The deadline to submit the HEED Award application is June 15, 2015. PLEASE NOTE: In order to save your progress on each page, you MUST click the "Next" button at the bottom of each page. When you click "Done" on the last page and exit the survey, you can still re-enter the survey and edit your answers before you submit your application. If you need to return to the application to edit your answers, you must repeat the same process. PLEASE REMEMBER TO PRINT THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION. If you need additional space to answer a question, please submit the additional information to Include your contact information and the number of the question for which you are submitting information. This application will require basic information on your institution's demographic diversity (students, faculty, staff), six-year graduation rates, and overall diversity capabilities. It is recommended that you have your campus diversity data and other relevant information available as you complete this application. Thank you! 1. Has your institution applied for and/or received the HEED Award in the past? Check all that apply. No 2012 HEED Award recipient 2013 HEED Award recipient 2014 HEED Award recipient Applied for 2012 HEED Award Applied for 2013 HEED Award Applied for 2014 HEED Award Yes 2. How would you describe your institution? Check all that apply. Public Private Baccalaureate-granting institution Community college Graduate or professional school Health-related school Historically Black College or University (HBCU) Tribal college or university Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) Religiously affiliated institution Multi-campus system office PLEASE INCLUDE THE FORMAL NAME OF YOUR INSTITUTION * 3. Please provide the name, title, and contact information of the person we should contact if we need to obtain further information. Name Title Phone number Email address * 4. Please provide contact information for the media relations, marketing, or communications person we should notify if your school is selected as a HEED Award recipient. Name Title Phone number Email address 5. What is your overall undergraduate student enrollment? ☐ 0-4,999 ☐ 5,000-9,999 ☐ 10,000-14,999 ☐ 15,000-29,999 ☐ More than 30,000 6. What is your overall graduate student enrollment? ☐ 0-4,999 ☐ 5,000-9,999 ☐ 10,000-14,999 ☐ 15,000-29,999 ☐ More than 30,000 ☐ Not Applicable 7. What is the demographic breakdown by gender, race/ethnicity, and economic background of your undergraduate student population? Please provide the total number of students, not percentages. Male Female Caucasian/White African American/Black Hispanic/Latino American Indian/Native American Asian American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Multiracial Race/ethnicity unknown Nonresident alien Pell Grant eligible Other (please specify) Comments 8. What is the demographic breakdown by gender and race/ethnicity of your graduate student population? Please provide the total number of students, not percentages. Male Female Caucasian/White African American/Black Hispanic/Latino American Indian/Native American Asian American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Multiracial Nonresident alien Other (please specify) Comments 9. What efforts do you have in place to recruit historically underrepresented and first-generation minority students (African American, Latino/Hispanic, Native American, Southeast Asian, etc.)? Check all that apply. No Community outreach efforts Admissions officers with a diversity focus On-campus diversity recruitment events On-site high school admissions in diverse communities Community college bridge programs Pre-college programs for K-12 students Social media outreach initiatives National strategic partnerships (e.g., Posse Foundation, Questbridge, etc.) Race-conscious scholarships Economic-conscious scholarships Please expand on any of the efforts you have checked above. Yes 10. What is the six-year graduation rate (percentages) for each of the following groups at your institution? Include the year this data is from. Overall Female Caucasian/White African American/Black Hispanic/Latino American Indian/Native American Asian American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Multiracial Nonresident alien YEAR OF DATA 11. What efforts do you have in place to improve retention and graduation rates among historically underrepresented students (African American, Latino/Hispanic, Native American, Southeast Asian, etc.)? Check all that apply. No Campus-wide retention strategic plan Institutional research on student success patterns Cohort-based academic success and leadership program Race-conscious scholarship programs Economic-conscious scholarship programs Academic-themed diverse student organizations (e.g., Society of Hispanic Engineers, National Society of Black Engineers) Supplemental instruction Free tutoring support Culturally relevant advising (e.g., advising that takes identity into account as you support students on campus) Early warning systems/strategic advising Yes No Yes Summer bridge programs First-year experience programs Undergraduate research program for diverse students Please expand on any of the efforts you have checked above. 12. We are interested in the degree to which your institution is characterized by diverse leadership. Please provide the gender and racial/ethnic composition of your administrative leadership -- president/chancellor, provost, chief academic officer, dean of faculty, senior international officer, chief diversity officer, administrative deans, and individual school deans. Please provide the total number of employees -- not percentages. Male Female Caucasian/White African American/Black Hispanic/Latino American Indian/Native American Asian American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Multiracial Race/ethnicity unknown Nonresident alien Other (please specify) 13. What is the demographic breakdown by gender and race/ethnicity of your instructional faculty (tenure and non-tenure track) employees? Please provide the total number of employees, not percentages. Total instructional faculty (tenure and non-tenure) Male Female Caucasian/White African American/Black Hispanic/Latino American Indian/Native American Asian American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Multiracial Race/ethnicity unknown Nonresident alien Other (please specify) 14. What is the demographic breakdown by gender and race/ethnicity