NAME 3.07 MARKETING CHANNELS OF DISTRIBUTION 1. Distribution is the goods and services from the 2. A travels from the 3. 4 P’s of Marketing are: or of distribution is the to the ultimate , . 4. Channel management tasks include: of the ownership of to the a product , = Place 5. Channel management decisions include: a. Select channel b. Manage and channel members c. channel members 6. Channel design decisions include: a. Analyze needs b. Set channel c. Identify major alternative i. Types of ii. of intermediaries iii. of intermediaries 7. Who is an intermediary ( )? a. Channel members who the producer in getting the goods and services to the user b. Various intermediaries include: wholesalers = rack jobber and drop shipper, retailers = brick-and-mortar and non-store; agents. 8. Wholesalers: that purchase quantities from , store products in and sell them to businesses. a. Rack jobber: a that provides filled with in space that is from . b. Drop shipper a that accepts an and ships from the without taking of the goods. NAME 9. Retailers: businesses that products to the a. Brick-and-mortar retail: A products b. Non-store retail: a way to reach store that sells their to through , , direct 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. user or retailing, TV shopping and Exclusive dealers: situation where and enter into an that only allows the distributor to a specific product. Agents: and or that the buyers and sellers. Agents the products they sell i.e. no ownership of the products. What is a direct channel? that occurs from the to the . Cuts out the . What is an indirect channel? Distribution that occurs through or more before reaching the user An channel is used when a doesn’t want for the activities of a large retailer To to to OR because usually buy in . To to to TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS AND SERVICES 15. Physical distribution is products through the ordering, transporting 16. 17. 18. 19. and . AKA , handling and = . The third largest for most businesses. 1 = #2 = Needs to be as and effective as possible Needs to be with other business functions such as: Finance, , Packaging, Transportation is moving from A Place B Trucking and motor carriers = tractor trailers a. Common carriers – provide transportation services to business in their operating area for a ; multiple may be consolidated into truckloads. NAME b. Contract carriers and between carrier and the shipper; continual basis c. Private carriers – transport for an expensive = more d. Exempt carriers – carry carriers that provide for specific routes, according to flexibility; one-time or business; more products; rates are 20. Intermodal combines or more transportation to maximize advantages a. Piggyback service is carrying truck trailers on flatcars; trucks take trailers to final destination 21. Railroads – move and freight a. Coal, , lumber, grain, along rail lines b. Ton mile is moving 1 ton ( ) 1 mile c. Carload is number of pounds to fill a 22. Marine shipping – within US and around world a. Barges transport , iron , and Tankers and merchant vessels b. Inland, and waterways 23. Pipelines – transport and natural a. BP owns that move crude oil from oil fields to the b. Product moves but 24. Air cargo – high , low and time products; positive speed, negative cost a. Flowers shipped by air from Hawaii to NC b. Seafood shipped c. Chocolates shipped from France 25. A transportation company helps move packages from A to B. For example: US 26. A transportation company – UPS and FedEx companies that combine shipment from businesses to help reduce to those businesses 27. Freight forwarders companies that combine less-thancarload or truckload shipments from several businesses and them to their Provide expertise to companies NAME INVENTORY STORAGE Methods to store merchandise 28. Storage – the of products until they are ; produced in large ; amounts of stored is called . 29. Storage is needed a. Until are from customers b. Production is than or demand decreases c. Commodity makes products available year-round d. Buy in e. Faster to customers 30. Private vs. Public Warehouses a. Private warehouse – a designed to meet the needs of the . It may be based on , temperature control or ; costly to build and maintain b. Public warehouse – Storage and facility that may be provided for business willing to for the space; rent-a-warehouse 31. Distribution center – a storage facility used to and speed up the of goods and storage costs. 32. Bonded warehouse – private or public warehouse used to products until have been paid on the product(s). Duty is a tax paid on imported goods. 33. Methods of handling inventory include: products ordered by a are received, , marked ( ), and transferred. Receiving record is a document used to keep track of inventory. 34. Check the received merchandise: a. Blind check method – writing a list of merchandise and its quantity. This list is then compared to the invoice. This method is time consuming but is considered the b. Direct check method – the merchandise is against the or purchase order c. Spot check method – merchandise is checked for and . d. Quality check method – merchandise is for workmanship and making sure there is no to merchandise. NAME 35. When merchandise has been received and , other information must be on the merchandise: selling price and UPC. Once marked, to floor. 