Astronomy time line Lesson 2

Astronomy time line
Lesson 2
Better observations are made.
New hypotheses are proposed.
Old beliefs continue to be replaced by
new beliefs.
The first telescope was a
refracting telescope
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to bend
Henry Hudson explores
Delaware Bay and Hudson River
These types of telescopes had to become
longer and longer to become more and more
powerful. New technology in lense making
by Christiaan Huygens in 1650’s
helped lead the way.
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1673 The need for a new design
Illustration of a 150
ft Keplerian
telescope built by
Hevelius 1673. These types
of telescopes were
impractical and showed a
need for a new way to build
and use a telescope.
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Sir Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac Newton
begins a series of
experiments with
dividing white light with
a prism into colors of
the rainbow called a
 Newton discovers that
white light is made of
all the colors of the
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1671 Reflecting telescope
Invented by Sir Isaac Newton
Reflecting means to
“bounce off of”.
 Reflecting
Telescopes allow
for a larger,
Clearer, image.
William Herschel
between 1782 and 1789.
Discovered Uranus
and the sixth and
seventh moons of
Saturn between 1782
and 1789
He was the first person
to correctly describe
the shape of our
galaxy, the Milky Way.
William Herschel
After learning of Newton’s
work on light, Herschel
Discovers that there
is light that we can
not see . He calls it infrared
light. This has serious
implications to astronomy.
Are there stars out there that
we can NOT see? Invisible
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Johann Ritter
In 1801, Johann Ritter conducted an experiment to investigate the
existence of energy beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum.
Knowing that photographic paper would turn black more rapidly in
blue light than in red light, he exposed the paper to light beyond
violet. Sure enough, the paper turned black, proving the existence of
ultraviolet light. Light we can Not see?
Percival Lowell
1890s he built a
private observatory in
Flagstaff, Arizona to
study Mars.
 Discovers Pluto in
1846 -John Couch Adams and
Urbain Le Verrier.
discover Neptune.
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Urbain Le Verrier
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John Couch Adams
Edwin Hubble
Used telescope to
determine that Our
galaxy is not the
universe but only one
of many galaxies
within the universe.
 Proved that the
universe is expanding
using light spectrum
from stars.
 The Red/Green Shift
Dr. Frank Low
Dr. Frank Low
Invents a device that
allows a telescope to
“see” infrared light.
We view stars, gas, dust
and galaxies that are
otherwise invisible to a
Since 1609’s development of a
refracting telescope, we’ve gone
from seeing our night skies…
To experiencing, in awe, a vast,
unending universe that is filled
with the most remarkable views
Aurora borealis from space
Aurora borealis on Jupiter taken with
an ultraviolet camera on Hubble Telescope
Begin quiz
Complete the following
sentences by filling in
the blanks.
1. At the time of Plato,
most of the world’s
2.Aristarchus was one of
the first to propose
the________ theory
which states that the
_______revolves around
the ________
3. Eratosthenes
Proved the Earth was round by
4. ________________wrote
the Almagest which tells us
that the cultures of his time
believed in the __________
theory and that stars were
fixed on celestial spheres.
476-800 AD
5. Known as the ____ of __________
Because it is a period of very little
intellectual advancements due to the fall
of the Roman empire, barbaric intrusions
and warfare.
6. ________________ A Catholic
Monk who wrote a small
pamphlet titled, De Revolutionibus,
He Believes the sun to be the center
of the universe. This is known as the
___________________ theory.
7. A new invention by Leonard Diggs called
the______________ allows his Son__________
to correctly hypothesize that the stars are NOT
fixed on celestial spheres
8. __________________Spends
twenty years of his life to gather
measurements of the motions of
planets, stars, etc. Uses parallax
to prove Thomas Diggs’s
hypothesis is correct.
9. ________________proves that
planets do not move in perfect
circles but in elongated circles
called ______________________
10. ______ ________Is
officially recorded to
have invented the
___________ telescope
(type of)
11. Not only
did_______ improve
the telescope, but he
Introduced a law of
motion called inertia
12. The first telescope
was a ______telescope
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13. A refracting telescope
works by ________ light
using __________ .
14. Fill in the blanks
Henry Hudson explores
Delaware Bay and Hudson River
15.These types of telescopes had to become
longer and longer to become more and more
powerful. New technology in lens making
by ___________ ____________in 1650’s
helped lead the way.
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16.The picture from 1673 below shows
the need for a _____ ________
Illustration of a 150
ft Keplerian
telescope built by
Hevelius 1673.
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17. Sir _____
________ begins a
series of experiments
with dividing white light
with a prism into colors
of the rainbow called
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1671 Reflecting telescope
Invented by __ ______ _______
18. Reflecting means
to ______________
 Reflecting
Telescopes allow
for a larger,
Clearer, image.
19. In what way is a
reflecting telescope
different from a
refracting telescope?
20. Who is this man and what did
he discover in 1800?
After learning of
Newton’s work
on light,________
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Who is this man?
21. In 1801,-__________conducted an experiment to investigate the
existence of energy beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum.
Knowing that photographic paper would turn black more rapidly in
blue light than in red light, he exposed the paper to light beyond
violet. Sure enough, the paper turned black, proving the existence
Who is he? What did he study?
What did he discover?
22. 1890s he built a
private observatory in
______, Arizona to
study _____.
 Discovers _____ in
Who is he? What did he
23. Used telescope to1930’s
determine that Our
galaxy is not the
universe but only one
of many galaxies
within the universe.
 Proved that the
universe is
_________ using light
spectrum from stars.
Who is he ? What did he invent?
24. Dr. Frank Low
Invents a device that
allows a telescope to