In Memory of
Barbara Ann Leach by Kathleen Jozwiak, Patrick Plickert by Rose and Gene Orlando, Dodson and
Cox Families by Darrel and Judy Fox, Emma Gurley by Richard and Melissa Gurley, Donna
Whalen Sherlock by Frank and Diane Whalen, Greta Lynn Slaviero by Jack Slaviero, All my
family by Leo Lann, Dolores McKee by Charles McKee, Warren and Eileen Caswell, Matthew
and Marie Knoch by Jean and Warren Caswell, Laila Nagy (Mom) by John and Anne Duff, The
unborn by Amy Mushinski, Deceased of V. Foresi Family by Mary L. Platko, The Reardon and
O’Hair Families by Peg Reardon, Nathaniel (Grandson) by Mrs. Betty Dingle, Deborah Geer
Russo by Jim and Judy Liberty, Richard M. Becker by Reggie and Carol Myers, Bob Dowd by Jean
Dowd, All aborted children by Al and Geri Martin, Charles and Mary Weaver, Charles and
Mary Rebok by Joseph Lesak, Rebecca Byrnes by Stephanie and Ron Byrnes, Bill Butler by Eleanor
Butler, Joseph R. Maruschak, beloved husband by Rosemarie Maruschak, Ann Wills by Lily
Bissell, Mary Bowen by Bob Bowen, Mary and Louis Lautizar by Helene Glavan, Anne
Heinemeyer by Otto Heinemeyer, Mrs. Kay Vitale by Tom and Marita Burke, Robert Munaretto
(2011) by Judy Munaretto, All the unborn babies by Diane Soeder, Ryan and Brian Malovrh by
Deborah Malovrh, Larry Cox by Charles Cox, Jerry Will by Toni Will.
In Honor of
Tony by Kathleen Jozwiak, Grandson Michael J. Zisus’ 4 th birthday by grandmother Loretta
Guthrie, David DeGeorge’s birthday by Gene DeGeorge, My grandsons, Alex, George and Justin by Patricia Wirfel, Patricia Schulz’s birthday by Denny Schulz, Rose Rico’s and Dorothy
Dombos’ birthdays by Jay and Rose Dombos, Nancy and Tony by Kathleen Jozwiak, Taylor
Steele’s birthday by Carol Steele, The United States and all her people by Theresa Davison,
Ethan Hankins’ birthday by Frank and Ellie Busam.
Prayers for
Thanksgiving by Charlotte Began An end to abortion and daily violence by Theresa Davison
(Information current as of December 5, 2013)
Thank you to all who support us through these memorials! Without your support we could not do all of the many life affirming projects we do! God bless you!
“Respecting the dignity of the human person at all stages.” Winter
From the Director
We cannot believe how quickly another year has passed!
As we enter into Advent and prepare for Christ’s birth, let us be mindful of the preciousness of life! To think that God became man, an embryo even, just boggles the mind! We at Lake County Right to Life strive to keep the sanctity of human life in the forefront of our message and will continue to do so until abortion is gone for good! Yes, gone for good! That day will come folks, there is no doubt about that and we must persevere in cooperating with God’s will to end the slaughter of today’s innocents!
Looking back at 2013, we have a lot to be grateful for and have been very busy in the pro-life movement! This past year involved our annual Justice March for Preborn Children, revamping and publishing literature, quarterly newsletter mailings, weekly e-blasts, two 40 Days for Life Campaigns, Maafa 21 screening, two teen talks, our second annual essay contest, our first annual Teen Night Done Right, Family Planning Association workshop, collection and delivery of 100’s of baby blankets, collection and delivery of toiletry items for moms who choose life at the abortion mills in Cleveland, the Fest, Painesville Party in the Park, Unity in the Community event, distribution of 180 pro-life t-shirts, distribution of 200 Maafa 21 DVDs and a talk at Conneaut’s Patriot Day event. We provided materials for various local pro-life groups to have for their pro-life events as well! We keep our Facebook page up to date with the most current pro-life news and happenings. We also finished a mailing to our local guidance counselors offering them free Help is Available flyers for their offices (90 flyers have been ordered so far). All of these things are made possible by your faithful financial and prayerful support! So as this year comes to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for all you have done for us and for LIFE!
