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Silk Hope SIT meeting Minutes
October 19, 2015
Principal: Angie Brady-Andrews
Ass’t Principal: Sarah Petty
Curriculum Coach: Cathy Waddell
K-2 Rep: Melissa Jenkins (abs)/
Christa Morgan
Parent Rep: Susan Anderson (abs)
Parent Rep: Reid Guthrie (abs)
3-5 Rep: Irion Dickerson
MS: Regina DeCristofaro
TA Rep: Ginger Clark
Admin Rep: Karen Snipes
Resource/Specials Rep: Catherine Stewart
Classified Rep: Karen Snipes
● MTAC updates
- MTAC currently meets quarterly but in the future that will probably change to
- the first meeting this year was dedicated to distributing materials
- cost of ebooks per school with overdrive is about $5000 per year
- schools are wondering about cost of upkeep after the first few years
- our current ebook collection could be migrated to the new system (overdrive)
- subscription with schools 12 each for reading A-Z and RAZ kids, school-wide
licenses for brainpop
- Christa Morgan got a grant for reflex math
- classroom equipment: next two ceiling mounted projectors are Mrs. Waddell’s office
and the corner of the media
- second semester: 8th graders could be assigned a laptop to use during the day as an
introduction to the 1:1 initiative they will experience in high school
- Mrs. Johnson thinks that we would be able to do this without losing a cart
(Brian also thinks that we may be allocated more laptops this year)
- SHS facebook page has been created, looking at having the MTAC committee also
contribute to posting on the page
- committee is interested in having Keith Medlin come and do a presentation to the
● District and SHS data as it relates to our SIP goals
- Angie shared district mclass data from the first benchmark which showed where
our students are in comparison to the rest of the district (Dibels and TRC)
Angie shared information from their PTEC session on scheduling and how this will
coincide with the team attending the DuFour’s PLC training in November
survey: how/when is writing being taught?
family literacy night
- Karen created a google doc with the feedback responses from parents that
- what can we do to boost attendance?
MTSS/PBIS review the information collected by Sarah on behavior practices
currently used
Leader in Me: Who went where last year? Who has not gone yet?
Karen S. - ‘16-’17 Calendar
1st day of school cannot start until the 29th and still must end by June 10th
Eagle Time: Angie supports rolling over days from the previous year for use during
optional workdays at the beginning of the school year.
Middle School Math: push in for math now that we have an additional interventionist?
- we can look at Amy’s schedule to see if she could come in at a different time. She
could be used for math during i/e time instead of reading.