MANUAL ONE: INCOME ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Revised March 2014 1 What can be found on our website The FNSD Resource Centre Library • The Online SA Manual • Downloadable and fillable IA Forms • Board Info, BSDW & INAC contact lists Publications • FNSDS Newsletters and job postings BSDW Training Info • Training Programs Information, calendar and registration information • Power point presentations PWD & MNS • Program Information, Forms, Q’s and A’s Revised March 2014 2 PHONE: 604-983-9820 FAX: 604-983-9822 Melennia Point, Executive Director Tami Omeasoo, Program Officer Gina George, PWD Manager PWD phone line 1-877-985-5565 Chris Lechkobit, Program Officer Chelsey George, General Enquiries Revised March 2014 3 THE PURPOSE OF TRAINING SESSION Review SD Policy & Procedures Manual One: Income Assistance Program Present ideas on work habits that may make work less stressful Provide an opportunity to network and share best practices with each other Present an opportunity to share ideas on solving common problems and concerns Take part in Question & Answer sessions to ensure all your questions or concerns are met Revised March 2014 4 First Nations Social Development Society BSDW Essential Skills Training CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE MANUAL Revised March 2014 5 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO MANUAL Information is excellent reference for understanding the AANDC Social Development Program. The chapter contains the following information: Chapter summaries Policy overview and objectives Band or Nation available funding arrangements Applicant’s rights & responsibilities Revised March 2014 6 General Principle: Individuals and families are responsible for managing own affairs and maintaining themselves to the extent their resources will permit Social Development program provides financial support to eligible adults and their dependents who are unable meet their basic needs Objective: Assist persons living on reserve to maintain a basic standard of living Prevent dependency by developing individual and family strengths Assist recipients to access services to enhance their ability to assume primary responsibility for their own affairs Revised March 2014 7 Social Development Programs (SD) A group of programs including Assisted Living, Family Violence Prevention, National Child Benefit Reinvestment, Child and Family Services and Income Assistance that operates within approved terms and conditions Income Assistance Programs (IA) This is a funding program that requires a needs-test and is seen as the last resort for income support. It is available for on reserve individuals. AKA: social assistance Revised March 2014 8 Comprehensive Funding Arrangement (CFA): Canada/First Nation Funding Agreement (CFNFA): Annual Agreement Contain Multi-year Funding Reports are quarterly Most reports are yearly Must use BC Region First Nation National As April 1 2014, the Social Reporting Guide and Social Development Policy and Procedures Manual Development program must follow the AANDC Social Development Policy and Procedures Manuals 1 to 4 May contain one or more funding authorities o Flexible Transfer Payment (FTP) • Unspent funds must be returned o Fixed Transfer Payments (FTPs) • Surpluses may be reallocated at discretion of recipient Can contain Annual Targeted programs Can add other federal departments as scheduled (block or targeted) Unique departmental terms and conditions in separate schedules or agreements Revised March 2014 9 First Nations Social Development Society BSDW Essential Skills Training CHAPTER 2 PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Revised March 2014 10 List of required forms File security requirements Investigation & prevention Appeal processes Monitoring & review Revised March 2014 11 LIST OF FORMS REQUIRED BY AANDC o o o o o o o o Application (901-270) Budget & Decision (901-25) SA Monthly Renewal (901-28) Consent to Release of Information (901-23) PWD designation or MNS approval letter highlight renewal date and flag this form PPMB forms (SA115, SA116, SA 117) highlight renewal date and flag form Non-Status Health Benefits Request & Authorization (SA205) Nutritional Supplement Request & Authorization (SA 200) o Bus Pass eligibility (SA 312) o Any report from immigration, o o o o o service Canada, MNS, ASSETS Rental Agreement from band housing best or landlord Pay no rent good to use Tenancy Agreement form showing Cardex, CMHC , Master numbers or personal mortgage Up to date bills ID 2 per adult (one with picture)and 1 per child Any information that assisted you with making decision on qualification for IA – case notes Revised March 2014 12 IDEAS THAT HELP WITH FORMS Application forms- all boxes and questions must be answered If not applicable put NA – do not leave blank Gather spouse’s signature, education and SIN Use a date stamp on forms Monthly Renewal check dates , make sure have spouse’s and applicant’s signatures – ensure client has answered all questions especially “are you still in need” No Monthly Renewal – do not process a cheque , at end of month for last renewal close file Revised March 2014 Highlight important dates on the PPMB and PWD forms. Add information on B&D as a reminder Do create notices to remind clients when reviews are due – start 2 months before due date and do not process after due date During cheque run, do check files, if missing information send a “hold notice” and either do not process or put cheque on hold until information is provided 13 Rental Agreement from Band Housing Missed Annual Review interview, inform client file closed & they will need to reapply if still in need not accept application, will need more information before making decision Up to date bills – can only pay for a Case notes – life saver, they remind you & helper of your decision and why it was made process application –proof living on Band Make sure Rental Agreement has a start and end date plus rental amount for dwelling not person If person is not a Canadian citizen, do Shelter – needs to be on file before or landlord is best month at a time. Do check hydro, sometimes billed for 30 or 60 days No bills = No Payment Shelter sharing? Show on bill how you got your rate and highlight amount. On B&D put in comment section the “shelter sharing 1/3” fraction they are paying Revised March 2014 14 HOW TO DEAL WITH WORK RELATED ISSUES Security of IA files o Use a locked file cabinet o When someone enters your office, turn file over so no name or personal information showing o Before doing an intake, do take time to put files away before applicants enter your office o Leave office, lock your door if you have files on desk Fraud – common issues o Not declaring income or assets o Double dipping -collecting EI , Education funds or SA from ministry or another band office o Not declaring change in status such as employment or unit change • Can if client admits or you as the BSDW have proof on file, do a recovery from their basic needs potion of cheque • Keep payment reasonable, remember they are already below the poverty line Revised March 2014 15 Investigation & Prevention- be open/ no surprises to applicant o Inform applicant during intake interview Documents once signed are legal It is their responsibility to inform you on the Monthly Renewal form if they still require on going benefits Let applicant know that as the BSDW you must investigate and follow up all matters of alleged fraud or overpayment good idea is to have them initial application statement that they have read it and understand (section above area they need to sign and date) • • • • Information that has come to you by gossip or face book, be careful. Hear it 1st time – take note- no action; 2nd time – flag and pay more attention; 3rd time – letter to client letting them know the SD program has heard “we at the ___ SD department are asking for your assistance to clear a matter up. It has come to our attention that you are ____ to help clear this matter up we would need the following information for your file will (list) _______” Revised March 2014 16 Appeal Overview o All applicants have a right to appeal decision on grounds of Denial of allowance or services Reduction of allowance or services Cancellation of allowance or services o Non- discretionary issues are (can’t be appealed) Eligibility requirements needed to complete application Income Assistance rates IA Rate change due to policy change Procedure for Appeal o Client needs to complete their part of form Request for Administration Review (SA 140) BSDW fills in section 2 Completed form must be mailed or delivered to Administrative Authority by client within 20 business days Once received, client goes back to rate before appeal and cannot be varied until decision received Mail completed form along with supporting documents to AANDC Revised March 2014 17 Review o Reply must be within 20 days of receiving Administration Review form o Decision can be Denial of Review because the matter is not appealable Confirm decision Revise decision o Reviewer will complete section 1 & 2 of Administration Review o o o o Decision (SA 142)form Reviewer will mail copy to both the client and Administering Authority Copy is to be placed in client file Client does not agree with decision, have 7 days to complete section 3 “Request for Appeals Committee Hearing” of the Administrative Review Decision & the Request for Appeals Committee Hearing (SA 142) If chose to the appeal will be placed before a committee Revised March 2014 18 Appeal Committee o Comprise Appellant nominee who is not related Administration Authority nominee who is not an employee Chairperson selected by the above (must be selected within 7 business days) Function of Chairperson o Set hearing date within 10 business days of nomination o Notify appellant, manager, band Chief & Council of time, date and place no less then 2 business days before hearing o Oversee hearing & ensuring conducted and recorded in appropriate manner o Remind everyone present that proceedings are confidential o Complete Recommendation of the Appeal Hearing Committee (SA 144) within 10 business days to Manager, and AANDC o Inform appellant of recommendation of committee Revised March 2014 19 APPEAL CHOICES & PROCEDURES Applicant Appeals Appeal to Committee Appeal to AANDC Decision sent to AANDC Administering Authority Representative Appellant Nominee Assigned Reviewer Chairperson Decision sent to applicant and BSDW Appeals Committee Manager IA & AANDC Revised March 2014 20 PROGRAM MONITORING AND REVIEW Monitoring is accomplished by the Quarterly IA Reports, Annual Audits and On Site Compliance Review Reviews assist AANDC to fulfil their accountability requirement Monitoring assists bands to ensure rates and conditions set out