Architectures and Infrastructure for Secure E

April 1-2, 2003
Pentagon Hilton
Arlington VA
5th Annual
SecurE-Biz CxO Summit
“ e-Business Transformation:
Implementing the
President’s Management Agenda for
E-Gov and Homeland Security”
‘03 SecurE-Biz Mission Statement
A Comprehensive Educational Executive Program to
enable e-Business Transformation
via Enterprise Architectures, IT Capital Planning and
Portfolio Management
“We don’t have enough project managers who are certified or trained properly”
Mark Forman, OMB
Educational Objectives
Measurable Outcomes
• Define CSF for getting agencies to green on all five of President’s management
• Details on recommended approaches for integrating Business Strategy, Capital
IT Planning and Enterprise Architecture Processes
• Define Business Solution roadmaps and key enablers for e-Business
implementations and improved mission performance (service to the citizen)
• Present Commercial Best Practices & Use Cases for conducting e-Business,
securely. Where are the blueprints?
• Gain consensus on CSFs for effective Policy and Governance Structures (S803,
Clinger/Cohen, A130, FISMA)
• Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the IT Portfolio Management
• Detail means of applying newly released FEA Business Reference Model,
Component Architectures and SDLC processes
• CSFs for assuring Open Systems and Interoperability
Spring ‘03 SecurE-Biz
Conference at a Glance
 Three Parallel Tracks over two days (each dealing with both technology and
governance implications): April 1-2 (0800-1700)
 CxO Strategies (4 half day tracks) “CSFs for Business alignment and
transformation; getting to green”
 Actionable Architectures for e-Gov and DHS (4 half day tracks)
“Blueprints for delivering business outcomes”
Enterprise Architecture Boot-camp: 7 steps to success
Two CIO/CEO Roundtable Luncheons: April 1 + 2, 11:30-1:30
Two EA/CTO Roundtable Luncheons; April 1 + 2, 11:30-1:30
e-Solution Showcase: Mapping technology to e-Business needs 0900-1700
SecurE-Biz Leadership Awards: April 1, 5-6:00pm (CEG, OMB, IAC EA SIG,
Fed CIO Council, ICH)
Cherry Blossom E-Social: April 1, 5-9:00pm with live TOP Jazz band for
speakers, sponsors
Spring ‘03 SecurE-Biz
Final Program
“Intensive FEAPMO Boot-camp for the
entire IT management team”
3 Parallel Tracks
32 interactive sessions
80+ distinguished, world class speakers
all in ONE location
Color coding of presenters:
–Red: invited distinguished speaker
–Black: pending final confirmation
–Black Bold: confirmed speaker
Track 1:
Actionable Architectures
“Blueprints for delivering business outcomes”
Designed for: Program Managers, CTOs,
Enterprise Architects, Integrators
Actionable Architecture Track
Issues to be addressed
Where are component models for critical information infrastructure assurance?
What are the specifics of the FEAPMO guidance. Where are the frameworks?
How does this fit into the new OMB Solution Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
How do we architect secure e-government via the web?
What are the re-usable components (building blocks) for e-business (ie; XML, Web,
Security). Where are the building codes? Are they mature enough for e-government?
E-Gov Enterprise Architectures (FEAF); blueprints for transformation or specific
Aligning strategic planning, enterprise architectures, and IT investment for
implementation success?
What are the EA critical success factors for a green light at OMB?
Is there enough time to properly developed the blueprints for e-government? What
are the tradeoffs?
