May 2015 - Learning Links

Staff Presentation
May 2015
Organisation wide issues
Update from our programs and teams
Questions and feedback
This confidential and commercially sensitive information has been shared
with you in the interests of open and transparent communication with staff.
Please respect this intent.
Organisation wide
Discussions with affected ADHC funded staff and new service providers
took place in April. Process to meet with clients in May underway with a
projected end date for service delivery end of May. Farewell for staff to be
arranged late May. Staff will be moved from Mt Pritchard by middle of June
with the necessary ‘make good’ completed by June 30th
Meeting with Mark Coure, following his successful re-election, identified
opportunities for him to provide funding and support to identify possible
funding partners
Damien Absolon, a pro bono volunteer is working with the Finance
department to development of Finance policies and procedure. This will be
done based on process mapping of the Finance/Accounts function.
Risk questionnaire completed with help from staff and a draft action plan
has been completed for Board approval. Next steps will be the sharing and
implementation of this with staff
Interim arrangements regarding Finance/IT are being put in place to replace
Chris W when he leaves. 22 May. Afternoon tea to held to say goodbye.
Customer First Initiative:
Customer Satisfaction Survey
• 60 active clients across all services recently completed a survey to
measure overall satisfaction/perceptions of Learning Links.
• The response rate to the survey was high at 24%
• Clients were provided with a series of statements and asked to what
extent they agreed or disagreed.
• Results were very positive with most clients rating Learning Links highly
across the board.
• Rating the highest was our friendly/helpful customer service, easy access
locations and quality service.
• Over 84% of our clients would recommend LL to other families.
• Areas for improvement were communication of other LL services
• Clients were asked 3 open ended questions, and the most common
responses are summarised below:
1)What does Learning Links do well?
• Our people was by far the most common answer.
“Friendly, helpful & professional” “Great tutors” “Caring psychologists” “Friendly, excellent
service by admin” “Well supported & encouraged by teachers” “Very nice people” “Very
pleasant staff/teachers” “The way they treat the kids” “Accommodating staff” “Exceptional
Customer First Initiative:
Customer Satisfaction Survey
1) What does Learning Links do well? Cont….
• The environment we provide. ”A wonderful, safe preschool environment” “Inclusive &
welcoming” “Happy & safe environment” “Structured environment” “Clean environment” “Nurturing
environment” “Secure & settled”
• Our programs & results
“Helping my daughter to read” “Good program that is well structured
and detailed” “Sets out a specific plan” “Respect individual capabilities” “Encourages my child in learning”
“Produces results”
• Follow up & communication
“Giving tasks for home” “Ongoing reports & communication”
“Reports after each session” “Gives me thorough feedback” “Comprehensive reports” “Positive motivating
feedback” “Open communications”
2) What would you like to see improved at Learning Links?
• Waiting period and service offering “1/2 an hour is too short” “Waiting list” “More times
• Fees and Invoicing “Fee for the numeracy, literacy are unaffordable” “Price should be reduced”
“More options for group learning to reduce fees” “Flexibility with payment when unable to attend” “Be given
times to be able to miss a session” “Cheaper rate” “The invoicing system”
• Premises “Bigger playground” “Larger waiting area/more kid friendly” “The entrance ” Stair access”.
“Privacy to talk”
3) What other services/products would you like to see Learning Links offer?
• “Vacation/Day/After school care” “More Holiday programs” “Group holiday programs” “Group homework”
“Homework help” “More workshops” “Group programs for kids” “Social Groups” “Longer hours”
WH&S Site Issues
Mt Pritchard
• No new incidents to report
• Flooding & Evacuation at Peakhurst (including Preschool)
• Knee pain experience by staff member lifting box
• Parent Fall/Slip
• Bead in child’s nose
• Light globe in classroom broken
No new incidents to report
WH&S discussion point :
Manual handling
Incorrect lifting and carrying can result in injury.
Never lift beyond your strength, assess the item and if required seek
help (as a guide do not attempt to lift anything above 10kgs without
Squat down close to the object, with one foot behind the load, the
other beside the load;
Get a firm grip;
Keep your back straight and as upright as possible;
Lift steadily, using leg and thigh muscles;
When moving an object to either side, avoid twisting your body,
move your feet.