by the SD Manual are being followed Reports assist in year end balancing with Finance and Social Development (AANDC reimburses the lowest total- the closer both departments are the better) Revised March 2014 21 Allow bands to request reimbursement for monthly IA caseload expenditures Allow AANDC to review Band expenditures, approve reimbursement and requisition payment Provides statistical data for the AANDC Multi-Year Operational Plan (MYOP), budget allocation and variance reports Provides a record of reimbursement adjustments to be used during AANDC audits Use of the MYOP assists AANDC to calculate volume and unit costs Revised March 2014 22 Compliance Officer arrives – meets for intro and presents list of requested files Letter arrives – set date of review and request for client list to be sent to compliance officer Review takes place – look at 1/3 caseload Files returned and excel list of issues presented and informed 45 days to appeal decision Improved but less then 90% claw back reduced - review will happen again next year Did not do well less then 90% - request more files and informed there is a chance of claw back of funds Do well with appeal 90% review ends BUT will have another review next year Revised March 2014 Did well on most of files – 90% Review over . Do expect another review in 2 years 23 5.0 Eligible Expenditures and Amounts Limited to AANDC authorities and mandates Limited to Provincial/Territories rate and Schedules/Guidelines Must exercise due diligence when approving expenditures, ensuring they are reasonable and appropriate Revised March 2014 24 6.0 Roles and Responsibilities Eligible funding recipients are responsible to Deliver programs within terms and conditions set out in funding agreement Ensure internal controls are in place to manage funding Ensure program administrators are properly trained and posses skills and knowledge to deliver the program Ensure reporting requirements are met and submitted in an accurate and timely manner Cooperate with AANDC during compliance reviews Revised March 2014 25 AANDC responsibilities Provide funding to eligible recipients Lead the development of policy and provide clarification Provide supervision to ensure program operates according to authorities and accountability requirements are met Clearly speak on the regional processes and procedures necessary to accomplish or put into effect the national manual Revised March 2014 26 13.0 Program Management & Monitoring Program compliance reviews are required to make sure that program activities and expenses comply with program terms and conditions Compliance Review can be carried out by one or more authorized persons including but not restricted to AANDC employees and/or external contractors Funding recipients will be given advance notice of a required Compliance Review The funding recipient must provide supporting documents including books, records, source documentations, correspondence and any other information that supports expenditures as an eligible activity, amount spent on a qualifying client/individual Revised March 2014 27 Funding recipient needs to provide space, access to washroom, table or desk, chair and adequate lighting for the onsite review Those persons involved in the program that approve expenses, make decisions and responsible for management of program are expected to provide information, attend interviews and discussions during the Compliance Review to ensure management is assessed appropriately and in a timely manner Failure to comply = default of funding agreement. Remedies may include cash flow restrictions, denial to renew an agreement or program activity and or any other provisions stated in Funding Agreement Revised March 2014 28 Before the actual review, set aside time to review each of your files Create a check list for yourself using FNSDS or AANDC list and recommendations Application - all areas filled and N?A where applies (do not use white out, if did, do have client complete another one/ error put a line through initial and put down correct information) Spouse’s signature, SIN and education on application All forms - signed and stamp dated Renewals match each month – none signed ahead of time (signed in January for March is a no) Annual Reviews-up to date – do not carry over past due date PWD approval letter on file (either Ministry, AANDC or FNSDS) and/or copy of request for review because fives years up (highlight review date & date request sent) Revised March 2014 29 Ensure you have gathered Education information for all adults in family unit Shelter – Rental Agreements on file from Band Housing and/or landlords with beginning and end dates, monthly rate for house, have both house address and mailing address on file, Cardex, CMHC or Master number, signed and dated (best) Shelter sharing – shows how got applicant’s share on each bill B&D is signed , first one and others that have had a change in payment, and Special Needs request (receipt attached to B&D) are signed and date stamped Information missing – inform client - put cheque on hold or do not produce a cheque until information is on file (your preference) Now breathe you are ready Revised March 2014 30 Finance Pay List have finance send pay list monthly in order to stay on top of reconciliations Ensure the B&D’s match pay list (funds in correct GL accounts and voided cheques are acknowledged and deleted from report) Ensure you, as the BSDW, sign the pay list Pay list needs to matches SDSFR or Quarterly reports Ideas that will help you track cheques Create a Tracking Binder for all out going cheques Add a sign out sheet for all pick up cheques and put in binder If you have Void cheques, each month make an excel list and notify Finance, copy the cheques (put in the cheque tracking book) Made changes in classifications- create an excel list and send copy to finance (each month, put in file copies of financial report, excel list of voided cheques and list of changes to classifications ) Revised March 2014 31 THE REPORTING PROCESS TIMELINE The following information comes from the First Nations Reporting Guide which is sent to each band yearly. The guide can also be found online at the following link: In our example, the process begins with the Band closing payments for the reporting period (April 1st to June 30th, 20XX). The process ending (September 1st, 20XX) when AANDC’s Financial Department issues a reimbursement cheque to the band. The process usually averaging 2 months after quarterly report is received by AANDC provided there are no errors on the reports. Revised March 2014 32 TIMELINE ON REPORT AND REIMBURSEMENT April – June = 1st quarter July 15th Band submits report July 24th math verified July 25th data entered MARS/ Band Summary System August 15th Finance pulls data gives to DSS July 31st Region submits report to Ottawa August 14th data entered into TPMS September 1st DSS reimburses Band July –Sept 2nd quarter Oct 15th Band submits report Revised March 2014 ……. 33 Because the timeline is minimum of 2 months for bands to get reimbursed, it is important that reports are done on time. Routine can assist by setting time aside to do the report (good time is usually the Monday after cheque daywill need 3 to 4 days to do report depend on your caseload) Organization allows one easier access to the information needed for the report Do create an atmosphere that will help you not get distracted – quite music, lock your door put up a “do not disturb” sign etc. Revised March 2014 34 Doing your report is a necessary part of your job, it is important that you ensure you are not disturbed – numbers are not exciting therefore distractions are easily welcomed Change message on your phone so you will not be interrupted “ You have reached the Social Development Department, thank you for calling, we are unavailable at this moment as we are working on our monthly report. Please leave your name and phone number where you can be reached and I will return your call either before lunch or before closing time today. Thank you for call” Revised March 2014 35 First Nations Social Development Society BSDW Essential Skills Training CHAPTER 3 APPLICATION & ASSESSMENT Revised March 2014 36 Application process Eligibility and Assessment guidelines BSDW responsibility Revised March 2014 37 Purpose of Intake Interview Create a rapport & relationship with the applicant Gather necessary information & documentation Establish level of need Gather information to assist with eligibility decision Formulate next steps (supporting applicants move beyond IA and making appropriate referrals) Revised March 2014 38 ASSESSMENT & 6 Create client file & enter case notes 5 Establish steps & plan for independence 4 Establish a supportive relationship with applicant 3 Clarify Client Responsibilities 7 Confirm Eligibility , phone ministry, last band lived on & EI verification on file 8 Come to a decision on eligibility Income > IA unit rate = no cheque for the month – may qualify next month?? 9 Complete Budget and Decision form & documentation 2 Gather all relevant information & papers 10 Process & issue cheque 1. Intake interview begins - complete the Application Forms 11 Monthly renewal request & EAP Do meet to encourage to move towards career Revised March 2014 39 ELIGBILITY REQUIREMENTS Must live in First Nation where making application Provide proof of Residency Must prove citizenship or permission to live in Canada Provide identification for all in the family unit, 2 per adult( 1 with Picture) & 1 per child Provide proof of any sources of income including cash and assets (includes bank /money mart/ or from where applicant usually cashes their cheque statement and Income Tax statement ) Provide up to date copy of Child Tax Credit statement Ensure have no open income assistance file with Ministry of Social Development or other First Nations Ensure not receiving Education or EI funds over eligible IA amount for unit size (need have both applicant and spouse SIN) Present & special circumstances may be considered (case notes) Provide up to date bills and shelter costs Revised March 2014 40 Cover page listing what a person needs to bring to Intake interview Third Party Agreement – required if paying bills on applicant behalf Application for Social Assistance (901 -27) (both applicant and spouse need sign form) Consent to Release Information (901-23) Employment Insurance Information Form (BCSA 11) for each adult in family unit * make sure all areas are filled in, signed & stamp dated Revised March 2014 41 COVER FOR INTAKE PACKAGE Identification • 2 for each adult and 1 for each child Native Status card Birth certificate Social Insurance card Driver’s licence BC Identification card Verification of Income Up dated bank statement or statement from where you chose to cash your cheque