Actionable Architectures Track
“Blueprints for delivering business outcomes”
Day 1 AM: Secure E-Business: Common Models for E-Gov and DHS
– The President’s 24 e-Gov initiatives
– Best Practices in Architecting for Interoperability and Info Sharing
Day 1 PM: Architectures Best practices for e-Gov; getting out of the box
– Putting Enterprise Architecture into Action for assuring privacy and access
– Architectures for Secure Information Sharing
Day 2 AM: Solution Architectures for e-Government:
– Component-based Architecture for Business-line Integration
– Enabling the E-Gov Act: Solution Architecture and Integration Lab
Day 2 PM: Leveraging Web Services and Emerging technologies for Enterprise
– Proof Theorems for e-Biz and IA Architectures
– Web Services Hype vs Reality: getting the most of open systems
Actionable Architectures
Secure E-Business: models for e-Gov and Homeland
Day 1, April 1 AM Agenda
Track Chairs: Reinier Tuinzing-Intel, Lee Holcomb-Homeland Security, Tom Timen-GCN
EA1 8:30 - 9:00
Keynote: Pat Schambach CIO, TSA
EA2 9:00 - 10:00
EA3 10:30 - 11:30
Panel: Advancing the President’s e-Gov initiatives
Chair: Dan Chenok, Chief IPT Branch, OMB & Bill Piatt, VP E-Gov, Unisys
Brien Lorenze, Director, eGovernment, BearingPoint Federal
Steve Galvan, IEE Portfolio Manager, OMB
Johnathan Wormer, G2C Portfolio Manager, OMB
Panel: Best Practices in Architecting for Secure Info Sharing
– Co-Chairs: Venkat (PV) Puvvada, CTO, Unisys & Lee Holcomb, CTO, Homeland
– Alan Nugent, CTO, Novell
– Keith Herrington, Chief Architect, TSA
– John Worrall, VP Worldwide, RSA Security
Actionable Architectures
Architectures Best practices for e-Gov;
Getting out of the Box
Day 1, April 1 PM Agenda
PM Track Chairs: Susan Warshaw-Treasury, Thomas Merical-SUN, Darrell Graddy-LMCO
EA4 1:45 - 2:15 PM Keynote: Rob Thomas, Asst Deputy Chief of Staff, Warfighting Integration, HQ
EA5 2:30 - 3:30Panel: Putting Enterprise Architecture into Action for assuring privacy and customer
access via the web
– Chair: Dr. Brian Kelley, OSD Health Affairs
– Chris Fornecker, CTO, GSA
– Mark Nelson, Chief Architecture Officer,
– Lew Sanford, Chief Architect, GSA on e-Authentication
EA6 4:00 - 5:00Panel: Architectures for Secure Information Sharing: E-Gov lessons learned
– Chair: Bob Chiaradio, Managing Director, BearingPoint
– JNET PM; Janette Gang, Managing Director for State & Local, BearingPoint
– Waqar Khan, Director for Network Architecture, Qwest
– Pat O’Kane, CTO, ePresence
– Sean Finnegan, Security Director, Microsoft Federal
Actionable Architectures
Solution Architectures for e-Government and Homeland
Day 2, April 2 AM Agenda
AM Track Chairs: Brad Westpfahl-IBM, Venkat (PV) Puvvada-Unisys Federal
EA7 8:30 - 9:00
EA8 9:00 - 10:00
Keynote: Dr. Dan Mehan, CIO, FAA
Panel: Component-based Architecture for Business-line Integration
Chair: John Weiler, Co-Founder,
Joe Abbott, Director, Syntegra Federal
Dick Burk, Deputy CIO, HUD
Wahid Nawabi, World Wide Director, of Enterprise Sales. APC (invited)
EA9 10:30 - 11:30 Panel: Solution Architecture CSFs for E-Government
– Chair: John Sullivan, Chief Architect, EPA
– Mark Nelson, CAO,
– George Thomas, Internet Architect, GSA
Actionable Architectures
Leveraging Web Services and Emerging technologies for
Enterprise Integration
Day 2, April 2 PM Agenda
PM Track Chair: Brice Eldridge-Novell, Joe Broghammer-DHS, Brand Niemann-EPA
EA10 1:45 - 2:15
Keynote: Bob Haycock, Chief Architecture Officer, OMB(invited)
EA11 2:30 - 3:30
Panel: Architecture Best Practices for Secure Web Computing;
Chair: Dr. Ray Wells (CTO) IBM Federal (invited)
Jean Schaffer, Director, National Information Assurance Partnership
Ron Miller, CTO, Homeland Security (invited)
Lisa Romney, Chief Architect, E-Business, OSD ATL
EA12 4:00 - 5:00
Panel: Web Services Hype vs Reality: getting the most of open systems
Chair; Brendan McLaughlin, Novell, Vice President, Vice President Portals
Andy Astor, VP for Enterprise Web Services, WS-I
Patrick Gannon, President, OASIS
Chris Kurt, Secretary, Microsoft
Track 2:
CxO Strategies
“CSFs for Business alignment and transformation;
getting to green”
Designed for: CIOs, Corporate VPs, CEOs,
CFOs, COOs, and Agency Heads
CxO Strategies Track
Issues to be addressed
• How can industry CIO’s respond to key Presidential initiatives; Homeland
Security, Critical Infrastructure Protections and Cyber-Security efforts?
• What are recommended approaches for protecting our Information Assets?
• What is the bottom line ROI for Secure E-Business? What are the risks?
• What are critical success factors for; PDD63, FISMA, Cyber-Security
Initiative, Homeland Defense, Web Infrastructure?
• What are Industry CIO’s doing to map common business drivers to Secure eBusiness Solutions?
• Can suppliers meet cyber-security requirements, at what price? How do we
leverage Common Criteria and NIAP effort? How is industry coping?
• How should security and EA functions be integrated?
CxO Strategies Track
“CSFs for Business alignment and transformation;
getting to green”
Day 1 AM: EA as the Transformation tool
 FEAPMO, using EA to define Business and Policy drivers for re-engineering the
 Leadership: Identification and Resolution of Barriers to Progress
Day 1 PM: Information Sharing Strategies for Homeland Security & CyberSecurity
 Situational Awareness for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Cyber Security
 Critical Success Factors for Secure Information Infrastructure and Privacy Concerns
Day 2 AM: Creating the Modernization Blueprints for Business Transformation
The Integrating role of Finance - Financial Management Enterprise Architecture
Creating Actionable Blueprints and the role of the CxO as Chief Architect
Day 2 PM: Driving business outcomes through FEAPMO, IT Capital Planning
and Portfolio Management
Roadmaps for Cross Government, Business Line Integration
Achieving the President’s Agenda; Measuring outcomes from business transformation
CxO Strategies
EA as a Transformation Tool
Day 1, April 1 AM Agenda
AM Track Chair: Randy Lucas-Verizon, John Dodd-CSC
CS1 8:30 - 9:00 Keynote: General James Hawkins, CIO, Joint Staff (invited)
CS2 9:00 - 10:00
Panel: Using EA to define Business and Policy drivers for re-engineering the
– Chair: Joe Cipriano, VP Advanced Technology, LMCO
– Stan Soloway, President, Professional Services Council
– Brig General Michel Jones, IM Strategic Direction, Canadian Dept of National Defense
– John Osterholz, Director, Architectures and Interoperability, OSD C3I (pending)
CS3 10:30 - 11:30
Panel: Leadership: Identification and Resolution of Barriers to Progress
Chair: Shaygan Kheradpir, CIO, Verizon
– Robert Booker, VP Syntegra
– Leantha Sumpter, Special Asst. to Director Defense and Acquisition Policy, OSD ATL
– Randy Hite, Director, IT Architecture and Systems, GAO
CxO Strategies
Information Sharing Strategies for
Homeland and Cyber-Security
Day 1, April 1 PM Agenda
PM Track Chair: Brett Michaels-RSA, Bob Shepherd-DHS, Rebecca Chisholm/Bill Cooper-Sun
CS4 1:45 - 2:15 Keynote: Howard Schmidt, Acting Chair, President’s Cyber-security Board
CS5 2:30 - 3:30 Panel: Strategies for Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection
Chair: John Brantley, Director, Intelink, IC CIO
Ron Marks, Director, Syntegra Federal
Bob Desourdis, VP, SAIC
John Worrall, VP, RSA Security
CS6 4:00 - 5:00 Panel: Standards and other Critical Success Factors for Secure Info. Infrastructure
Chair; Dr. George Arnold, Chairman, American National Standards Institute
Richard Soley, CEO and Chairman, OMG
Dave Lawrence, Novell, Vice President Strategic Services
David Strom, Technology Editor, GovernmentVAR
Greg Saunders, Director,
Defense Standardization Program Office
