Pneumonia in children: etiology, diagnosis and treatment Prof. Galyna Pavlyshyn Plan 1. Discuss the common causes of pneumonia in children of various ages; 2. Classifications of pneumonia in children; 3. Clinical manifestations of pneumonia in children; 4. Outline the approach to the diagnosis of pneumonia in children; 5. Select appropriate antibiotic therapy for a child with pneumonia based on child’s age and severity of illness; 6. Discuss the diagnosis and management of common complications of pneumonia Pneumonia in pediatric patients Basic facts Childhood pneumonia remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in developing world – 4 million deaths annually in the developing world; - - About 20% of all deaths in children under 5 ys are due to Acute Lower Respiratory Infections (ALRIs - pneumonia, bronchiolitis and bronchitis); 90% of these deaths are due to pneumonia. Annual incidence in the U.S. in: Children under 5 yo is ~ 40 cases/1000 Children age 12-15 ~ 7 cases/1000 Mortality rate < 1/1.000 in the U.S. Disease Pattern Causes of 10.5 million deaths among children < 5 in developing countries One in every two child deaths in developing countries are due to just five infections diseases and malnutrition Pneumonia in pediatric patients Early recognition and prompt treatment of pneumonia is life saving. Low birth weight, malnourished and nonbreastfed children and those living in overcrowded conditions are at higher risk of getting pneumonia. These children are also at a higher risk of death from pneumonia. About one-half of all children < 5 yo with community-acquired pneumonia will require hospitalization; What is pneumonia (PNA)? Has been defined as inflammation of lung parenchyma – the portion of the lower respiratory tract consisting of the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, alveoli; Prevalence /1000 Patient age (yrs) 35-40 <1 30-35 2-4 15 5-9 <10 >9 Pneumonia is an acute infectious inflammatory disease of various nature with involving of lower respiratory tract into pathologic process and intraalveolar inflammatory exudation; Possible causes of Pneumonia Bacterial – streptococcus pneumonia, mycoplasma (atypical) – And any other Viral – RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) – In children younger than 2 years, viral infections were found in 80% of children with pneumonia; in children older than 5 years, viral infections were detected only 37% of the time. Aspiration Depends on patient age, immune status, and location (hospital vs. community) Etiology Age-dependent Neonates: – – – – Group B Streptococci GN Enterics - Esherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Listeria monocytogenes rare St. aureus 2 w- 2mo: - Chlamydia - Viruses - Str. Pneumoniae, St. aureus, H. influenzae Children 2-6 mo Esherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae; Strep. Pneumoniae and Hemophylus influenzae type β; Chlamydia pneumoniae; rare St. aureus 6 mo -6 yrs Strep. Pneumoniae - 50 % Viruses - RSV, parainfluenza, influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus, herpesvirus, human metapneumovirus Hemophylus inf. type β - 10 % Mycoplasma pneumoniae - 10 % Rare St. aureus, Chlamydia pneumoniae 7-18 yrs Strep. Pneumonie - 35-40 % Atypical pneumonia (Mycoplasma pneumoniae) - 30-50 % Moraxella catarrhalis, Hemophylus influezae Viruses; hospital (nosocomial) – Ps. aeruginosa, – rare Kl. pneumoniae, St. aureus, Proteus; Infectious causes of pneumonia Age Causative organisms Perinatal + Group B haemolytic streptococci 4 weeks E. coli and other gram negative enteric organisms, Chlamydia trachomatis Infancy Viruses - RSV Pneumococcus Haemophilus influenzae Pathophysiology Often, follows upper respiratory tract infection; Lower respiratory tract invaded by bacteria, viruses or other pathogens; Preceding viral illness (influenza, parainfluenza, RSV, adenovirus) leads to increased incidence of pneumococcal pneumonia; Bacterial pneumonias usually due to spread of invasive organisms from the nasopharynx by inhalation or aspiration; In children, bacteremia may lead to hematogenous seeding of the pulmonary parenchyma and result in pneumonia Pathophysiology