such as Money Mart Income tax statement Pension statement showing monthly rate WCB statement showing monthly rate EI verification statement per adult – if qualify must show weekly rate, start date and end date (can print copy from computer when doing your cards) Wages/earnings for full month Any income such as Honorariums, gambling winnings etc. Mortgage Agreement (CMHC? see band housing officer) Tenancy Profile form completed (by Band housing officer) Rental Agreement (last month’s receipt) Confirmation of Residence completed & signed by Head of Household Shelter Documents • • • • Revised March 2014 42 Shelter Documents • • • • Up to date house bills – hydro, heat, water bill, phone rental, utilities House Insurance (if you own house & it is paid in full) Other _______________ List of all living in home including children Own house • Copy of Mortgage documents showing start & end date and monthly rate of payments Copy of Certificate of Possession or other proof of ownership Renting? Will need confirmation own home – a copy of Certificate of Possession or other proof of ownership plus rental agreement for tenants with list of all living in dwelling • • Other information • Current copy of Family Bonus statement Revised March 2014 43 Shelter forms required: Confirmation of Residence Tenancy Agreement Profile Cardex, Master or CMHC number plus Lot number Rental Agreement (from Band or Landlord) showing start date & end date, monthly rent for house or apartment, list of all in home including children Proof of ownership from landlord and proof landlord not living in home in order to pay rent Up to date bills for the address * make sure all areas are filled in, signed & dated Revised March 2014 44 Remember If shelter-rental or mortgage information not on file = no payment No proof of residence = do not process (could be living somewhere else) Check bills to make sure they are current and not past due (cannot pay for any amount that occurred when not on SA) Check address on bills to make sure same as applicant address Check bills to see how many days it covers (if 60 days that is for 2 months- only cover 30 days or one month) NO BILLS = NO PAYMENTS Revised March 2014 45 ANNUAL REVIEWS When doing Annual Reviews; DO NOT GO PAST DUE DATE Tag to ensure carry forward To next file Carry forward Mortgage papers if still apply Medical information for Special Diets PPMB forms if still open- check review date PWD confirmation letter if still open - check review date ( forms from either FNSDS, AANDC or Ministry) Recovery information if still applies Child Tax Credit information (if still applicable) Last signed monthly renewal and B&D Do appointment as if a new applicant to ensure all information is relevant and on file Revised March 2014 46 Do not process until all information is on file especially EI and shelter - remember treat like a new application (EI takes long time to hear back – do as hardship until receive information) Do ensure all forms are completely filled in, signed and stamp dated. If not applicable put N/A For couple, spouse s(he) must sign forms too, this includes the Monthly Renewal Check bills for amount, address, and see if payments being made and up to date Shelter sharing? Show how you came to amount on each bill and in comment area of B&D state “shelter sharing ___”(show faction) Revised March 2014 47 BSDW RESPONSIBILITIES Ensure Intake Package is complete before processing application Inform applicant by signing the forms, makes them legal document thus any false statements can be considered an act of fraud which is a criminal act Explain what is expected of applicant to remain on system Employable – need to be seeking employment, attend training/workshops that will improve chance of employment and provide attendance for file Each month hand in a completed monthly Renewal (no renewal = no cheque) Revised March 2014 ONLY process completed applications 48 No same day cheques – with completed application can take from 4 to 8 business days to process Do Annual Reviews on time if not earlier (no Annual Review done on time = close file) When completed eligibility findings, do inform applicant of decision Do not sign document for applicant if they “X” it, have it witnessed, do sign as the Administrating Authority Create a new file (helps one to ensure all documents on file) Ensure confidentiality of documents and applicant information (keep in locked file cabinet- do NOT take out of your office) Doing a WOP/ASARET? Do the Annual Review as part of the orientation, easier to track end of project and reminder to do follow up with client 2 months before end of project Revised March 2014 49 The intake interview is an opportunity to inform applicant that IA is only temporary and to begin assisting them to move beyond IA. Start at beginning by finding out Last completed grade. (below grade 10 – upgrading may be a good starting point) Ask where does s(he) like to spend their time – inside or outside? ( Helps narrow down decision which makes it easier to seek direction) Inform applicant that income assistance is not a guaranteed funding source. Presently on reserve SA does not have a time limit therefore they do have time to gain skills for that ideal job (You would like to see them succeed and find enjoyable employment, remind them, they do have time to achieve their goal) Listen to their story, it will reveal a lot and may help you find a starting point Revised March 2014 50 Provide support and encouragement – success is achieved with encouragement not force. Be careful with mandating as it can work both ways for you or against you. Don’t over do. If helpful, set up another appointment before referring them to a program or employment service – take the time to ensure they have direction and referral matches their need or interest. Because many clients have experienced trauma in their life time be patient and accept they may take a few steps back Feeling frustrated take a break and rethink your plan of action – you too have time to help your client move forward There is no one size fits all solution when it comes to helping someone. Revised March 2014 51 HOW NOT TO GET LOST IN THE PAPERWORK Revised March 2014 52 Separate the Personal info/ IA documents Blank cover page to hold renewals – put tracking comments Third Party Agreement PPMB/PWD info Family Bonus Statement Application EI Verification Consent to Release Confirmation of Residence Tenancy Agreement/ mortgage papers (flag) ID – 2 adults and 1 per child Keep together Payments/ bills & B&D B&D (signed & dated) Up-to-date bills (make sure only cover for present month – no past due payments for time not on IA - flag each bill) Hydro (check to see if it is EPP, 30 days or 60 days – need to / by 2 to get monthly cost) Heat Phone Rental Receipt for shelter Wage stub * This is only a idea to encourage you to keep client information and bills separate from each other. Easier to ensure have all required information on file Revised March 2014 53 IDEAS FOR STAYING ON TOP OF AANDC REQUIREMENTS Set up a daily routine/ make it a habit o Gather paperwork each morning (example; bills, new applications packages, missing information for file) o Prepare paperwork - separate filing, payments and new applications – add file number or name in colored ink (do not put all paperwork on one side of file – too easy to forget what may be missing) DO NOT process application until verified no other income (EI verification, called ministry –no open file and contacted band moved from- no open file- make note of results) DO NOT process application until all Shelter information on file – band or landlord Rental Agreement on file, Tenancy Agreement Profile, Confirmation Of Residence form verifying applicant living at address No bills = no payment Revised March 2014 54 Cheque Run – set aside time – no appointments or drop ins Friday – no appointments – catch up day (filing, letter writing, processing , tidy office, complete weeks work if possible) Cheque day and day after – no appointments, see to clients with holds on their cheque Revised March 2014 55 Do case notes on unusual information that influenced your decision for benefits Keep copies of all correspondents you send to client especially if relevant towards eligibility Create some flags for yourself Highlight needed information (PWD or PPMB review dates, mortgage payment amount, Doctor’s special diet requests…. Put post it flag on them mark what they are) Show how you got shelter sharing amount, do use difference color ink and show on the bill – highlight amount you will be paying PPMB & PWD review date – highlight date and flag Track Dental payments for non status clients Track Special Needs payments Use a blank legal paper to cover all information – good place to tape renewals, track shelter sharing, Dental and Special Needs Revised March 2014 56 Do set time aside for doing your Main Cheque Run Do not do intake during this time so as not to be distracted Change message on phone . Example “thank you for calling Social Development office, cheque run has begun – if you have not handed in a renewal please do so immediately – cheque day is ___________. Please leave your name and phone number and I will return your call either before lunch or before end of day” Take time to review each file to ensure all required information is on file –missing information send Hold Notice, check Annual Review dates and send notice if due soon (2 months before due date is good) Make this time far enough away from cheque day that a mailed notice will reach client in time to respond Revised March 2014 57 Name: ____________________ Unit: _2____ Classification:___ECC______ Review Date:_May 15,2015__ PPMB/ PWD Review Date: __N/A___________ Date May 24/14 June 24/14 Basic 307.22 ” B&D Tracking sheet Shelter Sp. Needs 450.00 ” 300 (bed) Dental Other • For first row put amount and a if amount does not change in following rows • Dental & Special Needs do put in amount • Keep at front of file for quick reference , Good if DO NOT have a computer program for tracking, helps person covering for you know what has been processed. Revised March 2014 58 CREATING A CHEQUE TRACKING BOOK Use to track main run payments / do create separate one for the daily or weekly payments Cheque Day - ___________________ Name Jane Doe Comment/Signature Done Mailed PU NR Vance Jim Do copy all vendor cheques and add client cheque number for easy tracking - keep in binder for easy access. End of each month bind together and keep in file cabinet. Revised March 2014 59 First Nations Social Development Society BSDW Essential Skills Training CHAPTER 4 ELIGIBILITY Revised March 2014 60 Allowance eligibility Allowance non-eligibility Student eligibility Residency and citizenship Shared parenting Child under 19 years Earned