Fronditha Care Strategic Plan 2014-2016

STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 – 2016
June 2014
ABN 71 424 124 816 /ACN 138 152 682
ST ALBANS – Thalpori
94 Springs Road
181 Furlong Road
Clayton South Vic 3169
St Albans Vic 3021
Ph: 9552 4105
Ph: 9365 4300
North: 9495 2306
11 Omar Street
South: 9552 4126
Lower Templestowe Vic 3107
East: 8850 5106
Ph: 8850 5111
West: 9365 4305
MAYFIELD – Hippocrates
CLAYTON – Steyi, Pronia, Galini
94 Springs Road
Clayton South Vic 3169
30 Crebert Street
Mayfield East, Newcastle NSW 2304
Ph: (02) 4016 4160
Ph: 9552 4100
335 Station Street
Thornbury Vic 3071
Ph: 9495 2300
Patron: Honourable Alex Chernov, AC QC
President of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer
Fronditha Care vision, mission and values
The Fronditha Care role: Victoria wide, Australia wide,
Diaspora wide
Our challenges – current and future
2014 Our Major Plans and beyond
Our Four Strategic Priorities
Excel in the provision of resident and client focused culturally
appropriate quality care services
Lead as an employer of first choice and support staff to lead in
the provision of quality professional care and enjoy job
Champion partnerships with the community that promote
support and quality care and lifestyle for our elderly
Build a sustainable future for Fronditha Care, for its people, its
services, its finances and physical resources
Chairperson/President of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer message
It is our pleasure to present you with the Fronditha
Strategic Plan 2014 – 2016 detailing our strategic directions
for the next three years.
This strategic plan has been carefully developed by the Fronditha
Care Board of Directors, Executive and staff in consultation with our key
stakeholders and partners in the community.
The Strategic Plan reflects the position of Fronditha Care as a leader in the provision of aged
care to elderly from Greek and other Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds
in Australia.
The Strategic Plan outlines the major plans and strategic priorities that will support Fronditha Care to realise its vision
through the identification of its strengths and its response to the needs of the community it serves. It will provide the
framework to guide operational, financial arrangements and the provision of care to our elderly across the whole
organisation ensuring that we achieve the integration of our planning processes with Federal and State government aged
care policies and initiatives.
Fronditha Care promotes high quality culturally
appropriate care and is a leader in the aged services
Fronditha Care has undertaken extensive work to
forge its future in order to better respond to the
needs of elderly from Greek and other culturally and
linguistically diverse backgrounds not only in Victoria
but Australia as a whole.
By sharing our knowledge and our expertise and
through supporting our community at times of great
need, Fronditha Care will make high quality culturally
appropriate aged care available to all.
We are committed to achieving our vision of
improving the quality of life for our elderly through
caring and compassion and the provision of high
quality culturally appropriate care.
The Board of Directors and Staff are committed
to providing leadership and ensuring that we
achieve our key performance measures against
our strategic priorities as outlined in this three
year strategic plan.
Mike Zafiropoulos, AM JP
President Board of Directors
Building to meeting and working towards community
needs for the future and good governance is our key
priority in the years ahead.
George Lekakis, AO
Chief Executive Officer
Fronditha Care Vision,
Mission and Values
The development of our vision, mission and values
define our organisation’s direction.
These statements underpin everything we do at
Fronditha Care to ensure we provide the best care for
our elderly.
The Strategic Plan continues a journey that Fronditha Care began in 1976 seeking to position
the organization as an agency of first choice for residents, clients, staff and volunteers.
To establish Fronditha Care as a provider of high quality services, a partner with the Greek community in Victoria and
Newcastle and the rest of Australia in responding to the needs of older people and value adding to all our activities; and
to initiate other flexible service delivery options for the care of the Community.
Our vision
To continue to be a leader in the provision of
residential and community aged care services in
Our commitment
Our mission
Promoting the wellbeing of older people by:
excellence in care, support and lifestyle
providing care which is consistent with
people’s linguistic and cultural identity
Our values
Supporting social pluralism and cultural
Continuous learning
Open communication
Teamwork and excellence
Developing best practice in aged care
Acknowledging the historical legacy of
looking after Greek speaking elderly
Being a leader and innovator in
multicultural quality aged care service
Building a culture of continuous quality
Being consultative, collaborative and
working in partnership with other service
providers and CALD communities
Fronditha Care role: Victoria wide,
Australia wide, Diaspora wide
Fronditha Care provides residential and home care
and community services in four Melbourne
Metropolitan regions in Victoria and in the Central Coast of
New South Wales.
It is an aged care service provider offering residential
and community services.
Fronditha Care has Ageing in Place facilities (residential care) which provide care to residents
with increased dependency. This ensures continuity of care in a familiar environment.
Residential Care Facilities
High Care
Staff at all of Fronditha Care facilities are trained in
the development of care plans to ensure that
needs are identified and goals are met. Residents
and their families are encouraged to be involved in
the caring process. All facilities have registered
nurses and personal carers on duty 24 hours per
day. Additional support services are provided by
physiotherapists, occupational therapists,
podiatrists and palliative care workers.
High care caters for those residents greatly
dependent on others for daily tasks in a safe
environment with registered nurses and personal
care workers providing 24 hours per day care. High
care facilities are located in all regions of Melbourne
and in Newcastle. Each facility provides high care
accommodation, a higher level of support including
nursing care, and other necessary clinical care and
allied health services.
Meals are prepared by cooks in on-site kitchens,
and cleaning, laundry, hairdressing and other
health services are also provided. The mobility of
residents is encouraged through daily activities,
and residents are assisted to enjoy the social
atmosphere of their home.
Memory Support Units
A range of lifestyle activities are also offered at
Fronditha Care facilities which meet the social,
recreational and cultural needs of residents.
Low Care
Low care caters for residents needing a certain
level of assistance yet who are capable to
participate independently in facility activities and
benefit from the social connections provided
within the home. Low care services provide
accommodation and support with personal care
and daily tasks. Low care facilities are located at
Clayton, Lower Templestowe, Thornbury, St Albans
and Newcastle.
Memory support units provide person-centered care
to the elderly with dementia in a secure and
structured environment. Dementia is a progressive
condition with many causes and the disease can
manifest itself in a variety of ways. No two people
display exactly the same symptoms. The rate of the
disease is increasing and there is currently no cure.
