Planning Guide - Harrison Humanities

Honors Humanities Planning Chart
Stearns 4th Edition
Ch. 1 Prehistory to the Early
 Paleolithic & Mesolithic
Paleo –
 Neolithic Revolution
c.600 BCE  4 Early River Valley
Mesopotamia- Sumer,
Assyria, Babylon
11 days
Indus- Harappa &
Mohenjo Daro
China- Xia & Shang
 World Religions Intro
Period 1
Global Prehistory Images:
Apollo 11 Stones, (1), Nambia 25,500 BCE.
Great Hall of the Bulls, (2), Lascaux, France, 15,000 BCE
Camelid sacrum In the shape of a canine, (3), Central
Mexico, 7000 BCE.
Running Horned Woman, (4),Tassili n'Ajjer, Algeria, 6000
Beaker with Ibex Motifs, (5), Susa, Iran, 4200 BCE.
Jade Cong, (7), Liangzhu, China, 3300 BCE.
Anthropomorphic stele, (6), Arabian Peninsula, 3000 BCE.
Stonehenge, (8), Wiltshire, UK, 1500 BCE.
The Ambum Stone, (9) Ambum Valley, Papua New Guinea,
1500 BCE.
Tlatilco female figurine, (10) Central Mexico, 1200 BCE.
Terra cotta fragment, (11), Lapita, Solomon Islands, Reef
Islands, 1000 BCE.
Ancient Mediterranean:
White Temple, (12), Uruk, Sumerian. 3500 BCE.
Palette of Narmer, (13) Predynastic Egypt, 3000 BCE.
Votive figures, (14) Eshanna, Tell Asmar, Iraq, 2600 BCE.
Seated Scribe, (15), Saqqara, Egypt, 2600 BCE.
Standard of Ur, (16), Sumerian, Iraq. 2600 BCE.
Great Pyramids and Great Sphinx, (17) Giza, Egypt, 2550
King Menkaure and Queen, (18), Old Kingdom, Egypt,2490
Code of Hammurabi, (19), Babylon, Susian, 1792 BCE
Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, (21), Luxor, Egypt.1473
Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters, (22), New
Kingdom, Egypt. 1353 BCE.
Tutankhamun's tomb, innermost coffin, (23),New Kingdom,
Egypt, 1323 BCE.
Last Judgement of Hu-Nefer, (24) New Kingdom, Egypt.
1275 BCE.
2000 BCE The Epic
of Gilgamesh (16-33)
Hammurabi’s Code
1400 BCE The Story
of the Flood from the
Bible (44-51)
WHAP Ch. 1 Reading
 Period 1 When
and Where Quiz
 Period 1 Unit
AP ArtHonors World Lit-
Ch. 2 Classical China
 Zhou Dynasty
 Warring States Period
c.600 BCE  Confucianism
-Mandate of Heaven
- c.600 CE
 Qin Dynasty
-Qin Shi Huang Di
 Daoism
19 days
-Yellow Turbans
 Han Dynasty
-Wu Ti
Period 2
Ch. 3 Classical India
 Aryans
 Hinduism
-Caste system
 Mauryan Dynasty
 Gupta Dynasty
Ch. 4 Classical Mediterranean
 Greece
-Persian War
-Athens & Sparta
-Peloponnesian War
Alexander the Great
 Rome
Temple of Amun-Re at Karnak, (20), Luxor, Egypt. 1250
Lamassu, (25), Neo-Assyrian, Khorsobad, 720 BCE.
Audience Hall, Persepolis, (30), Iran, 520 BCE.
Ancient Mediterranean:
Athenian agora, (26) Archaic through Hellenistic Greek,
600 BCE.
Anavysos Kouros, (27), Archaic Greece, 530 BCE.
Peplos Kore, (28), Archaic Greece, 530 BCE.
Sarcophagus of the Spouses, (29), Etruscan, 520 BCE.
Temple of Minerva, Apollo sculpture,(31), Italy, 510 BCE.
Tomb of the Triclinium, (32), Tarquinia, Italy, 480 BCE.
Niobides Krater, (33), Classical Greece, 460 BCE.
Doryphoros, (34) Classical Greece, 450 BCE.
Acropolis, (47), Athens, Greece,
447 BCE.
Grave Stele of Hegaso, (36), Greece, 410 BCE.
Winged Victory of Samothrace, (37), Hellenistic Greece,
175 BCE.
Altar of Zeus and Athena, (38), Hellenistic Greece, 175
Alexander Mosaic, (40), Pompeii, Italy, 100 BCE.