CxO Strategies
Creating the Modernization Blueprints for Secure
e-Business Transformation
Day 2, April 2 AM Agenda
AM Track Chair: Rick, Ron Brooks-OSD Comptroller, Waqar Khan-Qwest
CS7 8:30 - 9:00 Keynote: Mark Forman, Associate Director for IT and e-Govt, Office of Management
and Budget
CS8 9:00 -10:00
Panel The Integrating role of Finance - Financial Management Enterprise Architecture
• Chair:Karen Alderman, Executive Director, JFMIP
• Lydia Moschkin, Director of BSMI, OSD Comptroller
• Audrey Davis, CIO, DFAS
• Tony Tisone, CFO, GSA FTS
CS9 10:30 -11:30
Panel Creating Actionable Blueprints and the role of the CxO as Enterprise Architect
• Chair: Rick Smith, COO,
• Gary Haycox, Director Strategic Initiatives, Intel
• Brenda Abrams, Chief Architect, GSA HQ
• Susan Warshaw, Chief Architect, Treasury BEP
CxO Strategies
Driving business outcomes through EA, IT Capital
Planning and Portfolio Management
Day 2, April 2 PM Agenda
PM Track Chair: Brad Westpfahl-IBM, Rick, Randy Hite-GAO
CS10 1:45 - 2:15
Keynote: Van Hitch, CIO, Department of Justice
CS11 2:30 - 3:30
Panel: FEA Roadmaps for Business Line Integration
– Chair: Scott Lewis, VP, Gartner
– John Dodd, Chief Architect, CSC
– Col Chris Tucker, Chief Architecture, Joint Staff, J8 (invited)
– Jim Dillon NY State CIO, NASCIO (invited)
CS12 4:00 - 5:00
Panel: Achieving the President’s Agenda; Measuring outcomes from business
– Chair: Rick Smith, COO,
– Norm Lorentz, CTO, OMB
– Jerry Mechling, Director, JFK School of E-Gov, Harvard University
Track 3:
Solution Architecture Boot-camp
“Hands on training for FEA PMO Migration”
Designed by IAC EA SIG and ICH:
for e-Gov PMs, Solution Architects, and
Component Integrators
Solution Architecture Boot-camp
April 1 Agenda
April 1 Workshops: OMB’s FEAPMO Reference Models
Track Chair: John Dodd co-chair IAC EA SIG, Jim Benson-FEAPMO Architect-BAH
WS 01: 0900-1000: Business Reference Model /Performance Metrics:
Jim Benson, Chief Architect, BAH
Mark Nelson, Chief Architect,
Dan Twomey, Director, Altarum
WS 02: 1030-1130: Service Component Reference Model
John Weiler,
Dave Mayo, Chief Architect, Everware
WS 03: 0245-0330: Using EA for business line information interoperability
Michael Lang, MetaMatrix
Bruce Peat, President, eProcess Solutions
WS 04: 0400-0445: Integrating Security Architecture into the TRM:
Earl Warrington, Chief Security Architect, GSA (invited)
Paul Patrick, CSO, BEA (invited)
MarianneCarter, Security Specialist, CA
Enterprise Architecture Boot-camp
April 2 Agenda
April 2 Workshop: EA Industry Best Practices and Standards
Track Chair: Davis Roberts-SAIC, Philip Karecki-CSC
WS 05: 0900-1030: Web Services Architectures;
George Thomas, Chief Architect, GSA (invited)
Susie Adams, .eGov Integration Manager, Microsoft
Brand Niemann, Web Architect, EPA (invited)
WS 06: 1030-1130: Overcoming Barriers to Disparate Data Systems
Julie Hartigan, VP of US Technology, Autonomy
Earl Pedersen, Web Architect, SAIC
David Layton, e-Gov Architect, GSA (invited)
WS 07: 0200-0300: DoD Architecture Framework (DODAF)
Fatma Dandashi Architect, MITRE,
Truman Parmele, Chief DoD Architecture Framework, OSD C3I
WS 08: 0330-0430: Leading Industry Methods and Tools Out-brief;
John Zachman, President, Zachman Institute
Bill Wright, President, Computas America (makers of METIS) (invited)