Fronditha staff undergo continuous training ensuring
they are equipped with appropriate resources and
strategies to care. Memory Support Units are located
at Clayton (Galini), Thornbury (Anesi) and St Albans
Independent Living Units
Independent Living Units are an affordable
alternative to public housing. The program offers
individual accommodation to Australian citizens over
58 years of age residing in Victoria that are financially
or socially disadvantaged as assessed by the Office of
Housing. The units allow residents the freedom to
manage their own daily lifestyles in peaceful and safe
surroundings. Forty units are located at St Albans.
Fronditha Care Community Services programs aim to maintain the independence of elders to
remain in their homes.
Home Care Packages (HCP) are funded by the Australian government and assist care recipients to continue living in their
own homes for as long as possible.
The community services that are provided through home care packages, host home programs, planned activity groups
and education seminars on health and ageing, keep elders informed, independent and connected.
Home Care Packages (HCP)
A valuable component of the HCP is case management, which
means that there will be one person who will act as a single point
of contact, assist to navigate the service system and oversee all
services accessed by the care recipient. An agreed package of
services will be individually tailored to respond to the care
recipient’s needs. Examples of the assistance that may be provided
 Case management and service coordination
 Personal care such as bathing and dressing
 Light home care duties such as vacuuming, laundry
 Shopping in the local area
 Meal preparation
 Transportation in the local area
 Companionship
 Outings
 Lifestyle
 In-home respite
 Assistance to participate in activities of interest
Fronditha Care currently manages 125 Level 2 HCP in Victoria and
will be seeking to expand this type of care in the future.
Host Home Program
The Host Home Program is a weekly respite service for carers
providing a day of leisure and social activities for a small group of
Greek speaking elderly who are experiencing early stages of
dementia. The program takes place in the home of a Greek
speaking personal care worker assisted by a support worker. This
respite option enables carers to have a regular, planned break and
opportunities to attend to other priorities including their own
interests and wellbeing.
Individuals with dementia may experience an
overwhelming sense of confusion and ‘feel lost’ in a bigger
activity group setting, particularly where other participants
may not share their language. In contrast, the Host Home is
in a familiar environment with known sights and sounds,
offering a smaller group setting where staff are able to
provide a person-centered approach. This results in
feelings of security, comfort and belonging, with staff
sharing the participant’s language and culture.
The Planned Activity Group (PAG)
Maintaining connection to our community is paramount at
each stage of life. Fronditha Care continues to cultivate the
socialisation of the elderly living at home through PAG. The
program is funded by Home and Community Care services,
a joint State and Commonwealth Government initiative.
Activities include gentle exercise, discussion groups, games,
musical programs and day trips. All these activities are
consistent with the Active Service Model.
The underlying principle of the Active Service Model is
‘working with’ the client rather than ‘working for’. Staff act
as facilitators rather than helpers, and in practical terms
this allows and provides opportunities for the client to do
what they can independently. By doing this, it is expected
that the individual will maintain and even improve their
level of functioning. Culturally this may initially seem to be
unusual because of the traditional expectations to work for
the elderly. However, in time and with small changes,
participants are reaping the health and physical benefits of
this approach to care.
Home Care Program
Community Partners Program
Fronditha Care’s Home Care Program offers bi-lingual
and bi-cultural staff to assist agencies to provide
culturally and linguistically appropriate care to Greek
speaking elderly.
Fronditha Care’s Community Partners Program enhances
the cultural awareness of service providers. Through
partnerships, access to services is facilitated. This in turn,
improves choice and builds capacity for clients to make
informed decisions about aged care services.
This program is effective because it provides support
for elderly with activities for daily living. By working
together with various agencies it allows home care
services to be coordinated and individually tailored for
Supported Access Pilot Project
Volunteer Visitation Program
Fronditha Care’s Volunteer Visitation Program offers
companionship and comfort to those most isolated in
the community.
Volunteers visit and provide support to clients by
sharing interests, conversation and a cup of coffee.
Volunteers give their time generously and the
experience provides them with immense personal
satisfaction. Clients also enjoy the companionship and
support that is extended to them by these volunteers.
Fronditha Care’s Supported Access Pilot Project aims to
work with the community to negotiate and increase
access to services for clients in the community. It provides
support to generic agencies enabling them to provide
culturally appropriate service responses, which is a major
factor of service provision to elderly of CALD
Our challenges – current and future
Aged Care Providers face a number of challenges
in the future. Although Fronditha Care faces these
challenges, it also has to meet other unique challenges
into the future.
An increasingly ageing population and the Greek
born 80+ years continuing to age at a faster rate than
their Australian born counterparts until 2026 will pose
significant challenges on the capacity of Fronditha
Care to provide care and services for these persons into
the future
The Federal Government‘s ‘Living Longer, Living Better’ aged care reform package in April
2012 did encompass a range of reforms and some new opportunities for aged care service
providers, particularly in home care where there will be a significant increase in the number
of community packages.
The Federal Government’s ‘Living Longer, Living Better’ reform package involved measures with an estimated cost of $3.7
billion over five years. The reforms ushered in a range of changes to the aged care sector.
Overall the announced Federal Government reforms brought
about a base for future growth to the sector (both residential
and at home).
The ‘Living Longer Living Better’ reforms include:
The removal of distinction between low level and high
level residential care
Changes to the calculation of subsidies and fees
Residents will be able to choose how they will pay their
accommodation costs
The Income Tested Fees (ITF) will be replaced by a new
means test combining income and assets;
New annual and lifetime caps on means tested fees will
The reforms ushered in new supplements such as the Dementia
and Severe Behaviour Supplement, Homeless and Veterans’
Residential Care
It is acknowledged that the reforms ushered in increases in
costs of care, which will increase demand for consumer choices.
Therefore expectations about care arrangements will be
heightened. Fronditha Care will have to position itself as a
provider of hotel and nursing care services. Flexible pricing for
rooms and alternative payment avenues for residents must be
established and advertised.
The non-exemption to the asset test for bonds for high care
may also potentially decrease demand for care (as opposed to
the current surge in demand). Future admissions for residential
care (post 1 July 2014) will increase demand for higher and
palliative care nursing services.
Community Services
There will be a heightened expectation from the community for
more home care services. Funding control to customers via
mechanisms of Consumer Directed Care (CDC) will place
significant pressure on Fronditha Care.
