Latest News - Cumnock Academy

(Photos available to view on the GALLERY: VARIOUS 2015/16 page)
Week Ending 12th February 2016
Cumnock Interact Club, sponsored by Cumnock Rotary Club, consists of Cumnock Academy
pupils S2, S3 & S4. The club chose “Mary's Meals” as their International Charity in 2015. To support
their venture they engaged the whole school, which resulted in teachers, pupils, as well as
Rotarians donating pencils, soap, towels, clothing etc to ensure they had sixty fully stocked
backpacks ready to send to their charity.
In the photograph along with Interact members are Rotarians Jim Liddell of Liddell's Coaches,
who donated a number of backpacks, and Arlene McCrorie, Chairperson of Cumnock
Academy’s Parent Council.
On Thursday 11th February 27 S3 pupils from Cumnock Academy attended a business breakfast
organised by the Languages 1 + 2 program coordinator in Kilmarnock Academy. They took part in
fun activities and various workshops promoting the benefits of learning a language. The pupils
were also given the opportunity to talk to a number of people representing a wide range of
professions and local companies.
The skills and competences linked to learning a language that are highly sought after in the world
of work were highlighted.
All pupils acknowledged the relevance of the exercise and really enjoyed the experience.
There’s still a chance to see the fantastic work of Cumnock Academy’s Photography students, as
the Rotary Club’s Photography Exhibition has now moved from the hospital in Ayr Road to the
Community library at Rothesay House. Catch it while you can!
Week Ending 5th February 2016
We have been particularly busy in recent weeks with a range of activities in the Faculty of Business
and Technologies. We are progressing with the Young Enterprise Scotland, Company programme
where our S6 entrepreneurs (see our Facebook page: Cumnock Promotional Products) are
manufacturing, marketing and selling a range of promotional products to a wide range of local
companies including KCP, whose MD Wendy Pring is acting as a business advisor to the team. We
thank Wendy for her enormous efforts to get the team on the right track and we can confirm she
has been an overwhelming success in terms of providing inspiration and access to a range of
business experts, so a public thanks to her.
We have also completed a ‘computer coding’ workshop at Dumfries House in the last couple of
weeks, where thirty S2 pupils attended two workshops covering games design and jobs of the
future connected to the computing industry. Mr McGowan who took the trip commented on the
excellent venue and participation of our young people. He looks forward to running the trip next
We have also been working with S3 pupils on another young enterprise venture. Mr Bull took a trip
with ten S3 pupils to Kilmarnock, where Ayrshire Young Enterprise in connection with the Prince’s
Trust are running a monthly Young Enterprise Club. Each school was asked to come up with a
business idea and plan to set up a company to start trading. Our young people are interested in
taking forward a personalised mug design company, which will be managed in consultation with
our S6 Young Enterprisers. This is very exciting news for the S3 pupils as they are aware this will be
taking ownership of the Cumnock Promotional Products Company when the S6 pupils leave in the
We are also about to join a group pf young people from other local schools on a trip to the NATS
centre at Prestwick Airport, to experience the world of air traffic control. A small group of S4 pupils
will attend this excursion on the 22nd February and they are looking forward to seeing NATS in
Finally, Mr Bull has been working closely with the associated primary schools on this sessions
‘Building Bridges’ initiative. He has visited Netherthird, Greenmill and Logan Primaries to launch
the bridge design competition for this year. The young people in the primaries have enjoyed their
tower building challenges and the next stops are New Cumnock and Barshare primaries. The
competition is based on designing and building a small scale bridge of around one metre to allow
a golf ball to travel across without falling off! The prize for each school is a trip to the new Forth
crossing in May, where we hope to have substantially better weather than at present.
Miss Steven’s Science Club pupils have started a forensic science project in which they are going
to be investigating fingerprinting, chromatography of ink samples and blood spatter. The project
kicked off with a visit from Sgt Sewell from Kilmarnock Police Station. Sgt Sewell talked to the pupils
about what fingerprinting was and why it is used in solving crimes. He also discussed the
importance of DNA evidence. The pupils learned how important science is in helping the police to
solve crimes. After some discussion, the pupils got the chance to carry out DNA swabs on each
other and were shown how to fill out a DNA test form like the police would.