Paul Clements, Sr. Architect, SEI CMU
CxO Luncheon Roundtables
“Interacting with our Country’s Top Leaders”
For SecurE-Biz Sponsors, SAWG and
Federal CIO Council Representatives
April 1, CIO Roundtable Luncheon
Hot Topic: Architecting Homeland Security; the opportunities, challenges
and rewards
Day 1, April 1 Agenda; 11:30-13:30
Chair: Steve Cooper, CIO, Homeland Security
Shirley Fields, CIO, DISA
Rick Smith, COO,
Michael Carleton, CIO, GSA
Elizabeth James Duke, CIO, HHS (invited)
Dan Mehan, CIO, FAA
Van Hitch, CIO, DOJ
– Howard Schmidt, Vice Chair, President’s Cyber-security Board, NSC
– Brig General Michel Jones, IM Strategic Direction, Canadian Dept of National
– David Strom, Technology Editor, GovernmentVAR
April 1, CTO/CAO Roundtable
Hot Topic: The BIG Debate: C4ISR vs TEAF vs FEAF vs Industry best
Day 1, April 1 Agenda; 11:30-13:30
– Chair: Venkat (PV) Puvvada, CTO, Unisys Federal
– Mark Nelson, CAO,
Ron Miller, CTO, Homeland Security
Mark Day, CTO, EPA
Jim Bensen, Chief Architect, BAH
Brenda Abrams, Chief Information Architect, GSA
Col Chris Tucker, Joint Staff, J8
April 2, CIO Roundtable Luncheon
Hot Topic: Overcoming Cultural Challenges in Implementing the
President’s Management Agenda.
Day 2, April 2 Agenda 11:30-13:30
Hot Topic:
– Chair: Norm Lorentz, CTO, Office of Management and Budget, WHO
– Rob Thomas, Deputy Director, Warfighter Intergeneration, AF XI
– Dr. Ray Wells, CTO, IBM US Federal
– Mark Forman, Associate Director, Office of Management and Budget
– Dave McClure, VP E-Gov, Council for Excellence in Government
– Melissa Wocjack, Congressman Davis, E-Gov Reform Committee (2/25 Randall
Lucas is inviting per JBB)
– Scott Lewis, VP Federal, Gartner Inc.
April 2, CTO/CAO Roundtable
Hot Topic: CSFs for FEAPMO Implementation Success
Day 2, April 2 Agenda 11:30-13:30
Hot Topic:
– Chair: Bob Haycock, CAO, OMB FEA PMO
– Dr. Karl Kropp, Integration Planning Manager (INS), SAIC
– Jim Bensen, Chief Architect for OMB, BAH
– Dan Chenok, Chief ITP Branch, OMB
– Lisa Romney, Chief Architect, E-Business, OSD ATL
– Randy Hite, Director, IT Architecture and Systems, GAO
– Bob Feghali, CIO, American National Standards Institute
– Andy Astor, VP of Enterprise Web Services
– Truman Parmele, Chief DoD Architecture Framework, OSD C3I
SecurE-Biz Leadership Awards
and E-Social
April 1: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Recognizing our Pioneers and Thought Leaders
5:30 Master of Ceremonies:
Dave McClure,-VP e-Gov, Council for Excellence in Govt.
Venkat (PV) Puvvada, CTO, Unisys Federal
Rick Smith, COO,
Peter Sirh, Govt. IT Reform Committee
5:40-6:30 Leadership Awards:
Mark Forman, Deputy Director, IT and E-Govt, OMB
Congressman Tom Davis/or Senator Lieberman
5:00-9:00 Cherry Blossom e-Social and live Jazz band
‘03 Fed CIO Advisory Board
John Brantley, Intelink Director, CMS IC CIO
Bob Chiaradio. BearingPoint
Steve Cooper, CIO, Department of Homeland
Rebecca P. Chisolm, VP, Sun Microsystems
Audrey Davis, CIO, DFAS
Brice Eldridge, E-Gov Director, Novell
Karen Evans, CIO, DOE
Shirley Fields, CIO, DISA
Patrick Gannon, President, OASIS
Bob Feghali, VP, American National Standards
Tom Glover, President, Web Services
Interoperability Organization (WS-I)
Keith Herrington, Chief Architect, Transportation
Security Admin.