Immune response leads to inflammation; Lung compliance is decreased, small airways become obstructed and air space collapse progresses; Ventilation-perfusion mismatch and decreased diffusion capacity leads to hypoxemia; CLASSIFICATION: Etiology Morphological class - Bronchopneumonia - Lobar pneumonia - Interstitial pneumonia Congenital pneumonia Community acquired pneumonia Nosocomial (hospital acquired) pneumonia Aspiration pneumonia Non complicated pneumonia complicated pneumonia Morphological classification Complications of pneumonia - - Pulmonary: pleuritis, parapneumonic effusions and empyema, pneumothorax, failure of resolution intra-alveolar scarring ('carnification') permanent loss of ventilatory function of affected parts of lung; Pneumonia may be complicated by a pleuritis Complications of pneumonia Pulmonary: abscess formation A thick-walled lung abscess Complications of pneumonia Extrapulmonary: - infective endocarditis - cerebral abscess / meningitis - septic arthritis - Infectious-toxic shock - DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) syndrome Significant Risk Factors younger age (2-6 months), low parental education, smoking at home, prematurity, weaning from breast milk at < 6 months, anaemia malnutrition Trop Doct 2001 Jul;31(3):139-41 Clinical case 1 2 y old boy with complaints of fever, cough, vomiting, decreased appetite, chest pain, right lower quadrant (RLQ) abdominal pain; T 39 C, chills, HR 140, RR 50; Retractions, signs of respiratory distress; Decreased breath sounds, rales, egophony, dullness to percussion rate; Symptoms since yesterday afternoon; Recent upper respiratory infection; Clinical case 1 What diagnoses are you considering? What is the most likely diagnosis ? Clinical case 1 Why? Clinical case 1 What do you want to do? right upper lobe pneumonia Clinical case 1 Physical examination Tachypnea Fever (T 39 C) – nonspecific and not 100% sensitive sign; Hypoxemia (pulse oximetry – 5th vital sign) Signs of respiratory distress (retractions, flaring, grunting) X-ray: infiltrates of lung tissue Clinical case 1 Physical examination Tachypnea Is the most sensitive and specific sign of radiographically confirmed pneumonia in children Is the twice as frequent in children with radiographic pneumonia than in those without; Absence of tachypnea is the most valuable sign for excluding pneumonia; Clinical case 1 What definition of tachypnea in children do you know? Clinical case 1 Physical examination Definition of tachypnea (World Health Org.) < 2 months: > 60 breaths per minute 2-12 mos: > 50 breaths per minute 1-5 y: > 40 breaths per minute More 5 y: > 20 breath per minute Clinical case 1 Physical examination Wheezing is rare with bacterial pneumonia – more common in pneumonia caused by atypical bacterial or viruses less than 5% of children with wheezing had pneumonia; only 2% of children without fever in the ED had pneumonia; hypoxemia (SpO2 < 92 %) increased risk; Clinical case 2 Patient 1 yo is transferred to the ED after 1 week of fever and respiratory symptoms; Child is in moderate respiratory distress, pale appearing and quiet; T 39.7 C, RR 65, HR 158, SpO2 91%. Marked decrease in breath sounds on right side, moderate subcostal and intercostal retractions. Appears dehydrated Clinical case 2 Signs and symptoms include failure to improve with treatment of pneumonia, persistent fever, malaise, chest pain, respiratory distress; Physical exam reveals decreased breath sounds, dullness to percussion and pleural rub; CXR shows white out of right chest; Decubitus X-rays suggest presence of loculations; Ultrasound detects early loculations and septations; This radiograph reveals progression of pneumonia into the right middle lobe and the development of a large parapneumonic pleural effusion Clinical case 2 Diagnosis: Complicated right lobal pneumonia parapneumonic pleural effusion Draining large effusions may provide symptomatic relief; Aspiration of pleural fluid may provide an etiologic agent to direct therapy Congenital pneumonia Tachypnea Irregular respiratory movements (paradoxic) Apnea Flaring of alae nostril Grunting (expiration sound) Involving chest