Getting Started in Blackboard (F2F Workshop)

Blackboard Video Tools
Working with Youtube Mashups
A. From the Build Content drop-down menu, select YouTube Video under the
Mashups column.
B. Type the video keywords in the search box, then press Go.
C. Blackboard will show you a list of Youtube Videos with those keywords. Below
each thumbnail is a button to Preview the video and Select the video.
Wilmington University
Created 2012
D. Preview the videos to find one that best suits your needs.
F. Youtube Mashups are similar to other items and assignments in Blackboard.
Editing text and selecting options for student viewing are just like other
Blackboard items. Scroll down to see all options available, and press the
Submit button when finished.
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E. When you find the right video for your course, press the Select button below
the video thumbnail.
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G. The Youtube Video will appear in the content area just like any other item or
assignment in Blackboard. You can customize the options or add instructions
in whatever way is most helpful for your course.
Embedding Youtube Videos
A. As an alternative to using the Mashup tool, Youtube videos can be embedded
directly into Blackboard content using Youtube embed code provided on the
Youtube website. Begin by searching for the video you
want to embed.
B. Select the video you want to use from the Youtube search results.
C. On the Youtube page for the video below the player, click the Share button
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D. Next, click the Embed button
F. Select the old embed code and copy it to your clipboard by pressing CTL+C on
a PC or CMD+C on a Mac.
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E. For Youtube video embedding, you MUST check the box next to Use old embed
code. Blackboard is NOT compatible with the “new” embed code across all
web browsers.
G. Return to Blackboard and navigate to the content area where you want to
embed the Youtube video. Hover over the Build Content tab and select Create
Item from the drop-down menu.
Paste the Youtube video embed code copied to your clipboard into the text box
by pressing CTL+V on a PC or CMD+V on a Mac.
Be sure not to change any of the information contained in the embed code.
Wilmington University Educational Technology
H. Make sure to give your new item an appropriate title. Then click the Toggle
HTML Source Code button, which is represented by this icon:
If necessary make any changes to the options below, when finished press the
Submit button.
The Youtube video is now embedded directly into Blackboard. The content
can be modified at any time by clicking the double-down arrow next to the
item, just as with any other Blackboard content.
If a video on Youtube doesn’t have the check box for Use old embed code that
video should not be embedded to Blackboard using <iframe> code. It can
however be added using the Mashup tool.
Although <iframe> tags might look like they work to you, they will not
work across all web browsers in Blackboard at this time.
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Embedding Vimeo Videos
A. Vimeo videos can also be embedded directly into Blackboard content using
Vimeo embed code provided on the Vimeo website. Begin by searching for the video you want to embed.
B. Select the video you want to use from the Vimeo search results.
C. On the Vimeo page on the right of the video, click the Share button
D. The Vimeo default embed code is NOT supported by all browsers in
Blackboard. At the bottom of the Share This Video window, click Customize
embed options.
Wilmington University Educational Technology
E. For Vimeo video embedding, you MUST click the link for Use old embed code.
Blackboard does NOT support the “new” embed code for all web browsers and
will cause problems for some users.
G. Return to Blackboard and navigate to the content area where you want to
embed the Vimeo video. Hover over the Build Content tab and select Create
Item from the drop-down menu.
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F. After clicking the Use old embed code link the correct code will be generated in
the embed window. Copy it to your clipboard by pressing CTL+C on a PC or
CMD+C on a Mac.
H. Make sure to give your new item an appropriate title. Then click the Toggle
HTML Source Code button, which is represented by this icon:
Be sure not to change any of the information contained in the embed code.
If necessary make any changes to the options below, when finished press the
Submit button.
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Paste the Vimeo video embed code copied to your clipboard into the text box
by pressing CTL+V on a PC or CMD+V on a Mac.
If a video on Vimeo doesn’t have the link for Use old embed code that video
should not be embedded to Blackboard using <iframe> code. Instead, a link to
the video can be added to the Blackboard content by selecting Create URL
from the Build Content drop-down menu.
Although <iframe> tags might look like they work to you, they will not
work across all web browsers in Blackboard at this time.
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The Vimeo video is now embedded directly into Blackboard. The content can
be modified at any time by clicking the double-down arrow next to the item,
just as with any other Blackboard content.
Tips and Tricks
A. It Didn’t Work!
You probably used a type of embed code that Blackboard doesn’t support.
<iframe> tags in Blackboard are NOT compatible with all browsers.
<iframe> Tags will work sometimes in some browsers, but the results can be
unpredictable, and you want your content to work for everyone.
At this point, the best practice is to use only “old” embed code.
B. This video can’t be embedded?
Occasionally the owner or uploader of a video will not allow external
embedding of their video. In these cases, you will have to link to the video by
creating a URL, or using the Mashup tool if it’s a Youtube video.
Wilmington University Educational Technology
C. I don’t see the
Embedded videos can be used in almost any content area of Blackboard, but
sometimes the Toggle HTML Source Code button is hidden. To make the icon
visible, click the down-arrow button on the left side of the toolbar.
D. Sites that don’t support “old” embed code
Unfortunately there are websites that don’t have “old” embed code. You can
always link to any web page by using the Create URL option from the Build
Content drop-down menu.
Avoid using code with <iframe> tags even if it looks like it works for you – it
might not work for your students!
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The second row of toolbar icons will now be visible, including the Toggle
HTML Source Code button.