Seated Boxer, (41), Hellenistic Greece, 100 BCE.
Head of a Roman Patrician, Republican Roman, 75 BCE.
House of the Vettii, (39), Pompeii, Italy, 62 BCE.
Augustus of Primaporta, (43),Imperial Rome, 5 CE.
Colosseum, (44), Rome, Italy, 70 CE.
Forum of Trajan, (45), Rome, Italy, 106 CE.
Pantheon, (46), Imperial Roman, 118 CE.
Catacomb of Priscilla, (48), Rome, Italy, 200 CE.
Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus, (47), Late Imperial Roman,
250 BCE.
Santa Sabina, (49), Rome, Italy, 422 CE.
Petra, Jordan, (181), 400 BCE.
Terra cotta warriors from the first Qin emperor of China,
Qin Dynasty, (193), 100 BCE.
Funeral banner of Lady Dai, (194), Han Dynasty, China,
180 BCE.
Longmen caves, Luoyang, China, (195), 493 BCE.
Classical China
500 BCE The
Analects by
Confucius (268-270)
Classical India
300 BCE The
Ramayana (208-216)
200 BCE The
Mahabharata (192199)
200 BCE The
Bhagavad Gita (200207)
Siddhartha by
Herman Hesse
Greece & Rome
800 BCE The Iliad
by Homer (363409)
450 BCE Pericles'
Funeral Oration by
Thucydides (424433)
WHAP Ch. 2, 3, & 4
Reading Quizzes
 Period 2 When
and Where Quiz
 Period 2 Unit
AP Art-
Honors World LitIndian Philosophy
-Punic Wars
-Julius Caesar
Great Stupa at Sanchi, India, (192), 300 BCE.
Ch. 5 Directions, Diversities, &
Declines by 500 C.E.
 Kush
 Axum & Ethiopia
 Japan
 Polynesia
-Fiji, Samoa, & Hawaii
Period 3
c.600 CE c.1450 CE
40 days
Ch. 6 Rise and Spread of
 Bedouins
 Muhammad
 5 Pillars
 Umayyad Empire
 Abu Bakr
 Sunni & Shi'a Split
-Caliph Succession
 Abbasid Dynasty
Ch. 7 Abbasid Decline &
Spread of Islam
 Late Abbasids
-Harun al-Rashid
 Seljuk Turks
 Art, Literature, Science
 Mongol threats
 Spread to South Asia
-Indian Influences
Byzantine/Medieval Europe:
400 BCE Oedipus
Rex by Sophocles
300 BCE The
Apology by Plato
50 BCE The Aeneid
by Virgil (532-545)
WHAP650 CE Qur'an (76 Ch. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well and Jacob Wrestling the
11, 12, 13, 14
Angel, Vienna Genesis,(50), Early Byzantine, Europe, 500
Reading Quizzes
 Period 3 When
San Vitale,(51), Ravenna, Italy, 526 CE.
Hagia Sophia, (52), Constantinople, 532 CE.
and Where Quiz
Shonagon (306Merovingian looped fibula, (53), Early Medieval Europe,
 Period 3a & b
550 CE.
Unit Tests
Virgin and Child between Saints Theodore and
AP ArtGeorge,(54), Early Byzantine Europe, 600 CE.
 1070 CE The
Lindisfarne Gospels: St. Matthew, cross carpet page,(55),
Rubaiyat by Omar
St. Luke, Early Medieval Europe, 700 CE.
Khayyam (100-105)
Bayeux Tapestry, (59) Romanesque Europe, 1066 CE.
Honors World LitChurch of Sainte-Foy,(58) Conques, France, 1130 CE.
 1300 CE The
Chartres Cathedral, (60), Chartres, France, 1145 CE.
Inferno by Dante
Dedication Page with Blanche of Castille and King Louis IX,
Alighieri (656-691)
(61), Gothic Europe, 1194 CE.
Rottgen Pieta,(62), Late Medieval Europe, 1300 CE.
Arena Chapel, (63), Giotto, Padua, Italy, 1303 CE.
Golden Haggadah, (64), Late medieval Spain, 1320 CE.
Pazzi Chapel, (67), Brunelleschi, Florence, Italy, 1429 CE.
Merode Altarpiece, (66), Robert Campin, 1432 CE.