income Unearned income Revised March 2014 61 Any medical issues that prohibits him/her from seeking employment? Are children over 3 years and do they have any physical or mental issues that could prevent him/her from seeking employment? Is S(he)ready for work? Is Day Care an issue? Did s(he) get laid off or fired for just cause? Did S(he)refuse suitable employment? Did s(he) disqualify for Employment Insurance? If yes, why? Revised March 2014 62 1. Eligibility Requirements for Clients 3.1 To qualify for IA, client will need to show s(he) is Ordinarily residence on-reserve Eligibility is defined by an assessment covering employability, family composition, age and financial resources available to household (defined by provincial / territory of residence) Show a requirement for IA programs and services supports and show they have no other sources of funding to meet basic need 3.1.1 For IA programs and services “ordinary residence” means a client Lives at permanent address on-reserve more than 50% of time In case of children in joint custody, lives with parent more than 50% of time Does not have a primary residence off-reserve Is a person off-reserve for purpose of obtaining care not available on reserve or who is off-reserve to access social services because there is no reasonable comparable service available on-reserve Revised March 2014 63 3.2 Client must meet assessment covering all of the following (provincial/territory requirements) financial need employability family composition and age financial resources available to client’s household 3.3 Client must prove they have not applied elsewhere for benefits or any other source 3.4 Client must provide all information necessary to confirm eligibility and ensure it is accurate 3.5 IA administrators must take all necessary steps and precautions to verify information and required documents to ensure eligibility services are only provided to eligible clients Revised March 2014 64 Students Are they receiving a living allowance from the Education Department? Do not qualify for IA Did they receive a Student Loan? Do not qualify for IA until year covered complete – refer to student finance Are they receiving a living allowance from ASETS? Do not qualify for IA Residency Are they living on the reserve you provide SA too? Is the property Commercial? If yes, are they status or non-status. (non status apply with ministry in town) Is the property an institution such as a Care Home or Prison? (prison inmates do not qualify and Care Home resident may qualify for comfort allowance) Revised March 2014 65 As of January 2014: Clients are required to pursue, accept and use all possible income and other means of support before income assistance or Persons with Disabilities assistance may be issued. One’s net income must not equal or exceed amount of income assistance or PWD assistance that family unit would qualify. Eligibility may be determined at any time during calendar month. If BSDW aware of family receiving income, unit’s eligibility must be re-determined prior next IA payment being issued Revised March 2014 66 Income exemption is only applied in actual month received regardless of date of the income is earned or payable or date income reported. Revised March 2014 67 Eviction & Compensation payments exempt if client o Evicted due to landlord’s use of property (selling, renovation or occupying) o compensation may be given in • 2 months notice & 1 months rent, • number of months of rent, • compensation for moving costs or • reduction on elimination of utilities cost o the funds given are exempt up to asset level for family unit Earning of dependent children under 19 years o Attending school full time = totally exempt o Not attending school full time = add to family earnings and apply basic exempt earnings COPH child under 19 yrs. Earning totally exempt Lump sum money is determined - $2000 = 30 days off system remember to subtract IA entitlement as this is a basic needs total Revised March 2014 68 Citizenship Are they a Canadian Citizen? (if no, they may not qualify) Are they authorized to take up permanent residency in Canada? Are they here under the Refugee Protection Act? Are they sponsored? Yes, what happened to the relationship? * If yes to the last three must provide documentation showing allowed to live in Canada Determining if a Family Do they share the same shelter accommodations and household facilities consistently? Is one supporting the other or do they share income sources? Do they share household responsibilities? Do they use time together as married couple? * If yes to any 1 of the above, they are considered a family unit Revised March 2014 69 Shared Custody Have a shared custody court order or shared parenting agreement filed in court specifies 50/50 (copy for file) Written agreement to share parenting signed by both is acceptable must be notarised One on SA and other not, up to worker to determine if child is dependent (do case notes to back your decision) Child in home 40% or more (documented) – shelter allowance can be provided Parent or Grandparent of unmarried person under 19 who has 1 or more children will be considered dependents of the applicant if it is the grandparent or parent applying Dependent child turns 19 while still in school, is still seen as a dependent child until end of school year Separated person awaiting court decision and meets all eligibility requirements can be considered as client but is time limited Revised March 2014 70 Child under 19 years – CASENOTES ensure not living with parents or legal guardian and has established a separate household and been self- supporting prior to applying Is this a child protection issue? Yes, refer to Child And Family Services If unusual circumstance, keep clear case notes and it should be temporary with monitoring Child under 19 living in marriage like relationship, require approval note from Child and Family services Parental support contribution for child living away from home will require a Financial Support Agreement before a supplement can be provided. (parent support $ is income) Child in Care with a baby, baby can receive help but must deduct foster funds Revised March 2014 71 TREATMENT OF INCOME & ASSESTS Applicant must apply for other funds they may qualify for such as EI, WCB, pension/ refusal to apply = NOT eligible for SA Applicant must claim income from self employment (do have them bring in expenses to help determine what is profit and therefore deductible) Hardship is time limited and one should monitor on a monthly basis if applicant awaiting EI, Worker Compensation, Pension or any other income. Job just ended, ensure all funds are claimed such as final pay cheque, vacation pay , severance pay or returned pension contribution. (do apply applicable exemptions) Revised March 2014 72 Assets Vehicle worth over $5000 and not modified for a disability person or child Cash single limit is $150; family unit limit is $250 (any amount over is deductible) Any funds applicant has control over and can cash out Single assets = $1,500 Family assets = $2,500 Single PWD assets = $3,000 Family PWD assets = $5,000 Any sales within a year of applying that is $2000 or more Procedure: Request applicant to report all asset, including family assets Determine which are exempt for purpose of calculating amount of total assets Determine assets value Determine if amount exceeds allowable assets for purpose of determining eligibility BSDW must keep all documents and appropriate case note on client file Revised March 2014 73 Cash on hand which is over allowed amount single = $150, Family = $250 Annuities, estate income, trust funds, inheritance, stocks, bonds, shares and interest bearing accounts (if annual payment divide by 12 to determine monthly amount) Pensions, widow’s pension, orphans allowance, WCB payments , EI payments Lump sum payments can have funds pro-rated over the year/ $2000 = 30 days off system Rental income be it property or items Maintenance payments Revised March 2014 74 WCB Temporary Wage Loss Replacement Payments are considered unearned income but NOT treated the same if o PWD and in receipt of IA for previous month or o Returning PWD client – no wait period Sec 4.9 page 12-13 can use the earned income exemption for PWD clients if lump sum payment can be prorated for year (divide by 12) example received 10,000 / 12= 833.33 – actual entitlement Revised March 2014 75 Incentive allowance Earnings of child in full time school attendance COPH funds Adjustment payments from a supplier (hydro credit) GST payments Family Allowance Child and Family Development services payments for care of a child Redress payments to Japanese ancestry or Residential School survivors payments (for big ticketed items have them bring in receipts for you keep on file = they are exempt for as long as they have them) * Flag section 4.9 pages 12 to19 for table on exemptions and treatment Revised March 2014 76 Person is unable to achieve financial independence because of specific medical condition that is a barrier to employment. Policy: Must be on IA for 12 out of past 15 months before can be assessed Must be reassessed at least every 2 years Condition cannot be for addiction Revised March 2014 77 Medical condition confirmed my physician and in his or her opinion Has continued for at least 1 year and likely to continue for at least 2 or more years Occurred frequently in past year and likely to continue for at least 2 or more years BSDW has confirmed medical condition and believes the condition will seriously restrict client’s ability to search, accept or continue employment Unsure if PPMB- look condition up on internet to understand better or talk to Band nurse for more information – ** unable to work and continuing are the key words here Revised March 2014 78 Separate Personal info and IA documents PPMB check list SA 117 – highlight review date/ flag Medical Report SA 116 Medical Release and Report SA 115 IA Application documents Keep together payments – bills, B&D new B&D showing rate change – signed and dated Do add in comment section – PPMB good until date ______ Revised March 2014 79 Create list of who you need to contact to do verification (case note put down answers) Ministry – need SIN, DOB and Name Band last lived on if not the community you serve – need name, status number and SIN EI verification forms- fax, email or call (date stamp it) Worked- make sure they bring in last pay stub, and ROE papers In a training program or education program, contact Education department or ASETS to ensure not receiving a living allowance Make verification part of your morning routine for all new and annual review applications 80 Revised March 2014 First Nations Social Development Society BSDW Essential Skills Training CHAPTER 5 SHELTER ALLOWANCE Revised