It is imperative that Fronditha Care secures higher care that is
level 3 & 4 HCP, to meet the care needs of the community.
Our responsiveness to the environment (customer focus a
Attractive ethno-cultural care provisions will give Fronditha Care
an advantage in the aged care market share.
Fronditha Care will continue to develop better processes to
convey information to potential residents and the community
with improved marketing and a more up to date website.
The need to create an improved pathway /integration from
community care to residential care will be a priority.
Flexible service delivery to respond to changing needs
Fronditha Care’s service offerings need to reflect the needs of
local customers. To demonstrate enhanced value over
competitors, Fronditha Care will:
Improve links with local community groups and actively try
to be visible contributors to the local community. This will
 Direct paths for customer attainment and the ability to
better understand customer needs
 Partner with local community service providers to deliver
services, ensuring better outcomes for clients /residents
Investing in technology systems will significantly improve
workforce productivity. Route planning, workforce tracking
and online staff training can lead to efficient improvements.
Other Challenges include:
An ageing population
Chart 2 shows that in 2011 an estimated 1580 people aged 65
and over had dementia within Victoria’s Greek community, and
these are expected to increase to 2066 by 2021. The majority of
these people require residential care or extended care at home.
The ageing of Australia’s population predicts that Greek born (&
other overseas born) Greek-speaking population aged 65+ years
will peak in 2016, although those aged 80+ years will continue
ageing at a faster rate than their Australian counterparts until
Chart 1 depicts the demand patterns for Greek born (& other
overseas born) Greek-speaking people living in the Melbourne
metropolitan area:
an estimated 29,438 older people of Greek-speaking
background living in the Melbourne metropolitan area
aged 65 years and over in 2011
of those, approximately 4,718 were aged 80 years and
over in 2011. Based on the general rule of approximately
one in four persons over 80 requiring residential aged
care, this amounts to a total catchment pool of around
1,180. In 2026 this is expected to increase to 2,188 and by
2031 will decrease to 1,961.
No. of older people
85+ χρόν ων
80 - 84
χρόν ων
The above indicates that the services offered by Fronditha Care
and others will be inadequate to meet the demand for dementia
specific care in the future.
Chart 2: Greek-speaking people aged 65 and over
with dementia 2011 - 2031
Chart 1: Greek-speaking older people in Victoria,
2011 - 2031
If we take into account the combined number of dementiaspecific beds offered by Fronditha Care and other Greek specific
providers, then there are 54 beds to meet the needs of an
estimated 1580 older people with dementia within Victoria’s
Greek community.
65+ χρόν ων
No. of people with dementia
Currently, Fronditha Care provides residential care to 161
persons with dementia, even though it only has 60 dementia
specific beds.
χρόν ων
80 - 84
χρόν ων
χρόν ων
Community Expectations and Relationships
A range of factors will impact on the available pool of Greek
speaking older people, ranging from changes to medical
treatment that could significantly increase and maintain the
client pool, through to competition from other service providers
that could significantly reduce that pool, and of course Federal
Australian Government policies. Based on this analysis,
Fronditha Care, as a Greek-specific provider has the potential for
significant growth over the next 15 to 20 years.
Community expectations for culturally specific aged care have
grown. In particular there is a growing demand by the
community for residential high and dementia care and
community aged care packages.
Fronditha Care has developed strategies to manage demand for
care into the future. Fronditha Care will endeavour to acquire in
level 3 & 4 Home Care Packages (currently it has 125 level 2
Home Care Packages). The aim should be to acquire 500
packages to meet the surge in future demand. Fronditha Care
must also provide leadership in the community to develop
responses to community needs and develop other appropriate
Fronditha Care’s Workforce
The current workforce climate in aged care in Victoria is a reflection
of the challenges facing the aged care sector across Australia.
Shortages in appropriately qualified bilingual /bicultural staff and
our ageing workforce add to the ever increasing workload.
To attract and retain staff to Fronditha Care it is imperative that
Fronditha Care maintains its leadership position as a high quality
care provider of aged care.
Fronditha Care must also consider and develop responses to the
challenges of recruiting persons with fluency in the Greek language,
technology, professional development and training, employee
assistance and initiatives, staff development and retention
strategies. By responding in concrete ways to these challenges
Fronditha Care should become an employer of choice for its
‘cash-flow’ business rather than one of a ‘lump sum
accommodation bond’ recipient. This will give rise to issues
of securing payments, tighter contracts, bad debts and
other operational matters. There is nothing in the
Commonwealth Government’s Aged Care Reform package
that clarifies the powers the Commonwealth Government
would give to aged care providers to recover unpaid fees.
In addition, operational models may have to be changed to
account for the changing methods of payment by residents.
Having regard to the increased age of residents entering
residential aged care at a later stage of life, and often with
more acute needs, there may be a growing trend towards
periodic payments. This may result in significant impacts on
operators that have borrowings, as it will in most cases,
take longer to repay their debts.
Fronditha Care will continue to improve financial management
arrangements to manage budgetary constraints, invoicing charges
and costs, increasing cost of living expenses and future capital
works which are key priorities for Fronditha Care’s financial future.
Providers will not be allowed to choose between residents
on the basis of how that person intends to pay for their
accommodation, and residents will not need to decide how
they intend to pay for their accommodation until they have
entered residential care and are protected by the security
of tenure arrangements.
Fronditha Care’s budgetary processes will continually consider the
delivery of services in the context of accommodation and service
costs, and the need to refurbish and build new infrastructure.
Aged care providers will also be required to publish the
level of accommodation payment they charge (both as a
daily accommodation charge or bond).
The Federal Government’s Aged Care Reforms provide for a
substantial but controlled expansion in funded aged care places,
including a significant relaxation of supply controls. From July 2014,
the high/ low distinction in residential care will be removed from
the capacity of providers to receive an accommodation bond or
periodic payment and/or both for high care residents. The sector
views the abolition of the distinction as being positive.
The income and assets test for eligibility of residents will be
strengthened but there will continue to be strong
protections around the level of income and assets residents
retain. Current protections for a resident’s former principal
residence where it continues to be occupied by a protected
person will also continue.
Financial Constraints
All residents will have the choice of paying for their accommodation
through a fully Refundable Accommodation lump sum Deposit
(RAD) (accommodation bond); a periodic payment; Daily
Accommodation Payment (DAP); or a combination of the two.