Mongol Invasions
Ch. 8 Africa & Spread of Islam
 Stateless societies
 Bantu migrations
 Islam in N. Africa
 Ghana
 Mali
-Ibn Battuta
-Mansa Musa
 Songhai
-Sunni Ali
-Muhammad the Great
 Nubia & Ethiopia
 Swahili Coast
-Trade and Islam
 Nok, Yoruba, Benin
 Kongo & Great
Ch. 9 Byzantium and Orthodox
 Byzantine Empire
-Justinian & Theodora
 Great Schism
 Eastern Europe
 Kievan Rus
-Vladimir I
Ch. 10 Medieval Europe
The Arnolfini Portrait, (68), Jan Van Eyck, 1434 CE.
Conical tower and circular wall of Great Zimbabwe, (167),
Africa, 100 CE.
Great Mosque of Djenne, (168), Mali, 1200 CE.
West and Central Asia:
a. Islam:
The Kaaba, (183), Mecca, Saudi Arabia, 631 CE.
Dome of the Rock, (185), Jerusalem, 691 CE.
Great Mosque, (186), Isfahan Iran, 700 CE.
Folio from a Qur'an, (187), North Africa or Near East, 700
Great Mosque, (56) Cordoba, Spain, 785 CE.
Pyxis of al-Mughira, ( 57) Umayyad, 968 CE.
Basin, Baptistery of St. Louis, (188), 1320 CE.
Alhambra, (65), Granada, Spain, 1354 CE.
b. Buddhism
Jowo Rinpoche,(184), Lhasa, Tibet, 641 CE.
Borobudur Temple (198), Central Java, Indonesia, 750 CE.
Angkor, the temple of Angkor Wat and the city of Angkor
Thom, (199), Cambodia, 800 CE.
Travelers among Mountains and Streams, (201) Fan Kuan,
1000 CE.
The David Vases, (204), Yuan Dynasty, China, 1354 CE.
Forbidden City, (206) Beijing, China, 1400 CE.
Todai-ji, (197), Nara, Japan, 743 CE.
Night Attack on the Sanjo Palace, (203), Kamakura Period,
Japan, 1250 CE.
South Asia:
Buddha, Bamiyan, (182), Afghanistan, , 400 CE.
Gold and jade crown, (196), Korea, 550 CE.
Shiva as Lord of Dance, (202) Hindu, India, 1000 CE.
Manorialism, & the
Holy Roman Empire
-William the
-John/Magna Carta
-Urban II
-Go back to Ch. 7 for
Impact on Middle East
Thomas Aquinas
Hundred Years War
War of the Roses
Ch. 11 Americas on the Eve of
Ch. 12 Reunification and
Renaissance: The Era of the
Tang and Song Dynasties
Ch. 13 Spread of Chinese
Civilization: Japan, Korea, and
Ch. 14 Last Great Nomadic
Challenges: From Chinggis
Khan to Timur
Ch. 15 West and the Changing
World Balance
Bahram Gur Fights the Karg,(189), Persian, 1330 CE.
Portrait of Sin Sukju, (205), Korea, 1417 CE.
Period 4
c. 1450 c. 1750
31 days
Period 5
Ch. 16 The World Economy
Ch. 17 The Transformation of
the West
Ch. 18 The Rise of Russia
Ch. 19 Early Latin America
Ch. 20 Africa and the Africans
in the Age of the Atlantic Slave
Ch. 21 The Muslim Empires
Ch. 22 Asian Transitions in an
Age of Global Change
 1500 CE The
David, (69), Donatello, 1440 CE.
Thousand and One
Palazzo Rucellai, (70), Leon Battista Alberti, Florence, Italy,
Nights (84-97)
1450 CE.
Madonna and Child with Two Angels, (71), Fra Fillipo Lippi,
1465 CE.
Birth of Venus, (72), Sandro Botticelli, 1484 CE.
Last Supper, (73),Leonardo Da Vinci, 1494 CE.
Adam and Eve, (74), Albrecht Durer, 1504 CE.
Sistine Chapel, (75), Michelangelo, Vatican City, 1508 CE.
School of Athens, (76), Raphael, Vatican City, 1509 CE.
Isenheim altarpiece, (77), Matthias Grunewald, 1512 CE.
Emtombment of Christ,(78), Jacopo Pontormo, 1525 CE.
Allegory of Law and Grace, ( 79), Lucas Cranach the Elder,
1530 CE.
Venus of Urbino, ( 80), Titian, 1538 CE.
Hunters in the Snow, (83), Pieter Brueghel the Elder, 1565
Self Portrait with Saskia, (87) Rembrandt, 1636 CE.
San Carlo Alle Quattro Fontane, (88), Borromini, Rome,
Italy, 1646 CE.
Ecstasy of St Theresa,(89), Bernini, Rome, Italy, 1647 CE.
