Cartoons, Graphs, and Visuals for Practice

From January 2009
The Question
Based on information shown in these maps, the change
in the Balkan states between 1914 and 1930 is a
result of
 (1) the end of World War I and the treaties of 1919–
 (2) the role played by the Catholic Church to stop the
advance of Islam
 (3) economic competition and development of new
capitalistic markets
 (4) movement of people to escape earthquakes and
The Answer:
(1) the end of World War I and the treaties of
From January 2009
The Question
In 1968, the areas labeled Estonian SSR,
Belorussian SSR, and Moldavian SSR referred to
 (1) republics that were part of the Soviet Union
 (2) members of the Central Powers
 (3) independent nations of Eastern Europe
 (4) members of the Organization of Petroleum
 Exporting Countries (OPEC)
The Answer
(1) Republics that were part of the Soviet Union
From January 2009
The Question
The main idea of this 1949 cartoon is that the
United Nations would
 (1) work to solve pollution problems
 (2) meet only when world crises erupted
 (3) bridge the gap between world powers
 (4) prevent the Cold War
The Answer
(3) Bridge the gap between world powers
From January 2009
The Question
Which title best completes this graphic organizer?
 (1) Saddam Hussein and the Persian Gulf War
 (2) Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen) and the Defeat of the
Manchu Dynasty
 (3) Joseph Stalin and the Rise of a Totalitarian
 (4) Jawaharlal Nehru and the Modern Industrial
State of India
The Answer
(3) Joseph Stalin and the Rise of a Totalitarian
From August 2008
The Question
Which item best completes this graphic organizer?
 (1) Development of the Wheel
 (2) Preservation of Greek and Roman Culture
 (3) Creation of the Compass
 (4) Utilization of Cuneiform
The Answer
(2) Preservation of Greek and Roman Culture
From August 2008
The Question
Based on this print, which statement reflects an
important theme in Japanese art and culture?
 (1) Nature is a powerful force.
 (2) Beauty is found in technological innovations.
 (3) Realistic portrayals create a harmonious
 (4) Traditional activities should be expressed in
simple forms.
The Answer
(1) Nature is a powerful force.
From August 2008
The Question
This cartoonist is referring to the way Germany
was affected in 1919 by
 (1) the Congress of Vienna
 (2) its defeat of Napoleon
 (3) the Treaty of Versailles
 (4) its defeat in World War II
The Answer
(3) The Treaty of Versailles
From August 2008
The Question
Between which two years did the number of
collective farms increase the most?
 (1) 1929 and 1930
 (2) 1930 and 1931
 (3) 1934 and 1935
 (4) 1939 and 1940
The Answer
(2) 1930 and 1931
From August 2008
The Question
What does this cartoon suggest about news
coverage of world events?
 (1) Social concerns are often overemphasized.
 (2) Africa’s issues are often overshadowed by
events in other regions.
 (3) Too much time is devoted to European affairs.
 (4) Africa’s problems can be solved if global
powers cooperate.
The Answer
(2) Africa’s issues are often overshadowed by
events in other regions.
From August 2008
The Question
The economic trend represented in this chart is most
likely an effect of the creation of the
 (1) Organization of American States (OAS)
 (2) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
 (3) North American Free Trade Agreement
 (4) Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC)
The Answer
(3) North American Free Trade Agreement
From August 2008
The Question
What is the main idea of this 2002 cartoon?
 (1) The technology of the Cold War now threatens
peace in Asia.
 (2) The risk of nuclear conflict has been
 (3) Nuclear power presents a possible solution to
energy shortages in southern Asia.
 (4) Mediation has lessened tensions between
India and Pakistan.
The Answer
(1) The technology of the Cold War now threatens
peace in Asia.