Registering a Student for Rhode Island Academic Decathlon • • • • • • Parent/Guardian Consent Form USAD list of Acceptable Courses You need at least 2 Honors, Scholastic & Varsity divisions. Collect a transcript for each student – You’re looking at the last 2 academic years. • Include summer, for example: – For a Senior, include: » Rising Senior Summer » Junior Year » Rising Junior Summer » Sophomore – Guidance Office can help locate 8th grade transcript – Don’t include the current school year! RIAD Spreadsheet Computer with Microsoft Excel installed. Tips •Distribute copies of the Parent/Guardian consent form and encourage kids to get them signed and return them to you. •Ask your Guidance Counselors for help gathering and interpreting transcripts. •A student’s school GPA is likely to differ from their Decathlon GPA, especially if the course load includes more Lab or CTE courses. •Complete the spreadsheet soon, so you’ll know if you need to recruit additional students. •You can submit an updated version later if you add or lose team member Using the GPA Calculation Spreadsheet Open the file named RIAD_GPA_CALC_Spreadsheet.xlsx (it was emailed to you and can also be found on the website.) Please don’t use the spreadsheet on the USAD website—the RIAD version has been customized to reduce errors & save you time. Open the Excel file. Using >File >Save As, rename the file using this convention: YOURSCHOOLNAME_RIAD2016.xlsx At the bottom of the spreadsheet, you’ll see 17 tabs: each tab represents a sheet for 4 Honors (1-3 plus Alternate), 4 Scholastic, 4 Varsity and 4 additional alternates, plus a roster page that creates a list of all your students. (You do not need to recruit this many students!) Use the arrows to move among tabs. Enter one student per sheet. Don’t change the names of the tabs, that disables the formulas that do the math for you. Keep this document handy so you can refer to it quickly. A Sample Sheet On the Honors1 sheet, enter your school’s name. It will automatically appear on the remaining tabs. Each sheet will include one student’s name. Please enter full name, as well as FIRST and LAST names, as noted. Also include the student’s grade level. Using the transcript provided by your Guidance Department and the USAD list of Acceptable Courses, enter pertinent course info for the student. The GRADE is a letter or number, depending on your school’s system. Look up the POINTS value for each grade and enter it in the POINTS column. CREDIT HOUR: 1 for full year; .50 for a semester, .33 for a trimester or .25 for a quarter. TOTAL POINTS, CALCULATED GPA: Leave these fields alone, they are calculated for you. ACADEMIC DECATHLON LEVEL: The field marked “yes” is the lowest division the student may compete in. Students may compete in higher divisions if they choose. REMEMBER: One STUDENT per SHEET. Move on to the next student. Click on the name of the tab to switch to the next sheet in the sequence. Not all of the tabs show, clicking the arrow will move tabs over so you can see the rest of them. ONE STUDENT PER SHEET On all tabs except Honor1, the SCHOOL NAME should fill automatically. The embedded formulas use the USAD accepted cut off GPAs to identify the lowest division in which a student may compete. Students may compete in a higher division, but may NOT compete in a lower division. The “YES” is the lowest division in which the student may compete in Academic Decathlon. Do not type in the ROSTER tab, it will fill automatically as you enter student information. Remember: ONE STUDENT PER SHEET. Finished? • • • Email Spreadsheet to by December 30, 2015. Print ROSTER (the final tab). Mail or Fax team roster and all student transcripts to: Rhode Island Academic Decathlon Mary Johnson 3296 Post Road, Warwick RI 02886 Fax: 401-732-7715 Questions? Email: Text/voice: 401-588-1136