Refer to 5.18 Manual Handling Policy under the Corporate Manual
Part 1.
Human Resources
Learning Links Complaints Policy and Procedure:
• Seeks to provide an efficient, fair, transparent and accessible process for
resolving complaints from all persons and organisations dealing with Learning
Links including our staff, members and clients
• All complaints are accepted by Learning Links
• Complaints are investigated and resolved
• Wherever possible the confidentiality of those involved in and implicated by the
complaint is maintained
• All ‘formal’ complaints should be logged centrally in the Feedback and
Complaint Management Log which is part of the NSW Disability Services
Standards (NSW DSS) Tools, by the GM Operations or CEO
Refer to 3.4 Complaints Policy and Procedure under the Corporate Manual Part 1,
for further information.
Group Wide Enterprise Agreement:
• Discussions continue with bargaining representatives
Client Services
Reading for Life programs commenced around NSW
Teachers in Ed Support attended a training day in April school holidays to
learn new skills in the area of phonological awareness to help our students
with both reading and spelling.
Occupational Therapists have tested a new tools for younger age groups
Family Services Staff at SES and SWS are working towards transitioning
clients to new service providers. FS room at Peakhurst is being cleaned out
and space made free to accommodate items from Mt P.
Bronwyn Turnball started for Ability Options 2 days per week
Board of studies teaching and educational standards accredited course for
Teachers conducted – Effective teaching strategies for mathematics
A group of Provisional Psychologists received CMS training
We have received a $24k grant from Department of Education and
Communities to conduct parent workshops
The recent weather conditions across NSW had a significant impact at
Peakhurst., with the level of flooding being the most significant experienced
to date. Additional to the fact that the deluge resulted in the rain entering
through new ‘weak spots’ , new issues were identified in relation to the
pumps ( located in the Preschool area), blocked rain water tanks and drains
and the location of the pump control box. These issues are currently being
managed and will inform future planning around maintenance and our
emergency response plan
The pilot program in partnership with Ability Options in the Hunter area will
be delayed in commencement as a result of the damage sustained at the
Ability Options office in Charlestown due to the severe flooding in the area.
While planning around this will continue, an additional component of the
pilot will commence in Sydney in May with services being provided to a local
agency in Liverpool. This smaller project will involve Learning Links’
occupational therapists and speech language pathologists
In conjunction with the cessation of all ADHC funded programs, planning
around the closure of the Mt Pritchard location continues, with the next
planned priority being scheduled visits by the ADHC service providers to
collect identified resources for their respective organisations.
All staff will have received details of the planning involved in the closure of
the office at Mt Pritchard, with further planning continuing
A meeting was held with a number of the ADHC service providers funded
under the re-auspice of programs currently conducted by Learning Links,
with collaboration and consultation around key aspects of the transition in
regard to the handover of clients and the provision of new services.
The next critical stages include (1)scheduled meetings between clients and
the new providers and (2) planning around the collation and handover of
client files, with both aspects commencing in May.
Corporate Services
Finance – March 2015
The overall revenue was $1,314.7K against forecast revenue of $1,281.6K
and the net surplus was $63.8K compared to a forecast net deficit of
($26.8K). Client Services was $38.6K above forecast. Commercial
Enterprises, comprising of Housie & OOSH was $29.3K above forecast, as
was Fundraising and Grants by $5.5K. Support Services cost was $17.1K
below forecast.
Year to Date
Revenue – Total revenue of $11.9 Million is $67.4K ahead of forecast and
the YTD net surplus of $155.9K is $193.9K ahead of forecast.
Net Surplus/(Deficit) – Compared to forecast: Client Services are -$29.7K,
Commercial Enterprises +$50.0, Fundraising & Grants -$2.8K & Support
Services +$176.4K.