The Aged Care Reforms will also allow greater scope for the
provision of ‘extra services’ to residents.
The alternative business streams of ‘extra services’ and periodic
payments tend to make the approved provider’s business more of a
For residential care, there will be an annual cap on care
fees of $25,000, but there will be a lifetime cap of $60,000
on care fees. When the $60,000 care fee is exceeded the
Commonwealth will pay the subsidy.
The annual and life time caps on care fees will be indexed
in line with movements in the basic Age Pension
commencing from September 2014.
Removal of caps on bed licences
The Federal Government’s Aged Reforms continues with the balance of care ratios, Aged Care Approval Round (ACAR) processes and
The Aged Care Financing Authority will review current measures to protect access for older Australians with limited financial means,
including the supported resident ratios that apply in each planning region. The Authority will also examine the ongoing
appropriateness of the current supported resident arrangements, whereby the level of the accommodation supplement payable in
respect of residents in an aged care facility is higher, if more than 40 per cent of the residents in the facility are supported residents.
The announcement of the Aged Care Reforms for aged care facilities that are built or significantly refurbished after 1 July 2014, the
maximum level of the accommodation supplement that the Government will pay in respect of supported care residents will be
increased significantly.
Fronditha Care will recover a portion of these costs associated with the capital works undertaken at Thornbury and Clayton in this
regard. However, the cost of past investments will overshadow any income generated through this measure.
From 1 July 2014, the maximum level of the accommodation supplement that the Government will pay in respect of post-2008
residents who are post-2014 residents and who cannot meet their own accommodation costs will be increased from $32.58 to
around $50 per day (in current prices) or around $52.84 a day (based upon expected 2014 prices).
Under the Aged Care Reforms, all aged care facilities will be given the capacity to charge for additional services and amenities over
and above the minimum standard required by the Schedule of Specified Care and Services, on an opt-in/opt-out basis, with residents
able to opt-in or opt-out any time after they enter care. The two levels of additional charges for amenities and hotel services above
the basic specified care and services will be for optional extra services such as food and entertainment services and dedicated extra
services which apply in a wing or entire service (effectively the current Extra Service).
Where providers seek to dedicate facilities or rooms or wings to providing additional services, and require all residents to agree to
higher charges as a condition of entry to these services, they will need to seek approval from the Aged Care Financing Authority.
The implementation of the new reforms will set forth new responses by Fronditha Care’s corporate and financial services
operational centre. Annual budget plans and a seven year ‘forward look’ cash projection plan is already in place to accommodate
Fronditha Care’s future business activity and will also provide understanding of which items could be more sensitive to any risks
arising from Federal government policy changes.
2014 Major Plans and beyond
Fronditha Care has entered a phase in its development
which requires the future expansion of its facility at
Clayton to meet community demand for residential
Other major initiatives including the acquisition of a 60
bed nursing home interstate or locally in Victoria and the
granting of Home Care packages will ensure that
Fronditha Care remains viable in the future and
responds to increasing needs in the Community.
Major Plans
We require completion and commissioning of the Clayton facility from the current 103 bed to
150 bed licenses. The total cost of the project is estimated at $15 million (excluding GST).
Fronditha Care will consider acquiring additional residential care beds which are interstate or in Victoria in the next three
Fronditha Care will also pursue the acquisition of up to 500 home care packages (currently 125) including levels 2, 3 and 4
home care packages to provide support for an ageing population in the community to respond to the total care needs of
the ageing community living at home.
Other Major Initiatives
Fronditha Care will undertake a feasibility study into the future use of the land at 335 Station Street,
Thornbury. The likely use of the land may be for multiple purposes, including a retirement village,
residential aged care facility and other services.
Fronditha Care is also striving to achieve the highest level of culturally appropriate quality aged care and
is always open to continuous quality improvements that are central to the care of our residents and
clients. For that reason small capital works and refurbishments will also be central to our physical
infrastructure improvement program across all of our facilities.
Four Strategic Priorities
Fronditha Care’s four strategic priorities
consider and reflect on the priorities of
both the federal and state government
policies and initiatives.
In addition, Fronditha Care’s strategic priorities build on discussion with relevant
stakeholders, staff, residents / clients and the families, volunteers and other community
These strategic priorities capture Fronditha Care’s direction over the next three years.
The four strategic priorities are:
Excel in the provision of resident and
client focussed culturally appropriate
quality care services.
Lead as an employer of first choice and
support staff to lead in the provision of
quality professional care and enjoy job
Encourage and procure partnerships
with the community that promotes
support, quality care and lifestyle for
our elderly.
Continue to maintain a sustainable
future for Fronditha Care, for its clients,
its services, its finances and physical
Measuring Success
Fronditha Care will measure its success in achieving
its strategic priorities through the development of
key performance indicators or ‘measures of success’.
These will be examined and reviewed and refreshed
as required.
Fronditha Care’s measures of success are detailed in
the following sections.
Strategic priority 1
Given the expected increase in demand for aged care services by the community, Fronditha Care must consider its
capacity to provide quality services to its current and future residents and clients.
Residential Services
It is critical for Fronditha Care to maintain and continue
to improve quality of care principles and provide
amenities and services to care for the elderly with
increased dependency. This ensures continuity of care in
a familiar and culturally appropriate environment.
A significant factor of this model of care is to provide
person centered care through individually designed care
plans to ensure that a person’s needs are met. Residents
and their families are encouraged to be involved in the
caring process. All facilities have registered nurses on
duty 24 hours per day. Additional services are provided
through leisure and activities officers, physiotherapists,
occupational therapists, podiatrists and palliative care
Meals are prepared by cooks in on-site kitchens, and
health services along cleaning, laundry and hairdressing
are also provided. The mobility of all residents is
encouraged through daily activities and residents will be
assisted to enjoy the social atmosphere and cultural
activities on offer at the homes.
Maintaining accreditation through meeting the four
standards and forty four outcomes as a result of
accreditation auditing is a major and most important
aspect of Fronditha Care’s residential services
Increase demand for consumer choices will increase the
cost of care. Expectations about care arrangements will
be heightened. Fronditha Care will have to position itself
as both provider of hotel and nursing care services.
Flexible pricing for rooms and payment avenues for
residents must be established and advertised as required
by federal legislation.
Future admissions for residential care will increase
demand for high care and palliative care nursing services.
Fronditha Care must be suitably staffed and equipped to
cater for these residents into the future.
