Just read it!

Just read it!
Company history
Nike Inc. - American company, one of the
world's largest manufacturers of footwear,
apparel and sports accessories.
Founded in 1964 in Washington County as
Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and
Philip Knight, who until 2004 was president of
the company. Its name comes from the Greek
goddess Nike.
• Nike is one of the most recognizable brands in
the world. Although the focus of our attention
to television commercials, definitely it is
impossible to ignore the outdoor advertising.
These media provide an excellent
complement. And in this case it is a real recipe
for marketing success. Steve Jobs (my
admiration for him grew after the last visit to
the cinema) noted that Nike has an excellent,
exemplary marketing. And Jobs is the
undisputed authority in the field of marketing.
• Nike promoting the great athletes, also promotes
the "spirit of sport". The TV spots, working on
brand image, makes an ordinary person begins to
believe in your abilities and wants to exceed
created (only in your head) borders. Advertising
Video and slogans "bring out of each other size",
"just do it", "locate in itself perfection" and
encouraging slogan "if you can run one kilometer,
will take part in the marathon," to make it
through Nike, we can unleash his sporting spirit
and be great. Nike tells us that we can always do
more and better. It motivates us.
Examples of ad
• By combining their products with well-known
athletes and their character traits that
contributed to the undoubted success creates in
our minds desire element of the product. In our
mind we give birth to a vision that having legs
Nike, we can do more, we can better. Not only we
will love running, but we will run faster, so you'll
beat your own records. Kobe Bryan, Roger
Federer, Rafael Nadal also has its Beat, still
improving. On the other hand we want to feel
closer to our heroes and their achievements,
which is why we do what they did.
However, the same commercials make us aware of the
dedication and effort that must be made to achieve the
best results in the world. However, printed in most
Nike ads they show us how to make this goal a reality
(and often what specific products purchased). My
favorite ads are those with pictures of athletes full of
motivational slogans. Thanks to each of us wants to
impose Nike shoes and feel like your idol. Each of us
has a size. With Nike begin to believe it. Price also has
its own size. Though her faith just do not give, we turn
a blind eye. That is the magic of advertising :)
Marketing downright perfect.