Norfolk State University Faculty Senate Meeting Tuesday, February 18, 2014 University Police Building-Room 138 Agenda I. Call to Order II. Minutes Review and Approval III. Treasurer’s Report IV. Announcements and Reports a. Dr. Clarence Coleman, Vice Provost - announcement b. President - Faculty Senate website update c. Committee Reports – Constitution and Bylaws, Curriculum and Academic Standards, Elections and Nominations, Evaluation, Faculty Handbook Revision, Faculty Status and Welfare, Grievance, Library Services, Shared Governance. IV. Old Business a. Recommendations for faculty salary increases – status report b. Interim Deans “voting in” issue – request for tabling V. New Business a. URC elections re-do due to problems with voting in November: ballots due Friday before noon. b. Recommendation of qualifications for Faculty representatives to the Executive Council (vote) c. Recommendation and confirmation of Faculty representatives to the President's Executive Council (vote) d. Approval of the Faculty Senate Code of Ethics (vote) e. Shared governance, and ensuring the survival of the Faculty Senate f. Confirming Dr. Shahrooz Moosavizadeh as 2014 Interim Treasurer (vote) g. Recommendation to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to add the position of President-Elect to the list of Senate officers VI. Other New Business VII. Adjournment Next Executive Committee Meeting: Tuesday, March 11, 2014. Next Faculty Senate Meeting: Tuesday, March 18, 2014. Recommendation for Rules for membership in the Executive Council An Executive Council faculty representative shall 1) be a tenured member of the Norfolk State University faculty, 2) have extensive leadership experience, including with protecting faculty rights in matters related to curriculum matters or faculty status and welfare. 3) attend at least seven Faculty Senate Executive Committee meetings annually, in person or virtually, 4) participate in discussions under consideration by the Executive Committee, 5) represent the Norfolk State University faculty as a body, supporting decisions approved by the Faculty Senate, 6) defend the role of faculty in shared governance and compliance with the NSU Faculty Handbook, 7) serve for two years, with staggered membership (it is suggested that two members be reappointed after 2 years the first time around), 8) be recommended by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee from among nominees, and confirmed by the Faculty Senate, 9) always act and speak in accordance with the Norfolk State University Employee Code of Ethics. President’s Executive Council – 2014 Faculty Representatives Selection 2013 Representatives: William Alexander, History, COLA Camellia Okpodu, Biology, CSET Vina Punjabi, Physics, CSET Ronald Thomas, Psychology, COLA Stan Tickton. Mass Communication and Journalism, COLA Suely Black, Faculty Senate President, Chemistry, CSET Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Based on the following considerations: - 2013 Council representatives participated in the discussions of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee last year, but never had a chance to meet with the President. - Increase diversity of Council by adding an existing Executive Committee member from another School. Recommendation for 2014 Representatives: William Alexander, History, COLA (remain) Camellia Okpodu, Biology, CSET (remain) Ronald Thomas, Psychology, COLA (remain) Stan Tickton Mass Communication and Journalism, COLA (remain) Enrique Zapatero, BUEN (NEW) Suely Black, Faculty Senate President, Chemistry, CSET (remain) 2014 Nominees from survey (not named above): BUEN, Business, Sami Abbasi COLA, Political Science, Aberra Meshesha COLA, ENFL, Lamiaa Youssef COLA, Fine Arts, Chinedu Okala CSET, Biology, Arthur Bowman CSET, Computer Science, Thorna Humphries CSET, Engineering, Patricia Mead SSWK, Social Work, Marvin Feit 2013-2014 Faculty Senate Executive Committee Dr. William Alexander, NSU Executive Council, Shared Governance Committee Dr. Suely Black, Faculty Senate President Dr. Archie Earl, AAUP Representative Dr. Charles Ford, Evaluation Committee Dr. Joseph Hall, Faculty Salary and Budget Committee Dr. Kimberly Hutson, Nominations and Elections Committee Dr. Cathy Jackson, Faculty Senate Vice-President, Faculty Status and Welfare Committee Dr. Shahrooz Moosavizadeh, Faculty Senate Treasurer Dr. Cassandra Newby-Alexander, Faculty Senate Parliamentarian, Secretary, Faculty Handbook Committee, Constitution and Bylaws Committee Dr. Camellia Okpodu, NSU Executive Council, Research Council Dr. Vina Punjabi, NSU Executive Council Dr. Ronald Thomas, NSU Executive Council, Grievance Committee Dr. Stan Tickton, NSU Executive Council Mr. Ronald White, Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee Dr. Enrique Zapatero, Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee