SRAP Leadership Team Meeting Notes


SRAP LT Meeting June 26, 2013

Welcome and Announcements

Ron: Two resolutions from committee meeting —

1) Resolution about Bridge program-federal funding through HUD; find general funds more like a social services contract.

2) ECC suggested that the City Council endorse the SRAP. This resolution will be presented at the city council meeting tomorrow. This resolution was passed out at the meeting but can also be found attached to the city council agenda online. a. Assuming that this resolution will be passed on consent. Would be nice to send emails to HHS subcommittee to thank them for their support (Martinez,

Riley, Morrison, and Tovo)

Leah: Success By 6 will send out a link to the updated Progress Report based on suggested changes.

School Readiness Action Plan

Recommendations from Ready Healthy Children committee

Strategy 1, Tactic C

Ron: Agency names (such as Head Start, Strong Start, Any Baby Can, Parent in

Recovery) should not be listed in the tactics column. o Another example would be dual generation instead of listing AVANCE.

Laura: Agency names should be listed in the data definition but there is power in naming the agencies that we are working with.

Ben: Where is that best achieved? I propose to add agency names in the status column to report appropriate updates in a specific timeline. o The rest of the group did not have any objections.

Laura: Add an on-going new tactic that focuses on improving data collection and research; better measurement and data around preventative health care section. This tactic might fit better in the Ready Communities section.

Reporting year is from May to May.

Chantel: What is the status of the data dictionary?

Laura: All of the measurements for each tactic have been calculated. We are currently working on a glossary for specific word definitions. The agency names are recorded in the data dictionary.

Tara: The data dictionary is a living document.

The leadership team posed this question: How do we record our progress historically? This is a longer conversation.

o What do we do when a tactic is completed? Do we pull it out? Maybe we would when we publish the next 3-year SRAP.

Susan: Wants to participate more in the Ready Healthy Children Committee.

Upcoming Stakeholder Meeting

Should we present tactic section as blank slate or with SRAPLT proposed changes? o Ron: Blank slate is a slippery slope, opening up the possibility to add tactics without filtering through the SRAPLT could be problematic. o Leah: Suggestions would be filtered through the SRAPLT. o Meg: This is an important process question, we should gather more feedback based around whether the tactics make sense or if they need to be refined. o Laura: We want providers to see themselves as a larger part of the SRAP. We should do a survey of service providers to find out what services they provide based on strategies. Laura will create this survey. o Chantel: At the stakeholder meeting, they should focus on the status column and which tactics are incomplete and how they could help in the process of completing them.

Tactics Section

Ready Families

 Add: “2 times annually, professional development opportunities will be offered to family support professionals. Topics may include: Secondary Trauma, Compassion Fatigue,

SelfCare, Working with Families on Media Use, Dealing with Children’s Challenging

Behaviors, Professional Ethics/Boundaries. Sessions would last 2 hours, during the workday.” o AGREED - Possibly as a PD session - helping families navigate continuum of services as children grow and/or needs develop

SUGGESTED: Add note to Section 1, Strategy 5, Tactic A on data collection and reporting as an essential part of the financial literacy strategy o “Collect data from family service agencies on the number of families participating in family financial literacy classes.”

 Add: “Develop a strategy for tracking the number of families who received the “Literacy

Illuminates” school readiness brochures.” o AGREED - Lit Coalition has the number of brochures distributed to each agency and can ask for when/where distribution occurred o Lit Coalition has just ordered reprint of 5K more.

Add: In addition to Play To Learn and other evidence-based models, begin to better map short-term research-based workshops provided to parents that don't already fall under the umbrella of UWGA: KLRU Ready To Learn, Love & Logic (AISD), etc.

Strategy 1, Tactic e & f: clarify whether parent education is parenting skills, workforce skills, or adult literacy, etc.

Strategy 1, Tactic f: Need update on the pipeline model and to address details of what services are available at each level of the pipeline (more of a decision-making matrix?)

Strategy 3, Tactic b: Need update on Ready Rosie plan; KLRU planning to launch outreach to child care centers in Summer 2013 to gauge electronic resources in centers and their openness to KLRU/PBS-based resources

Ready Services: ECE

Jacquie: Adding to this section is not a good idea because it is already so dense.

Revise for spelling errors-specifically, the capitalization of Head Start.

Strategy 1, Tactic B Change QC3 contact from Cindy Gamez to Michelle Crawford

(Maybe include job title in the future?).

 Strategy 1, Tactic D Change to “Advocate for child care reimbursement for state subsidized care.”

 Strategy 1, Tactic E Change status to say “AISD received early literacy coalition grant; opened 4 new prek sites, 2012.”

Strategy 2, Tactic F move to Strategy 1.

Ready Communities

Strategy 1, Tactic B-ADD: Institutional knowledge, Data Definitions (updated with revisions), Status (more detailed, that includes outputs/inputs as warranted),


 Strategy 1, Tactic e “Develop a system and format communicating progress on SRAP to all stakeholders…” o Is it supposed to be format or formal?


City proposed framework is still in the draft stages, comment to Carlos Rivera if you have any feedback. o Ben: Will funding be distributed equitably along the framework? o Meg: There is no plan to allocate money by category or prioritize any age groups.

 Is someone able to schedule meetings with Burt Lumbreras, Chiquita O’Neil, Carlos

Rivera, and Marc Ott? o Laura will but she is gone the first two weeks in July. o City Managers proposed budget will be out at the end of July, it would be best to get in by July but they will still be working on it in August. The budget will be passed the 2 nd week of September.

Upcoming Meetings

The July SRAPLT meeting is canceled.

July stakeholder meeting o Share new tactics and elicit more suggestions. SRAP LT will vote in August.