They also all got the opportunity to practice taking their own fingerprints, trying to get the best
impression they could. This got messy! All pupils thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are
looking forward to carrying out their own mini forensic investigations.
There’s still a chance to see the fantastic work of Cumnock Academy’s Photography students, as
the Rotary Club’s Photography Exhibition has now moved from the hospital in Ayr Road to the
Baird Institute. Catch it while you can!
Remember to check out Cumnock Academy’s official pages on Facebook & Twitter. These are
running as information pages for pupils and parents/carers featuring up-to-the-minute news &
events. Click the “Like” button, or follow us @CumnockAcademy.
Week Ending 15th January 2015
Cumnock Academy this week launched our official pages on Facebook & Twitter. These will
initially be information pages for pupils and parents/carers featuring up-to-the-minute news &
events. Click the “Like” button, or follow us @CumnockAcademy.
S1 pupils at Cumnock Academy participated in a ‘General Knowledge Quiz” event throughout
December. Each class were split into teams, competing against each other to win the first round.
For the final round, one team representing each of the three houses - Boswell, Hillside and Bute battled it out to win a top prize. Congratulations and a very well done to the winning team from
Hillside! Team members included Kieran Downie, Abbie Lopez, Evie Samson and Alistair Smith. All
pupils were excellent team members and remaining pupils in S1 provided a fantastic audience
who were keen to cheer on their house teams. Well done First Year!
The students from Cumnock Academy collected together a host of items to donate to families in
need this Christmas. On the last day of term before breaking up for the festive holidays, pupils in
Sixth Year organised the “Mr and Mrs Cumnock Academy” talent show and a non-uniform day.
They asked their fellow students to bring in donations to go to the Ayrshire (East) Foodbank based
in Cumnock. It is the second year pupils have initiated a collection for the Foodbank, as they look
to help improve the conditions faced by some of the most vulnerable in their community.
Cumnock Academy vocal group “Creative Collective” travelled to Glasgow in the run-up to
Christmas to perform in Princes Square on Buchanan Street, performing a selection of popular
Christmas songs & carols to raise money for the local Hansel Foundation charity. The total amount
raised by our pupils during their hour-long performance was a fantastic £202.60! Well done to
everyone involved, and many thanks once again to all who donated to this very worthwhile
Week Ending 18th December 2015
Cumnock Academy Senior Pupils won the East Ayrshire Active Schools Volleyball Championship
last week held at Stewarton Sports Centre. Seven schools from across the authority competed in
the annual event with Cumnock Academy coming out on top, beating Loudoun Academy in the
On Wednesday 09th December, all S2 classes enjoyed a visit from St Andrew’s University’s Earth
Science outreach programme ‘Geobus’. This 50 minute workshop gave pupils an exciting
opportunity to monitor and create their own earthquake using different vibrations on the floor. The
strength of the shockwaves generated (i.e. pupils jumping on the floor!) was measured using a
seismometer and recorded on an electronic seismograph. The pupils were also given a chance to
build an earthquake proof house, which was later tested. This workshop was highly interactive and
brought their Earth Forces unit to life in the classroom.
School re-opens for the Spring Term on Thursday 7th January 2016. On behalf of all the staff &
pupils of Cumnock Academy, we would like to wish everyone in the community and beyond a
wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year when it arrives!
Week Ending 11th December 2015
Cumnock Academy vocal group “Creative Collective” travelled to Glasgow on Friday 4th
December to perform in Princes Square on Buchanan Street. The group of around 30 students,
representing all year groups, performed a selection of popular Christmas songs & carols to raise
money for the local Hansel Foundation charity. One of the first members of the public to donate
to our cause on the day was former Rangers & Scotland manager Walter Smith, with the final total
raised still to be confirmed. It turned into a great day out in a wonderful setting, and thanks to all
who came to the event to support our pupils.
It has been another incredibly successful week for the Cumnock netballers. Last Thursday saw the
S3 Scottish Cup team travel to Mearns Castle Academy, and after a nail-biting game with
excellent determination from all the girls, Cumnock won 15-14. On Tuesday, Kyle Academy
travelled to Cumnock to play both a Scottish Cup game and a league fixture. The open Scottish
Cup team beat Kyle Academy 25-19, with a fantastic defensive display from Brooke Mills and an
impressive performance from Abby Robinson in centre court meant they shared the Player of the
Match award. The S3 & S4 third team were up next, and some brilliant passing and movement
resulted in a 12-7 win for Cumnock. Paige Guthrie earned the title of Player of the Match for her
excellent shooting skills.
School closes for the Christmas break on Wednesday 23rd December at 2.30pm, and re-opens for
the Spring Term on Thursday 7th January 2016. On behalf of all the staff & pupils of Cumnock
Academy, we would like to wish everyone in the community and beyond a wonderful Christmas
and a very happy New Year when it arrives!
Week Ending 4th December 2015
Two of our Higher History pupils, Rebekah Ross and Laura McKechnie, accompanied Miss
Jagodowski to New Cumnock Parish in order to view the local time capsules found from 1843 and
1912. The fascinating finds are on display in the New Cumnock Parish and in perfect condition. A
copy of the Cumnock Chronicle from 1912 emphasised the period of History with advertisements
for shilling stretchers and the best made corsets for ladies. Reverend Helen Cuthbert talked
through the findings and informed it has allowed the local community of New Cumnock to
embrace the nostalgia and reignite past memories of loved ones and times shared in New
The finding of the time capsules has inspired the History department to begin our very own
Cumnock Academy time capsule encapsulating memories of our pupils. Additionally, Reverend
Cuthbert has kindly agreed to work with our S1 pupils on a History project. Pupils will begin to learn
source handling skills by studying the 1843 Ayr Advertiser and 1912 Cumnock Chronicle with a
series of tasks accompanying it. This will be carried out later in the year.
DEHENG MENG is our new Mandarin language assistant
Miss Deheng Meng, from the World Capital of Kite, Weifang, in the Shandong province of China,
has joined the staff at Cumnock Academy as their languages assistant in Mandarin. “I came to
Scotland in September on a language assistant programme organised by the British Council” she
says, “I was a primary school teacher in my city in China, teaching English and Chinese. After a
month of training in Beijing in August, I have learned a lot on how to teach foreigners Mandarin.
And I will teach Mandarin in Cumnock Academy for the whole school year. I offer a lunch time
club in Mandarin for pupils and staff on a Thursday and I plan to teach Chinese culture from art,
food, sports, and daily life, in addition to teach Chinese language. For example, I plan to teach
students do paper cutting, do Tai chi, sing Chinese songs, do Chinese Calligraphy, and do
Chinese knots.
“In addition, it is also a good opportunity to learn about the Scottish culture and advanced
teaching methods here. And I hope that in the future, more and more students will be interested
in China and Chinese culture.”
The Music Department host their annual Christmas Concert on Wednesday 16th December in the
Academy Assembly Hall, beginning at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to come along and get into
the holiday season, enjoying performances from our various bands & vocal groups, as well as
enjoying tea, coffee, hot chocolate, mince pies, and a great selection of home baking. You
might even be lucky enough to win a top prize in our raffle! Tickets are available in advance, or
at the door, and are priced at £4 for adults, £3 for children, students & OAPs, or £12 for a family of
4. Ticket price includes refreshments.
Week Ending 27th November 2015
It has been a very busy week for the netballers at Cumnock Academy. After suffering a defeat
from Belmont on Monday, the open Scottish Cup team, captained by Emma Ritchie, travelled to
Wallace Hall in Dumfries and Galloway on Tuesday. Fantastic team work, some great shooting,
and an outstanding defensive display from Player of the Match Lisa Shankland led to a 33-15
victory. On Thursday, many of the same girls played against Loudoun Academy where they won
25-9, with Jodie Farrow winning Player of the Match. The trip to Loudoun was the first away game
for Cumnock’s S1/2 Team 2, and all players worked extremely hard and eventually won 7-6. Katie
Ritchie was named as Player of the Match for her excellent movement and shooting skills.