muscles Temperature may be present in some term babies Congenital pneumonia Poor feeding Lethargy or irritability Temperature instability Poor color, cyanosis Abdominal distention tachycardia Congenital pneumonia Late onset of CP (after 7-14 days of life). Mainly Chlamidia or Urea- and Mycoplasma Onset usually is preceded by upper respiratory tract symptoms and/or conjunctivitis Nonproductive cough Fever is absent “afebrile pneumonia syndrome” Physical sings The sings such as dullness to percussion, change in breath sounds, and the presents of rales or rhonchi are virtually to appreciate in a neonate Weakened breathing during auscultation Moist or bubbly sounds, crepitating Respiratory failure develops gradually CXR in: Atypical Pneumonia Chlamydia – – Diffuse intersitial markings – hyperinflation Mycoplasma – – Normal, or can look like viral or typical bacterial PNA Viral pneumonia Respiratory syncytial virus is the most common viral cause; other common causes include parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, enterovirus; Clinical features- begin with several days of rhinitis, cough, followed by fever and more pronounced respiratory tract symptoms, such as dyspnea, intercostal retraction. Viral pneumonia Diagnosis Laboratory findings – preponderance of lymphocytes observed on CBC; Diffuse or bilateral infiltrates visible on chest ragiograph; Rapid test for viral antigen, culturing nasopharyngeal specimens for viruses; CXR in viral PNA CXR in Aspiration: opacification in right upper lobes of infants and in the posterior or bases of the lung in older children Specific testing: barium swallow pH probe, and flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing and sensory testing Possible Exam Signs of PNA Tachypnia – > 50/min if younger than 1 year, > 40/min if older than 1 year. Cyanosis Retractions Inspiratory crackles Bronchial breath sounds Egophany ( E to A) Bronchophany (99) Whispered pectoriloquy (pectorophony) Dullness to percussion Tactile fremitus Symptoms and signs 5 categories Nonspecific and toxicity Signs of lower respiratory disease Signs of pneumonia Sign of pleural effusion and empyema Extrapulmonary disease Symptoms & signs non-specific Fever, malaise, headache GI complaints Apprehension restlessness Symptoms-lower respiratory Tachypnea, dyspnea Shallow or grunting respiration Cough Nasal flaring, intercostal retraction Symptoms-pleuritic Referred pain to neck and back Abdominal pain if diaphragmatic involvement Symptomsextrapulmonary Disseminated disease Skin and soft tissue involvement arising from bacteremia, meningitis Plan of examination CBC - so called “septic investigation” blood analysis (↑ WBC more than 20*109/l or ↓WBC less than 5*109/l) Increased WBC with left stiff strongly suggests bacterial process; Pneumococcus associated with marked leukocytosis; Leukocyte index > 0.2 (immature forms: general count of neutrophils) Trombocytopenia (< 150000) Examination: Laboratory Biochemical blood test – acidosis, hypoproteinemia Increased inflammatory markers (Creactive protein); Bacteriological examination of sputum (tracheal), blood (gold standard); Blood culture rarely give organism, but this test is necessary; Examination for viruses Examination: Radiology X-ray Infiltrates, bilateral involvement or pleural effusion - suggest more serious disease Focal or diffuse interstitial pneumonitis may reveal Infiltrates may be less obvious in dehydrated patients; Bronchopneumonia - intensified (increased) pulmonary picture, diffuse focal infiltration Interstitial pneumonia CXR in Bacterial PNA CXR in Bacterial PNA Right lower lobe consolidation in a patient with bacterial pneumonia - Lobar pneumonia Acute community-acquired pneumonia with complicated parapneumonic effusion Complicating pneumonia and empyema Bilateral necrotising pneumonia complicated by right pneumothorax Bilateral consolidation with scarring and early cavitation in the lower lung fields Pneumococcal pneumonia complicated by lung necrosis and abscess formation A lateral chest radiograph shows air-fluid level characteristic of lung absces Lung abscess in the posterior segment of the right upper lobe CT scan