areas relevant to the student based on the institution’s Year 10 curriculum and careers
education programme, for example work experience. The interview will result in a careers action
plan summarising the guidance and outlining next steps.
By the end of the interview the student will have:
Reflected on their current stage of thinking, skills, interests and experiences
Increased awareness of relevant options
Evaluated themselves in relation to opportunities (including work experience if appropriate)
An increased understanding of career decision making
Identified possible barriers and strategies
Identified their next steps which will be recorded in an action plan
An awareness of information including web based information for further research
What are the outcomes for the school?
Students that are focussed on appropriate routes to assist their progression
Raised student aspirations
Motivated students focussed on achieving the grades needed to maximise their potential
Further support needs for the student will be identified and discussed with the school/ Early
Help provider or other organisations where appropriate.
What is the cost?
Interviews are normally charged at a daily rate of £available on request*/ £available on
request per day.
An adviser would normally undertake a maximum 8 interviews per day to ensure quality.
Advisers will have a minimum of two careers guidance interviews per year assessed by a
trained assessor working to standards approved by an external Matrix accredited careers
guidance company.
*If a school or group/consortium of schools can offer a minimum of 100 days over an academic year, the rate
will be reduced from £available on request to £available on request per day.
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Careers Guidance Activity: Year 10 Group Work
Topics: Sessions which can be offered include but are not restricted to those listed below:
Group work focussed on particular career areas
Use of careers related ICT packages and/or web based resources
Bespoke sessions can be negotiated with schools as required
45-60 minutes (to suit school timetabling)
Size of Group
15 – 30 students
For schools buying in a package of careers guidance services, group sessions can be offered as part
of the overall time allocation offered to the school alongside careers guidance interviews or other
group work paid for at the daily rate of £available on request*/£available on request.
One off delivery: The first session on any one day is £available on request; further sessions on the
same day are £available on request.
Participating students will be identified and their attendance organised by the school.
*If a school or group/consortium of schools can offer a minimum of 100 days over an academic year, the rate
will be reduced from £available on request to £available on request per day.
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Careers Guidance Activity: Year 8/9 Careers Guidance Interview
How long is the interview?
20-30 minutes
What is covered?
The Year 8/9 careers guidance interview is a one to one discussion with a professionally qualified
(Level 6) impartial careers consultant. The interview is an opportunity for the student to discuss their
job and career ideas linked to Key Stage 4 option choice including a discussion of how subject choice
can impact on career planning.
By the end of the interview the student will have:
Reflected on their current stage of thinking, skills, interests and experiences
Increased awareness of relevant options
Evaluated themselves in relation to Key Stage 4 options
An increased understanding of career decision making
Identified possible barriers and strategies
Identified their next steps which will be recorded in an action plan
An awareness of information including web based information for further research
A written next steps summary
What are the outcomes for the school?
Raised student aspirations
Students will be better prepared for making suitable options choices in Key Stage 4
Further support needs for the student will be identified including referral to school staff for
advice on options within the school.
What is the cost?
Interviews are normally charged at a daily rate of £available on request*/ £available on
request per day.
An adviser would normally undertake a maximum 10 interviews per day to ensure quality.
*If a school or group/consortium of schools can offer a minimum of 100 days over an academic year, the rate
will be reduced from £available on request to £available on request per day.
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Careers Guidance Activity: Year 8/9 Group Work
Topics: Sessions which can be offered include but are not restricted to those listed below:
Key Stage 4 option choice
Self-awareness/ decision making/ use of web based careers resources
o Large group sessions
o Small group sessions
Bespoke sessions can be negotiated with schools as required
45-60 minutes (to suit school timetabling)
Size of Group
15 – 30 students (for large group sessions)
4 – 6 students for small group sessions
For schools buying in a package of careers guidance services, group sessions can be offered as part
of the overall time allocation offered to the school alongside careers guidance interviews or other
group work paid for at the daily rate of £available on request*/ £available on request.
One off delivery: The first session on any one day is £available on request; further sessions on the
same day are £available on request
Participating students will be identified and their attendance organised by the school.
*If a school or group/consortium of schools can offer a minimum of 100 days over an academic year, the rate
will be reduced from £available on request to £available on request per day.
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Careers Guidance Activity: Post 16 Careers Guidance Interviews – Level 3
How long is the interview?
25-45 minutes (to suit school timetabling)
What is covered?
The Post 16 careers guidance interview is a one to one discussion with a professionally qualified
(Level 6) impartial careers consultant. The consultant will work with the student to explore ideas in
relation to their skills, interests and experience. The interview will include a discussion about post
Level 3 options relevant to the student.
By the end of the interview the student will have:
Reflected on their current stage of thinking, skills, interests and experiences
Awareness of realistic and aspirational options open to them
Evaluated themselves in relation to relevant opportunities beyond school or college
including HE, apprenticeships, employment or self- employment
Identified implications of their decisions in relation to future career pathways
Identified possible barriers and strategies
Identified their next steps which will be recorded in an action plan
An awareness of information including web based information for further research
What are the outcomes for the school?
Raised student aspirations
Increased motivation and encouragement for students to recognise the importance of
working towards goals and target grades.
Positive post 18 destinations
All students will receive a written summary of guidance and an action plan
Further support needs for the student will be identified such as further careers guidance,
support to make applications to appropriate HE, training or employment opportunities.
What is the cost?
Interviews are normally charged at a daily rate of £available on request*/ £available on
request per day.
An adviser would normally undertake a maximum 8 interviews per day to ensure quality.
*If a school or group/consortium of schools can offer a minimum of 100 days over an academic year, the rate
will be reduced from £available on request to £available on request per day.
