Topic Outline What is multimedia Authoring tools. Multimedia tools features Categories of multimedia authoring tools. AUTHORING TOOLS Have 2 basic features: Ability to create and edit product. A presentation scheme for delivering the product. AUTHORING TOOLS Four main perspectives in multimedia authoring tools : Tool (any software package that could authors multimedia product) Product (the result of combining all multimedia components) Developer (designers, programmers, and multimedia authors) End user (customer or viewer) MULTIMEDIA TOOL FEATURES PAGE Different environments use different term of page such as frame,stage, template,or window Act as a container for other features or object such as text or graphic content or controls such as buttons. MULTIMEDIA TOOL FEATURES CONTROLS Enables interaction between user and product. Managing or direct sequences of events (data collection,data objects) 3 categories of controls: Navigation (buttons, hot spots, hypertext) Input (radio button, check box, list box, text) Media Controls (video and audio) MULTIMEDIA TOOL FEATURES EXECUTION Process that control the presentations and sequencing of the application. Linear sequenced: Presentation control by user. Temporal control: Control by timer that initiates event in a predetermine order. Interactive control: - wait for user to select a function such as pressing button before continue. CATEGORIES OF AUTHORING TOOLS Simple authoring tools: word processor and presentation software. Programming tools: enables developer to create applications with data and controls for basic interactivity. Simple interactive authoring tools: enables the developer to create applications with data and controls for basic interactivity. Complex interactive authoring tools: allow developer to use programming construct to provide a fine degree of application control. SIMPLE AUTHORING & DELIVERY TOOLS Word processors: provide ability to display text in variety of font types, sizes and color. Enable user to develop very simple presentations. SIMPLE AUTHORING & DELIVERY TOOLS Graphic software: ranges from simple to complex, include powerful paint programs. Useful to create graphics that can be placed in other applications. Avoid use red and green color as a cue color because color blind individuals cannot see them correctly. SIMPLE AUTHORING & DELIVERY TOOLS Presentation Packages: Provide a multiple page-based medium for text and graphic with content delivers as a sequential series of slides. Also contain audio and video as embedded objects. PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES FOR AUTHORING Multimedia products can be developed by assembly languages, C, BASIC. Advantages: Languages like C and assembly languages very efficient & fast. Easy integration with other software. Disadvantages: Programming expertise is require to create and maintain the product. Much more code is required making long term maintenance difficult & expensive. SIMPLE INTERACTIVE AUTHORING TOOLS Provide critical feature of being able to interactivity navigate through a product. Simple refer to limited interaction available for end user. SIMPLE INTERACTIVE AUTHORING TOOLS Advantages: Easy to learn, provide a number of powerful interactive features. Reasonable price Disadvantages: Difficult to integrate with other applications. COMPLEX INTERACTIVE AUTHORING TOOLS Combine feature in simple interactive tools with programming features. 3 categories: Page/Card based layout Temporal/Time based Icon based. PAGE/CARD BASED AUTHORING Navigation is referred to the number of page. Each page consists of layer(s). Example: Toolbook, Hypercard 2.4, Hyperstudio, Supercard. PAGE/CARD BASED AUTHORING TEMPORAL/TIME BASED AUTHORING Has the ability to develop an application like a movie. Can create complex animation and transitions. TEMPORAL/TIME BASED AUTHORING Features: A page or display frame on which object such as button, text or audio/video data are placed. An array for keeping track of pages/frames including their sequence, timing and content. Controller for playing stopping, stepping or rewind a presentations. TEMPORAL/TIME BASED AUTHORING Example: Macromedia Director, Flash ICON BASED AUTHORING Enables complex interaction and layering of multimedia products. Ability to graphically design complex interaction for repetitive application. Example : Macromedia Authorware ICON BASED AUTHORING