New Employee Information Pack - Jobs ACT

New Employee Information Pack
Information – Purpose and Privacy
What is the purpose of the New Employee Information Pack?
The purpose of this pack is to:
 Provide you with important information regarding your employment with the ACT Public Service (ACTPS),
and obligations as an ACT Public Service employee.
 Collect the minimum information necessary to begin your employment, and
 Facilitate mandatory pre-employment checks as required by law.
Privacy Statement
Personal information is collected by Shared Services on behalf of ACTPS directorates, agencies and authorities and
may be supplied to your employing directorate. Information collected will be used in accordance with the
provisions of the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and only for the purpose for which you gave it. Your
information will not be disclosed to other persons or organisations without your prior consent unless required by
Conditions of Offer of Employment
Offers of employment are made on the basis that you satisfy all pre-employment checks relevant to the ACTPS
and any other identified position specific requirements. Further information is provided on the Jobs ACT website
To ensure that all required documents are submitted, please follow this guide:
Complete all fields in the My Information part of this form
Carefully read the documents linked to in the My Obligations part of this form. You’ll need to acknowledge
that you have read and understood these documents
Provide certified copies of the following documents:
Proof of Date of Birth
| Birth certificate or current passport
Proof of Change of Name
| Marriage certificate, change of name deed poll or decree nisi
Proof of Australian Citizenship
| Citizenship certificate, current passport.
Note: Without residency status, you can only be offered temporary or casual employment, in accordance with
your Visa conditions.
Proof of Qualifications or Registrations (if required)
Note: You may be required to produce original documents for positions that require qualifications or
Recognition of Prior Service
These documents are optional and can be provided at any time before or after you start and should be
emailed to
Fair Work Information Statement
In accordance with provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009, all new employees must be provided with
access to the Fair Work Information Statement. This document is available from Please take the time to read this document and understand your rights.
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ACT Government | Shared Services
New Employee Information Pack
My Information
Personal Details
Family Name
Enter Surname
Given Names
Enter your Given Names
Preferred Name
Enter your preferred name | Optional
Previous Name(s)
Enter any previous names
Select your Title
Date of Birth
Enter your Date of Birth
Select Gender
Street address
Enter your Street Address
Enter your Suburb
Select your State
Post Code
Enter your Postcode
Enter your Email Address
Mobile Ph
Enter your Mobile Phone Number
Home Ph
Enter your Home Phone Number
Name of Emergency Contact Enter the name of your Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Ph
Enter the phone number for your Emergency Contact
-Aust. Driver’s Licence No.
Enter Licence No.
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Issuing State
Select State
ACT Government | Shared Services
New Employee Information Pack
Bank Account Details
Your salary will be paid into the account you specify here.
Name of Financial Institution Enter name of Financial Institution here
Branch Number (BSB)
Enter BSB here
Branch Name
Enter Branch here
Account Number
Enter Account Number here
Account Name
Enter Account Name here
Tax file number declaration
Information you provide will help us determine how much tax to withhold from your pay.
Further information is available at:
What is your Tax File Number (TFN)
Enter TFN
OR Select a TFN exemption category
Select the relevant TFN Exemption
Basis of Employment (full-time, part-time, etc) Select your Employment Status
Are you an Australian resident for tax purposes
If you answered ‘No’, you cannot claim the tax-free threshold
Do you want to claim the tax-free threshold from the ACTPS?
Only claim the tax free threshold from one employer at a time, unless your total income from all sources for the financial year
will be less than the tax-free threshold.
If you answered ‘No’, you cannot claim the seniors and pensioners tax offset by reducing the amount withheld
Do you want to claim the seniors and pensioners tax offset by
reducing the amount withheld?
If you answered yes, complete the Withholding declaration Nat 3093 and refer to for further information
Do you want to claim a zone, overseas forces, dependent spouse or dependent (invalid and
career) tax offset by reducing the amount withheld
If you answered yes, complete the Withholding declaration Nat 3093 and refer to for further information
Do you have a Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) or Trade
Support Loan (TSL) debt?
Do you have a financial supplement debt?
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ACT Government | Shared Services
New Employee Information Pack
Comsuper | PSSdb or CSS
Members of either the PSSdb or CSS may be required to contribute to this fund. Shared Services will check
your status with ComSuper to determine this. PSSdb members may need to complete additional forms
from Comsuper as part of reactivating a Comsuper account. See the Comsuper website for more details
PSSap | Access to ComSuper’s PSSap fund is not available to members of the ACTPS. Members of this fund
will need to select an alternative fund using the options below.
