Wurtland Middle School Lesson Plan Teacher:___Wilson____________________ Standards: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.8.3 Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.8.6 Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic irony) create such effects as suspense or humor. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.8.7 Analyze the extent to which a filmed or live production of a story or drama stays faithful to or departs from the text or script, evaluating the choices made by the director or actors. I Do/Before Day 1: ~Bell-ringer ~Speed Reading Strategies/ Procedures CORE Unit: Narrative/Point-of-View Day 2: ~EXPLORE Day 3: ~Bell-ringer ~Speed Reading Duration: 1 Week Progression: Weekly Plan I Can: …use details from a story to support how a character changes within a story. …compare/contrast details from The Outsiders novel to the movie. We Do/ During Day 1: ~Progression of Ponyboy and Charlie Gordan’s characters from the novels The Outsider’s and Flowers for Algernon. Day 2: ~EXPLORE Day 4: ~Bell-ringer ~Speed Reading Day 3: ~Point-of-View Placemat Activity reviewing: First-Person Omniscient; First-Person Limited; Second Person; Third-Person. Groups of Four per group. (Add words to Word-Wall) Day 5: Day 4: You Do/After Day 1: ~Students will write a reflection on how the author developed the characters throughout the story, and how they can implement their techniques in their own short-story writing. Day 2: ~EXPLORE Day 3: Students will write a brief paragraph about a certain topic, taking on all aspects of P.O.V. Wurtland Middle School Lesson Plan Teacher:___Wilson____________________ ~Summative Assessment Agenda: Daily Agenda related to day’s activities. Assessment Formative: observation; daily activities; questioning Summative Assessment: Reading comprehension/analysis on The Outsiders and Flowers for Algernon (Day 5); ~Answer 2 short answer responses as a class and 1 constructive response (similar to set-up of summative assessment on Friday.) Day 4: Study key points for Summative Assessment Day 5: Day 5: Summative Assessment Summative Assessment Anticipated Shortfalls: I anticipate students will have difficulty with the writing portion of the assessment. This is why I wanted to spend a day reviewing and going over my expectations, so that students know exactly what is expected based upon the rubric. Extra Practice: ~Reflection on reading through writing; Literacy/Writing Strategies ~Constructed Response on Assessment; reflection of learning;; reading passages independently; 1 7 0 3 0 2 6 1 1 7 1 1 #GT 0 0 27 0 R T I Period # IEP # 504 Reading Strategy: Accommodations Extended time; prompting/cueing; Hearing; typing on lengthy assignments; extended time Challenging extensions (relevant) Gap Reduction Strategies I will ensure that students receive the appropriate accommodations needed, along with collaborating with special education staff to assist our students that need help. Wurtland Middle School Lesson Plan Teacher:___Wilson____________________ 5th Agenda: Day 1: Speed-Reading Day 2: Speed-Reading Day 3: Evaluating Questions with Reading Prompts Day 4: Evaluating Questions with Reading Prompts Day 5: Independent Reading Class: Journalism Learning Target: I can publish a piece of writing. Agenda: Students will be in the lab putting the final touches on their articles for the “Weekly Wildcat.” This will be published on Friday. Notes: Successes: Improvements: Assessments: Day 1: 10 questions MC Day 2: 10 question MC Day 4: 10 question MC based upon Timed Reading Day 5: 1 paragraph reflection Assessments: Students will be scored based upon their article and whether or not it addresses the 5 W’s of writing. Wurtland Middle School Lesson Plan Teacher:___Wilson____________________