of your full-time non-instructional staff? Please provide the total number of employees, not percentages. Total full-time (noninstructional staff) Male Female Caucasian/White African American/Black Hispanic/Latino American Indian/Native American Asian American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Multiracial Race/ethnicity unknown Nonresident alien Other (please specify) 15. What strategies does your institution have in place to increase the ethnic, racial, and gender diversity of your instructional faculty on campus? Please check all that apply. No Faculty diversity strategic plan Dedicated faculty diversity recruitment specialist National partnership efforts (e.g., membership in the Center for Faculty Diversity) Advertisements in diverse periodicals and/or job boards Participation in diversity recruitment events (e.g., Compact for Faculty Diversity) Strategic funds to increase financial offers to diverse candidates Grant-funded initiatives to drive retention [e.g., National Science Foundation (NSF) Advance Program] Strategic funds to hire diverse candidates whenever talent is available Hosting future faculty diversity symposiums on campus Creating future faculty diversity recruitment databases Diversity-themed postdoctoral fellowships Diversity faculty exchange programs (e.g., with HBCUs) List all diversity-only job boards or publications in which you advertise your open positions. Yes 16. Has your institution made a substantial attempt to be in compliance with the new OFCCP rules requiring an increase in employment of veterans and people with disabilities? No Yes Please expand on your efforts and be specific. 17. What strategies does your institution have in place to retain ethnically, racially, and gender-diverse faculty on campus? Please check all that apply. No Yes Mentor programs for junior faculty Cohort-driven leadership program for junior faculty Course release to support scholarly productivity Graduate research support for new faculty Start-up research funds for new faculty Family-flexible tenure time lines (e.g., ability to extend, suspend, and adjust the tenure clock to support work-life balance) Affinity or employee resource groups Grant-funded initiatives to drive retention (e.g., NSF - Advance Program) Please provide any additional information that defines your recruitment strategy for retaining diverse faculty. 18. Please indicate the president's or chancellor's role in campus diversity policies. If you are completing this for a professional, graduate school, or health center, please substitute the appropriate executive leader for president/chancellor (e.g., dean of law school, dean of medical school, VP of health center, etc.). Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree Establishes the campus vision for diversity Charges the campuswide diversity committee Creates a culture of accountability Ensures that resources (funding and staff) are available to drive campus diversity efforts Provides visible commitment to diversity in speeches, written correspondence, and public appearances Ensures that senior leadership is engaged in the campus diversity agenda Please provide further commentary on the president's role in ensuring placement and execution of campus diversity efforts. 19. Please respond to the following questions regarding your institution's diversity planning, accountability, incentive, and training systems. No Does your institution’s official mission statement address issues of diversity and inclusion? Does your institution have an official definition of diversity? Are your diversity and inclusion goals and plans embedded in the campus-wide strategic or academic plan? Does your institution have a dedicated campus-wide diversity plan? Yes No Does your institution require diversity plans from schools/colleges/vice presidents/ and/or department heads? Does your institution convene an annual campus diversity forum or event to engage the campus community around issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion? Does your institution have a campus-wide diversity planning committee, commission, or taskforce? Does your institution have a campus-wide diversity plan for international affairs? Does your institution formally report on campus diversity plans, success, challenges, and opportunity areas at the board of governors, trustees, or regents level? Does your institution use a diversity scorecard system or measurement process to measure diversity progress? Is diversity leadership assessed as part of the annual review of administrators at your institution? Is diversity leadership assessed as part of the five-year review of administrators at your institution? Is diversity leadership assessed as part of the annual activity reports of faculty at your institution? Is diversity leadership assessed as part of the tenure and promotion process of faculty at your institution? Yes No Yes Does your institution have a competitive diversity grants fund available to seed new diversity initiatives on campus? Does your institution give awards for diversity leadership and service to the campus community? Please add anything additional that you would like for us to know regarding your diversity planning, accountability, incentive, and training systems. 20. Does your institution have any of the following diversity training programs? No Does your institution have a required diversity training/education program for senior administrators? Does your institution have a required diversity training/education program for staff? Does your institution have a required diversity training/education program for faculty? Does your institution have a required diversity training/education program for search committee heads? Yes 21. Diversity plan implementation is a shared process. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your diversity plan activation process. Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree The president is highly involved in campus-wide diversity implementation efforts. The chief diversity officer provides point leadership to the campus-wide diversity implementation process. The campus-wide diversity committee ensures that many different voices are involved in shaping the campus's diversity strategy. The academic senate ensures that diversity efforts are part of the academic priorities of the institution. Senior leadership ensures that diversity is prioritized in their respective schools, colleges, and divisional units. Students play a key role in leading diversity change efforts on campus. Our campus diversity efforts are data-driven and evidence-informed. Adequate financial resources exist to drive campus diversity efforts. Please provide us with further information that helps us understand how diversity plans are implemented at your institution. 