March 2014 81 Eligible costs Own home- what can be covered? Shelter sharing Revised March 2014 82 ELIGIBLE SHELTER COST Only pay actual cost no higher than unit allowable maximum amount. Acceptable utilities cost include: Heat bill – (if able to gather own supply of wood, can only pay for fuel for power saw – if have chance to charge wood to company can prorate payment to full year - document) Phone rental only Hydro – check rate for EPP, 30 days or 60 days (can only cover 1 month at a time) Water and garbage bills If covering cell phone – be careful – do not go over monthly rate for a land phone in your area -case note to explain why not the land phone and why cell watch amount paying do not pay more then rental for land phone Revised March 2014 83 UNIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RATE 375.00 570.00 660.00 700.00 750.00 785.00 820.00 855.00 890.00 925.00 * Band owned home can be rented IF pass compliance review by 90% or higher Shelter payments include monthly rate: - Hydro - Heat - Phone rental - Rent ONLY Actual documented up to date costs Payments Not Covered: - Cable - Internet - Long distance phone calls - Cell phone when also have a land phone - CMHC paid out homes - Non fixed structure NOT registered with housing Revised March 2014 84 Rental Agreement needed for: Social Housing Agreements Band Rental Agreements Personal Mortgage Agreements Private Rental Agreements Housing Loan Repayment Agreements If AANDC funds used on house = no rent payment Paid up CMHC house = no rent payment No certificate of ownership and house paid out = no rent payment Paying Rent: Ensure rent is based on the house not who is living in home Ensure this rent is usual rental rate in your community Worried cause person on IA; remember there is shelter sharing and most persons can’t live in a house on own unless working at a good paying job. Revised March 2014 85 RENTAL AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS Rental Agreement must have Established monthly rental rate for home Address of home Start and end date Signatures of Band Housing officer, applicant or recipient List all living in home (include all children) showing name, age, relationship, income source, Ministerial Guaranteed , Cardex or CMHC Master Reference Number Lot number and Lower End Market CMHC rate for home( this amount is the cap if doing shelter sharing – make sure shows on Rental Agreement also) Rent must be a common set rate for the dwelling – not requested because person on income assistance and not increased as others move into house (this is rental stacking which is illegal) • • If rent already paid for the month = no payment Partial payment by applicant = can pay remainder only 86 Revised March 2014 Rent charge MUST be standard for all members or non-members Must include monthly charge Roles & responsibilities for tenant and landlord, Rent due date Payment process Default and remedial actions A separate GL account record for outstanding rent, repayment plans and Maintenance Agreements to be kept on file Maintenance must be documented and receipts on file Must track number of homes and date when paid out Must exhaust CMHC and AANDC Capital program funds before charging Maintenance Rent Funds. Cannot be used for deficit reduction or rental arrears Revised March 2014 87 OWN HOME – COVERAGE Personal Mortgage: Must provide copies of mortgage papers showing start and end date, Personal Mortgage Number plus monthly payment amount Payment cannot exceed shelter rate for unit size List of all living in home including all children Home Maintenance & Repairs Must own home and live in home (has a CP, Cardex, BCR or Custom Holding information on file) Bring in at least 2 estimates (if a large amount have client talk to dealer to see if willing to accept monthly payment - bill in client’s name) If doing monthly payments – keep track Payment cannot exceed shelter rate for unit size Revised March 2014 88 SHELTER SHARING To be use when more than one family or person (not part of applicant family unit) share a home. Shelter sharing bills includes: Heat Hydro Phone Rental Rent Payments How to get to payment share? Count all in home including children Look at applicant unit Take each bill and divide by all living in home, multiply by applicant unit Hydro $89 (EPP) /8 X 2 = applicant payment ($89/8) = $11.13x2= Add to the cheque a form letter informing others in home IA can only cover applicant share of shelter bills and show their share. Revised March 2014 89 Room and Board Based on actual monthly costs for shelter plus support Requires original copy of Room and Board Agreement For Adult Children, Parents receive basic minus personal allowance (couple 307.02-120=187.22 to head of household) Non-family member includes total of actual share of bills plus basic minus personal allowance (307.22+ 489.79 =797.01 – 120= 677.01 to landlord ) good for situations where the applicant is not assisting with food costs and head of household upset – must be applicants choice Revised March 2014 90 Create a routine for verifying shelter costs Do not pay shelter costs until all information on file Band Rental Agreement with beginning and end date, monthly rate and list of all in home including children Cardex, Master or CMHC number and Lot number Proof of ownership for Private Rent plus Rental Agreement NO SHELTER INFORMATION = NO PROCESSING APPLICATION Shelter sharing – show on the bill how you came to the monthly amount highlight that amount Hydro bill – check for Equal Payment Plan if not a EPP payment, check to see if covering 30 or 60 days (60 days divide by 2 to get monthly payment) Check to ensure bills are up to date and not more then one month (remember cannot cover cost when applicant was not on system nor pay for upcoming month) Revised March 2014 91 CHAPTER 6 CHILD OUT OF PARENTAL HOME Revised March 2014 92 Grandfathered program ONLY Eligibility Relative employment obligations if a SA client Income treatment Eligibility for supplements New MCFD screening File management Evidence of no risk/ risk Rate table Revised March 2014 93 4.0 Child out of Parental Home 4.1 Payment according to provincial guidelines and do not include a Child In Care Of Ministry 4.2 Achieving reasonable comparability with province practises cannot have duplication of payments (if covered for month under IA no COPH payments until following month – no longer available due to it being a Grandfathered program)) 4.3 Once child receives payment through CFS does not qualify for COPH payments Revised March 2014 94 What does “Grandfathered” mean? Program that has been discontinued and no longer accepting new applications Only active files on April 1,2013 are to remain open and receive benefits until child ages out or moves out of home If file closes after this date, cannot be reopened Must do a MCFD screening as the screening has changed to include cross Canada check- not just BC Revised March 2014 95 Evidence of Risk Must immediately stop payments BSDW will only be notified that there is Evidence Of Risk that compromises the home MCFD will determine if it is a child protection investigation situation- this information will NOT be shared with the BSDW Let guardian know and if they want clarity, refer them to MCFD office or local Child and Family Services Evidence of No Risk Payments can be retro active from day screening was faxed (stamp date form when sending) Payments can begin As long as guardian fills in completed Monthly Renewal for each child, file will remain open until child ages out or file is closed due to child moving out of the home Revised March 2014 96 COPH MUST DO’S Hand in a monthly renewal for each child in their care Do Annual Review for each child Do MCFD screening when someone in home turns 18 or a new person begins to live in home that is 18 or older and at each Annual Review Person in home refuses to do screening must inform guardian their application will be denied. Do provide them with a letter, can use template COPH SL2 “Refuse to Consent- Inform Discontinue Existing COPH”. Revised March 2014 97 Incentive Allowance Special Needs School Start up if non-status Special Transportation (Ch. 9.11) Guide Animal allowance Non Insured Health supplement (Ch. 10) Natal allowance Special Diet allowance Infant Formula allowance (Ch. 11.11) Not eligible for December Supplement allowance Supplement for lost or stolen Family Bonus Family Bonus top up 98 Revised March 2014 Parent(s) are expected to contribute to care of child. Funds are deductible from COPH assistance Orphan Benefits & Child of a Disabled Contributor Benefits - do not effect assistance payments Child Tax Benefits - do not affect assistance payments SA Employable Guardian: Same rules for employable IA parents applies (child under 3 do not need to seek employment, older - need to seek employment) Revised March 2014 99 Age Rate Birth – 5 yrs. 257.46 6 - 9 yrs. 271.59 10 - 11 yrs. 314.31 12 - 13 yrs. 357.82 14 – 17 yrs. 402.70 18 yrs. 454.32 Includes basic needs & clothing for child Revised March 2014 100 RIGHT SIDE: personal info & IA documents Identification for child(picture one is best) Care Card for child COPH application (COPH 01) COPH screening consent (COPG 02) for each person living or regular visitor 18 or older Fax cover sheet (COPH 03) stamp dated when sent MCFD results if no risk keep file open / risk file is closed, no further payments issued LEFT SIDE: payments Bills & B&D Budget & decision forms make sure first one is signed Case notes * Ministry behind in screening ensure you have dated when sent fax - flag Revised March 2014 101 CHAPTER 7 HARDSHIP ASSISTANCE Revised March 2014 102 Eligibility Exemptions Exemption guidelines * flag p. 1&2 list Revised March 2014 Exemptions 103 Only after an eligibility test for basic income assistance benefits has been applied and applicant does not qualify Hardship is to handle basic needs ONLY (can include shelter payments) Only available when no alternative or resources available to meet basic needs Available one month at a time - each month must re-establish eligibility Must demonstrate their resources were not used for non-essential items Revised March 2014 104 Applicant is awaiting other benefits – recovery & monthly re- assessment Assets in excess of allowable limits – cannot sell due to it being a joint ownership – qualify for basic IA/maxed at 2 years (do check randomly to ensure assets were not sold/ keep case note) Applicant shows trying to sell items but they are not being brought – recovery and monthly re-assessments Know value of assets – max recovery at this amount Quit work- not acceptable reason – have dependent children – recovery/ max 3 months Quit work – not acceptable reason – no children – can’t apply for 30 days Revised March 2014 105 GUIDELINES FOR HARDSHIP No