First and Second Year pupils from the Supported Learning Centre participated in an Outdoor
Learning day at the Castle Semple Outdoor Activity Centre, Lochwinnoch. Our young people
took part in cycling activities and were treated to an exciting spin in a speedboat. Everyone had
an absolutely amazing time despite the Scottish weather! The SLC hope to have more days at
Castle Semple next term.
Our Supported Learning Centre hold their popular annual Christmas Coffee Morning & Craft Fayre
this Friday morning (4th December) in the Academy Assembly Hall from 10am until 12pm. Raffle
tickets are on sale now priced at £1 per strip or 20p each, with some fantastic prizes on offer to
any lucky winners! There’s also a “Guess the Baby” quiz, as well as a selection of handmade
Christmas items and bakery for sale. Everyone is welcome, so please come along if you can and
support the work of our pupils.
Members of Cumnock Academy vocal group “Creative Collective” will be performing for an hour
this Friday (4th December) at Princes Square on Buchanan Street, Glasgow, from 11am. The group
of around 25 singers, who represent all year groups, will be performing a selection of popular
Christmas songs & carols to raise money for the local Hansel Foundation charity. Please go along
if you’re in the area and enjoy the festive atmosphere in such a unique setting.
The Faculty of Business and Technologies attended the Scottish Technology Teacher's Association
awards ceremony last weekend to receive their trophy and certificate, as well as having the
opportunity to showcase the excellent work carried out in the Technical area of the Faculty.
In other news from Business and Technologies the Young Enterprise Scotland (YES) team of S6
young learners continues to work hard with their promotional goods business. This week they took
a major order from KCP for personalised glasses. This was added to other orders from local
organisations including S & C Engineering (Kilmarnock) and Nether third Primary, where Head
Teacher Mrs Crombie has ordered several door hangers stating “Meeting in Progress - Do Not
Disturb!” The YES team are soon to host an event where local businesses can come to the school
to see their products in the flesh and hopefully get some fresh orders rolling in. Wendy Pring from
KCP has been mentoring the YES team along with Faculty head Mr Bull, and they expect the
event to be a huge success.
Week Ending 20th November 2015
The annual Ayrshire Cross Country competition took place at the Magnum in Irvine at the end of
October. Sixty pupils from all year groups represented Cumnock Academy, and everyone put in
a fantastic effort. Pictured are the S2 girls who gained 2nd overall in the Team placings, and
senior pupil Caitlin McClounie, who won the individual silver medal in her age group.
(Pictured L-R: Abbi Torbet, Holly Hart, Caitlin McClounie, Kym Davidson & Morven Kelso).
On Tuesday the Cumnock S5/6 open team, captained by Laura McKechnie, faced Ayr Academy
in the Scottish Cup. After coming under some pressure in the first two quarters, the Cumnock girls
showed real determination to win 32-15. Rebekah Ross and Abby Robinson were named as
players of the match.
The S1/2 Cumnock netball teams had their first games of the season this week. Team 1, captained
by Cieron Bell, had a convincing 6-1 win against Ayr 2, with Sophie Bell winning the player of the
match award form her own team mates and Cieron Bell receiving the award from the Ayr
players. Cumnock's Team 2, captained by Ellie Gall, were beaten by a very tall and fast Ayr team,
but Alix Kay impressed with her skills and won player of the match.
Huge congratulations from all staff & pupils go to Miss Amy Millar, who was this week appointed to
the permanent position of Principal Teacher of Music at Cumnock Academy. Miss Millar arrived
back in 2011 from a previous post at Our Lady & St. Patrick’s High School in Dumbarton. We wish
her all the very best in her new job.
Week Ending 13th November 2015
Fifth year pupil Derrick Hughes, along with teacher Donna Nicol, travelled to Luxembourg last
month as one of two Scottish Ambassadors for Inclusion in Education. He spent time discussing the
issue of inclusion with pupils from all over Europe, and delivered key points as part of his working
group to the conference. All participants had microphones and individual screens so this was no
mean feat. Many European ministers & dignitaries were present at the conference, and Derrick
represented Cumnock Academy, East Ayrshire, and his country extremely well, ensuring that the
views of young people from Scotland were recognised.
