Questões controvertidas em sinistros de Oil & Gas offshore Dennys Zimmermann + 55 21 2127 4210 Tauil & Chequer Advogados is associated with Mayer Brown LLP, a limited liability partnership established in the United States. 18 de fevereiro de 2014 Control of well Questões potencialmente controvertidas: - O POÇO NÃO ESTÁ FORA DE CONTROLE SEGUNDO A DEFINIÇÃO LEGAL; - O POÇO FOI TRAZIDO SOB CONTROLE ANTES DO ALEGADO PELO SEGURADO, OU PODERIA TER SIDO TRAZIDO SOB CONTROLE ANTES; Control of well – Wordings antigos Objeto do seguro: "To cover expenses entailed by the assured in regaining control of oil or gas well(s) being drilled (…) which get out of control as a direct result of the drilling of wells insured hereunder until completion of (or) abandonment (…).” Blowout: “(…) a condition in which a well builds up a sufficient gas pressure at the bottom of the hole and causes a rather sudden, forceful eruption or explosion which cleans out the well and causes it to go out of control.” Control of well – Precedentes 1) Sutton Drilling Co., Inc., vs. Universal Insurance Co. (Fifth Cir. 1964): “(…) the well was out of control to the extent that extraordinary well operations had to be implemented and routine drilling could not continue (…)”. 2) Atlantic Richfield Co. vs. Underwriters at Lloyd's London (D.C. Tex. 1975): ”(…) from a practical point of view (…) a well was not under control until workers could (…) make the well as planned (…)”. OEE – versões antigas Blowout: “(…) a sudden accidental, uncontrolled and continuous expulsion from the well and above the surface of the ground of drilling fluid in an oil or gas well followed by continuous and uncontrolled flow from the well and above the surface of the ground of oil, gas or water due to encountering subterranean pressures and resulting in the well getting completely out of control." Well out of control: "A well(s) shall be deemed out of control only so long as (when) there is a continuous flow of drilling fluid, oil, gas or water above (or below) the surface of the ground or water bottom (which is uncontrollable by the blowout preventer and/or storm chokes and/or wellheads and/or safety valves installed in or on the well)." EED 8/86 Well out of control: “For purposes of this insurance, a well(s) shall be deemed to be out of control only when there is an unintended flow from the well(s) of drilling fluid, oil, gas or water above the surface of the ground or water bottom, 1. Which flow cannot promptly be: •Stopped by use of equipment onsite and/or the blowout preventer, storm chokes or other equipment required by the Due Diligence and Warranties clauses herein; or •Stopped by increasing weight by volume of drilling fluid or by use of other conditioning materials in the well(s); or •Safely diverted into production; or EED 8/86 2. Which flow is declared to be out of control by the appropriate regulatory authority. Nevertheless and for purposes of this insurance, a well shall not be deemed out of control solely because of the existence or occurrence of a flow of oil, gas or water into the wellbore which can, within a reasonable period of time, be circulated out or bled off through surface controls." EED 8/86 Well brought under control: “A well(s) deemed out of control in accordance with (the above) . . . shall, for purposes of this insurance, be deemed to be brought under control at the time that: •Flow giving rise to a claim here under stops, is stopped or can be safely stopped; or •Drilling, deepening, servicing, working over, completing, reconditioning or other similar operation(s) taking place in the well(s) immediately prior to the occurrence giving rise to a claim hereunder is (are) resumed or can be resumed; or EED 8/86 • Well(s) is (are) or can be returned to the same producing, shut-in or other similar status that existed immediately prior to the occurrence giving rise to a claim hereunder; or • Flow giving rise to a claim here under is or can be safely diverted into production; Whichever shall first occur, unless the well(s) continues at that time to be declared out of control by the appropriate regulatory authority, in which case, for purposes of this insurance, the well(s) shall be deemed to be brought under control when such authority ceases to designate the well(s) as being out of control." Control of well – Questões controvertidas • - DESCUMPRIMENTO DE WARRANTIES – “BLOWOUT PREVENTER OF STANDARD MAKE” – “WHEN THE ASSURED IS A NON-OPERATOR ON ANY INSURED