ID = 3 months grace period only , no ID after 3 months = close file (applicant responsible for cost of ID) Transient = not residence of community = prorated to 3 days help only Person or childless couple wishing to stay on reserve; 1 month provided they meet eligibility criteria. Shelter payments will need proof staying on reserve and a rent receipt to determine share Prorate payment for month applying Revised March 2014 106 All available income or assets must be deducted from hardship assistance issued. Do exempt the following: Dependant child’s income if attending school full time COPH payments GST credit and other government credits Family Bonus Child Disability Benefits For list of other items please flag pages Ch. 7 sec. 8 p 1,2 Revised March 2014 107 CHAPTER 8 PERSONS WITH DISABILITES ALLOWANCE Revised March 2014 108 Eligibility Disability Assistance and Supplements File requirement 17 years PWD guidelines Applicant moving on/off reserve Procedure Revised March 2014 109 What to look for? They are 18 and older Condition is severe mental or physical impairment Condition likely to continue for at least 2 years (Doctor’s opinion) Condition directly or significantly restricts daily living activities either continuously or for extended periods of time Restrictions result in s(he) needing assistive device (includes bath bars and items for home to accommodate disability), significant help or supervision of another person or service animal to preform daily activities Revised March 2014 110 DISABILITY ASSISTANCE AND SUPPLEMENTS Effective 1st of month following designation. Benefits for PWD are: Receive higher rate Non status – Non Insured Health Benefits Earn Income exemption higher PWD Earned income exemptions Single $800 Low cost Annual Bus Pass Single parent $800 Family - 1pwd Family – both PWD Revised March 2014 $1,000 $1,600 111 Must be 18 – may apply 3 months before turn 18 Physician must indicate impairment will be for 2 years or longer Information provided by physician or assessor must establish presents of impairment that is severe mental or physical Physician or assessor must indicate the impairment directly restricts daily living activities and or social functioning Physician or assessor must indicate that significant assistance is required with daily living either by another person, assistive devices (bath room bars, special chair that helps one get out or sit down) or animal. Revised March 2014 112 17 year olds Can be put into affect when turn 18 years and they provide copy of “age out” letter from At Home Program (if applicable) Best to apply for adjudication early so everything runs smoothly Open application – not until turns 18 years and parent file has child removed Trust fund? Inform parents about trust fund guidelines so as not to affect SA funds 113 Revised March 2014 Applicant moving off reserve Provide person with Consent to Release of Information (HSD3125) FNSDS can then forward copy of applicant's PWD application(SA301) and any information or documents related to designation to MSD Applicant moving on reserve Have client sign the Consent to Release for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Information by BC Ministry of Housing and Social Development (SA320) form or Review (HSD2883R) which will be forwards to FNSDS for review and approval Revised March 2014 114 Will need proof for file that the Non-discretionary Trust is for: Cover costs of medical aides, mobility aid, or other device related to disability Cover cost of renovation or maintenance of the principle of a PWD as long as either is undertaken to accommodate the needs of person Covers cost of education or training for PWD client Covers cost of service of Caregiver, Service Providers or other services related to person’s disability An annual amount not exceeding $5,484 which is used to promote their independence (counts from January 1 to December 31) Revised March 2014 115 IDEAS TO HELP ONE DETERMINE IF APPLICANT IS PWD Fidget while sitting, sweating yet office is cool and appear very uncomfortable as if in pain Enters office using a device to help them get around Their concentration is lacking as they are all over the place when talking Require someone to help fill in forms, helper appears to be with them often They request application for PWD (no limit on applying for PWD) Unsure, have them do the PPMB application to help with decision (let them know this will not change rate as they would need to be on system 12 out of 15 continuous months) Revised March 2014 116 Separate personal info, IA documents or 1 time only information Complete regular application package If can’t make appointment due to disability, parent or guardian can complete forms and sign on their behalf – need copy of 3rd party agreement on file Confirmation letter for PWD Highlight review date Keep together payments – bills, B&D or on going information Updated bills B&D do add in comment section review date for PWD First B&D requires their signature Any change in payment will need to have client sign form • Add blank legal paper to tape on monthly renewals • Must do an Annual Review before due date • Must review PWD classification no later then due date or put client back to employable (every 5 years) • Fax Review Request to Gina, keep client at PWD rate until informed otherwise Revised March 2014 117 CHAPTER 9 SPECIAL ALLOWANCES Revised March 2014 118 Community Volunteer Supplement Purpose of Special Needs Items covered under Special Needs Eligibility Revised March 2014 119 Purpose: provide funds for clothing, transportation and other expenses required for recipients in a Community Volunteer Program Who qualifies? Those SA Clients that are unable to enter the workforce Single parent whose child is under 3 or child is disabled and parent unable to work out of home for long PPMB clients PWD clients Persons temporarily excused from employment obligations Person separated as result of abusive situation within previous 6 months and unable to seek employment due to situation Dependent children and COPH child who are 15 and over Maxes at $100 per month, is prorated if do not completed due to reasons beyond clients control Exempt from basic funds, and charged to the SD Special Needs budget Paperwork? Yes – Community Volunteer Contract (SA 135) signed by client and BSDW B&D (901-25) signed by client and BSDW plus documented 120 Revised March 2014 Purpose One time emergency Prevent imminent danger to physical health or safety Immediate protection of a child 1 time ONLY Policy emergency Not to supplement monthly benefits Must qualify for SA Needs to be considered as a last resource when all else has failed Must chose the least costly (at least 2 estimates on file) Document with signed B&D, receipt (if applicable) and explanation for decision Revised March 2014 121 Home maintenance – Rent arrears (maxed at 1 months Applicant must own home rent & 1 time per fiscal year) Applicant must live in home Utility arrears (1 time per fiscal year, max at $200) Essential household appliances Requires at least 2 estimates Exceptional Special Needs Not provided through basic (does not include a dryer)& necessary furnishings funds For safety and/or health Pre-authorized and within budget Exceptional household items – needs written recommendation from medical practitioner • Must be documented, • B&D signed by both client & BSDW; • Must stay within Special Needs budget Disaster aide – to replace essential household items, food and clothing Revised March 2014 122 Camp Fees Allowance for a Child with Disabilities or child of a long term SA client; must be reasonable fees, a recognized camp. Partial payment required ensure all coverage is documented to be clear who pays for what School Start-up Allowance for SA clients’ child(ren) attending full time school Kindergarten to grade 12 5 – 11 yrs. = $100 Non-status children 12- 18 yrs. = $175 COPH non-status children Status Children from another community with confirmation letter verifying they did not receive school start up funds from their community. Includes hardship clients children that meet above requirements Special Transportation Admission to a rehab centre Visit parent, spouse or child because recommended by Medical or Institutional authority Attend Family Court Hearing to present evidence in case involving immediate family member Attend training at a achievement center for handicapped persons Revised March 2014 123 Work Clothes And Work Transportation Available for 1st month of work One time only up to $200 (receipt for file) Transportation – assess for essential need and document Out of province with confirmed employment Client must provide written confirmation of employment with a start date and if possible list of required clothes, shoes and work gear work with local ASETS and divide the cost – stretches both budgets Moving Costs Owner of home wishes to resume occupancy of home Moving to area of confirmed employment (available for destinations within Canada) Home to be demolished Destruction of home Home condemned Moving due to health Need at least 2 estimates Max at $500 for actual essential costs 124 Revised March 2014 One can provide Security deposit for hydro and natural gas only o Family unit eligible for income assistance, hardship or PWD o o o o assistance Family has no other resources Deposit is necessary to obtain services of electricity or natural gas Recipient signs a Recovery Agreement for the security deposit Utility Security Deposit is the minimum amount required to secure utility services * Be careful as Special Needs is a capped funded program Revised March 2014 125 CHAPTER 10 NON - STATUS HEATH BENEFITS Revised March 2014 126 Medical Service Plan & Fair PharmaCare Health Benefits Dental Orthodontia Optical Services Health related travel Medical equipment Medical supplies Eligible items Non-eligible items Revised March 2014 127 REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-INSURED HEALTH BENEFITS Applicants must be covered under Medical Service Plan and Fair PharmaCare For non-status clients they are covered under MSP or Fair PharmaCare : visit heath Insurance BC web site or 1-800-663-7100 For Status applicants they are covered under Health Canada. Web site is or call 1-800-317-7878 The administrating authority has no authority to meet the costs of medical services not covered my MSP Revised March 2014 128 Let pharmacist know limits of approval form and that the form must be returned to your office for processing payment Obtain a copy of prescription before filling form Check that it is an approved drug Got internet and see description of drug Monitor drugs – be aware if it is addictive Remember only for non-status clients, status go to Band Health department Dental Flag sec 10.2 page 1 for dental services Flag sec 