SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture
To understand
… the goals of software architecture
… the meaning of “frameworks”
To be able to express a software architecture
… build frameworks
… complete a detailed design Ch 14
Adapted from Software Design: From
Programming to Architecture by Eric J.
Braude (Wiley 2003), with permission.
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Process Phases Discussed in This Chapter
Architecture Detailed Design
Key: x = main emphasis x = secondary emphasis
Adapted from Software Design: From Programming to Architecture by Eric J. Braude (Wiley 2003), with permission.
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
What is a software architecture?
An architecture for a software application is its high level
design, enabling software engineers to gain understanding
An early stage of the system design process
It involves identifying major system components and their communications
Represents the link between specification and design processes
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Architectural Design:
Establishing the overall structure of a software system
The design process for identifying the sub-systems making up a system and the framework for subsystem control and communication is architectural design
The output of this design process is a description of the software architecture
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
If the application is small (e.g. 10 classes) this decomposition may be considered as architecture.
In UML, If the application is big (hundreds of classes) we may group the classes into packages, so
Software architecture is a decomposition of application into a small number of packages (class collections)
Framework: a collection of classes applicable to multiple applications
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
An Architecture for a Video Store Application
Videos Rentals
Architecture is a high-level design
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
A Sequence for Obtaining The Class Model
0. Framework (some or all pre-existing)
More general
2. Create architecture
-- typically use framework
1. Create domain classes
-- from requirements analysis
3. Create remaining design classes
-- to complete the class model
-- possibly use framework
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
To express requirements, architecture & detailed design
Use-case model
“Do this ...” e.g.*, engage foreign character
Class model
“with objects of these classes ...” e.g., with Engagement … classes
Data Flow model
“in this way ...” e.g., character scores flow from
… to …
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
State model
“reacting to these events ...” e.g., when foreign character enters
* Video game example
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Three organizational dispositions to new systems
Integrate new systems into existing systems
Install support services for the first time
Replace existing systems
Design deployment architecture
Type of infrastructure (i.e. Internet, Client/Server, Command)
Hardware environment (i.e. mainframe, mid-range servers, etc.)
Use existing infrastructure (i.e. single sign-on, networks, Internet access)
Architectural design issues for all organizations
Object-Oriented Analysis and
Design with the Unified Process
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent
Design goals (review)
VM Repository Layered
Can be handled at lower levels of design
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
It is not hard to write small programs
However, large applications are difficult to create
The principal problem
Decomposing the problem (modularization) is an effective tool against complexity
The designer should form a clear mental model of how the application will work at a high level then
Develop a decomposition to match the mental model
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Goals of software decomposition: Cohesion & Coupling
Cohesion within a module is the degree to which communication takes place among the module’s elements
Coupling is the degree to which modules depend directly on other modules
Effective modularization is accomplished by
maximizing cohesion and minimizing coupling
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent
Cohesion and Coupling
VM component
Repository Layered
Fig 14.16
High cohesion
5 Bridge 6
Low coupling
Steel truss component
High coupling
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent
VM Repository Layered
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Architecture and Modularization of Encounter Video Game
«facade» EncounterEnvironment
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Figure 14.19 Selecting a Basic Architecture
1. Develop a mental model of the application.
as if it were a small application e.g., personal finance application ...
… “works by receiving money or paying out money, in any order, controlled through a user interface”.
2. Decompose into the required components.
look for high cohesion & low coupling e.g., personal finance application ...
… decomposes into Assets, Sources, Suppliers, & Interface.
3. Repeat this process for the components.
4. Consider using Façade for each package.
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
System structuring
The system is decomposed into several principal sub-systems and communications between these sub-systems are identified
Control modelling
A model of the control relationships between the different parts of the system is established
Modular decomposition
The identified sub-systems are decomposed into modules
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Stakeholder communication
Architecture may be used as a focus of discussion by system stakeholders
Large-scale reuse
The architecture may be reusable across a range of systems
System analysis
Means that analysis of whether the system can meet its nonfunctional requirements is possible
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
A Classification of Software Architectures
Garlan & Shaw classification
Data Flow
Independent Components
Virtual Machines
We classify architectures so as to use them for several applications.