Randy Hite, Director Architecture and Systems,
Bill Hoffman, President, Object Management
Van Hitch, CIO, DOJ
Randy Lucas, VP, Verizon Federal
Norm Lorentz, CTO, White House OMB
Ronald Marks, Director, Syntegra Federal
Brett Michaels, Director, RSA Security
Dave McClure, VP E-Gov, Council for Excellence in
Dr. Jerry Mechling, Director, E-Gov Programs,
Harvard University, JFK School of Government
Dr. Dan Mehan, CIO, FAA
Brand Niemann, Web Services WG Chair, EPA
Ellen Kitzis, VP Security Programs, Gartner Group
Lee Holcomb, CTO, Dept of Homeland Security
Bob Nemetz, DAUSD, OSD ATL
Alan Nugent, CTO, Novell
Andy Purdy, President’s Critical Infrastructure
Venkat (PV) Puvvada, CTO, Unisys, Chair, IAC EA
Howard Schmidt, Vice Chair, President's Critical
Infrastructure Protection Board
Stan Soloway, President, Professional Service
David Strom, Technology Editor, GovernmentVAR
Rick Smith, COO,
Reinier Tuinzing, Govt. Segment Manager, Intel
Brad Westpfahl, VP Public Affairs, IBM
Susan Warshaw, Chief Architect, BEP, Dept of Treas
Owen Wormser, DUASD Spectrum, OSD C3I
Steve Worton, PM, OSD Comptroller
What our CIO Leadership think about the
work our Advisory Board’s have done
"Let me take this opportunity to tell you how impressed I am with what your group has been able to prepare. I too have
never seen such an interesting and thought provoking agenda, nor have I ever seen such an impressive array of speakers. It
should set a new standard for these types of shows." states an '03 Advisory Board member
"The words I repeatedly hear are ‘substantive, meaningful, useful, thoughtful and professional.’ You guys really put together
a first rate conference that actually tries to identify and solve some very difficult problems. You should all be proud of your
significant contributions to the future of the Department!" stated the 2001 DoD Deputy CIO with regard to the past success
of the SecurE-Biz conference series.
"We see the conference as a catalyst promoting the sharing of 'lessons learned' achieving future cost savings and
efficiencies within the federal IT community," stated Lee Holcomb regarding the 2002 CxO Summit, CTO of Homeland
Security and former chair of the Federal CIO Council, Architecture and Infrastructure Committee.
"This annual executive summit was designed to provide a hype free forum for our IT thought leaders to share in those
experiences and insights that will aid our community in achieving its strategic IT goals and learn from the experience of
those who have already forged ahead. " stated Jim Flyzik in 2002, former Vice-Chair of the Federal CIO Council.
"Please join us in supporting the Secure E-Business Executive Summit so we may all better learn how to transform our
business processes into secure E-Business Solutions!" stated Art Money in 2000, SecurE-Biz host and former DoD CIO &
Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3I.
Premier Educational Sponsors
Educational Sponsors
JFK School of
Harvard University
Registration/Tuition Options
• Option 1: e-Biz Lite $100.;
– E-Biz Showcase, both days
– Leadership Awards, April 1 evening
– CxO E-Social, April 1; 5-9pm
• Option 2: CxO Roundtable Luncheon $100. (must qualify);
– CxO luncheon either day
– E-Biz Lite Package
• Option 3: All inclusive One Day Pass; $395. (with pass code)
– Above plus
– One day, all sessions, all tracks,
– CxO Luncheon Roundtable
• Option 4: All inclusive Two Day Pass: $795. (with pass code)
– All of the above, both days