10.5 p 6 for Optician & Optometrist Flag sec 10.9. p 2 for eligible items flag sec 10.10 p 1 for non eligible items Revised March 2014 129 First Nations Social Development Society BSDW Essential Skills Training Revised March 2014 130 Child Benefits beyond SA Supplementary Assistance to Old Age Security Pension Comfort Allowance & Clothing Allowance for recipient in Special Care Facilities December Supplementary Allowance Annual Bus Pass Funeral Costs Special Diets Short Term Nutritional Supplements Nutritional Supplement Tube Feed Supplement Revised March 2014 131 Child Benefits Include: BC Basic Family Bonus BC Earned In come Benefit Basic Child Tax Benefit – need to claim but does not affect client SA funds Child Disability Benefits – good to check if child is handicapped for they may not know they could apply for this assistance National Child Benefit Supplement – assist those that work and earn below $20,435 a year Universal Child Care Benefit - funds to support working families with the cost of day care Revised March 2014 132 Family Bonus Top-up Allowance Top up available for SA client , • Non recovery year before earnings applicant’s income was over $20,500 Child turns 18 years New born baby’s first month Recovery required Late income tax filing = 3 months with proof filed Family did not reside in BC previous taxation year = 4 months pending documentation verification from CRA (can extend another 4 months under extenuating documented circumstances) Lost or stolen FB cheque when have a RCMP report number on file Revised March 2014 133 No top up allowed No dependent children on file Refuse to establish entitlement to FB by filing tax return COPH recipient Reduced FB payment due to recovery of FB overpayments Family choses to pay a government debt out of FB entitlement Shared parenting situation – person receiving payment is expected to share payment or other supplements with other parent to assist during child visit Revised March 2014 134 Eligible recipients include families with 1 or 2 members receive Federal Old Age Security OAS, Guaranteed Income Supplement GIS or Federal allowance (Spouse's allowance) and provincial Senior’s Supplement payments which are less than IA, Hardship Assistance or PWD entitlement. How to decide if they qualify for supplement; Max shelter and support allowance for family unit Use rate table Income Assistance Ch. 4.11 IA Table Hardship Ch. 7.11 PWD Ch. 8.2 Revised March 2014 135 Deduct total of OAS, GIS, SS as well as other earned or unearned income (Ch. 11.3 table for their pension rate) If total of pensions is lower then IA entitlement = they would qualify for supplement and other benefits If total of pensions higher then IA entitlement = they do not qualify for supplement Example: Couple both 65 Pension = $800 + OAS = $400 total = $1200.00 IA rate + $949.06 + $570.00 = $1.519.06 IA supplement = $1519.06 – $1200 = $319.06 Revised March 2014 136 Comfort Allowance, must qualify for IA, had permanent residence on-reserve in BC prior to staying at a Adult Residence Care approved by MEIA Boarding A&D Treatment Center Personal Care Facility or Intermediate Care Facility Hospital Rehabilitation or Treatment Center other then a Prison or Correction Institution The rate is $95 per month , for personal and recreational needs. Revised March 2014 137 Cannot receive comfort allowance same month received IA from any public agency If a A&D treatment center Can cover essential shelter needs of recipient to ensure they have a place to come home to Cover dependents eligible shelter allowance and basic needs minus comfort allowance for recipient Clothing allowance to purchase essential clothing for a person residing in a Special Care Facility other than a A&D center if institution does not provide clothing and person does not have means to cover cost (requires an assessment to be completed) Revised March 2014 138 December Supplement Allowance Open to all SA recipients except COPH children $35 single $70 Childless couples and families $10 each dependent child in family unit added Annual Bus Pass available to pensioners Ages 60+ receiving Spouse Allowance 65+ meet requirements for GIS except 10 years residency 60+ on Income Assistance Payment is by the applicant NOT band Cost is $45 annually Revised March 2014 139 Available to any person that dies in BC. Legal Representative needs to request and show deceased had no estate to take care of costs. Require: name & address of deceased name of next of kin statement of decease’s income and assets request to administering authority to cover funeral costs If family, other then Legal Representative, wishes to upgrade costs, it will not come off the cost provided Revised March 2014 140 Items covered Funeral basic service up to $1285.00 (see 11.7 page 4 for details) Other items up to $815 (see 11.7 pages 4 bottom for details) Casket - #2 HP cloth covered (20% mark up + freight costs) Transportation 0-32 Km included in funeral costs 33-82 km $1 per km 83-182 km $0.90 per km 182 +km $0.60 per km Urn up to $200 Funeral Service provider responsible for billing (SA 108) form and submitting to Administering Authority Revised March 2014 141 BSDW needs to Review SA 108 Form for accuracy Authorize payment Forward SA 108 form to FSO for approval and signature Forward SA 108 form to estate officer Initiate cost recovery where applicable Issue payment to Funeral Service Provider Complete the B&D for payment Do provide Family with envelop to keep receipts and remind them to keep ID such as SIN card and status card Revised March 2014 142 Require medical request from a Doctor or Nurse practitioner If require more then one diet supplement, can only cover cost of the one; best to chose the highest dollar value High Protein or Dysphagia can also receive assistance to purchase a blender To be eligible must Be on IA or Disability Assistance COPH child Person receiving Natal Allowance and condition is unrelated to pregnancy Revised March 2014 143 Not eligible recipient Receiving monthly Nutritional Supplement in whole or part Eligible for short-term Nutritional Supplement Receiving Hardship assistance Person in Special Care Facility Person eligible for Tube Feed Supplement and Diet Supplement must chose one only Sp. Diet table Ch. 11.10 page 4 Need client sign and date NEW B&D and attach medical request Review short term acute condition – every 12 months Review long term chronic condition – every 24 months If found to no longer require special diet, must send notice to client or form Diet supplement denial letter. 144 Revised March 2014 Available with medical or nurse practitioner written prescription for product, quality required and expected duration Copy of Nutritional Supplement Request & Authorization (SA 200) plus copy of prescription and diagnosis Conditions that qualify are Surgery serious disease Severe injury side effects of medical treatment Maximize at 3 months Not for food replacement Covers such items as Ensure, Boost etc.. Revised March 2014 145 Must be confirmed by medical/nurse practitioner that specialized formula required, length dependant on medical request Regular infant formulas covered for 12 months for infants that cannot be breast fed due to risk from contracting a disease through breastfeeding For file – need medical request (not responsible for fees associated with request) and a signed B&D (fill in comment section & add “good until__”) BSDW approve 2 weeks emergency supply of nutritional supplement maxed at $500 – await for FSO approval Infant formula BSDW approves costs under $500 and FSO to approve costs over $500 flag Ch. 11.11 page 4 Short term supplement Revised March 2014 146 Available to PWD clients only, that have a severe medical condition causing chronic progressive deterioration of health Monthly Nutritional with symptoms of wasting. Flag Ch. 11.12 p2 Supplement May consist of a nutritional supplement and /or vitamins and minerals Nutritional supplement max at $165 per month Vitamins and minerals max at $40 per month Practitioners fees covered at $25 per application Will not qualify for any other supplement once approved (remember they need to chose usually the highest paid diet supplement is best) Revised March 2014 147 Qualify for income assistance PWD approval letter on file and still active Monthly Supplement Application (SA 401) on file Decision letter on file showing approved and may have a review date (highlight and add to comment section of B&D) New B&D signed and dated by both applicant and BSDW Revised March 2014 148 May be provided for a IA client and their dependents , COPH child, persons residing in a A&D facility and PWD client who is unable to take food orally or process it through the gastrointestinal system. Can be approved for either acute or chronic cases Includes liquid nutritional product, medical supplies and equipment necessary for tube feeding. Provided when NO OTHER funding available (status can be covered under the non insured benefits of their health care program) Revised March 2014 149 Persons in receipt of Hardship Assistance and their dependents Persons in a Long Term Facility and their dependent children Persons receiving Monthly Nutritional Supplement Person receiving short term Nutritional Supplement Person receiving Diet Supplement (remember can only receive one supplement – must chose – encourage to pick the highest paying one) Revised March 2014 150 All following conditions must be confirmed by a medical/nurse practitioner or registered Dietitian Tube feeding is primary source of nutrition State type of product required State monthly or daily quantity of nutritional product required State expected duration of condition requiring tube feeding State tube feed related supplies or equipment needed Can be approved up to maximum of 2 years BSDW can approve cost under $500 ; FSO approves costs over $500. BSDW needs to issue renewal letter 3 months before expires Administering Authority not responsible for fees for documentation flag Ch. 11.13 p 4 Revised March 2014 Tube feeding 151 First Nations Social Development Society BSDW Essential Skills Training CHAPTER 12 WOP/ASARET Revised March 2014 152 Both are a transfer of actual IA funds only and do not come with a project budget Wages are supplemented by the IA transfer thus providing a saving for the employer or project Partnership with the project or employer needed The employer and the BSDW work closely for success Both projects use the same forms Revised March 2014 153 IA client works for minimum wage of $10.50 per hour and works 35 hours per week = $1470 per month Person is childless couple entitled to $307.22 + 250 = $557.22 this amount is to be transferred each month Employer receives this amount $557.22 and will have to add to amount $912.78 to ensure IA client receives minimum wage. Extra funds are not deducted from client as this is part of a WOP or ASARET program with intention of assisting client to move beyond IA Revised March 2014 154 WOP ASARET Max at one year Max at two years Offer job experience only Provide training & job Involves the band, Income experience Involves ASETS, IA , employer and IA client Needs job description Can be more then one IA client Assistance program and IA client Needs job description Can be for more then one IA client Revised March 2014 155 Provide BSDW with confirmation of employment Hand in Monthly Renewal claiming earnings and stating on WOP/ASARET program Up date BSDW on any changes to family unit or employment Do an Annual Review when required to keep file open Revised March 2014 156 NATIONAL CHILD BENEFIT REINVESTMENT (NCBR) Revised March 2014 157 1.1 Objectives NCBR initiatives are: - Help prevent & reduce child poverty - Promote attachment to workforce as a better choice for families on reserve - Reduce overlap & duplications and to simplfy administration of benefits to children 1.2 Expected outcomes of NCBR on reserve are: - Reduce effects of child poverty - Reduction of barriers that impede FN parents or guardians from becoming attached to the workforce - Decrease incidence & depth of child poverty on reserve Revised March 2014 158 3.1.1 Childcare –programs/ projects that support childcare services to allow more families with low income to gain access to daycare spaces or to reduce childcare costs by sharing expenses ex. Funding extra space or seats for parents in Employment or Training programs. Direct subsidies to parents NOT provided 3.2.2 Child Nutrition – programs/projects to improve health and wellbeing of children in low income families by providing meals & snacks programs to children as well as education to parents on family nutrition and meal preparation. Ex. Food hampers, meals served at school, day nurseries, play groups and parent/child support centers 3.2.3 Support for Parents – programs/projects that provide early intervention and support for low income parents/guardians to help their children with an early start in life. EX. Parenting skills programs, dropin centres for parents & children, parent/child support classes, active recreation activities for children . 159 Revised March 2014 3.2.4 Home-to-work Transition - programs/ projects reduce barriers to employment or provide training to increase skill level for low income individuals to increase their Chances of obtaining work. Ex. Life-skills, employment & training classes, summer work programs for youth 3.2.5 Cultural Enrichment – programs/projects support traditional cultural and enrichment programs to children in low income families. * Ordinary resident on reserve qualify for programs and services Revised March 2014 160 • 3.2.5 Service Delivery Eligible Expenses – administrative fees maxed at 15% may include Salaries Travel Training /professional development for professional/paraprofessional administrators Testing Office supplies Telecommunications Research Evaluation Wages & benefits Accommodation; transportation Policy development & program modification/adaptation Instructional & information materials Office equipment Printing, professional services Data collection, analysis & reporting Incremental fees for accounting & audit services & related office costs 161 Revised March 2014 1.1 FVPP consists of 2 components 1. Shelters - operational funding for network of 41 FV shelters serving FN communities on reserve 2. Preventative Projects – Proposal-based activities aimed at preventing Family Violence in FN communities on reserve Types of projects – public awareness campaigns, conferences, workshops, stress and anger management seminars, support groups and community needs 1.2 FVPP assists FN in providing access to culturally appropriate FV shelter services and prevention activities to women, children and families ordinary residence on-reserve Expected outcome of FVPP is enhanced safety and security of FN women and children by providing FV prevention and protection services 1.3 Ordinary residence on reserve qualify for services or programs Revised March 2014 162 1. Reasonable Comparability • 4.1 Federal funding provided for NCBR on-reserve in a manner consistent with the Federal/Provincial/Territorial NCB Governance & Accountability framework • 4.2 NCBR on-reserve follows approach comparable to reference Provincial/Territorial Reinvestment model (replacing income assistance benefits for children) &/or investments in services and supports for children in low income families. To avoid duplication of services eligible expenses on-reserve differ from those offered by Province/Territory off-reserve Revised March 2014 163 • 3.1 Eligible Recipients- FN, Tribal Councils, other FN aggregations approved by FN Chief and Councils or authority, board, Committee or other entity authorized to act on behalf of initial recipients to provide FV protection and prevention services • 3.2 Final Recipients – eligible FN peoples who are ordinary residence on-reserve • 3.3 Limitations of Funding – does not fund construction, renovation or major repairs as this is covered under CMHC Shelter Enhancing program. Revised March 2014 164 • 6.1 New prevention projects funding formula as of 2011/12 bases on direct • community need rather than population. Will allow regions to aggregate funding to FN boards interested in developing their capacity to address FV in strategic way 6.2 Applications for FVPP based on proposals that meet objective of FVPP • 6.3 Prevention projects may include promotion and public awareness, education campaigns, conferences, workshops, stress and anger management seminars, counselling, training support groups and community needs assessments subject to availability of funding • 6.4 Some regions, FN regional boards are authorized by Chiefs to administer prevention funds by collecting, reviewing and approving proposals for projects. The FN regional boards also take on strategic visioning and coordinating role by targeting specific needs (ex. Youth conference) in area of FV Revised March 2014 165 • Administration costs not exceeding 15% of total contribution • Cost of books, pamphlets and materials • Cost of workshops, outreach and awareness • Reasonable travel costs • Facilitators per diem • Refreshments Revised March 2014 166 Revised March 2014 167 WHAT IS MY JOB AS A BSDW? Both AANDC Policy Community needs Revised March 2014 168 AANDC SD POLICY VS BAND MEMBER OBLIGATIONS AANDC BAND Administer the IA program according to AANDC SD manual guidelines Ensure all requirements for income assistance are meet Be accountable for finances spend by providing quarterly and annual reports plus on request a Compliance Review Provide assistance & support to membership Provide qualifying membership Income Assistance Be accountable to Chief, Band Council & membership provide chief and council plus membership updates on changes to IA policy Revised March 2014 169 AANDC policy uncomfortable to carry out AANDC policy may seem unclear and open to more then one interpretation Community members may take decisions personal Hard to say “No” when all you want to do is help More then one mandate – Financial, Active Measures, verification, counselling, fund raising, community obligations …. Begin job running, huge learning curve, lots of expectations and little time to learn Revised March 2014 170 Keep all work related communication business, do not turn it personal (quote policy to back up decisions and do not say I am writing- say “we at band name Social Development program are writing to inform you, according to AANDC Social Development policy….”) React to investigations only if evidence will stand up in court (keep case notes) Limit time listening to gossip or checking out face book where clients are concerned- don’t prejudice your decisions Separate work from home, community and family Stressed during an intake, take a short break before seeing next client Call or email the FNSDS line for help or feed back Revised March 2014 171 APPENDIX C: IDEAS FOR GETTING READY TO WORK Revised March 2014 172 OWN YOUR SPACE Add your touches such as pictures, figurines and plants Make the bulletin board suit your needs Keep space open and welcoming, set the atmosphere- don’t crowd room with files or unused desks, de-clutter Use earth tones on walls, not bright colors Keep it tidy – lowers stress Makes it feel welcoming, rule “if you are uncomfortable in your office so are your clients” Organize your space Revised March 2014 173 THINK SAFETY Unsafe – hiding areas no control of door Safe – low limited area for hiding you control the door Revised March 2014 174 SAFETY FOR OFFICE WITH MORE THAN ONE PERSON OCCUPANCY • Back to door • Too crowded hard to move quickly • Workers do not have control of door • More open space – easy to move quickly • Door area safer • Workers have control of door Revised March 2014 175 Client agitated? Meet them in a public area like the band lobby – keep voice low and calm – DO NOT MAKE PROMISES JUST TO GET THEM OUT OF YOUR HAIR (awards bad behaviour) Use follow up letters for; Repeat behavior from client, do a follow up letter, remind them, this is a place of business and such behaviour is unacceptable. Do state what the consequences will be should they repeat such behavior in the future. Reminding a client what you discussed in the office and what the expectation are for them to keep their file open. (case note for file). Form letters can help set a tone for office, help be consistent with all clients, lower confusion, lessen client outbursts and lower stress. Office at end of hall way, brighten the hall with pictures, a lamp, if possible set up waiting area, have regular reading magazines, small play area for children (small box of toys, comic books, coloring books or paper) 176 Revised March 2014 Create Intake Packages using the forms one needs for a file; put forms in order you use in the file folders Create a cover for package using point form for the intake package informing applicant what they need to bring to interview Create a work schedule and routine for yourself If energy high in morning – do paper work and see clients in afternoon If Cheques can’t be processed Friday afternoon, use opportunity to have NO appointments, use this time to complete weeks work of processing and filing or work on your “to do list” Revised March 2014 177 TAKES 5 TO 8 BUSINESS DAYS TO PROCESS A COMPLETED APPLICATION APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE IN AFTERNOON ONLY Answer “what’s in it for me?” SORRY NO DROP INS NO RENEWAL = NO CHEQUE Revised March 2014 178 Please do complete the survey, this will assist us in improving our presentations and training material. Have a safe trip home. Revised March 2014 179