Corporate Services
9 months to March 2015 - Net
Surplus/(Deficit) vs Forecast
Client Services
Housie & Bingo
Fundraising & Grants
Support Services
The Support Services variance includes $141K of expected ADHC Transition
Costs that have been apportioned to Client Services
Information Technology
Peakhurst high bandwidth Internet implementation was completed on 15th
April, 2015
Peakhurst cabling for the new internet connection and the proposed transfer
of the Mt Pritchard phone system has been completed
A new Cisco Access point has been installed at Peakhurst to cater for better
Wi-Fi signal
Peakhurst 1Data is now accessible from any of our sites through the virtual
private network
1Data is expected to be moved to the cloud by May – June, once the Mt
Pritchard server data is consolidated with the Peakhurst server data
Marketing & Business Development
Marketing & Fundraising
LL organisation-wide customer satisfaction survey was recently completed by
60 active clients. The survey will be conducted every year and used as a
benchmark to measure improvements and changes across the business.
Results are available from marketing.
As part or our Public Relations Campaign, an inspiring success story has been
written about twins ‘Kieran and Hayley’ who attended LL over 10 years ago.
They both have learning disabilities and worked very hard with LL to overcome
their challenges and successfully complete uni and secure great jobs. We will
be sending this story out as a press release to highlight the impact Learning
Links is having in the community.
Cruise Express held a fundraising auction as part of their “Bon Voyage Party
for Rhapsody of the Seas” with proceeds going to Learning Links. Don Tilley
did a fantastic job as auctioneer, raising $3500 for LL.
Marketing & Business Development
• Has been invited by AMP Foundation to submit a proposal for capacity
building project as well as volunteering opportunities
• Progressed to face to face meeting with Australian Stockbrokers
Foundation. Will take time to get LL back on their Charity Partner List but a
positive start.
• McAfee Intel volunteer day is on 30 April. 20 employees will assist in
activities between Peakhurst, Preschool and Maroubra.
• Goodstart partnership moving closer to being formalised. Have agreed they
want to use LL services in 6 Centre’s across Newcastle as a pilot. The
intention is to partner with Goodstart and work with them as they roll out
their inclusion program in all centres.
Marketing & Business Development
Government Funding, Trusts & Funds
Tenders submitted to both Fairfield and Bankstown Communities for
Children through the Smith Family. Both tenders are to deliver the Reading
for Life program within the respective areas.
38 ClubGRANTS applications written to date valued at over $500,000. More
will be submitted during May.
Other applications sent to Aurizon, Coca Cola Australia Foundation,
Bluescope Steel, Australia Post.
Funding has been approved by Dooleys (Lidcombe Catholic Club) to trial an
“Ed Support in Schools” program at Lidcombe Public School.
Funding has been received from The Rali Foundation, The Good Guys
Wetherill Park and nib Foundation. We will shortly receive funding from the
State Government (through Mark Coure) to have solar panels installed at
Commercial Enterprises
Housie continue to push ahead showing a surplus of $35k vs our latest
forecast and up $435k vs year ago. We have new sessions starting at
Berkeley Sports Club in May and an additional session at Richmond Club in
Childcare with Clubs
In line with our revenue diversification and growth strategy, negotiations are
underway a large North Western Sydney club re LL operating a Long Day
Child Care Centre. We have verbal agreement and are taking the next steps.
McCallums Hill Oosh continues to grow with maximum numbers achieved at
all morning sessions and numbers are growing strongly during afternoon
sessions. We have applied to the Department for increased numbers to run
Vacation care and Staff development days commencing at the end of term2
Club Grants
Presentations to Clubs are underway and initial results are positive; at the
Dooleys meeting they advised of a Cat 2 submission for Ed Support in school
Welcome and Farewell
A warm welcome to:
Tien Thuy Nguyen - HIPPY Home Tutor
Ley Lim - HIPPY Home Tutor
Juanelle Baldacchino - Volunteer - Finance
Tania Edwards - Volunteer - HR
Kathy Khuu- Provisional Psychologist
We are delighted to have you as part of the LL family!
Welcome and Farewell
We say goodbye and thank you to:
Sue Ede
Julia Perl
Sophia Fitzgerald
Veronica Cook
Nicole Short
Corrine Yang
Maree Mauro
Joanna Breinl
Thank you for your contribution to Learning Links.
We wish you all the best in your future endeavours...
Questions and Feedback