ONLINE Category Description

Descriptions for Online Publication Entry Categories
Updated February 2015
Photo Gallery
A photo gallery is a collection of photos used to help tell an online story. Usually the
gallery is available below an online story. Judges will look at the quality of the photos
overall, as well as consider the selection of photos. Photo credits and cut lines should be
easily visible and consistent.
Submit the URL where the gallery can be found. Entries that do not provide complete and
accurate URLs will be disqualified.
Video Package
A video package will be judged on the overall storytelling abilities as well the quality of
video and editing. Judges will also consider the broadcaster’s (talent) abilities and quality
of script writing. Topics can span just about any topic and genre: news, feature, sports,
entertainment, in-depth, etc.
Submit a URL to a video package. Entries that do not provide complete and accurate
URLs will be disqualified.
Online News Reporting
Submit a story or package about a newsworthy event, development or single issue of
significance to the public. Judges will consider AP writing style along with ingenuity,
interactivity and use of multimedia tools. If there is nothing in the story beyond what
could be in a print publication, it will be disqualified.
Entries should consist of one URL. Entries that do not provide complete and accurate
URLs will be disqualified.
Online Feature Reporting
Submit a story or package about a feature topic. Subjects may include, but are not limited
to, personality profiles, trend stories, human-interest stories, consumer information,
historical perspectives or reviews of cultural events. Judges will consider AP writing
style along with ingenuity, interactivity and use of multimedia tools. If there is nothing
in the story beyond what could be in a print publication, it will be disqualified.
Entries should consist of one main URL. Entries that do not provide complete and
accurate URLs will be disqualified.
Online In-Depth Reporting
Submit a story or package about a topic or issue of public importance that is explored in
significant depth with multiple sources. Judges will consider AP writing style along with
ingenuity, interactivity and use of multimedia tools. If there is nothing in the story
beyond what could be in a print publication, it will be disqualified.
Entries should consist of one main URL and up to three additional URLs to highlight
specific features of the article or package. Entries that do not provide complete and
accurate URLs will be disqualified.
Online Sports Reporting
Submit a story or package about a sports event or sports figure. Entries may be either
news or feature pieces. Judges will consider AP writing style along with ingenuity,
interactivity and use of multimedia tools. If there is nothing in the story beyond what
could be in a print publication, it will be disqualified.
Entries should consist of one URL. Entries that do not provide complete and accurate
URLs will be disqualified.
Online Critique Column
Submit a column that provides a critique of a movie, book, game, concert, restaurant or
any other form of entertainment that can be critiqued. Judges will consider AP writing
style along with ingenuity, interactivity and use of multimedia tools. If there is nothing
in the story beyond what could be in a print publication, it will be disqualified.
Entries should consist of one main URL. Entries that do not provide complete and
accurate URLs will be disqualified.
Blog Entry
A blog is a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and opinions that
makes use of multimedia tools. Entries should consist of one URL. Judges will consider
writing quality, entertainment value, design presentation, writer’s voice and use of
multimedia tools.
Entries that do not provide complete and accurate URLs will be disqualified.
Multimedia Package
Submit ONE URL to a multimedia package on a new organization’s website. Multimedia
includes - among other items - any piece of reporting that brings together various media,
including text, audio, video and other interactive elements. Topics can span just about
any topic and genre: news, feature, sports, entertainment, in-depth, etc. Judges will
consider design, content, interactivity and complexity and AP writing style.
Entries that do not provide complete and accurate URLs will be disqualified.
Online Page Presentation/Design
Submit a URL for one particular online page of your news site. Judges will look for
consistency of design with the site as a whole, along with creativity and ingenuity of the
individual design as it relates to the particular story/package. Design should help tell the
story as well as garner attention. Do not submit overall homepage—this is an end-ofthe-year category only.
Submit one URL. Entries that do not provide complete and accurate URLs will be
Information Graphic
An information graphic should be an original work of graphic art that supports an online
story. They should include statistics or other information from the story. The idea is a
reader can understand part of the story by only looking at the graphic.
Submit one URL to the information graphic. Entries that do not provide complete and
accurate URLs will be disqualified.
Graphic Design Element
A graphic design element is a work of original graphic art that does not include statistics
or information from the story, but adds an artistic visual element to an online story. It can
include animation, but this is not required.
Submit one URL to the graphic design element. Entries that do not provide complete and
accurate URLs will be disqualified.