NHD Grading Rubric

National History Day
Rubric/ Judging Criteria
Quality (60%)
Entry is
Shows analysis and
Places Topic in
Historical Context
Shows wide
Uses Available
primary sources
Research is
Excellent/ Exemplary
Good/ Proficient
Well-chosen, sophisticated, and
All evidence is accurate, and all
focused evidence that clearly
evidence supports thesis.
supports thesis.
Analyzes historical evidence
Analyzes historical evidence.
with sophistication, clarity,
Interpretation of evidence is
and originality. Evidence is
stated in the thesis. Consistently
consistently interpreted in
evaluates the successes,
relation to the theme and is
failures, and consequences of
clearly stated in the thesis.
the chosen debate/diplomacy.
Thoroughly and consistently
evaluates the successes,
failures, and consequences of the chosen
Accurately and appropriately
Displays some connections to
places the topic within the
the social, political, economic,
social, political, economic,
and/or cultural atmosphere of
and/or cultural atmosphere of
the time; relationship between
the time; clearly demonstrates
the topic and larger events is
the relationship between
the topic and larger events.
Evidence gleaned from current
Evidence taken from a variety of
and older sources; print and nonprint and non-print sources.
print; journals and well-chosen
internet sites
Primary sources are above and
Solid primary sources expected
beyond the expected for the
for the topic
Multi-faceted approach to
evidence; many conflicting
positions presented with care.
At least two sides of topic are
presented equally
Needs Improvement/
Some inaccuracies in evidence.
Evidence does not necessarily
support thesis.
Weak analysis of evidence.
Analysis may not necessarily
relate to the theme. Thesis does
not reflect interpretation of
evidence. Inconsistently and
weakly evaluates the successes,
failures, and consequences of
the chosen debate/diplomacy.
Product focuses on the
specifics of the topic itself and
may not relate to the overall
atmosphere; does not clearly
illustrate the relationship
between the topic and larger
Evidence used from a
narrow collection of sources.
Product focuses exclusively
on the specific topic and does
not connect to larger events;
virtually no historical context
Primary sources are limited.
No primary sources used.
Lopsided research; not enough
evidence from different
Research illustrates only
one perspective. Competing
perspectives are missing.
Significant historical
inaccuracies. Evidence does
not relate to thesis.
No interpretation of
evidence. Analysis does not
relate to the theme. Does not
assess the successes, failures,
and consequences of the
Research has no variety in
types of sources.
Relation to
Theme (20%)
Clearly relates
topic to theme
significance of
topic in history and
draws conclusions
evaluate the topic
Excellent/ Exemplary
Good/ Proficient
Chooses an interesting topic that
is relevant to the theme.
Demonstrates a superior
understanding of how the topic
relates to the theme.
Demonstrates a sophisticated
and thorough understanding of
the significance of the topic in
Clearly and convincingly
evaluates the topic as a success
or failure in history.
Draws original and compelling
conclusions about the
consequences of the topic in
Chooses a topic that connects to
the theme.
Analyzes how the topic relates
to the theme.
Needs Improvement/
Chooses a topic that connects
to the theme.
Fails to clearly connect the
topic and the theme.
Demonstrates the significance of
the topic in history.
Evaluates the topic as a success
or failure in history.
Attempts to demonstrate the
significance of the topic in
Evaluation of the topic as a
Neglects to demonstrate the
significance of the topic in
Does not
Draws conclusions about the
consequences of the topic in
Considers how the atmosphere
of the time period influenced the
how the atmosphere of the time
period influenced the topic.
of the time period influenced the topic.
The topic is not relevant to
the theme.
success or failure in history is
as a success or failure in
Draws some conclusions about
Fails to draw conclusions
the consequences of the topic
about the consequences of
in history.
the topic in history.
Provides little consideration of
Does not consider how
the atmosphere of the time Analyzes how the atmosphere
period influenced the topic.
Clarity of
Presentation (20%)
Written material
is original, clear,
organized, and
Has visual impact,
uses multi-media
effectively and
actively involves
Excellent/ Exemplary
Good/ Proficient
Written material is captivating,
creative, original, appropriate
and clear. Includes no
spelling or grammar mistakes.
Written material is original,
clear, appropriate, organized,
and articulate
Written material is organized
a "visual essay" with
distinguishable sections that
support different elements of
the thesis and demonstrate a
well balanced project. Written
material shows an excellent
comprehension of the material.
Project is striking, clear, and
obviously organized in a manner
that best supports the thesis. A
variety of visual or other media
are used to actively involve
the viewer in an engaging,
appropriate, and original
Written material shows some
distinguishable sections that
support various elements of the
thesis and show some balance.
Includes few spelling
or grammar mistakes.
Project has visual impact, uses
multi-media effectively and
actively involves viewer
Needs Improvement/
Written material attempts to
be original, clear, appropriate,
organized, and articulate.
Written material
neglects to be original,
clear, appropriate,
organized, and articulate.
Written material attempts to
show balance and support the
Written material does not
support the thesis
Includes spelling and grammar
Includes many spelling
and grammar mistakes
Project attempts to have visual
impact. It uses some multi
media and involves the viewer.
Project neglects to have
visual impact and uses
few visuals. Does not
actively involve the viewer