Community Services
Fronditha Care also aims to maintain independence of
elderly to remain in their homes.
Community services will equip elderly to continue to
remain at home for as long as possible. Assistance will be
provided through Home Care Packages, Host Home
Programs, Planned Activity Groups and Educational
Seminars on health and ageing which keeps elderly
informed, independent and connected.
Maintaining accreditation is also another major and most
important aspect of Fronditha Care’s community services
There will be a heightened expectation from the
community for more home care services. Funding
controls to customers via mechanisms of Consumer
Directed Care (CDC) will be addressed as Fronditha Care
continues to improve its systems.
Fronditha Care aims to secure higher care that is level 3 &
4 packages to meet the increasing care needs of the
community into the future.
Excel in the Provision of Resident and Client focused culturally appropriate Care Services
Measures of Success
1.1 Provide resident and
client focused culturally
appropriate care
1.1.1 Maintain and improve quality care
principles and a person centered model of
care for all residents
Maintain care plans for each
resident fulfilling their care needs
1.1.2 Provide flexible pricing for rooms and
payment avenues for residents
1.2 Retain and attract
the best quality staff to
provide key quality
services at Fronditha
1.3 Maintain & improve
a professional
development programs
across Fronditha Care to
equip staff with the
necessary skills to
ensure practice of the
highest standard in all
areas of service delivery
1.2.1 Maintain and improve a program to
retain and attract high quality, bilingual staff
1.2.2 A labour agreement proposal will be
submitted to the Department of Immigration
& Citizenship to enable Fronditha Care to
recruit Greek-speaking personal care staff
1.3.1 Continue with the induction program for
all staff to emphasise the ‘heart and soul’ of
the organisation’s mission, values and history
in order to encourage their ongoing role in
achieving goals and forming directions and
future developments
1.3.2 Maintain an internal leadership
development program for the senior
management team
1.3.3 Maintain a learning and development
program with enhancements via the
Fronditha Care Intranet site and additional
onsite training for direct care staff
Year 1
Year 2
Develop a schedule for flexible
pricing of rooms and services
Year 3
Fronditha Care will employ an
increased number of appropriately
qualified and experienced Greek –
speaking people in 2014 and
beyond at all levels across the
Year 1
A census of Fronditha Care staff
will be undertaken in March 2015
to establish a benchmark against
which to measure the increase. In
July 2015, at least 10 per cent more
Greek –speaking staff will be
employed and benchmarked
against March 2015
Year 2
Implement the induction program
on a quarterly basis for all new
staff, emphasising organisation
values, mission, strategic plan,
policies and procedures
Implement a Building Leadership
and Management Capabilities
Program to raise the professional
standards of managers and
Produce a six monthly report to the
CEO and Board on professional
practice training, evaluation and
recommendations for future
The completion of an annual
review and evaluation of all
training in January of each year (to
be part of the six monthly report)
incorporating criteria to measure
and evaluate success of training
Year 3
Measures of Success
1.4 Maintain at all times
the organisation’s
accreditation and
certification as an aged
care service provider to
ensure compliance with
all standards and
legislation of the
Department of Health
and Ageing
1.4.1 Regularly review all policies across the
organisation to ensure continual compliance with
standards for residential and community based aged
care services
Compliance with standards and
reinforce the values of
Fronditha Care for:
1.5 Fronditha Care will
deliver services that
offer choice, value for
money and
individualised person
centered care
1.5.1 Fronditha Care will provide information to
residential clients and their families to support their
choice of Fronditha Care as their provider. To achieve
this Fronditha Care will:
1.4.2 Monitor and update, if required, Fronditha
Care’s Emergency Management Plans and protocols
in place to protect the health, safety and wellbeing
of care recipients
Include clear information about the services it
provides, at what cost and level of quality
Demonstrate that it can provide the levels of
care expected by clients and their families
that are value for money
Adopt a flexible building design that can
accommodate the changed preferences of
elderly, the need for complex care, as well as
transitional and respite care
Fronditha Care will initiate a new wing to care
for sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at its
new Clayton residential facility
 Residential Aged Care
 Community services – HCPs
and HACC services
 Social Housing
 Maintain updated
Emergency Management
Fronditha Care wants to
increase the number of clients
and the services it provides to
The majority of Greeceborn people will choose
Fronditha Care as their
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
Year 2
A significant proportion of
elderly from selected CALD
communities will choose
Fronditha Care as their provider
Knowledge of the preferences
of second generation Greek
ancestry elderly would help
facilitate a seamless transition
to service delivery models that
more appropriately meet the
needs of future generations
Sufferers of MS will utilise
specialised care options
Year 3
Year 3
Strategic priority 2
Lead as an Employer of first choice and support staff to lead in the provision of quality professional care and enjoy job
Measures of Success
2.1 All staff of Fronditha
Care continue to be
adequately informed
and supported in order
to undertake their
2.1.1 Maintain systems for comprehensive
information management
Systems where appropriate to
improve productivity and
improve service quality
2.1.2 Maintain a range of relevant professional
development programs
2.1.3 Maintain adequate staffing levels
2.1.4 Ensure that work facilities and the work
environments within Fronditha Care continue to be
maintained to an appropriate high standard with all
the necessary equipment and support available
Year 1
The reporting of services and
goods in kind to Fronditha Care
including the dollar value of
volunteer services
Evaluate annually technologies
and work systems that support
effective communication
An improved learning and
development strategy will be in
place for staff of Fronditha Care
by December 2014 and
reviewed annually
That staffing levels and skills are
commensurate with the needs
of Fronditha Care services
Work environments within
Fronditha Care are maintained
to appropriate high standards
at all sites, including:
 Administration and aged
care facilities
 All staff work areas,
reception areas, meeting
rooms and staff rooms
 Equipment to assist staff
will be maintained and
replaced as necessary
Year 2
Year 3
Measures of Success
2.2 Continue to actively
seek and recruit staff who
share Fronditha Care’s
mission and values
2.2.1 Succession planning for key staff positions
and review succession plans for key positions and
employing skilled and specialist people in these
Maintain & Review Succession
2.3 Develop a strategy to
position Fronditha Care as
an employer of first choice
2.3.1 Continue to provide Greek language classes to
non Greek –speaking staff
Greek language classes will
commence in 2015. These will be
conducted by the Victorian
School of Languages and run
from Fronditha Care’s sites.