Las Meninas, ( 91), Diego Velazquez, 1656 CE.
Woman Holding Balance, (92), Johannes Vermeer, 1164
Palace of Versailles, (93), Versailles, France, 1669 CE.
Fruit and Insects, (96), Rachel, Ruysch, 1711 CE.
The Tete a Tete, from Marriage a la Mode,(98), Willliam
Hogarth, 1743 CE.
Enlightenment, Rococo, Romanticism, Neoclassical, and
1580s CE Sonnets
by William
Shakespeare (740741)
WHAP Ch. 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22
Reading Quizzes
 Period 4 When
and Where Quiz
 Period 4a & b
Unit Tests
AP Art-
1600 CE Don
Quixote by Miguel
de Cervantes (768785)
Honors World Lit-
1670 CE Haiku by
Basho (300)
1740 CE Candide
by Voltaire (800807)
c. 1750 c. 1900
25 days
Ch. 23 The Emergence of
Industrial Society in the West,
Ch. 24 Industrialization and
Imperialism: The Making of the
European Global Order
Ch. 25 The Consolidation of
Latin America, 1830-1920
Ch. 26 Civilizations in Crisis:
The Ottoman Empire, the
Islamic Heartlands, and Qing
Ch. 27 Russia and Japan:
Industrialization Outside the
A Philosopher Giving a Lecture on the Orrery, (100),
Joseph Wright of Derby, 1763 CE.
The Swing, (101), Jean-Honore Fragonard, 1767 CE.
Monticello, Thomas Jefferson, 1768 CE.
The Oath of the Horatii, (103) Jacques-Louis David, 1784
George Washington, (104), Jean-Antoine Houdon, 1788
Self Portrait, (105), Elisabeth Louise Vigee Lebrun, 1790
Y no hai remedio, (106), Francisco de Goya, 1810 CE.
La Grande Odalisque, (107) Jean-Auguste Dominique
Ingres, 1814 CE.
Liberty Leading the People, (108) Eugene Delacroix,1830
The Oxbow, (109), Thomas Cole, 1836 CE.
Still Life in Studio, (110), Jacques-Mande Daguerre, 1837
Slave Ship, (111), Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1840
Palace of Westminster, (112),
Charles Barry and Augustus W.N. Pugin, London, England,
1840 CE.
The Stone Breakers, (113), Gustave Courbet, 1849 CE.
Nadar Raising Photography, (114), Honore Daumier, 1862
Olympia,(115), Edouard Manet, 1863 CE.
The Horse in Motion,(117), Eadweard Muybridge, 1878
Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Beginnings of
The Saint-Lazare, (116), Claude Monet, 1877 CE.
The Burghers of Calais, (119), Auguste Rodin, 1884 CE.
The Starry Night, (120), Vincent Van Gogh, 1889 CE.
The Coiffure, (121), Mary Cassatt, 1890 CE.
The Scream, (122), Edvard Munch, 1893 CE.
Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are
We Going? (122), Paul Gauguin, 1897 CE.
1800 CE Faust by
Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe (844863)
Ch. 23, 24, 25,
26, 27 Reading
 Period 5 When
and Where Quiz
 Period 5 Unit
AP Art-
 1890 CE How
Much Land Does a
Man Need? by Leo
Tolstoy (913-927)
 1890 CE A Problem
by Anton Chekhov Honors World Lit(928-936)
 1860 CE A Doll's
House by Henrik
Ibsen (940-998)
Carson, Pirie, Scott and company Building, (124), Louis
Sullivan, Chicago, Illinois, 1899 CE.
Period 6
c. 1900 Present
Ch. 28 Descent into the Abyss:
World War I and the Crisis of
the European Global Order
Ch. 29 The World in the
1920s: Challenges to
European Dominance
Ch. 30 The Great Depression
and the Authoritarian
Ch. 31 A Second Global
Conflict and the End of the
European World Order
Ch. 32 Western Society and
Eastern Europe in the
Decades of the Cold War
Ch. 33 Latin America:
Revolution and Reaction Into
the 21st Century
Ch. 34 Africa, the Middle East,
and Asia in the Era of
Ch. 35 Rebirth and Revolution:
Nation-Building in East Asia
and the Pacific Rim
Ch. 36 Globalization and
Resistance: World History
Austria-Hungary (Czech
WHAP Ch. 28, 29, 30,
Mont St Victoire, (125), Paul Cezanne, 1902 CE.
31, 32, 33, 34,
The Women of Avignon, (126), Pablo Picasso, 1907 CE.