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Careers Guidance Activity: Post 16 Careers Guidance Interviews – Level 2/
Foundation Learning Students
How long is the interview?
25-45 minutes dependent on the school timetable
What is covered?
The Post 16 careers guidance interview is a one to one discussion with a professionally qualified
(Level 6) impartial careers consultant. The consultant will establish with the student their current
stage of thinking in relation to career ideas and work with the student to explore ideas in relation to
their skills, interests and experience assisting them to make well informed and realistic career
decisions to enable progression towards achieving their career goals. The interview will include a
discussion about options relevant to the student which could include FE, apprenticeships,
traineeships and other training opportunities or employment.
By the end of the interview the student will have:
Reflected on their current stage of thinking, skills, interests and experiences
Evaluated themselves in relation to opportunities
An increased understanding of career decision making
Awareness of realistic and aspirational options open to them
Identified possible barriers and strategies
Identified their next steps which will be recorded in an action plan to help them make a
successful transition beyond school or college
An awareness of information including web based information for further research
What are the outcomes for the school?
Raised student aspirations
Motivated students focussed on achieving the grades needed to maximise their potential
Identified offers of Learning for 17 Year old learners.
Positive post 17/18 destinations.
Further support needs for the student will be identified and discussed with the school/ Early
Help provider or other organisations where appropriate.
What is the cost?
Interviews are normally charged at a daily rate of £available on request*/ £available on
request per day.
An adviser would normally undertake a maximum 8 interviews per day to ensure quality.
*If a school or group/consortium of schools can offer a minimum of 100 days over an academic year, the rate
will be reduced from £available on request to £available on request per day.
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Careers Guidance Activity: Post 17/18 Group Work
Topics: Sessions which can be offered include but are not restricted to those listed below:
Post 17/18 Option Choice
Group work focussed on particular career areas
Use of ICT and web based packages
Bespoke sessions can be negotiated with schools as required
45-60 minutes (to suit school timetabling)
Size of Group
15 – 30 students
For schools buying in a package of careers guidance services, group sessions can be offered as part
of the overall time allocation offered to the school alongside careers guidance interviews or other
group work paid for at the daily rate of £available on request*/ £available on request.
One off delivery: The first session on any one day is £available on request; further sessions on the
same day are £available on request
Participating students will be identified and their attendance organised by the school.
*If a school or group/consortium of schools can offer a minimum of 100 days over an academic year, the rate
will be reduced from £available on request to £available on request per day.
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Consultancy and additional careers guidance activity to support schools
Quality Assessment of Practice
Careers guidance undertaken by careers consultants working for Midland Independent Careers
Guidance will be assessed to ensure that they meet minimum quality standards. Advisers will have a
minimum of two careers guidance interviews per year assessed by a trained assessor working to
standards approved by an external Matrix accredited careers guidance provider. For schools buying
in a careers guidance package which includes one to one interviews, this assessment is built into the
daily rate (subject to the purchase of a minimum of 20 days careers guidance support).
For schools employing their own staff who have a minimum of a Level 4 qualification in careers
guidance, quality assessment of careers guidance interviews can be offered at a daily rate of £275.
This will include assessment of one or more careers guidance interview with a written report and
feedback for the member of staff. This may indicate areas for improvement or further training needs
which could be discussed with the school. The assessment will be carried out by appropriately
trained assessors working to standards approved by an external Matrix accredited careers guidance
provider. The assessors are part of a group of assessors who undertake regular training and
“norming” sessions with other assessors to ensure consistency of assessments undertaken.
Networking and CPD
For careers professionals, it is important to keep up to date with local opportunities, national
developments, labour market information, the latest careers information and resources and other
careers related topics. Networking and CPD sessions will be offered covering relevant topics. These
will be open to school or college based staff and independent careers professionals working in
schools or college. The cost will be £15 - £25 per delegate per session depending on the length of
session and number of delegates. A programme of CPD and networking activities will be developed
to meet the needs of local (Worcestershire) careers professionals. There will also be opportunities to
access training offered by at least one other Midlands based careers guidance organisation.
The website will be a resource for schools, students and parents to use which will include
signposting to relevant information, articles, resources and opportunities. For schools buying in a
minimum of 20 days of careers guidance there will be an opportunity to access and share careers
related information through a password protected area of the www.micareersguidance website.
Training For Careers Staff Working in Schools and Colleges
Training for staff to gain level 4 or 6 qualifications can be arranged by Midland Independent Careers
Guidance with externally approved organisations to suit the needs of the institution. Practitioners
with Level 4 qualifications may be able to top these up to Level 6 qualifications through completion
of additional training.
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Consultancy and additional careers guidance activity to support schools
The following additional careers guidance activities and support for schools can be offered to meet
the need of the school and will be charged at the normal daily rate of £available on request*/
£available on request per day or negotiated as part of a package of careers guidance services
purchased by the school.
Additional Careers Guidance Services (available alongside a package of interviews/ group
o Drop in information and advice service
o Attendance at parents evenings
o Other parents consultations
o Input into assemblies
o Support for careers related events eg. Employer/ training provider event, careers
related collapsed timetable days
Training and support for school/ college staff
o Support school staff to understand local opportunities and identify guidance needs
o Support staff with accessing and using relevant and up to date ICT and web based
o Support to review and develop Careers Education and Work Related Curriculum
Support for the collection of destinations information
Support to develop policies and processes relating to Careers Education, Information, Advice
and Guidance
*If a school or group/consortium of schools can offer a minimum of 100 days over an academic year, the rate
will be reduced from £available on request to £available on request per day.
For more information, please contact:
Andrew Farthing
Midland Independent Careers Guidance
47A Wood Street
West Midlands
Tel: 07419 133830/ 07824 364716
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