Greek language
Cultural training
Leadership training
Understanding, in
relation to the
challenging nature
of our work
Care for people
including work /life
Strategies to
continue to
encourage the
employment of
mature aged
2.3.2 Continue to run cultural training workshops
for non Greek –speaking staff, facility based social
activities and important community events, such as
Harmony day and International Women’s day
2.3.3 Improve the training and education program
through closer relationships with Registered
Training Organisations, Universities and Technical
and Further Education (TAFE), to deliver courses,
mandatory and non- mandatory training and
seminars and assist staff to adjust to change and
agency response
2.3.4 Continue to improve present induction
program to ensure better familiarity with the value
base of the agency by all staff
2.3.5 Run an evaluation and reflection day twice
yearly on changes occurring in the internal work
environment and the external environment
2.3.6 Maintain and improve a job evaluation system
to ensure all positions are appropriately rated and
paid according to their grading
 Reward and
recognition programs
2.3.7 Continue to review and improve the
employment policies to enable the company to
position itself as an employer of choice in the notfor-profit community sector
2.3.8 Continue to encourage creativity in service
development by supporting and encouraging staff
to suggest more effective ways of delivering
support services
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Fronditha Care staff of non
Greek –speaking background will
gain an awareness and
understanding of the history,
values, traditions, religion and
customs of Greek –speaking
residents. This will:
Facilitate greater affinity
and connectedness
towards Greek speaking
Greater affinity and
connectedness between
staff, and
Contribute to cross
cultural understanding
Staff to have access to quality
training and new skills
A yearly written evaluation of
staff’s response to training and
Ensuring maintenance of all
position descriptions to reflect
the actual position
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Measures of Success
(cont.,) 2.3
2.3.9 Continue to encourage participation by senior
staff in national conferences for the purposes of
professional learning and to present the work of
Fronditha Care
The conduct of annual
professional development
/reviews for all staff
2.3.10 Continue to monitor staff participation in
training to ensure staff avail themselves of learning
2.3.11 Continue to regularly consult on the needs of
staff in areas of professional practice and report
regularly to the executive team as part of the annual
budget preparation
 An effective
Agreements for
residential and
community services
2.3.12 Maintain an effective Fronditha Care ANMF
and HSU Enterprise Agreement for residential and
administration staff and Fronditha Care Community
Services Employee Enterprise Agreement for the
community services staff
2.4 Continue reviewing
and updating existing
recruitment strategies
and position
2.4.1 Review current policies, processes and
practices to establish contemporary recruitment
practices that are cost effective and enhance
Fronditha Care’s reputation in the industry and
2.4.2 Review as required position descriptions,
incorporating organisational overview, position
objectives, key responsibilities, relationships, key
selection criteria and Occupational Health & Safety
Year 1
Year 2
Regular reporting through the
senior management team of HR
Year 3
A regular review of remuneration
Establish both Enterprise
Agreements for the period of the
Plan ensuring industrial harmony
Maintain and improve internal
recruitment and retention
processes and continue to attract
quality applicants for positions
advertised by Fronditha Care
Year 1
Year 2
Measures of Success
2.5 Fronditha Care will
continue to improve the
attraction and retention
of its workforce
2.5.1 Continue to provide language and cultural
training to existing and new staff
Fronditha Care will attract and
retain the right mix of well
educated and appropriately
skilled workers that closely align
to Fronditha Care’s values and
Year 1
Continue to recruit as
appropriate bilingual care
Year 3
2.5.2 Continue overseas recruitment program for
qualified bilingual nurses
2.6 Improve outcome
measures for Human
2.5.3 Continue to include improvements in quality of
vocational education and training in forward
Fronditha Care will develop well
articulated career paths and
succession plans
2.6.1 Developing better articulated career paths and
succession plans in the organisation
Human Resources will better
identify and define its outcomes
measures and revise annual
targets for each outcome
2.6.2 Develop better outcome measures to enable
the development of an integrated data collection
system. This will assist Human Resources to inform
the executive and management team on a range of
human resource issues and to better ensure with
meeting their legislative and regulatory compliance
and accounting requirements
WorkCover premiums are
reduced to meet best practice
Year 2
Year 1
Year 2
2.6.3 Continue to improve Occupational Health &
Safety systems and processes
2.6.4 Continue to monitor WorkCover claims
including return to work activities
WorkCover claims are reduced to
minimum levels through
improved Occupational Health &
Safety practices and the continual
improvement return to work
Year 3
Strategic priority 3
Encourage and procure Partnerships in the Community that Promote Support, Quality Care and lifestyle for our Elderly
Measures of Success
3.1 Continue to engage
with rigour and vision in
debates on the
wellbeing of older
people and their carers
with the aim to
influence community
attitudes and
government policies
3.1.1 Continue to use the resources of Fronditha
Care’s network to promote the value of older people
from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds
Conduct research to ascertain the
experiences of older people, and
their representatives or carers
who are residing in aged care
facilities or at home
3.1.2 Continue to engage with ministers of the
federal government and members of parliament to
promote the issues of ageing within multicultural
communities at the federal level
3.1.3 Continue to work with partner organisations,
other aged care agencies and government to create a
safe and healthy environment for frail older people
Continued participation in peak
bodies lobbying to address the
needs of frail older people from
diverse cultural and linguistic
Year 1
Year 1
Year 2
Continue to participate in forums
and other processes by Fronditha
Care on improving the wellbeing
of frail older people
Maintain membership of industry
boards and committees such as
the Aged Care Association of
Australia, Leading Aged Services
of Australia, Aged Care Services
Australia Group
3.2 Continue to work
with community
partners to develop a
robust and credible aged
care sector and to
continue to seek a civil
society where the
principles of equity and
justice are a given
3.2.1 The CEO or his delegate to continue to work
with the Aged Care Association of Australia, Leading
Aged Services of Australia, Aged Care Services
Australia Group and other peak bodies to ensure a
robust and professional aged care sector (to include
public speaking, written articles and discussions with
Identify any changes needed in
social and economic policy which
have a negative effect on older
people and their carers, in
particular to those from diverse
cultural and linguistic
3.2.2 Continue to articulate in the media and other
forums the increasing role of aged care agencies such
as Fronditha Care as an independent voice in social
