Total Quality Management • A Great Concept .... • ..... But What is IT? Two Perspectives • Producer Definition – Conformance to specifications – Reflects priorities on consistent quality and high-performance design • Consumer Definition – Value and Fitness of Use – Hardware, support and psychological impressions Aspects of Quality * Manufacturing * • • • • • • • • Performance Features Reliability Servicability Durability Conformance Aesthetic Characteristics Perceived Quality Aspects of Quality * Services * • • • • • Reliability Responsiveness Tangibles Assurance Empathy The Quality Gurus • Deming: Management is Responsible • Crosby: Quality is Free • Juran: Quality Trilogy – Planning – Control – Improvement TQM Wheel Customer satisfaction Deming Wheel Plan Deming Wheel Plan Do Deming Wheel Plan Do Check Deming Wheel Plan Act Do Check Deming Wheel Plan Act Do Check Deming’s 14 Points • Establish the objective of constant innovation and improvement • Adopt a new philosophy, we cannot accept the old mistakes and defects • Cease dependence on mass inspection, require statistical evidence that quality is built in • End the practice of awarding busines on the basis of price • Use statistical methods to find troublespots • Institute modern methods of training on the job • Improve supervision - do what is right for the company, don’t just turn out the required quantity Deming’s 14 Points • • • • • Drive out FEAR .... Break down BARRIERS ... Eliminate posters and slogans Eliminate work standards that prescribe a numerical quota Remove barriers between workers and their right to pride in workmanship • Institute a vigorous retraining program • Create top management structure that will push EVERY DAY for these points RIVETHEAD: Tales From The Assembly Line By Ben Hamper • A violation of how many of Deming’s points? ISO 9000 • Standards for companies doing business in the EC • Certification by hearing from qualified external examiner • Certification does NOT mean anything about quality of a product .... • Instead, it means that company can provide documentation supporting their quality claims. Quality Management Costs Cost Category As Quality Increases, Costs: Prevention Appraisal Internal Failure External Failure Increase Decrease Decrease Decrease Costs of Detecting a Defect Cost of Detection ($) Process Final Testing Customer Costs of Detecting a Defect Cost of Detection ($) Process Final Testing Customer Costs of Detecting a Defect Cost of Detection ($) Prevention Costs Process Final Testing Customer Seven Quality Tools • • • • • • • Checklists Histograms Bar Charts Pareto Charts Scatter Diagrams Cause-and-Effect Diagrams Graphs Quality Function Deployment The House of Quality Voice of the Customer Isolation Easy to open and close door Relative importance Voice of the Customer Easy to close from outside Stays open on a hill Easy to open from outside Doesn’t kick back .. . Doesn’t leak in rain No road noise .. . 7 5 3 3 3 2 Voice of the Customer Competitive Analysis Competitive Analysis Our car A’s car B’s car Customer perceptions 1 2 3 4 5 Competitive Analysis Voice of the Engineer - Peak closing force - Energy to open door + Check force on 10º slope + Check force on level ground - Energy to close door ... + Water resistance + Road noise reduction Open-close effort + Acoustic transmission, window + Door seal resistance Voice of the Engineer Sealinginsulation ... Voice of the Engineer Correlations Correlations X Relationships Strong positive Medium positive X Medium negative X Strong negative X Correlations Technical Comparison Technical Comparison lb lb ft-lb lb lb/ft - db psi Our car door 11 12 6 10 18 3 .10 9 70 A’s car door 9 12 6 9 13 2 .10 5 60 B’s car door 9.5 11 7 11 14 2 .10 6 60 Technical difficulty 4 5 1 1 3 1 3 3 5 Imputed importance (%) 10 6 4 9 1 6 2 4 3 Estimated cost (%) 5 2 2 9 5 6 6 9 2 7.5 9 6 7.5 12 3 .10 9 70 Objective measures ft-lb Targets Measurement units Technical Comparison Trade-offs Trade-offs X Relationships X Strong positive Medium positive X Medium negative X X X X X X Strong negative X X X Trade-offs Cause-and-Effect Diagrams Machines Personnel Effect Materials Process Checker Board Airlines Delayed flight departures Checker Board Airlines Equipment Aircraft late to gate Mechanical failures Delayed flight departure s Checker Board Airlines Equipment Personnel Aircraft late to gate Mechanical failures Passenger processing at gate Late cabin cleaners Unavailable cockpit crew Late cabin crew Delayed flight departure s Checker Board Airlines Equipment Personnel Aircraft late to gate Mechanical failures Passenger processing at gate Late cabin cleaners Unavailable cockpit crew Late cabin crew Late baggage to aircraft Late fuel Late food service Materials Delayed flight departure s Checker Board Airlines Equipment Personnel Passenger processing at gate Aircraft late to gate Late cabin cleaners Mechanical failures Unavailable cockpit crew Late cabin crew Delayed flight departure Poor announcement of departures s Late baggage to aircraft Weight/balance sheet late Delayed check-in procedure Late fuel Late food service Materials Waiting for late passengers Procedures Checker Board Airlines Equipment Personnel Passenger processing at gate Aircraft late to gate Other Late cabin cleaners Mechanical failures Unavailable cockpit crew Weather Late cabin crew Air traffic delays Delayed flight departure Poor announcement of departures s Late baggage to aircraft Weight/balance sheet late Delayed check-in procedure Late fuel Late food service Materials Waiting for late passengers Procedures