Elements and the Periodic table and Bohr Rutherford Diagrams

Elements and the Periodic Table
• Period – Row of elements in periodic table
• Group – column of elements in periodic table
Alkali metals
• Alkali metals – group one elements (not H)
– Soft, highly reactive
Alkaline earth metals
• Alkaline earth metals – group two elements
– Light, reactive
• Halogens – group 17 elements
– Most reactive group of periodic table
Noble Gases
• Noble Gases – group 18 elements
– Very stable, rarely react with other chemicals
Elements and the periodic table
• 1)
– green  metalloids
– Pink  non-metals
– Blue metals
• 2) what is the exception to metals and nonmetals
• 3) give two reason why this is where it is?
Elements and the periodic table
• 4) list four properties of metals
• 5) List four properties of non-metals
Elements and the periodic table
• 6) Explain the term chemical family (group)
Elements and the periodic table
Alkali Metal
Alkaline earth metal
Noble gases
2 elements in this
2 properties of this
Elements and the Periodic Table
• 8B) give a definition of each part- charge and
– Proton + , inside nucleus
– Neutron neutral, inside nucleus
– Electron - , inside nucleus
Elements and the Periodic Table
• 9) What is an ion?
– A charged atom
• 10) how is an ion formed?
– Loses or gains electrons
Bohr Rutherford Diagrams
Bohr Rutherford Diagrams
• Graphically illustrate the chemical structure of
elements of the Periodic Table
• Electrons are around nucleus in orbits
• Each orbit can only contain a certain number
of electrons (2 electrons in first orbit then 8 in
each after)
– # protons = atomic #
– #neutrons = mass# - atomic#
– #electrons = atomic #
Bohr Rutherford Diagrams
• Example Phosphorus
Bohr Rutherford Diagrams
• Example Fluorine
Bohr Rutherford Diagrams
Bohr Rutherford Diagrams
Bohr Rutherford Diagrams
Bohr Rutherford Diagrams