and economic policy and as a contributor to the
growth of civil society
Increasing effectiveness of
meetings with government
ministers and local members of
parliament whose electorates
have Fronditha Care programs to
strengthen and reinforce the role
of Fronditha Care as an agency of
integrity, committed to the
values of equity and justice
3.2.3 Continue to act in a transparent and
accountable manner to ensure compliance and good
governance at all times
3.2.4 Continue to act ethically in all endeavours
promoting transparency in all decision-making
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
3.2.5 Continue to work in partnership with other
agencies, government and the corporate sector to
deliver culturally relevant and accessible services
Year 1
3.2.6 Increase the areas of cooperation with other
agencies in research and policy development
3.3 Continue to plan for
the long-term financial
viability of the
organisation by
establishing a three year
marketing and
fundraising plan,
including identifying
new sources of funding
3.3.1 Review existing approaches to fundraising and
develop new marketing and fundraising strategies to
nurture financial support from corporations where
values are in synergy
3.3.2 Continue to improve an ongoing bequest
program to further develop relationships with
philanthropic trusts
3.3.3 Continue to support and expand auxiliary
committees and the volunteer pool
To encourage additional funding
from the corporate sector and
other supporters
Year 1
Develop a Fronditha Care
marketing plan with clear
objectives, strategies and
performance indicators
Year 2
Improved reporting of services
and goods in kind to Fronditha
Care, including the dollar value of
volunteer services
Year 3
The number of auxiliary
committee and the number of
available volunteers will increase
Establish auxiliary committee for
the Clayton facility and
Community Services
3.4 Maintain and
improve effective and
efficient marketing
strategy to integrate
Fronditha Care’s public
education, advocacy,
service delivery and
fundraising efforts
3.4.1 Review as required internal and external
communication channels to reach staff, clients,
members of the Greek community and other
stakeholders. These may include:
Increased use of multimedia within the
 Redevelop Fronditha Care’s website in
languages relevant to its target groups and
capture our media hits
Ascertaining the benefits of social media and develop
approaches for use of these media to promote the
organisation and its services
Fronditha Care’s radio program
Review and refine the marketing
and communications strategy,
including monthly bulletins to
promote Fronditha Care as a
provider of first choice to all
stakeholders to generate
awareness of the needs of clients
and to advise of changes and
directions in government policy
Year 1
Measures of Success
(cont.,) 3.4
Fronditha Care’s regular contribution to the Greek –
speaking print media
Consult with management to
The publication of Fronditha Care’s newsletter to
enable staff to showcase their programs and
contribute articles of relevance to staff, residents,
carers and members of the Greek community
 A planned six monthly
broadcast program with clear
criteria on how invitees to be
interviewed will be chosen,
giving priority to those
promoting significant
Fronditha Care events, such
as the radiothon, community
consultations, program
 A clear outline of how
speakers should be prepared
for the radio interview,
including the need to jointly
prepare with the Public
Relations, Communications
and Events manager, the
questions and the order
these should be asked
The Public Relations,
Communications and Events
Manager to continue to prepare
articles, media briefings and
advertisements for the Greek –
speaking media
Regular scanning of the Greek and English print
media to identify issues relevant to Fronditha Care
and provide an appropriate response when required
Assess the strength of Fronditha Care’s brand and
explore ways of further strengthening it
Measurement of brand strength
will assist Fronditha Care to
promote its programs and
services to prospective clients,
consumers, donors and other
3.5 Improve support to
the Board of Directors’
3.5.1 Improve as required policies, systems and
procedures for receiving, processing all work
associated with the Board of Directors and
3.5.2 Management will continue to provide support
to the Board Sub-committees including the
Marketing and Fundraising Committee formerly
known as Public Relations & Fundraising Committee),
the Risk Management Audit and Finance Committee
formerly known as the Risk Management and
Finance Committee, the Governance Committee and
the Policy and Research committee
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
Measures of Success
3.6 Continue to work in
partnership with
government, aged care
agencies, Melbourne’s
and Newcastle’s Greek
community and other
ethnic communities to
achieve the best
outcomes for frail older
people by providing a
wide range of aged care
and support services
designed to address
both individual and
culturally disadvantaged
older persons
3.6.1 Continue to work with the Aged Care
Association of Australia, Leading Aged Services of
Australia and the Aged Care Services Australia Group
to achieve the highest standards in the development
of aged care services that promote positive ageing
Fronditha Care will be better
prepared in:
3.7 Intensify liaison with
Greek Community
3.7.1 Fronditha Care will continue engagement with
Greek Senior Citizens’ Groups & other community
3.6.2 Investigate a closer and mutually beneficial
relationship with universities for the purposes of
research and practice
3.6.3 The CEO, General Manager of Operations and
the Manager of Community Services and Planning to
maintain their association with the relevant sector
groups and organisations
 Expanding the supply with
the increased competition
 Responding to the choices of
elderly who are increasingly
electing to stay at home
longer and will tend to have
higher care needs and be
older when they enter care
 Responding to the shift in
demand towards higher care
needs and increased demand
of community based care
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
3.6.4 Continue to work cooperatively with peak
bodies in meeting with relevant government
ministers and senior public servants
3.7.2 Fronditha Care will continue providing
information to the community on a regular basis
about its operations, services, admission
requirements, including the operation of bonds,
government policy changes, what is being done to
cater for the needs of the disadvantaged in our
community and financial requirements. Such
information provision would promote trust, shared
responsibility and minimise misinformation
3.7.3 information dissemination will continue on a
regular basis; it should be bilingual, utilising Greek
language radio, the Greek press & special leaflets
and newsletters
3.7.4 interaction with community organisations to
be reviewed and improved as required
Broadcast regular updates about
Fronditha Care through the Greek
Year 1
Year 2
Contact 30 community groups
and key individuals per annum
and enlist their support
Conduct at least 20 community
consultations per annum
Continue to undertake annual
survey of residents and families
and analyse findings
3.7.5 Continue liaison and promote feedback by
Fronditha Care’s service users
Maintain and improve an
accurate donor database and
send regular requests for support
3.7.6 Fronditha Care needs to continually review and
improve as required the marketing of the
organisation in order to publicise the valuable role it
performs for the benefit of the community.