If you have a Comsuper managed Superannuation Fund
(PSSdb or CSS Only) please enter your AGS Number:
Enter AGS Number
Standard Choice
Instructions for completing the following fields are available at:
Additional information regarding superannuation can be downloaded from:
Where would you like your super
contributions paid to:
Select your Super Choice
Fund ABN
Enter Fund ABN
Fund Name
Enter Fund Name
Fund Email Address
Enter Fund Email Address
Fund Address
Enter Fund Address
Fund Phone
Enter Fund Phone Number
APRA or RSA funds Only
Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) Enter USI here
(No BPAY available)
Account Name (if applicable)
Enter Account Name here
Member No. (if applicable)
Enter Member Number here
Self Managed Super Funds Only
Fund Electronic Service Address (ESA)
(No BPAY available)
Enter ESA here
Fund Account |BSB Code
Enter BSB here
Fund Account | Number
Enter Account Number here
Superannuation Guarantee – Employee Contribution Rate (Non-Comsuper funds only)
The ACT Government is required to pay a minimum of 10% (based on your earnings) for you into the fund of your
choice. If you choose to contribute an additional 3% or more of your earnings into your fund, the ACT Government
will contribute a further 1% bringing the overall employer contribution up to 11%.
Personal superannuation contribution rate
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Enter a percentage | Optional
ACT Government | Shared Services
New Employee Information Pack
Equity and Diversity Details (Optional)
The ACT Public Service collects information on EEO groups for statistical purposes only. This information is used for
reporting purposes and for the development of equity and diversity programs. All reporting is in the form of
aggregate tables from which individual detail cannot be identified. Information from this section will not be used for
future employment or selection processes.
Are you of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Were you born in Australia?
If you were not born in Australia, in what year did you arrive?
Enter Year
Was English the first language you spoke?
What was the first language you spoke?
Enter Original Language
Was English the first language spoken by your Mother?
Was English the first language spoken by your Father?
Are you a person with a disability?
If Reasonable Adjustment would aid you in the workplace, please consider speaking with your
supervisor or HR team
Further Information and Support
Managing your personal information once you have started (HR21).
HR21 is the employee self-service system used in the ACTPS to:
 View personal and employment details;
 Update personal details such as bank account, address and emergency contact details; and
 Apply for leave from work.
Information and Guides for HR21 can be viewed at Shared Services Customer Service Portal or contact to find out more.
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ACT Government | Shared Services
New Employee Information Pack
My Obligations
As a member of the ACT Public Service, your actions and behaviour are governed by a range of legislation and
policy. Your offer of employment with the ACT Public Service is conditional upon reading and understanding the
following policy statements. By signing and dating this form you are acknowledging that you have read and
understand these policies, conditions and requirements
General Obligations of Public
Your obligations as a public employee. Includes information re: ethics, holding
second jobs and the unauthorised disclosure of information.
Workplace Privacy Policy
Service wide management of workplace surveillance and applies to all ACT
Government workers and contractors.
Acceptable Use of ICT Resources
Acceptable use of information and communications technology (ICT) resources
for ACT Government employees.
Self Disclosure
The ACTPS must ensure that public service employees are fit and proper persons. Use the space below to disclose
any relevant information such as incidents, police records, etc, to help determine your suitability to work for the
Failure to adequately disclose relevant information may result in denial or termination of registration for casual
employment, and/or cancellation of any offer of contract or permanent employment.
Select Disclosure
Enter any disclosures here
Shared Services ICT Staff Only
All staff in Shared Services ICT are required to undergo a BASELINE security check. If you are joining Shared
Services ICT, you should complete and return the form with this new starter pack.
Information and BASELINE security forms are available from:
ACT Government Baseline Security Pack
I, Enter Given Names Enter Surname, acknowledge that:
 I have read and understood my obligations, specifically, the General Obligations of Public Employees, the
Workplace Privacy Policy and the Acceptable Use of ICT Resources Policy.
 I have been given the opportunity to read and understand my entitlements as established under
Commonwealth and ACT Law, specifically, the Fair Work Information Statement, Superannuation Standard
Choice, and Superannuation Entitlements.
 The information I have provided on this form is true and correct.
 Any qualifications or proof of professional registration submitted with this application are genuine.
 That I give consent for my information to be released to the AFP, Crimtrac and other Australian jurisdictions
for the purposes of a national criminal history record check.
(type name if emailing)
Select Date.
Request for Feedback
This is a new form that has been designed to consolidate and update a large number of individual forms into the
one document. Please let us know at if there is anything you think does or doesn’t
work well. We will regularly review this form and all feedback will be taken into consideration.
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ACT Government | Shared Services