WELL, HE WILL ENDEAVOUR TO SEE THAT THE OPERATOR COMPLIES WITH THE WARRANTIES”. Control of well – Questões controvertidas - DESCUMPRIMENTO DE WARRANTIES: “It is warranted that where the Assured is the operator (...) on any insured well being drilled, deepened, serviced, worked over, completed and/or reconditioned, a blowout preventer(s) of standard make will, when in accordance with all regulations, requirements and normal and customary practices in the industry, be set on surface casing or on the wellhead and installed and tested in accordance with usual practice.” “When the assured is a non-operator on any insured well, he will endeavour to see that the operator complies with the warranties”. Control of well – Questões controvertidas Continuação: - É NECESSÁRIO HAVER UM BLOWOUT? - FOI ADOTADO O MÉTODO MAIS ECONÔMICO NA REPERFURAÇÃO? PRUDENTE E - AS ATIVIDADES CONSTITUEM “DECOMMISSIONING”? - NÃO HÁ DEFINIÇÃO DE “PROPERTY DAMAGE”; ISTO PODE AFETAR A COBERTURA PREVISTA NA SEÇÃO C? - A EFETIVAÇÃO DA COBERTURA PARA CLEAN-UP DEPENDE DA RESPONSABILIZAÇÃO LEGAL DO SEGURADO? - DUE DILIGENCE CLAUSE Control of well – Questões controvertidas DUE DILIGENCE CLAUSE “It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall exercise due care and diligence in the conduct of all operations covered hereunder, utilizing all safety practices and equipment generally considered prudent for such operations, and in the event any hazardous condition develops with respect to an insured well, the Assured shall at their sole expense make all reasonable efforts to prevent the occurrence of a loss insured hereunder. “ Control of well – Questões controvertidas EED 8/86 – Section C “Underwriters, subject to the Combined Single Limit of Liability, terms and conditions of this Policy, agree to indemnify the Assured against: a. all sums which the Assured shall by law or under the terms of any oil and/or gas and/or thermal energy lease and/or licence be liable to pay for the cost of remedial measures and/or as damages for bodily injury (fatal or nonfatal) and/or loss of, damage to or loss of use of property caused directly by seepage, pollution or contamination arising from wells insured herein; Control of well – Questões controvertidas EED 8/86 – Section C (Cont.) b. the cost of or of any attempt at removing, nullifying or cleaning up seeping, polluting or contaminating substances emanating from wells insured herein, including the cost of containing and/or diverting the substances and/or preventing the substances reaching the shore; (…) provided always that such seepage, pollution or contamination results from both (1) (…) and of which notice has been given in accordance with Clause 10 of the General Conditions hereto and (…).” Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: (i) “EACH PRINCIPAL ASSURED IS DEEMED TO BE SEPARATELY INSURED (...)”. EXCLUSÃO DE REGRA DE NONVITIATION ENTRE PRINCIPAL ASSURED E OTHER ASSUREDS? (ii) QUAL O LIMITE DA COBERTURA CONFERIDA AOS OTHER ASSUREDS (“FOR THEIR DIRECT PARTICIPATION IN THE VENTURE, UNLESS SPECIFIC CONTRACT(S) CONTAIN PROVISIONS TO THE CONTRARY”)? (iii) CONDIÇÃO PRECEDENTE ESPECIAL PARA OS OTHER ASSUREDS (QA/QC)? A OBRIGAÇÃO DE PERFORMANCE DE ACORDO COM O QA/QC ESTENDE-SE AOS FUNCIONÁRIOS DO OTHER ASSURED? Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: “The interest of the Other Assured(s) shall be covered throughout the entire Policy Period for their direct participation in the venture, unless specific contract(s) contain provisions to the contrary. The rights of any Assured under this insurance shall only be exercised through the Principal Assureds. Where the benefits of this insurance have been passed to an Assured by contract, the benefits passed to that Assured shall be no greater than such contract allows and in no case greater than the benefits provided under the insuring agreements, terms, conditions and exclusions in the Policy.” Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: “SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR OTHER ASSUREDS It is a condition precedent for any party identified in Other Assureds definition clause iii. and iv. above to benefit from the Other Assureds status under the Policy that they perform their operations according to Quality Assurance/Quality Control system(s) which comply with the Quality Assurance/Quality Control provisions passed on by the Principal Assureds through each and every written contract awarded within the scope of insured works as scheduled under the Policy.” Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: QA/QC Clauses “As a condition precedent to coverage as an additional insured and to a waiver of subrogation, contractor must have carried out the works in compliance with a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (“QA/QC”) programme.” “Underwriters agree to waive rights of subrogation against any Principal Assured(s) and/or Other Assured(s). The Assureds shall not grant any waiver of subrogation to drilling contractors and/or their sub-contractors without obtaining Underwriters’ agreement to a specific endorsement to this Policy prior to the commencement of operations.” Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: (iv) A CLÁUSULA DE DIVESTMENT DEVE APLICAR-SE A QUALQUER PRINCIPAL ASSURED? (v) DISCOVERY PERIOD – TRANSFORMA A APÓLICE EM CLAIMS MADE? CONTA-SE DO FINAL DO PROJETO OU DO FINAL DO PERÍODO DE MANUTENÇÃO? Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: DIVESTMENT CLAUSE “Upon divesting a portion or all of its interest in the project, a Principal Assured shall immediately notify Underwriters of the divestment. Underwriters agree to provide cover hereon for the new owners of the divested interest for a period of 14 days from the date of divestment on the same terms and conditions. Coverage for the divested portion will automatically terminate 14 days after the divestment unless Underwriters and the new owner reach agreement to continue the coverage.” Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: DISCOVERY CLAUSE “Claims under the Policy shall only be recoverable hereunder if the Assured has discovered and reported such loss, damage or Occurrence to Underwriters within 12 months from expiry of the Project Period set out in Item 3 of the Declarations and concurrent with specific maintenance period(s) set out in Item 3 of the Declarations and described in Section I, Terms and Conditions, Clause 19 below.” Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: • APLICAÇÃO DE LIMITE SOBRE SCHEDULE B PARA SUE AND LABOUR; • POLICY LIMIT E ESCALATION CLAUSE – LIMITE SOBRE OS VALORES “INICIAIS” DO SCHEDULE B VS. “ÚLTIMO VALOR ACORDADO” DO MESMO SCHEDULE; • DEFECTIVE PARTS – DEFINIÇÃO DE “PARTE” (SCHEDULE B?); • PROMISSORY WARRANTIES; • OTHER INSURANCE CLAUSES. Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: “Underwriters’ total liability under Section I for all claims arising out of any one Occurrence shall not exceed 125% of the latest agreed Schedule “B” values, including payments made under the sue and labour clause, the additional work clause and the removal of wreckage and/or debris clause (…). In the event of escalation as provided under clause 5 of Section I, Underwriters’ total liability under Section I for all claims arising out of any one Occurrence shall not exceed 150% of the initial Schedule “B” values (…)”. Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: Defective parts ”(…) covers physical loss and/or physical damage to the property insured (…) resulting from a Defective Part, faulty design, faulty materials, faulty or defective workmanship or a latent defect even though the fault in design may have occurred prior to the attachment of the Policy. (…) does not provide coverage for loss or damage to (including the cost of modifying, replacing or repairing) any Defective Part itself unless all of the following is satisfied: a) such Defective Part has suffered physical loss or physical damage during the Policy Period; b) such physical loss or physical damage was caused by an insured peril external to that part; and c) the defect did not cause or contribute to the physical loss or physical damage.” Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: “For the purposes of this clause a ‘Defective Part’ shall mean any part of the subject matter insured which is or becomes, defective and/or unfit or unsuitable for its actual or intended purpose, whether by reason of faulty design, faulty materials, faulty workmanship, a combination of one or more thereof or any other reason whatsoever. The term ‘Defective Part’ shall also include such ancillary components, which are not themselves faulty, but which would normally be removed and replaced by new components when the component that is faulty is rectified.” Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: PROMET ENGINEERING (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD (Formerly SelfElevating Platform Management Pte Limited) v. NICHOLAS COLWYN STURGE and ors [1997] EWCA Civ 1358 (26th March, 1997) “The suggested criteria - what can be physically separated, what performs a separate function - are not derived from anything contained in the clause nor from anything said by Walton J and Branson J. The word part is capable of being used in a whole variety of ways depending upon the context. Its use provides no answer to any relevant question. The weld is a part just as much as is a bracket or bulkhead or plate or the totality of the leg structure.” Offshore construction - Questões controvertidas: • Mitsubishi Electric UK Ltd v Royal London Insurance (UK) Ltd & Ors [1994] C.L.C. 367 “Summary judgment—Insurance—Construction of insurance policy—‘Deductibles’ clause—Installation of 94 prefabricated toilet modules into building under construction—Defects in cementitious board to which wall and floor coverings attached caused bowing and cracking—Remedial works required—Whether loss covered by insurance policy—Whether claim arose from cementitious board as single defective component part— Whether each damaged module was relevant component part—Whether single deduction of £250,000 to be made or deductions in respect of each module extinguishing claim—RSC, 0.14 The Deepwater Horizon Insurance Litigation Macondo Loss • 11 mortos • 17 lesionados • 4.9 milhões de barris perdidos •O custo total da resposta monta a aprox. USD 11.2bilhão The Deepwater Horizon Insurance Litigation RANGER INS., LTDA., TRANSOCEAN OFFSHORE DEEPWATER DRILLING, INC. ET AL. AND CERTAIN UNDERWRITERS AT LLOYD’S LONDON, V. BP P.L.C. ET AL. -Transocean mantinha seguros com cobertura de responsabilidade, primários e em excesso, no valor de USD750MM, durante o período em que a explosão na Deepwater Horizon ocorreu. -Transocean era um contractor de BP, e a BP e suas entidades afiliadas foram nomeadas como “segurados adicionais” nas apólices de seguro. The Deepwater Horizon Insurance Litigation - Novembro/2011: A cobertura de um “segurado adicional” é tão extensa quanto sejam os dispositivos constantes do contrato subjacente acerca da obrigação de o “segurado adicional” prover indenizações. Segundo o art. 24 do Drilling Contract, Transocean era responsável por indenizar BP com relação a poluição ou contaminação originada em ou sobre a superfície da água, enquanto BP era responsável por indenizar Transocean com relação a poluição ou contaminação originada abaixo da superfície, p.ex., em razão de um blowout. Para a Corte de origem, o contrato só exigia que a BP fosse nomeada uma “segurada adicional” em relação às obrigações assumidas pela Transocean – i.e., em ou sobre a superfície da água. The Deepwater Horizon Insurance Litigation - Março/2013: A Corte de Apelação decidiu diferentemente: “Under Texas Law, to discern whether a commercial umbrella insurance policy (…) provides direct liability coverage for the third party, we look to the terms of the umbrella policy itself, instead of looking to the indemnity agreement in the underlying contract. We apply this analysis so long as the indemnity agreement and the insurance coverage provision are separate and independent. (…) Because we find that the (…) policies (…) do not impose any relevant limitation upon the extent to which BP is an additional insured and because the additional insured (…)” The Deepwater Horizon Insurance Litigation Cont.: “(…) provision in the Drilling Contract is separate from and addicional to indemnity provisions therein, we find BP is entitled to coverage under each of Transocean’s policies as an additional isured as a matter of law”. - Novembro/2013: O Quinto Circuito reviu sua decisão e remeteu o caso à Suprema Corte do Texas para apreciação, que a admitiu. The Deepwater Horizon Insurance Litigation BP x Transocean contract: •Insured Contract provision: “(…) shall mean any written or oral contract or agreement entered into by the ‘Insured’ and pertaining to business under which the ‘Insured’ assumes the tort liability of another party (…)”. •Additional Insured provision: “[BP] shall be name as additional insured in each of [transocean’s] policies, except workers’ compensation, for liabilities assumed by [Transocean] under the terms of this Contract”. Questões controvertidas em sinistros de Oil & Gas offshore Dennys Zimmermann + 55 21 2127 4210 Tauil & Chequer Advogados is associated with Mayer Brown LLP, a limited liability partnership established in the United States. 18 de fevereiro de 2014