Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan Template (Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Teacher: Kristi Harris Date(s): October 14-October 16, 2014

Grade Level or Course: 3 rd Grade- Math Content or Unit: 3.1 b

STAGE 1: Desired Results ~ What will students be learning?

SOL/Learning Objective

Specify the behaviors, conditions, and criteria. Indicate the verbs used in the Curriculum


6 Create

5 Evaluate

4 Analyze

3 Apply

2 Understand

1 Remember

3.1 b The student will round whole numbers, 9,999 or less, to the nearest ten, hundred, and thousand

Essential Questions &

Understandings/Big Ideas

Look for Essential Questions that are overarching or topical and help guide the unit plan. These questions promote conceptual thinking and add coherence to a series of lessons. An idea is “big” if it helps make sense of seemingly isolated facts.

 The student will understand that knowledge of place value is essential when comparing and rounding numbers

 The student will understand the relationships in the place value system, where each place is ten times the value of the place to its right.

 The student will understand that rounding gives an estimate to use when exact numbers are not needed for the situation.

 The student will understand the relative magnitude of numbers by comparing numbers.

Key Vocabulary

Look for in the Curriculum

Framework and other adopted resources.

 Estimate

 Sum

 Difference

 Whole number

 Rounding

 Place Value

STAGE 2: Assessment Evidence ~ What is evidence of mastery?

Assessment Part 1

Start with the end in mind!

Consider here a sample question or performance task students will need to do as evidence of mastery of this objective.

Students will complete EnVision Math Lesson 2-4 Independent Practice

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15 Small group version 1

Lesson Plan Template (Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Possible misconceptions

or learning gaps

Complete the above task yourself; think about what might be hardest for students to grasp?

 Students may still have difficulty remembering the rules of

 rounding

Students may have trouble combining the skills of rounding and addition

STAGE 3: Learning Plan ~ What are the strategies and activities you plan to use?

Snapshot / Warm-up

Activate prior knowledge and get students thinking about & motivated for today’s lesson.

Students will orally review the process of rounding whole numbers.

The students will then solve two rounding problems in their math journals.

Teaching and Learning Activities ~ Small Group Emphasis

Whole Group Classroom Instruction:

Students will complete interactive rounding lesson on SmartBoard.

Students will discuss rounding and place value as it relates to comparing numbers.

Teaching Stations

Needs-based small group instruction

Teacher station

Independent station

Computer station

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15 Small group version 2

Lesson Plan Template (Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Work Stations

Workstations where students will: Practice new skills, apply strategies to new materials, and review previously taught skills

Differentiate activities based on students’ needs!

Teacher station:

Students will complete addition with estimation worksheet

Independent station:

Students will complete rounding worksheet for grading

Computer station:

Students will review rounding and comparing numbers on Reflex Math


Instructional Strategies

Think in term of high yield strategies, such as:

 Identifying similarities and differences

 Summarizing and note taking

 Reinforcing effort and providing recognition

 Homework and practice

 Nonlinguistic representations

 Cooperative learning

 Setting objectives and providing feedback

 Generating and testing hypothesis

 Questions, cues, and advance organizers

Higher Level Thinking

Plan for a challenging cognitive level, such as apply, analyze, evaluate, or create

Apply rules of rounding to solve problems


Some ideas include:

Flexible grouping

Tiered instruction

 Interest-based activities

 Varied products

 Task cards

 Personal agendas

 Graphic Organizers

Connections to other subject areas and/or authentic applications

Reflect upon what people do in the real world with this content; and how it links to other disciplines.

Link to science

Checking for Understanding

Check throughout the lesson using:

Question and Answer

Class discussions

 Group Response

 Demonstrations

 Practice sheets

 Quick Quizzes

Technology Use

How will you be incorporating technology?



STAGE 4: Closure ~ What did the students master & what are they missing?

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15 Small group version 3

Lesson Plan Template (Stages adapted from the UBD model by McTighe and Wiggins)

Lesson Closure & Student

Summarizing of their


Review what students learned or should have learned. Recognize gaps and allow them to help you plan for the next lesson(s).

Students will review how to round and complete addition with estimation activity.

Students will understand how the concept of rounding can be used to help estimate the answers of an addition problem.

Assessment Part 2

Revisit Assessment Part 1. Plan a formative assessment which shows concretely what students mastered today. This might be:

 Exit card

 Short Quiz

 Seatwork/Practice Sheet collected

 Written response to a prompt

 Oral responses/participation

Students will complete Problem of the Day in their math journal as exit ticket

Teacher Reflection / Effectiveness of Learning

Richmond Public Schools 2014-15 Small group version 4
