Event Toolkit – June 2015 Risk Assessments Safety is fundamental to the success of your event. You must understand that as the event organiser, you will be held liable by law, for the safety of those that are both staff at your event and attending your event. To make sure your event is safe, you need to identify potential hazards and decide (with help if you need it) on what precautions you are going to put in place. All events that take place must comply with relevant safety law. The most relevant for you to look at are: The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 The Occupiers Liability Act 1957/1984 and its accompanying regulations and standards of safety So that you are ready for anything that might happen you need to do a risk assessment (a must if you are hiring Council Land and want to comply with health and safety laws!). This document identifies any potential hazards at your event and how you will deal with them if they happen. Risk Assessments are not always large documents, small events may only be a page or so long. Most important is that they are relevant and contain realistic ways of controlling the risk. A template risk assessment is below. If you require any assistance in completing your risk assessment then please contact your event coordinator at the local authority. Plans should be put in place (as part of the risk assessment process) detailing how you would deal with an emergency such as personal accidents, crowd disturbance, lost children/vulnerable persons, bomb scares or adverse weather conditions. (i.e. extreme heat, snow, heavy rain, gales/thunder and lightning). The Kent Safety Advisory Group principles are endorsed by the Kent Resilience Forum Page 1 of 6 Event Toolkit – June 2015 Risk Rating Matrix LIKELIHOOD Multiple Death Single Death SEVERITY Major ‘3 day’ Injury Injury Minor Injury None 10 8 6 4 2 1 Certain 10 100 80 60 40 20 10 Very Likely 8 80 64 48 32 16 8 Probable 6 60 48 36 24 12 6 Possible 4 40 32 24 16 8 4 Unlikely 2 20 16 12 8 4 2 V. Unlikely 1 10 8 6 4 2 1 The numerical scale used is to allow comparisons of the risk levels only. No literal meaning is implied by the scoring level. ‘Major Injury’ shall be as defined in the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations Key to Shading 48 - 100 High Level of risk is unacceptable 16 - 40 Medium Level of risk may be tolerable. Seek to reduce level of risk. 1 - 12 Low Level of risk is acceptable Definitions for Likelihood Certain 10 Has happened before and is expected to happen on this occasion. The Kent Safety Advisory Group principles are endorsed by the Kent Resilience Forum Page 2 of 6 Event Toolkit – June 2015 Very Likely 8 Has happened before and is very likely to happen on this occasion. Probable 6 Has been known to occur before and is likely to happen on this occasion. Possible 4 Has been known to occur and it may happen on this occasion. Unlikely 2 Has been known to occur before but no reason to suggest that it will happen on this occasion. Very Unlikely 1 Has never happened before and there are no reasons to suggest it will happen on this occasion. The Kent Safety Advisory Group principles are endorsed by the Kent Resilience Forum Page 3 of 6 Event Toolkit – June 2015 General Risk Assessment Task / activity or premises assessed: Location: Name of assessor: Hazards and Effects Date of assessment: Affecting Whom (staff / visitors / public / contractors) Risk rating with no controls Review Date: Existing Controls (if any) Outline of activity/task: The Kent Safety Advisory Group principles are endorsed by the Kent Resilience Forum Page 4 of 6 Residual risk rating (With existing controls) Actions required where residual risk is still too high Event Toolkit – June 2015 Hazards and Effects Affecting Whom (staff / visitors / public / contractors) Risk rating with no controls Existing Controls (if any) Residual risk rating (With existing controls) Actions required where residual risk is still too high Signature of Assessor: __________________________________________ Date: ___________________ The Kent Safety Advisory Group principles are endorsed by the Kent Resilience Forum Page 5 of 6 Event Toolkit – June 2015 The Kent Safety Advisory Group principles are endorsed by the Kent Resilience Forum Page 6 of 6