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent
Data Flow
Data flowing between functional elements
Repository Layered
Functional transformations process their inputs to produce outputs
May be referred to as a pipe and filter model (as in UNIX shell)
Variants of this approach are very common. When transformations are sequential, this is a batch sequential model which is extensively used in data processing systems
Not really suitable for interactive systems
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Example of Data Flow Architecture and Corresponding Class Model
Requirement: Maintain wired financial transactions. account data account data deposit transaction result
Bank data account data deposit data analyze transaction transaction record
(data flow)
Comm withdrawal data transaction result bank address withdraw account data
A Class model:
Transaction analyze() record() *
Account withdraw() deposit()
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Communicating processes executing in parallel occasionally communicating
Client-Server architectures:
Distributed system model which shows how data and processing is distributed across a range of components
Set of stand-alone servers which provide specific services such as printing, data management, etc.
Set of clients which call on these services
Network which allows clients to access servers
The Observer design pattern is of potential use in independent component architectures
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Independent component architecture: an example, film and picture library
Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4
Wide-bandwidth network
Catalogue server
Video server
Film clip files
Software Engineering by Sommerville, 2004
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Picture server
Digitiz ed photographs
Hypertext server
Hypertext web
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Independent component architecture: characteristics
Makes effective use of networked systems. May require cheaper hardware
Easy to add new servers or upgrade existing servers
No shared data model so sub-systems use different data organisation, data interchange may be inefficient
Redundant management in each server
No central register of names and services - it may be hard to find out what servers and services are available
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
A family of applications that are all expressible with a special-purpose high-level language
Interpreter + program in special-purpose language
Robotic control applications
The Interpreter design pattern is useful in implementing this architecture.
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM
Primarily built around large data collection
Repository Layered
App 1
App 2 database
App 3
Applications mostly storage,retrievals, and querying.
Sub-systems must exchange data. This may be done in two ways:
Shared data is held in a central database or repository and may be accessed by all sub-systems
Each sub-system maintains its own database and passes data explicitly to other sub-systems
When large amounts of data are to be shared, the repository model of sharing is most commonly used
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM
Subsystems each depending one-way on another subsystem
An architectural layer is a coherent collection of software artifacts
Each layer uses other layers and is used by other layers
Building applications layer by layer can greatly simplify the implementation process
Sometimes the Template design pattern can be applied.
Repository Layered
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent
Layered Architecture
3D engine layer
VM Repository Layered
Role-playing game layer
Characters RolePlayingGame . . . .
Application layer
. . . .
Encounter Game
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent
Requirement: Print monthly statements
VM Repository Layered
Layered Architecture
Example Using Aggregation
Accounts Layer
Vendor-supplied Layer
Ajax bank common library Layer
Ajax bank printing Layer
Class model:
(relationships within packages and Vendor-supplied layer not shown)
Account Customer
Ajax bank common library
AjaxLogo AjaxDisclaimer Regulations
Ajax bank printing
Printer Page
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent
Coad-Yourdon Use of Packages
VM Repository Layered
Problem domain package
Interface package
Data management package
Task management package
Figure 14.25: Coad-Yourdon Use of Packages
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent VM Repository Layered
Control models: concerned with the control flow between sub-systems.
Centralised control: one sub-system has overall responsibility for control and starts and stops other sub-systems.
Example: Call-return model
Routine 1
Main program
Routine 2 Routine 3
Routine 1.1
Routine 1.2
Routine 3.1
Routine 3.2
Event-based control: each sub-system can respond to externally generated events from other sub-systems or the system’s environment
Example: Broadcast model
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent
What is a software architecture?
Architecture is a high-level design
VM Repository Layered
Cohesion: is the degree to which communication takes place among the module’s elements (High cohesion is better)
Coupling: is the degree to which modules depend directly on other modules (Low coupling is better)
Classification of Software Architectures
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser
Introduction Deployment Arch SW Architecture DataFlow Independent
VM Repository Layered
SWE 316: Software Design and Architecture – Dr. Khalid Aljasser