Presented By: Munwar Ali Ghanghro (Chief Statistical Officer) Population = 180 Million(6th) Area = 796,095 km2 Capital City = Islamabad Currency = Pak Rupee (PKR) Historical Background of Pakistan • Indus Civilization (3000 BC) • Advent of Islam • British Rule • Partition of Sub-Continent & Creation of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Pakistan Today Achievements: •Noble Prize winner : DR ABDUL SALAM •World Champion in CRICKET, HOCKEY, SQUASH AND SNOOKER •7th Nuclear Power of the World •Oscar Award Winner : SHARMEEN UBAID CHENNAI •Youngest Microsoft Certified Professional: ARFA KARIM(11 Year). •Developed own communication Satellite •Developed World’s one of the best defense technology and Army Pakistan - Geography • • • • • • • • • • • • Gateway to the landlocked Central Asian States Second Highest Peak in the world K2 Four Season (Winter, Spring, Autumn, Summer) Largest Irrigation System of the South Asia Fruit Basket of South Asia Rich reservoirs of Coal and Precious stones Gateway to Central Asia (Gawadar Port) Climate Major Crops • Wheat, cotton, rice and sugar cane are the major crops Fruits • Mangos, Oranges, Bananas, Apples Natural Resources • natural gas, coal, marble, copper & gold and iron. Industry • Cotton, Textiles, sugar, cement, and chemicals COLOURS OF PAKISTAN Colours of sindh Colours of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Colours of Balochistan FRUITS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PAKISTAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS INTRODUCTION After independence Central Statistical Office (CSO) was setup by the Government of Pakistan in 1950. In 1972, on the recommendation of IBRD Mission, Central Statistical Office (CSO) was upgraded to a full-fledged Statistics Division. The Division was re-organized in 1981. Government of Pakistan has restructured once again to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics w.e.f. 23rd December, 2011 by merging all the previous departments. FBS, ACO, PCO and the Technical Wing of Statistics Division have been merged in Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. MISSION STATEMENT Pakistan Bureau of Statistics is committed to provide accurate, reliable, timely, comprehensive and userfriendly information to public, private, national and international organizations. PBS will undertake research, up-to-date its technical knowledge and adopt improved methodologies and new technologies for meeting the future demand of potential users. ORGANOGRAM OF PBS Main Activities of PBS Collection and compilation of statistical data relating to various socioeconomic sectors through primary, secondary sources and administrative records of the government: PRIMARY SOURCE • Price Statistics • • • • • Labour Force Statistics Demographic Statistics Household Income & Expenditure Statistics Population & Housing Census Agriculture & Livestock Census SECONDARY SOURCE • • • • Statistics of Manufacturing Industries Mining and Electricity Statistics Publication of Statistical data. Preparation of National Accounts. ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD • Foreign Trade Statistics • Public Finance Statistics • Publication of Statistical data. Indicators Monitored by PBS • • • • • • • • • • Proportion of population below the calorie based food plus non-food poverty line . Net primary enrolment ratio (%) Literacy rate (%) Youth Literacy GPI Gender Parity Index For Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education Infant mortality rate Proportion of fully immunized children 12-23 months Proportion of children under five who suffered from diarrhea in the last 30 days and received ORT Proportion of births attended by skilled birth attendants Indicators Monitored by PBS • Contraceptive prevalence rate • Total fertility rate • Proportion of women 15-49 years who had given birth during last 3 years and made at least one antenatal care Consultation • Proportion of population (Urban and rural) with sustainable access to a safe (improved) water source • Proportion of population (Urban and rural) with access to sanitation • Unemployment rate • Share of women in wage employment in the non agricultural sector Agriculture Statistics Agriculture constitutes the largest sector of our economy. It contributes about 24 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and accounts for half of employed labour force and is the largest source of foreign exchange earnings. It feeds whole rural and urban population. Realizing its importance, planne and policy makers are always keen to have reliable a and production statistics of agricultural crops well i time. Policy makers primarily need accurate and tim statistics for the important crops such as wheat, cot rice, sugarcane, maize etc. Demographic SURVEY ENERGY & MINING STATISTICS Energy and Mining Statistics Section is responsible to Collect, compile and disseminate electricity generation and mining production data. Collection of Data (Monthly) Collection of Mineral Production Data from Provincial Directorates of Mineral Development (DMDs) Collection of Oil and Gas Production data from Petroleum Concessions, Ministry of Petroleum Electricity Generated Data from respective agencies i.e. WAPDA KESC, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Pakistan Steel and Independent Power Plants (IPPs) Foreign Trade Statistics Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Karachi has made the electronic connectivity with the Custom House Karachi to download the Secondary data on Import & Export on monthly basis from their systems installed named as PRAL (Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited) and CARE (Custom Administration Reforms). Industry Manufacturing sector comprises of two sub-sectors viz. Large Scale Manufacturing and Small Scale Manufacturing. Large Scale manufacturing covers the establishments registered under factories Act 1934 or qualifying for registration (having 10 or more employees) including Repair and Service Industries. Small Scale manufacturing covers all such manufacturing establishments not covered in Large Scale manufacturing. Labour Force Survey (2010-11) NATIONAL ACCOUNTS • GDP/GNP • Estimates of GFCF • Rebasing of National Accounts from 1999- 2000 to 2005-06 • National Health Accounts Price Statistics COMPUTATION OF AVERAGE PRICES • Four quotations of price of each item are collected in one market and simple average of these four quotation of prices of each item are taken as average price of the item in that market. • Then the average prices of all markets in the city are again averaged at city level. • The average prices of all 40 cities (CPI) and 17 cities (SPI) are again averaged at National level. 31 31 Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) • Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) is designed to assess price movement of essential consumer items at short intervals (on weekly basis) so as to take corrective measures. 32 WHOLESALE PRICE INDEX (WPI) Wholesale price index (WPI) is designed to measure the change of price in the primary and wholesale markets. It covers precisely defined commodities offered in the lots by producer/manufacturers to suppliers/primary sellers. Prices used are generally those at which primary selling is transacted at exmandi, ex-factory or at an organized wholesale level 33 Supply of Data (Monthly / Quarterly / Annual) • Monthly Bulletin of Statistics • • • • • • • • • UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics IMF Data on Selected Economic Indicators of Pakistan Statistical Indicators for Asia and the Pacific Statistical Pocket Book Statistical Year Book State Bank of Pakistan Pakistan Economic Survey Budget Speech National & International Agencies (as and when required)