Maintain a clear marketing and
fundraising plan
Year 3
Strategic priority 4
Build a Sustainable Future for Fronditha Care, for its People, its Services, its Finances and Physical Resources
Measures of Success
4.1 Continue to plan for
the long-term financial
viability of the agency
including new sources of
4.1.1 Maintain a seven year cash-flow financial
business plan to support both elements of the
strategic plan and the long-term management of
resources. At a minimum this will incorporate:
The implementation of a seven
year financial and business plan
for the agency will:
Understanding the financial implications of
the recommendations of the Commonwealth
Government’s aged care reform program
4.1.2 Identify new areas for expansion and prepare
funding submissions to government and other
funding bodies
4.1.3 Benchmark with other service providers in the
CALD sector to gauge Fronditha Care’s
performance and share best practice
4.2 Review the
requirements of the
‘Living Longer, Living
Better’ Reforms
4.2.1 Undertake a cost benefit analysis to enable
Fronditha Care to:
 Understand its cost structures to separate what
it costs to provide care services and
accommodation facilities, inclusive of their
respective costs of capital and any subsidisation
of supported places, to ensure these services are
appropriately priced and charged to residents in
a transparent manner
4.2.2 Improve better systems to collect data on costs
of care, accommodation and other services
 Assist Fronditha Care with
client management, effective
and efficient payment of fees
and staff salary payments
 Improve internal processes;
facilitate increased cash flow;
improve reporting and
accountability; improve
allocation, costing and
understanding of costs; and
provide quality data
benchmarked against
available external data
 Improve the identification of
financial risks to the agency
and the adoption of a risk
management strategy to
enable the organisation to
achieve financial
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Develop new services and
programs at Fronditha Care for
the community
Provide a benchmark report to
the Board of Directors
Fronditha Care to determine
appropriate fees and charges
The actual cost of the
accommodation and in-home
support services, according to
prevailing market conditions
The different quality and
features, such as building, room
amenity and quality and
experience of staff
Year 2
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Measures of Success
4.2 (cont.,)
4.2.3 Continue to undertake detailed modeling and
planning of the implications of the aged care
Generate an adequate return on
its capital
4.3 Fronditha Care will
broaden its funding
4.3.1 Fronditha Care will monitor the
recommendations of the Commonwealth
Government aged care reform program which
Fronditha Care will in late 2014
establish whether:
4.4 Identify areas within
the work and scope of
Fronditha Care to
initiate best practice in
the areas of energy,
water, waste disposal,
building designs, and
the provision of motor
vehicles in order to
reduce the impact on
the environment and to
create a safe workplace
Palliative care and end-of-life care
Culturally and linguistically diverse services
4.4.1 Undertake an audit of all existing properties to
determine their energy efficiency and impact on the
4.4.2 In undertaking new and building improvement
works, ensure they meet best practice wherever
4.4.3 Review the Fronditha Care motor vehicle fleet
with the goal of reducing the impact on the
4.4.4 Ensure all gardens and open spaces require
minimal water use
4.4.5 Investigate additional energy-efficiency
compliance by reviewing all controls on heating and
cooling of buildings
 Significant and adequate
funding will be made available
to deliver palliative and end-oflife care, CALD and respite
 Disability services are likely to
present new opportunities to
expand its services to meet the
needs of people with
disabilities and determine
whether Fronditha Care should
provide services in this area
 It should proactively pursue
opportunities for mergers or
acquisitions or simply wait for
opportunities to arise
 It can attract funding to
establish level 3 & 4 Home Care
Packages (HCP)
 Increase total pool of HCP from
current 125 to 500
Completion of the audit of all
existing properties to determine
energy-saving actions with
recommendations to be phased in
over three years
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
Year 2
Conduct a review of Fronditha
Care motor vehicles advising of
change necessary:
 To reduce the impact on the
 To improve the efficient
utilisation of the fleet
 To reduce administrative and
overhead costs
 Complete an audit of all
gardens and open spaces to
ensure minimum maintenance
and provide quality outdoor
amenities to its residents
Year 3
Measures of Success
4.4 (cont.,)
4.4.6 Undertake actions that reduce Fronditha Care’s
environmental footprint through the use of
alternative sources of energy and reduced use of
Undertake an investigation to
ascertain the benefits of using solar
power, energy efficient appliances
and in the development of major
projects and strive for a six star
environmental rating
Year 3
Investigate the potential impact of
climate change on older people
4.5 Oversee the
completion of the major
project at Clayton South
4.5.1 Monitor progress to ensure scheduled stages
of the building works are completed within time and
budget and where necessary take corrective action
The 1st stage of the project is to be
completed in June 2015
Year 2
4.6 Develop and
implement an
appropriate plan for
accommodation and
infrastructure in relation
4.6.1 Approve concept plans and proceed with the
refurbishment and redevelopment of Pronia and
head office. Monitor progress to ensure scheduled
stages of the refurbishment and building works are
completed within time and budget and where
necessary take corrective action.
The project to commence by June
Year 1
 Services currently
provided from
Pronia including the
head office
 Develop a feasibility
study into the future
use of land at 335
Station Street,
4.7 Develop an
organisation information
management strategy in
order to identify
technological solutions
to further support and
enhance client services
and organisational
systems, including
software, networks and
4.6.2 Undertake refurbishments and monitor
progress to ensure scheduled stages of the
refurbishment and building works are completed
within time and budget and where necessary take
corrective action.
Finalisation of recommendations
for future accommodation needs of
head office
4.7.1 Undertake a review of existing agency IT and
future requirements for implementation over a
three year period to meet client needs
The maintenance and
improvement of an efficient IT
system across Fronditha Care
4.7.2 Identify the training needs of staff to ensure
efficient use of IT
A regular audit of IT to be
completed for review by the
Corporate Services Manager in
time for the annual budget cycle
4.8 Maintain the
Fronditha Care Bonds
Policy for the Board’s
regular review and
4.7.3 Assess the IT skills of all staff at induction in
order to anticipate training requirements
Finalise plan, seek planning
approval, commence rebuilding
program of Pronia
Year 2
Year 2
Year 1
As required maintain annual
budget plans
Year 1
Year 2
Ongoing training for all staff in the
use of IT
Year 3
4.8.1 Maintain a detailed and informed Bonds Policy
for Fronditha Care for Board endorsement & public
Complete and submit Bonds Policy for
endorsement to the Board of Directors
annually or earlier if required
Year 1
4.8.2 Ensure data on bonds continues to be used in
budgetary processes and projections
Improve strategies to market the
understanding of bonds to prospective
4.7.4 Review the management of all systems to
ensure quality and timely responses