22. Please identify any diversity-focused financial strategies that are in place at your institution. No Diversity goals embedded into the overall capital campaign Special diversity-themed fundraising campaign Annual diversity fundraising program (e.g., telephone, integrated direct marketing, etc.) Diversity-themed fundraising Web portal Campus-wide diversity incentive grants (e.g., competitive pool of funds anyone can compete for) Federal diversity grants (e.g., NSF, NIH, U.S. Department of Education) Dedicated development officer focused on issues of diversity Philanthropic diversity affinity group (e.g., Women in Philanthropy Group) Shared diversity financial strategy (e.g., campus-wide reallocation of a percentage of funds to drive central campus diversity priorities) Diversity funding from athletic programs Diversity program endowment Diversity-themed alumni fundraising group (e.g., Black Alumni Association) Yes 23. Please identify any multicultural branding and communication techniques that your institution uses. No Multicultural social media channels (e.g., YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) Multicultural communication officer or specialist Diversity-themed admissions materials and brochures Diversity-targeted advertising and outreach campaigns (e.g., display/marketing ads in diversity publications like INSIGHT Into Diversity, billboards, commercials, etc.) Annual diversity report Contract with a diversity advertising agency and/or diversity executive recruitment agency Student ambassadors that communicate your campus diversity to prospective students and their parents General diversity Web page LGBTQ Web page Disabilities Web page Supplier diversity Web page Veterans and military affairs Web page International and globalization Web page Please identify any other multicultural branding techniques in place at your institution. Yes 24. Does your institution have a dedicated research program on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion? If so, please identify the various research tactics that your institution utilizes to understand issues of campus climate, inclusion, satisfaction, capabilities, and more. Please check all that apply. No Yes Campus climate and culture survey for students Campus climate and culture survey for employees Institutional satisfaction survey for students Institutional satisfaction survey for employees Exit interviews for departing employees Exit interviews for departing students Diversity mapping of institutional capabilities Diversity benchmarking efforts Please identify any other research tactics that your institution employs to understand issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus. * 25. Enter the contact information for your campus chief diversity officer (or similar title). Name Formal title Complete USPS mailing address (no P.O. boxes please) Email address Phone number 26. How is your chief diversity officer's role situated for success? No Yes Do you have a chief diversity officer? Does the chief diversity officer report to the president? Does the chief diversity officer report to the provost? Does the chief diversity officer have a dedicated staff that reports to him or her? Does the chief diversity officer supervise a portfolio of units? Does the chief diversity officer have their own independent budget that they lead? Does the chief diversity officer appoint or have a deciding voice in the members of the diversity council? Please provide any additional information that substantiates the structure and positioning of the CDO to play a key leadership role on issues related to diversity on campus. 27. Please identify the diversity and inclusion related offices at your institution. No Yes Diversity office Affirmative action and equity office Community engagement office Disabilities office Diversity research center Religious centers or offices (e.g., Hillel, Muslim Student Center, etc.) Ethnic and gender studies office (e.g., Black World Studies, Latino Studies, Women’s Studies, etc.) Diversity training office Lactation centers or areas Prayer or reflection spaces International student center Study abroad office Multicultural/minority affairs office Office for veterans and military personnel Retention and precollege program offices Supplier diversity office Women's center LGBTQ office Please identify any other diversity-themed space or office not listed above. 28. In what ways is your institution intentionally helping students develop cultural competence? Please check all that apply. No None General education diversity requirement (e.g., a course or series of courses every student must take) Majors and minors in diversity-themed areas of study (e.g., Women's Studies, Diversity Studies, Hip-Hop Studies, Disability Studies, Asian Studies, etc.) Diversity-themed courses exist in the curriculum Issues of diversity are woven into the first-year experience program Service learning opportunities Program that provides opportunities for Pell Grant students to study abroad Program that provides opportunities for other underrepresented students to study abroad Mentor programs for underrepresented students Mentor programs for international students Multicultural events for international students Multicultural clubs for international students Multicultural clubs for underrepresented minority students Diversity leadership development training Study abroad/global experiences Intergroup dialogue programs and initiatives Please identify any other diversity-themed academic experiences that exist for students. Yes 29. Does your institution feature multicultural or diversity programs for students and/or faculty? Please check all that apply. No General campus multicultural or diversity programs African American History Month National Women's History Month Asian Pacific American Heritage Older Americans Month Acknowledgement of religious observances (including all religions) Gay Lesbian Pride Month National Hispanic-Latino Heritage Month National Disability Employment Awareness Month National Italian American Heritage Month National American Indian Heritage