the english civil war & the restoration colonies

The English Civil War &
the Restoration Colonies
Middle and Southern Colonies
Founded After 1662
Parliament & King Charles I
• Parliament clashed
repeatedly with Stuart kings
• Petition of Right (1628)
asserted basic rights:
– No taxation without
Parliament’s approval
– No quartering of troops in
private homes and no martial
law in peacetime
– Right to trial by jury & due
King Charles I (1625-49)
process of law
The Civil War & Commonwealth
Oliver Cromwell
• Parliament won the Civil
War (1642-45)
• Charles escaped in 1647,
but recaptured in 1648 &
executed Jan. 30, 1649
• The Commonwealth was a
republic, but Oliver
Cromwell became dictator
• After his death, monarchy
restored in 1660
The Restoration Colonies
• King Charles II granted New
Netherlands to his brother
James in 1664 – became
New York
• James granted southern
portion to investors –
became New Jersey
• King granted Carolina to a
different group of investors
in 1663 (split in 1729)
• King granted Pennsylvania
to William Penn in 1681
King Charles II (1660-85)
The Middle Colonies
New York & New Jersey
• Duke of York’s charter
granted him all land between
Connecticut & Delaware
– Connecticut received royal
charter in 1662
– Boundary settled in 1683
• New Jersey granted to John
Berkeley & George
– divided it into East & West
Jersey in 1676
– Reunited in 1702
Penn’s Woods
• William Penn wanted haven
for fellow Quakers
• Established religious
toleration for all, so German
pietists flocked there
• Tried to treat Indians fairly
• Philadelphia soon became
largest city in colonies
• Purchased 3 Lower Counties
(Delaware) in 1682 to secure
access to sea
• First colonized by Spanish in
• Charles II granted it to 8
favorites in 1663
• “Grand Model” constitution
(written by John Locke) tried
to est. feudal system
• Rice became staple crop by
1690; indigo in 1740s
• South Carolina became
royal colony in 1719
• North Carolina became
royal colony in 1729
James II & the Dominion of
New England
• King James II consolidated all
northern colonies into
Dominion of New England
King James II (1685-88)
– Viceroy = Edmund Andros
– Forced rel. toleration
– Stripped local governments of
– Required landowners to pay
annual quitrent
• James was openly Catholic, but
daughters Mary & Anne were
The Glorious Revolution
• Parliament invited James’
daughter Mary & husband
William of Orange to take
throne in 1688
• William defeated James at
the Battle of the Boyne in
Northern Ireland (July 1,
• William & Mary accepted
Bill of Rights
• New colonial charters
granted in 1691
• Plymouth merged into
Mass. Bay
William III & Mary II
The Battle of the Boyne
Social Contract Theory of
• John Locke published Two
Treatises on Government in
– Man originally in state of nature,
with natural rights
• Life
• Liberty
• Property
John Locke
– Government = contract between
people to protect rights
– If gov’t doesn’t protect rights,
people have right of revolution
The Stuart & Hanover Dynasties
• Act of Succession
(1701) said monarch
must always be
• Act of Union (1707)
merged England &
Scotland into the
United Kingdom