Mastery Club Challenges SCIENCE & HEALTH CHALLENGES - Web Site Links Here's a Web Site to Assist You in Your Research....... 1. Name 15 kinds of fish. 2. Name 15 marine creatures. 3. Name 15 mammals. 4. Name 15 vertebrate animals. Kinds of Fish Interesting Fish Facts Marine Creatures More Marine Creatures All About Mammals Mammals Page – Enchanted Learning Vertebrates 5. Name 15 desert animals or wildlife. Loads of desert animal information 6. Name 10 amphibians. 7. Name 10 reptiles. 8. Name 10 dinosaurs. St. Louis Zoo Amphibians Amphibians Auburn University Amphibian List Reptile Database Auburn University Reptile List All About Dinosaurs 9. Name 10 types of birds. 10. Name 10 rainforest birds or mammals. 11. Name 10 deciduous trees. 12. Name 10 rocks or minerals. 13. Name 10 chemicals and their chemical symbols. 14. Name 10 constellations. Birds of the 50 States State Birds Common Bird Names Rainforest Creatures Rainforest Wildlife Deciduous Tree List What Tree is It? Mineral Gallery - photos Wikipedia Rock List Periodic Table for Kids Game - Periodic Table 15. Name 10 organs in the human body. Choose a constellation then "constellation lines" Constellations Body Organs for Kids 16. Name 8 types of clouds. Clouds for Kids 17. Name 10 inventors and their inventions. National Inventors Hall of Fame 18. Name 5 human body systems. List of Body Systems Body Systems Game Body Systems (#3 on the website) Water Cycle Puzzle 19. Name the stages of the water cycle. Challenges updated Dec. 26, 2012 Mastery Club Created by Heather Renz © Mastery Club Challenges SCIENCE & HEALTH CHALLENGES - Web Site Links Here's a Web Site to Assist You in Your Research....... 20. Name the order of the colors in the rainbow. About Rainbows 21. Label the major bones of the skeleton. Human Skeleton - Enchanted Learning Mr. Bones Assembly Activity Online Skeleton Introduction to the Nine Planets 22. Name the order of the planets in the solar system. MATH CHALLENGES 1. 5. Draw the lines of symmetry for the capital alphabet. Compute the perimeter of rectangles, squares and triangles. Compute the area of rectangles, squares, and triangles. Name the perfect square numbers up to 225. Earn 100% on the square roots test. 6. Write in Roman numerals up to 100. 7. Name 5 famous mathematicians. 2. 3. 4. 8. Earn 100% in 4 minutes on the addition basic facts test. 9. Earn 100% in 4 minutes on the subtraction basic facts test. 10. Earn 100% in 4 minutes on the multiplication basic facts test. 11. Earn 100% in 4 minutes on the division basic facts test. Here's a Web Site to Assist You in Your Research....... Symmetry Demo Symmetry Test for the Letters Area of rectangles Play "Shape Surveyor" to practice both - Area Formulas Introduction to Area of Shapes Learn Your Square Numbers Learn about square roots Square roots flashcard game Roman numerals Know your Roman numerals Roman Numerals Quiz Greatest Mathematicians Long list of mathematicians Print an addition test Print the addition answer key Print a subtraction test Print the subtraction answer key Print a multiplication test Print the multiplication answer key Print a division test Print the division answer key Challenges updated Dec. 26, 2012 Mastery Club Created by Heather Renz ©