Month Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Day of Service World Religion Day Other - please list Please expand on any of the efforts you have checked above. Yes 30. Does your school have affinity or employee resource groups for faculty and staff? Please check all that apply. No Yes African American/Black affinity group Latino/Hispanic affinity group Asian Pacific Islander affinity group Native American/American Indian affinity group Disabilities affinity group LGBTQ affinity group Women's affinity group Religious-affiliated affinity group International faculty affinity group Veterans affinity group Other - please explain 31. Does your school have any of the following student clubs/organizations? Check all that apply. No African American/Black Latino/Hispanic Asian Pacific Islander Native American/American Indian Students with disabilities LGBTQ Veterans International Religious Other (please specify) Yes 32. Does your school offer any of the following for students/employees with disabilities? Please check all that apply. No Yes Sign language translators for the classroom Textbooks in Braille Section 508 website compliance for people with disabilities Computer Assisted Real-time Captioning (CART) Instructional materials in accessible formats Online learning systems that are equally accessible to all students Wheelchair-accessible curbs and building ramps Elevators in every campus building Wheelchair-accessible dorms Emergency strobe lights in dorms for students with disabilities Wheelchair-accessible buildings Online employment application capability for people with disabilities Please identify any other capabilities that highlight your institution's efforts to create an inclusive experience for students with disabilities. 33. We are interested in your supplier diversity capabilities. Please indicate your efforts to help womenowned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, and disabled-owned small businesses. No Yes Does your institution have a supplier diversity program? Does your institution have a supplier diversity department? Does your institution have a supplier diversity manager? Do you have a specific budget for supplier diversity and disadvantaged business development? Does your company have a designated supplier diversity Web page? Are you currently a member of any supplier diversity organizations? Please provide any additional information that illustrates your supplier diversity capabilities. 34. Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements about campus diversity progress based upon information from your most recent Diversity Report. Strongly Disagree We have made substantive progress increasing the racial and ethnic diversity of our historically underrepresented (African American, Latino, Native American, Southeast Asian) student body. Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree We have made substantive progress increasing the six-year graduation rates of historically underrepresented racially and ethnically diverse students (African American, Latino, Native American, Southeast Asian). We have made substantive progress increasing the participation of female students in STEM disciplines across campus. We have made substantive progress creating a campus culture of inclusion for LGBTQ students and employees on campus. We have made substantive progress creating a campus culture of inclusion for racially and ethnically diverse students on campus. We have made substantive progress creating a campus culture of inclusion for students and employees with disabilities on campus. We have made substantive progress strengthening the cultural competence of all students and employees on campus. We have made substantive progress creating and building the diversity-themed research and scholarship capabilities of the institution. Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly Agree We have made substantive progress increasing the number of racially and ethnically historically underrepresented African American, Latino/Hispanic, Native American/American Indian, and Southeast Asian faculty. We have made substantive progress increasing the number of women in our STEM and business school faculty. We have made substantive progress increasing the number of women in senior leadership (dean level and above) on campus. We have made substantive progress increasing the number of racial and ethnic minorities in senior leadership (dean level and above) on campus. We have made substantive progress in being inclusive and recognizing the needs of all religions on our campus. We have made substantive progress creating a campus culture of inclusion for veteran students and employees on campus. Please provide us with more information that further strengthens our understanding of your institution's recent diversity accomplishments. 35. If you did not complete this application, please tell us why. 36. How long did it take to complete the application? 37. How many people were needed to complete the application? 38. How did you first hear about the HEED Award? INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine INSIGHT Into Diversity e-newsletter Colleague Search engine Conference Other (please specify) 39. Why did you apply for the HEED Award? 40. Are there any other comments you would like to submit regarding the HEED Award or this application? OTHER APPLICATION INFORMATION The deadline to submit your application is June 15, 2015. If your school is selected as a recipient of the INSIGHT Into Diversity Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award, you authorize Potomac Publishing, Inc., D/B/A INSIGHT Into Diversity, to use the name of your school in any upcoming articles, lists of honorees, press releases, or advertising materials. If you have submitted your application and need to send additional information, you may do so by emailing it to: Award recipients will be notified of their honor by August 31, 2015. Each award recipient will receive a HEED Award certificate and the 2015 INSIGHT Into Diversity Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award (HEED) logo. You can proudly display the logo in any of your marketing materials or on your website. The list of honorees will be announced officially in the November issue of INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine. PLEASE PRINT A COPY OF YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION FOR YOUR RECORDS BEFORE SUBMITTING. Thank you for applying for the 2015 HEED Award!