Chapter PowerPoint


Chapter 8

Collecting Data with Forms

© 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Chapter 8 Lessons

1. Plan and create a form

2. Edit and format a form

3. Work with form objects

4. Test and process a form

© 2009 Delmar Cengage Learning

Collecting Data with Forms

• Adding a form to a Web page provides interactivity between your viewers and your business

• Use forms to collect data from viewers

• A form on a Web page consists of form objects

• All forms are connected to an application that processes the information that the form collects

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Planning Forms

• Plan a new form

• Make a sketch of the form

• Decide what information you want to collect from user

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Planning a Form

• Write down the information you want to collect and the order in which you want to collect it

• Organize the information in a logical order

• Make a sketch of the form

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Fig. 1: Sketch of Web Form

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Creating Forms

• To create a form on a Web page:

– Use the Insert Form button in the Forms category of the Insert bar

Dashed red outline appears around the form

– Configure the form

 Should “talk” to the scripts or e-mail server and processes the information submitted by the viewer

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Processing Form Information

• There are two primary types of programs that can process the information your form collects:

– Server-side scripting

• Server-side applications

– Client-side scripting

• Scripts on the Web page itself

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Server-side Scripting

• Uses applications that reside on the Web

Server and interacts with the information collected in the forms

• Examples include:

– Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

– Cold Fusion

– Active Server Pages (ASP)

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Client-side Scripting

• Form is processed on the user’s computer

• Script resides on Web page (not on server)

• Examples include:

– JavaScript

– Jscript

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Setting Form Properties

• Action: specifies the application or script that will process the form information/data

• Method: specifies the HTTP method used to send the form data to the Web server



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Fig. 2: Form Controls in the

Property Inspector


Form properties

Form name property

Method property

Action property

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Target property

Fig. 3: CGI Process on Web


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Insert a Form

• Before you can add form objects to your form, you must create a form area

• The form area will have a name and set the

Action and Method of the form

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Fig. 4: New Form Inserted on

Feedback Page

Form command

Form outline

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Fig. 5: Property Inspector

Showing Properties of Selected


Form ID box

Method specifying data transfer method

Method list arrow

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Edit and Format a Form

• Insert a table to create a basic structure for the form

• Organize the form into different categories by inserting fieldsets

• Add and format labels

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Using Tables to Layout a


• To make sure that your labels and form objects appear in the exact positions you want on a web page, you can place them in table cells

• You create the table within the form outline or area

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Fig. 6: Website Using a Table to

Lay Out a Form

Federal Bureau of Investigation website


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Using Fieldsets to Group

Form Objects

• Fieldset: HTML tag used to group related form elements

• Can have multiple fieldsets per page

• To create a fieldset, use the Fieldset button on the Insert bar

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Adding Labels to Form


• You can add labels to a form using the following methods:

– Type a label in the appropriate table cell of your form

– Use the Label button on the Forms group of the Insert bar

• Use simple and obvious labels

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Fig. 7: Website Using Clearly

Marked Labels

Clearly labeled groups

Clearly labeled options within groups

Southwest Airlines website used with permission from

Southwest Airlines


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Fig. 9: Table Dialog Box

Top header option

Table summary

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Fig. 11: Typing and Formatting

Labels in Table Cells

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Fig. 12: Adding a Label to a Form

Insertion point between Label tags in Code view

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Label button

Understanding Form Objects

• A form provides a structure in which you can place form objects

• Form objects allow viewers to provide information and interact with the website

– For example: checkboxes, text boxes

– Also called form elements, form controls or fields

© 2009 Delmar Cengage Learning

Understanding Form Objects

• Text fields

• Text area fields

• Checkboxes

• Radio buttons

• Radio groups

• Menu/list

• Hidden fields

• Image fields

• Jump menus

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Understanding Form Objects

• Text fields are used for collecting a string of characters

• A text area field is a text field that can store several lines of text

• Checkboxes are used to create a list of options from which a viewer can make multiple selections

© 2009 Delmar Cengage Learning

Understanding Form Objects

• Radio buttons provide a list of options from which only one selection can be made

– A group of radio buttons is called a radio group

• Menus are used to select a single option from a list of choices

• Lists are used to select one or more options from a list of choices

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Understanding Form Objects

• Hidden fields provide information to the

Web server and form processing script without the viewer knowing that the information is being sent

• The Image Field button is used to create buttons that contain custom graphics

• Jump menus are navigational menus

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Fig. 14: Website with Several

Form Objects

Text field

Radio button

Menu list

Submit button

American Airlines website used with permission from American Airlines –

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Using Dreamweaver Exchange

• To obtain form controls designed for creating specific types of forms, such as online tests and surveys, you can visit

Adobe Dreamweaver Exchange

• The Adobe Exchange site is a central storage location for program extensions, also known as add-ons

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Fig. 17: Property Inspector

Showing Properties of Selected

Text Field

Text Field button

New text field


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Fig. 18: Form with Single-Line

Text Fields Added

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Fig. 20: Input Tag Accessibility

Attributes Dialog Box for Fishing


Fishing ID

Fishing label

Wrap with label tag option button

After form item option button

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Fig. 21: Property Inspector with

Check Box Properties Displayed

Fishing checkbox selected

Checkbox name = fishing Checked value = fish Initial state = Unchecked

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Fig. 23: Radio Group Dialog Box

First instance

Second instance

Line breaks (<br> tags) option button

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Fig. 26: List Values Dialog Box

Add button

New item labels

Values of new items

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Fig. 28: Property Inspector Showing

Properties of Selected Hidden Field

Hidden Field button

Hidden Field

Hidden Field text box

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Fig. 29: New Submit and Reset

Buttons Added to Form

Button button

Submit button

Reset button

Button name text box

Value text box

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Test a Form

• After creating a form, it should be tested to make sure:

– It works correctly

– It is easy to use

• You should always have several people test your form before you publish it

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Creating User-Friendly Forms

• Label required fields (use colored *)

• Forms should have good contrast between the color of the text and the color of the table background

• There should be a logical flow for the data fields

• The Submit and Reset buttons should be at the end of the form

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Testing Dynamic Content

• Dynamic content

• Testing server

• Static content

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Fig. 31: Viewing the Feedback Link

Link to feedback page

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Fig. 32: Testing the Feedback


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