RASPBERRY PI BASED HUMAN SENSED AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENING AND CLOSING SYSTEM AND SEND MAIL ABSTRACT The main motto of the project is to utilization of sensor with combination of embedded equipment for the door opening systems. This project describes the design and implementations of automatic controller for the door. The door opens when any human movement is detected near the door it detects with help of a PIR (Passive infrared) sensor detects the movement and sends a signal to the transistor, in turn gives interrupt signal to a programmable microcontroller of 8051 family, the output signal form the microcontroller is fed to the DC motor which is used to open the door and close the door, which is driven by a motor driver IC. Interrupt signals can be used to stop power to the motor in the event of locked rotor condition. BLOCK DIAGRAM Motor Driver IC Power Supply 3.3V Raspberry Pi Power Supply 5V PIR Sensor Description An introduction to the world of 3D printing with RepRapPro's Adrian Bowyer. So, the Raspberry Pi Foundation designed this little board here, the Raspberry Pi, to address a lost generation of computer programmers and hardware engineers. So, this little board here is low cost, it's easily accessible, it's very simple to use. When you power it up you get a nice little desktop environment, it includes all of the things that you need to do to get started to learn programming. There's lots of information out there on the internet that you can take away and start programming code in to make things happen. The great thing about these boards as well is in addition to software, you can play with hardware. So these little general purpose pins here allow access to the processor and you can hang off little hardware projects that you build and you can control via the code you are writing through the software application. So, this is a great tool for kids to learn how computers work at a grassroots level PIR SENSOR Compact and complete, easy to use Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) Sensor Module for human body detection. Incorporating a Fresnel lens and motion detection circuit. High sensitivity and low noise. Output is a standard 5V active low output signal. Module provides an optimized circuit that will detect motion up to 6 meters away and can be used in burglar alarms and access control systems. Inexpensive and easy to use, it's ideal for alarm systems, motion-activated lighting, holiday props, and robotics applications. The Output can be connected to microcontroller pin directly to monitor signal or a connected to transistor to drive DC loads like a bell, buzzer, siren, relay, opto-coupler (e.g. PC817, MOC3021), etc. The PIR sensor and Fresnel lens are fitted onto the the PCB. This enables the board to be mounted inside a case with the detecting lens protruding outwards. MOTOR DRIVER Motor driver is nothing but a l293d ic it’s used for to drive motor as per our requirement