Thursday 12th November was the annual East Ayrshire Instrumental Service Gala concert and saw
30 pupils from Cumnock Academy travel to Kilmarnock Grand hall to participate in an exciting
evening of music entertainment. The event brings together a vast amount of musical talent within
the authority, and as ever Cumnock Academy Music Department was being represented through
the Steel Pan ensemble, Wind Band and Community Band. The Community band, working under
the direction of Mr Craig Anderson, performed 'Flight of the Thunderbird' and 'Children of
Sanchez'. The band rehearses every Saturday morning with Mr Anderson and Miss Fiona Bell and
brings together both Auchinleck and Cumnock Academy pupils. They will be travelling to
Livingston to participate the Scottish Concert Band festival on Saturday 5th December. Our Wind
Band, led by Miss Bell, performed Lou Bega’s “Mambo No5”. This group rehearses on a Friday
lunchtime in the department, and they delivered a fantastic performance. Mr Dervish Capkiner
led the “Steely Pan” ensemble, which was a massive hit with the audience as always.
The Cumnock S3 Scottish Cup netball team, captained by Jodie Farrow, fought hard to secure a
fantastic 18-9 victory against St Lukes High School from Barrhead. Player's player of the match was
shared between Jodie Farrow and Alison McKechnie, whilst Millie Archibald received coach's
player of the match. The next Scottish Cup fixture for the girls will be on the 3rd December when
they travel back to Glasgow to play Mearns Castle.
Female pupils from S2 attended a STEM event at Dunfries House on Thursday 5th November. The
event was called the “Watt's Watt Challenge” to celebrate the 250th anniversary of James Watt's
development of the steam engine. The 16 girls were split into teams of 4 where they had to build
a steam train that would carry apples, build a steam-powered boat to carry apples, make light
from an apple and design a poster about James Watt's life and inventions. As well as working in
teams they were also competing against a group of girls from Auchinleck Academy. The teams
were judged and the girls from Cumnock won a trophy for Young Engineering and Science Clubs,
as well as £100 for the Science department.
Week Ending 6th November 2015
MODERN LANGUAGES (Please see attached photos)
S2 pupils studying French & German recently completed a class vocabulary competition on the
topics they have been studying. Miss Currie's class won for German and Miss Gueguen's class won
for French.
This year Cumnock Academy pupils and staff of the Modern Languages Department have
formed a German Exchange Group with a school in Kulmbach, Bavaria. The town of Kulmbach is
twinned with Kilmarnock and in the past there were many exchanges between the two towns.
Sadly, this exchange fizzled out a few years ago. The town and the Markgraf-Georg-Friedrich
(MGF) School were keen to re-establish links with Kilmarnock and the surrounding area and they
organised a trip to Kilmarnock in June this year. During this trip they visited Cumnock Academy
and Ochiltree Primary with a view to establishing links with schools who teach German.
Pupils and staff at Cumnock are very excited about the possibilities an exchange school will bring.
Around 20 pupils across S4, S5 and S6 have set up the “Kulmbach Exchange Group” in Cumnock
Academy. The aim of the group is to improve our German and establish lifelong links with the
MGF. The group has already been busy and before the summer we sent our partner school
information about each member of the group and we are currently working on a presentation
and video about the different extra-curricular activities our school offers. MGF have just recently
returned to school after their summer break and they are working on similar presentations to share
with us. The long term aim of the group is to organise an exchange visit to Kulmbach next June.
The group has applied for some grants and will be doing some fundraising to subsidise the cost of
the trip. Look out for some fun and exciting fundraising events very soon!
GIG COMPETITION WINNER (Please see attached photo)
S3 pupil Lucas McCallum was the lucky winner of a prestigious online competition to meet the
members of British rock super-group, Ocean Colour Scene. Lucas travelled to the gig at the
Queens Hall in Edinburgh with dad, David, and had the pleasure of chatting with band members
Simon Fowler & Oscar Harrison for around twenty minutes. A thoroughly enjoyable experience for
Lucas & David, and during a great show, OCS played songs from their most recent albums, as well
as some of their greatest hits, including “The Day We Caught the Train” from the hugely-successful
1996 release, “Moseley Shoals”.