36. Inventory is storing of merchandise it is sold a. Perpetual inventory control – tracks inventory on a basis. A company can track and know the and of products on hand at time. b. Physical inventory control – stock is physically and for accuracy DISTRIBUTION PLANNING 37. Channel members add to a product by performing certain channel activities : marketing, packaging, storage, , merchandising and selling. 38. Distribution planning involves decisions about a product’s movement and transfer of from to . Some of the major considerations are a. Multiple channels – some products meet the of both and markets b. Control vs. cost – all manufacturers and producers must weigh the they want to keep over the of their products against the and i. Direct sales force – company are expensive with payroll, benefits, expenses; may set sales and easily performance ii. Agents – work , running their own businesses; less expensive = less control; agents sell product that make them more c. Distribution intensity – how a product will be distributed; marketers want to the market . i. Exclusive distribution territories for distribution of a product in a geographic business maintains control over a product. Ex. Franchisor requires a to sell only the products. 1. Integrated distribution is where the acts as AND for its own products. ii. Selective distribution – a number of outlets in a given geographic are used to sell the product. Very NAME important to channel members that can maintain the of the product and are good credit risks, aggressive and good inventory planners. iii. Intensive distribution – the use of suitable outlets to sell a product. The objective is market and the ultimate goal is to sell to as customers as possible, wherever they choose to shop. 39. Dual distribution – a manufacturer may sell its products through outlets at the same time: toll-free systems, company multiple . 40. Horizontal conflict – occurs channel members at the same level, good old-fashioned business 41. Vertical conflict – occurs channel members at different levels within the same channel. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS, ETHICS, CUSTOMER SERVICE AND TECHNOLOGY LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: 42. Franchisor of franchisee is a. Closed territories – part of an economy or market open to new entrants or . b. Sherman Act – US federal of 1890 that the creation of by outlawing direct or indirect attempts to with the and competitive nature of the and of goods. Amended by the in 1914. c. Clayton Act – US federal legislation of 1914 that amended the provisions of the of 1890 to include prohibition of (1) discrimination and arrangements, (2) sales based on exclusive-dealing (3) and interlocking directorates where “ the effect of such may be substantially to lessen competition or tend to a in any line of . d. Robinson-Patman Act of 1936 – the Act prohibits sales that in on the sale of goods to equally-situated distributor when the effect of such sales is to Price means net price and includes all paid. The seller may not throw in goods or services. Injured parties or the US Government may bring an under the Act. NAME ETHICS AND CUSTOMER SERVICE 43. Ensures delivery of products. Effective is important. a. Order processing: shipping information, products, handling , the probability of complaints, nice and friendly . 44. Bad customer service a. Vendor has back orders; product no available when ordered b. Coercion – large business to stop using a unless given major i. Tying agreement – purchase agreement in which the customer is to purchase a or unknown or product with a fast-selling or one. Such coercion is usually . 45. Grey-market strategy – selling product in countries for a price than customers can get 46. Full-line forcing or supplier insistence that the must carry the full of products in the line. This policy may not be illegal if it can be established that it a business need. 47. Slotting allowance or fee – sum by a or manufacturer to a retail chain or establishment (1) making for a product on its store , (2) making room for the product in its (3) entering the product in its system and (4) programming its to recognize the product’s . In the US, slotting fees often run up to $50,000 or more pr product per store, on an annual basis. TECHNOLOGY 48. Some businesses have the capacity to products through the a. E-commerce – products are sold to most or all of their . and buyers through the Internet. b. E-marketplace 49. Satellite tracking = a has current knowledge of a delivery truck’s and . 50. Tracking of package = code on package, package scanned at points in distribution chain, customer uses to follow package along distribution , e-mail may be used. NAME a. Global distribution – in some countries the service is not reliable; package tracking facilitates global 51. Problems with technology: a. of technology b. Changing technology = equipment c. Need for systems within and countries