Africa Project Rubric

Name: _____________________________________________ SS Period: _____
Date: _____________________
Africa Project 2008
February 11, 2008
Jambo Neptunes!
It’s time to pick your topic for the Africa project! Your topic must be an issue currently effecting Africa.
You will be explaining information on your topic by writing an expository essay and writing answers to two focus
questions (see rubric for specific requirements). You will word process all final pieces and pick how you would like
to display them. Your project format can take many different forms. You may create a Power Point, poster project,
tri-fold, website, or any other idea you clear with me. Your visual should attractively display your essay, focus
question answers, map, pictures, etc..
Pick a topic that really interests you and pick a format that you will be excited about creating!! Don’t
procrastinate- Just CREATE!!!!! You will have the next three weeks to work on this in the classroom (research and
writing). You will also be expected to do some work at home as well (visual piece and free choice). The due date for
this project is Thursday, March 13th , 2008!
Your project will include written pieces and a visual piece. You may also choose to go above and beyond
and do a free choice for your project. Your free choice can be anything that will further educate and inform people
about your issue. You are to bring in your free-choice on Friday, March 14th, the day of our Africa Day Celebration.
Family and friends will be invited- a reminder will go home when we are closer to the date. Please have your parent
sign this letter and write the date on the calendar. I know you’ll do awesome work!! Good luck and have fun!!!
Your Teacher and FriendMr. Mathieu
Project due date- Thursday, March 13th
Free Choice Due- Friday March 14th
Student Signature: ____________________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________________
Name: ____________________________________ SS: ____
Date: ______________________
Africa Project Rubric
Due Date: 3/13/08
Title- Clever and all capitalized. Name and SS Period with title.
Focus Question: What’s being done to help/change your issue?
At least 1 paragraph explaining what’s being done to help/improve
issue. Include any organizations, governments, groups, trying to help.
Map: Include a map of Africa. Label and shade in areas where your
issue is occurring. Should include a written description as well.
Expository Essay: Your essay must have 5 paragraphs- an introduction,
three specific main idea paragraphs, and a conclusion. Essay will be
worth a total of 50 points and will be scored by paragraphIntroduction- hook, lead, clear topic, state main ideas
- Main Idea Paragraphs- Topic sentence (power 2) for each,
Main Idea #1
three Power 3s, and at least one Power 4, for each main
Main Idea #2
idea paragraph.
- Conclusion- Summarize main points, restate topic, release-
Main Idea #3
Presentation: Your project should be visually appealing and neat.
Pictures, illustrations, written pieces presented on a tri-fold, poster,
PowerPoint, etc.. You are prepared to explain your topic to others as well.
Completed Packet turned in with project- POWER OUTLINE REQUIRED!
Extra Credit- Free Choice: Totally up to you! A free choice is anything that
will enhance the presentation of your project. Must relate directly to your topic!
Total Possible- 110
Topic: ___________________________________________________
Research: You will need to do a lot of research in order to succeed with this project. Start by finding
several good sources- read them over before printing. Become an expert! You must know a lot about you
topic before you can write main ideas. Take notes on lines below- use back if necessary or attach lined paper.
Introductory Paragraph
Hook or Lead
Hook the reader- grab their attention with either an amazing fact, statistic, or quote. Write some ideas below:
Topic of Essay- Power 1
Write a statement that includes the topic of your essay. This Power 1 statement will be the topic of your
whole essay! All Power 2s, 3s, and 4s will support this statement!
Main Ideas – Power 2s
Look at your notes. Can you combine what you have learned to make three really good main ideas? Each
main idea (power 2) will be the topic of a paragraph in your essay. They must be important!
Main Idea – Power 2
Main Idea: _______________________________________________________________________________
Power 3 Details Support this Power 2- must have at least 3 of them in this paragraph!
Power 4- Elaboration- Must have at least one Power 4 in this paragraph- ELABORATE!
Concluding Paragraph
Your conclusion paragraph should- restate your power 1, summarize power 2s, make a personal statement,
and release the reader. Write a rough draft conclusion on lines below:
Focus Question- What’s being done to help/change your issue?
List organizations (at least 3) and what they’re trying to do to help/change your issue on lines below:
Focus Question Answer
Use list/notes from previous page to write a developed paragraph response to the question- What’s being
done to help/change your issue?
Where is issue occurring? Write a few sentences describing location of issue- to go with map in/on project.
Presentation Ideas- What form will your project take? Poster, tri-fold, PowerPoint, etc..
Free Choice- anything that will add to my presentation (food, sculpture, song, etc)-list ideas below:
Africa Project – Goal Sheet
Date: _______________ My goal for this period is:__________________________________________________________________________
Did I reach my goal? Yes/No (circle one), because___________________________________________________________________________
My next step is to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: _______________ My goal for this period is:__________________________________________________________________________
Did I reach my goal? Yes/No (circle one), because___________________________________________________________________________
My next step is to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: _______________ My goal for this period is:__________________________________________________________________________
Did I reach my goal? Yes/No (circle one), because___________________________________________________________________________
My next step is to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: _______________ My goal for this period is:__________________________________________________________________________
Did I reach my goal? Yes/No (circle one), because___________________________________________________________________________
My next step is to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: _______________ My goal for this period is:__________________________________________________________________________
Did I reach my goal? Yes/No (circle one), because___________________________________________________________________________
My next step is to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: _______________ My goal for this period is:__________________________________________________________________________
Did I reach my goal? Yes/No (circle one), because___________________________________________________________________________
My next step is to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________