shows a thin-walled cavity with surrounding consolidation Most children can be treated as outpatients. What indications for disposition (hospitalization) patient with pneumonia do you know? Disposition Admit if: Toxic appearance; Respiratory compromise, including marked tachypnea (>60 breaths/min in infant and > 40-50 breaths/min in older children); Hypoxemia (SpO2 < 92-94% in room air); Dehydration or inability to maintain oral hydration or tolerate oral medications; Indications of severe disease; Disposition Admit if: Young age - < 4-6 months of age; Underlying diseases: - cardiac disease - renal disease - hematological disease Inability of family to provide care at home; Failure of outpatient therapy; Treatment Supportive care for children Oxygen if needed; Fluids and insure hydration Antipyretics, analgesics Antitussives are NOT indicated; Antibiotic therapy I – beta-lactam: Penicillin; Cephalosporin; Carbopenem; Aminoglycoside Macrolide Linkozamide – linkomycin, clindomycin Vancomycin Treatment • Bacterial 1 month Ampicillin 75–100 mg/kg/day and Gentamicin 5 mg/kg d 1–3 months Cefuroxime (75–150 mg/kg/day) or co-amoxiclav (40 mg/kg/day) 3 months Benzylpenicillin or erythromycin (change to cefuroxime or amoxycillin if no response) Treatment Supportive for atypical pneumonia • Chlamydia and mycoplasma should be treated with erythromycin 40–50 mg/kg/day usually orally. • If pneumocystis carinii pneumonia is suspected co-trimoxazole 18–27 mg/kg/day IV should be prescribed. Treatment Patients are treated as an outpatient: Children < 5 yo: - high dose amoxicillin (80-90 mg/kg/d) for 7-10 d Children > 5 yo: - increased prevalence of M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae - macrolide is reasonable choice Older children with signs most consistent with S. pneumoniae infection (lobar infiltrate, increased wbc or inflammatory markers) – AMOXICILLIN may be used; Treatment Patients requiring admission: IV AMPICILLIN 150-200 mg/kg/d May used 2-nd or 3-rd generation cephalosporins; Choice guided by local resistance patterns; Consider combining beta-lactam and macrolide; Treatment Children with more severe disease: Consider other organisms including Methicillin-resistant S. aures (MRSA) 3-rd generation cephalosporin, plus Clindamycin or Vancomycin; Treatment Age 6 mo.-6 yr Start Ampicillin 100 mg/kg/day Or amoksiklav 20-40 mg/kg (Amoxicillin/clavulanate) Alternative Cefotaxime (Claforan) Cefuroxime (Zinacef) 100-150 mg/kg/day Clarithromycin Azithromycin Treatment Age 6 mo.-6 yr Complicated Start Ceftazidime 150 mg/kg/day or Cefotaxime or ceftriaxone + netilmicin (6-7.5 mg/kg) (amikacinum 15 mg/kg) Treatment Age Start 6 mo – 6 yo atypical -Clarithromycin 15-30 mg/kg/day or 6 mo – 6yo atypical complicated Rovamycine 1500000 IU per 10 kg Azithromycin 10 mg/kg Suggested Drug Treatment Birth to 20 days: Admission 3 weeks to 3 months: – Afebrile: oral erythromycin – Febrile: add cefotaxime NEJM Volume 346:429-437 4 months to 5 years: Amoxycillin 80mg/kg/dose 6-14 years: Erythromycin Causative Agents The most often isolated bacteria pneumonia - Streptococcus pneumoniae (33%) Haemophilus influenzae (21%) Braz J Infect Dis 2001 Apr;5(2):87-97 Haemophilus influenzae Treatment with a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid (Augmentin) is effective against þ-lactamase-producing strains Streptococcus pneumoniae Penicillin is drug of choice for susceptible organisms Summary • Pneumonia is a common infection condition in children; • Significant cause of morbidity and hardships for patients and families; •Pneumonia is the commonest cause of mortality; •Pneumonia in absence of cough is rare. Summary •Fast breathing in a child with cough or difficulty breathing is highly sensitive and specific for diagnosis • Tachypnea is the most useful physical sign. • Most children can be treated as outpatients • Therapy should be guided by probable etiology and severity of disease. Test-control What are the most common etiological agents of pneumonia in neonatal period? Test-control What are the most valuable signs of pneumonia in children? Test-control What signs are auxiliary methods of diagnosis of pneumonia?