May God bless you and yours and may the love of the newborn Christ child fill your hearts with joy and peace!
Open to all high school seniors residing in Lake, Ashtabula and Geauga counties.
Requirements: Write a 500-750 word essay on the topic: “At what point is a baby entitled to human rights protection?”
Please note that grammar, spelling, clearness of thought , originality and impact on the reader are looked at when the essay is judged.
Deadline: Must be postmarked no later than April 11, 2014.
All submissions must be typed and signed by the student with their phone number and mailing address included. Please mail submissions to:
Lake County Right to Life
ATT: Jacqui Fetsko
65 Square Drive
Madison, OH 44057
Winners will be announced no later than May 1, 2014.
1st Place: $500.00
2nd Place: $250.00
3rd Place: $100.00
Upcoming Events
December 29, 2013, Sunday, Holy
Innocents Event, Akathist in honor of the
Nativity of Our Lord at 3pm followed by complimentary social hour. Byzantine
Catholic Cultural Center, 2420 W. 14 th St.,
Cleveland, Ohio, 44113.
January 12, 2014, Sunday, Lake County
Right to Life's Annual Justice March for
Unborn Children! Meet at the northeast parking lot at the Great Lakes Mall. March begins at 2pm and proceeds to St. Mary's
Church gym. Light refreshments and program immediately following.
January 18, 2014, Saturday, Cleveland
RTL's march for life from Public Square to the
Higbee building beginning at 12:00 pm. on
Saturday, January 18, 2014. The indoor program will follow.
January 25, 2014, Saturday, Life Link will conduct their annual Roe v Wade Memorial
Prayer and Service beginning at 10:00 am.
This event is conducted in front of the
Preterm facility on Shaker Blvd. and will end at noon.
April 11, 2014, postmark deadline for our third annual essay contest. See flyer for more info.
Bus Information for National March
March for Life in Washington, D.C. - January
22, 2014: The Sacred Heart of Jesus Respect
Life Committee is sponsoring a bus to take interested adults and students to
Washington, D.C. to take part in the 41st
Annual March for Life.
The bus will leave Sacred Heart of Jesus
Parish, 1545 South Green Road, S. Euclid at
6:30 A.M. on January 21, 2014, stay overnight in a Washington, D.C. hotel, and participate in the March for Life, then return on January 22nd.
Make reservations early, so you don't get left out! Call Barbara Latini at 216-382-1910 for more information or if you have questions.
St. Justin's in Eastlake is chartering a bus for Jan. 21 & 22. They will leave Tues. around 9-10 pm from their church parking lot (35781 Stevens Blvd, Willoughby) and return Wed. P.M. The cost will be $60 per person, but they must have 40 reservations before Dec. 20th in order for this to happen!
FMI call Pat at 440-946-8154 or 440-487-
9606. Make checks payable to St. Justin
Martyr Church.
(Info current as of 12/5/13)
Lake County Right To Life Annual Fundraiser
This year we are selling the About Town & All Around Books. The 2014 edition can be purchased now for $28 and the book is good from NOW until December 1, 2014! Books are available at our office:
Lake County Right To Life
8558 Mentor Ave. (directly behind Mosack’s Religious Gifts & Supplies)
255-5257 Please call for hours, as we are an all-volunteer organization. You may also contact one of our sellers: (All 440 Area Codes)
Concord: Mark/Chris Reed 352-8812
Madison: Bob/Jacqui Fetsko 428-4987
Madison: Joe/Dawn Slike 428-9023
Mentor: Mosack’s Religious Gifts 974-2221
Perry: Charlie/Mary Jo Robinson 259-2223
Willoughby: Jeff/Diane Hollis 946-3305 (beginning late Sept.)
Willoughby: Rich/Sandy Smith 585-3123
Willoughby Hills: Debbie/Stan Malovrh, Home: 943-6201; cell: 552-7274
Wickliffe: Rich Winter 585-0688