 1900 CE The
35, 36 Reading
The Steerage, (127), Alfred Stieglitz, 1907 CE.
Metamorphosis by
The Kiss, (128), Gustav Klimt, 1907 CE.
Franz Kafka (1064The Kiss, (129), Constantin Brancusi, 1907 CE.
 Period 6 When
The Portugese, (130), Georges Braques, 1911 CE.
and Where Quiz
Goldfish, (131), Henri Matisse, 1912 CE.
 World Wars Unit
Improvisation 28, (132), Vassily Kandinsky, 1912 CE.
Self Portrait as a Soldier, (133), Ernst Ludwig Kirchner,
 Cold War and
1915 CE.
 1940 CE The Guest
Beyond Unit
Memorial Sheet for Liebknecht, (134), Kathe Kollwitz, 1919
Villa Savoye, (135), Le Corbusier, 1929 CE.
AP ArtComposition with Red, Blue and Yellow, (136), Piet
Mondrian, 1930 CE.
Illustration from The Results of the First Five year Plan,
(137), Varvara Stepanova, 1932 CE.
Object, (138), Meret Oppenheim, 1936 CE.
Fallingwater, (139), Frank Lloyd Wright, 1936 CE.
The Two Fridas, (140), Frida Kahlo, 1939 CE.
Migration of the Negro, Panel no. 49, (141), Jacob
Lawrence, 1940 CE.
The Jungle, (142), Wilfredo Lam, 1943 CE.
Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda Park,(143),
Diego Rivera, 1947 CE.
Fountain, (144), Marcel Duchamp, 1950 CE.
Woman I, (145), Willem de Kooning, 1950 CE.
Seagram Building, (146), Ludwig Mies van der Roheand
Philip Johnson, New York City, 1954 CE.
Marilyn Diptych, (147), Andy Warhol, 1962 CE.
The Bay, (149), Helen Frankenthaler, 1963 CE.
Narcissus Garden,(148), Kusama, 1969 CE.
Lipstick, (150), Claes Oldenburg, 1969 CE.
1950 CE Freedom
Honors World Litto Breathe by
Solzhenitsyn (12881294)
1960 CE The
Drowned Man in
the World by
Gabriel Garcia
Marquez (12001211)
Chairman Mao en Route to Anyuan, (212), 1969 CE.
Spiral Jetty, (151), Robert Smithson, Great Salt Lake, Utah,
1970 CE.
House in New Castle Country, Robert Venturi, (152),
Delaware 1978.
The Gates, (224), Christo and Jean-Claude, New York,
1979 CE.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial, (225), Maya Lin, Washington
D.C., 1982 CE.
Horn Players, (226), , 1983 CE. Jean-Michel Basquiat
Summer Trees, (227), Song Su-nam, 1983 CE.
Androgyn III, (228), Magdalena Abakanowicz, 1985 CE.
A Book from the Sky, (229), Xu Bing, 1987 CE.
Pink Panther,(230), Jeff Koons, 1988 CE.
Untitled #228, 231), Cindy Sherman,
1990 CE.
Dancing at the Louvre, (232), Faith
Ringgold, 1991 CE.
Trade, (233), Jaune Quick-to-See
Smith, 1992 CE.
Earth's Creation, (234), Eily Kame
Kngwarreye, 1994 CE.
Rebellious Silence, (235), Shirin
Neshat, 1994 CE.
En la barberia no se Llora, (236),
Pepon Osorio, 1994 CE.
Pisupo Lua Afe, (237), Michel Tuffery,
1994 CE.
Electronic Superhighway, (238), Nam
June Paik, 1995 CE.
The Crossing, (239), Bill Viola, 1996
Guggenheim Museum,(240), Bilbao,
Spain, Frank Gehry, 1996 CE.
Pure Land, (241), Mariko Mori, 1998
Lying with the Wolf, (242), Kiki Smith,
2001 CE.
Darkytown Rebellion, (243), Kara
Walker, 2001 CE.
1970 CE Things
Fall Apart by
Chinua Achebe
The Swing, ( 244), Yinka Shonibare,
2001 CE.
Old Man's Cloth, (245), El Anatsui,
2003 CE.
Stadia II, (246), Julie Mehretu, 2004
Preying Mantra, ( 247), Wangechi
Mutu, 2006 CE.
Shibboleth, (248), Doris Salcedo,
2007 CE.
MAXII National Museum, ( 249), Zaha
Hadid, Rome Italy, 2009 CE.
Sunflower Seeds, (250), Ai Weiwei,
2010 CE.